Australia - Automotive Sales volume, 2024

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Flash report, Automotive sales volume, 2024

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, June 2024

Jul 3, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Australian new vehicle sales decrease 4.2% in June
On July 3, the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries announced that new vehicle registrations of 119,659 units in June 2024 represented an decrease 4.2% over the last June.
New vehicle sales of 632,412 units in the first six months of the year represented an 8.7% increase YoY.
Passenger car sales of 21,065 units in June represented an 3.3% increase YoY, SUV sales of 65,248 units represented a 5.5% decrease, LCV sales of 27,880 units represented a 3.3% decrease and MHCV sales of 5,466 units represented a 17.6% decrease. Battery electric vehicles accounted for 8.0% of sales in June (8.8% in June last year). The sales ratio of hybrid vehicles (HV) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHV) increased to 14.4% from 7.8% in the same month last year.
Among the companies, Toyota sales decreased 0.2% YoY to 20,903 units, Ford sales increased 22.4% to 9,493 units, Mazda sales decreased 2.3% to 9,483 units, Kia sales increased 8.9% to 8,225 units and Mitsubishi sales increased 48.9% to 7,723 units.
The best-selling cars in June 2024, in order of popularity, were Ford Ranger, Toyota HiLux and Toyota RAV4.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Jun. 2024 Jun. 2023 Y-o-Y Jan.-Jun.
Passenger Cars 21,065 20,397 3.3% 113,286 103,927 9.0%
SUV 65,248 69,059 -5.5% 351,354 322,213 9.0%
Commercial Vehicles 27,880 28,833 -3.3% 142,037 129,025 10.1%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 5,466 6,637 -17.6% 25,735 26,594 -3.2%
Total 119,659 124,926 -4.2% 632,412 581,759 8.7%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2024 2023 Y-o-Y 2024 2023 Y-o-Y
Jun. Share Jun. Share Jan.-Jun. Share Jan.-Jun. Share
1 Toyota 20,903 17.5% 20,948 16.8% -0.2% 121,301 19.2% 92,235 15.9% 31.5%
2 Ford 9,493 7.9% 7,753 6.2% 22.4% 49,622 7.8% 38,182 6.6% 30.0%
3 Mazda 9,483 7.9% 9,706 7.8% -2.3% 48,547 7.7% 50,424 8.7% -3.7%
4 Kia 8,225 6.9% 7,551 6.0% 8.9% 41,300 6.5% 39,160 6.7% 5.5%
5 Mitsubishi 7,723 6.5% 5,187 4.2% 48.9% 39,634 6.3% 30,849 5.3% 28.5%
6 Hyundai 6,552 5.5% 8,215 6.6% -20.2% 36,082 5.7% 37,707 6.5% -4.3%
7 Tesla 4,683 3.9% 7,018 5.6% -33.3% 23,116 3.7% 25,577 4.4% -9.6%
8 Subaru 4,460 3.7% 4,920 3.9% -9.3% 21,743 3.4% 22,502 3.9% -3.4%
9 Isuzu Ute 4,445 3.7% 3,611 2.9% 23.1% 25,903 4.1% 20,357 3.5% 27.2%
10 Nissan 4,293 3.6% 2,759 2.2% 55.6% 24,916 3.9% 17,278 3.0% 44.2%
  Others 39,399 32.9% 47,258 37.8% -16.6% 200,248 31.7% 207,488 35.7% -3.5%
Total 119,659 100.0% 124,926 100.0% -4.2% 632,412 100.0% 581,759 100.0% 8.7%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, May 2024

Jun 5, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Australian new vehicle sales increase 5.1% in May
On June 5, the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries announced that new vehicle registrations of 111,099 units in May 2024 represented an increase 5.1% over the last May.
New vehicle sales of 512,753 units in the first three months of the year represented an 12.2% increase YoY.
Passenger car sales of 21,252 units in May represented an 17.3% increase YoY, SUV sales of 59,737 units represented a 1.2% increase, LCV sales of 25,317 units represented a 6.3% increase and MHCV sales of 4,793 units represented a 1.1% increase. Battery electric vehicles accounted for 8.1% of sales in May (6.4% in April). The sales ratio of hybrid vehicles (HV) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHV) increased to 15.8% from 7.9% in the same month last year.
Among the companies, Toyota sales increased 27.5% YoY to 23,389 units, Ford sales increased 40.9% to 8,806 units, Mazda sales decreased 5.6% to 8,002 units, Kia sales increased 7.2% to 7,504 units and Hyundai sales decreased 8.2% to 6,495 units.
The best-selling cars in May 2024, in order of popularity, were Ford Ranger, Toyota HiLux and Toyota RAV4.

New vehicle sales by type

Type May 2024 May 2023 Y-o-Y Jan.-May
Passenger Cars 21,252 18,120 17.3% 92,221 83,530 10.4%
SUV 59,737 59,011 1.2% 286,106 253,154 13.0%
Commercial Vehicles 25,317 23,824 6.3% 114,157 100,192 13.9%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 4,793 4,739 1.1% 20,269 19,957 1.6%
Total 111,099 105,694 5.1% 512,753 456,833 12.2%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2024 2023 Y-o-Y 2024 2023 Y-o-Y
May Share May Share Jan.-May Share Jan.-May Share
1 Toyota 23,389 21.1% 18,340 17.4% 27.5% 100,398 19.6% 71,287 15.6% 40.8%
2 Ford 8,806 7.9% 6,251 5.9% 40.9% 40,129 7.8% 30,429 6.7% 31.9%
3 Mazda 8,002 7.2% 8,475 8.0% -5.6% 39,064 7.6% 40,718 8.9% -4.1%
4 Kia 7,504 6.8% 7,000 6.6% 7.2% 33,075 6.5% 31,609 6.9% 4.6%
5 Hyundai 6,495 5.8% 7,078 6.7% -8.2% 29,530 5.8% 29,492 6.5% 0.1%
6 Mitsubishi 6,409 5.8% 4,583 4.3% 39.8% 31,911 6.2% 25,662 5.6% 24.4%
7 Isuzu Ute 4,401 4.0% 3,481 3.3% 26.4% 21,458 4.2% 16,746 3.7% 28.1%
8 MG 4,159 3.7% 4,828 4.6% -13.9% 20,369 4.0% 20,676 4.5% -1.5%
9 GWM 3,820 3.4% 3,241 3.1% 17.9% 17,351 3.4% 13,651 3.0% 27.1%
10 Tesla 3,567 3.2% 4,476 4.2% -20.3% 18,433 3.6% 18,559 4.1% -0.7%
  Others 34,547 31.1% 37,941 35.9% -8.9% 161,035 31.4% 158,004 34.6% 1.9%
Total 111,099 100.0% 105,694 100.0% 5.1% 512,753 100.0% 456,833 100.0% 12.2%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, April 2024

May 7, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Australian new vehicle sales increase 18.3% in April
On May 3, the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries announced that new vehicle registrations of 97,202 units in April 2024 represented an increase 18.3% over the last April. In addition to high demand for new vehicles, the increase was due to two more operation days in April than the previous year. New vehicle sales of 401,654 units in the first three months of the year represented an 14.4% increase YoY.
Passenger car sales of 17,314 units in April represented an 14.0% increase YoY, SUV sales of 54,135 units represented a 17.6% increase, LCV sales of 21,413 units represented a 25.5% increase and MHCV sales of 4,340 units represented a 12.6% increase. Battery electric vehicles accounted for 6.4% of sales in April (9.5% in March). The sales ratio of hybrid vehicles (HV) and plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHV) increased to 18.3% from 7.5% in the same month last year.
Among the companies, Toyota sales increased 72.7% YoY to 20,771 units, Ford sales increased 71.3% to 8,648 units, Mazda sales increased 5.4% to 7,301 units, Kia sales increased 7.3% to 6,653 units and Mitsubishi sales increased 19.7% to 5,314 units.
The best-selling cars in April 2024, in order of popularity, were Toyota RAV4, Ford Ranger, and Toyota HiLux.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Apr. 2024 Apr. 2023 Y-o-Y Jan.-Apr.
Passenger Cars 17,314 15,191 14.0% 70,969 65,410 8.5%
SUV 54,135 46,031 17.6% 226,369 194,143 16.6%
Commercial Vehicles 21,413 17,060 25.5% 88,840 76,368 16.3%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 4,340 3,855 12.6% 15,476 15,218 1.7%
Total 97,202 82,137 18.3% 401,654 351,139 14.4%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2024 2023 Y-o-Y 2024 2023 Y-o-Y
Apr. Share Apr. Share Jan.-Apr. Share Jan.-Apr. Share
1 Toyota 20,771 21.4% 12,029 14.6% 72.7% 77,009 19.2% 52,947 15.1% 45.4%
2 Ford 8,648 8.9% 5,047 6.1% 71.3% 31,323 7.8% 24,178 6.9% 29.6%
3 Mazda 7,301 7.5% 6,926 8.4% 5.4% 31,062 7.7% 32,243 9.2% -3.7%
4 Kia 6,653 6.8% 6,200 7.5% 7.3% 25,571 6.4% 24,609 7.0% 3.9%
5 Mitsubishi 5,314 5.5% 4,440 5.4% 19.7% 25,502 6.3% 21,079 6.0% 21.0%
6 Hyundai 5,185 5.3% 5,732 7.0% -9.5% 23,035 5.7% 22,414 6.4% 2.8%
7 Isuzu Ute 4,256 4.4% 2,904 3.5% 46.6% 17,057 4.2% 13,265 3.8% 28.6%
8 MG 3,781 3.9% 3,463 4.2% 9.2% 16,210 4.0% 15,848 4.5% 2.3%
9 GWM 3,330 3.4% 2,216 2.7% 50.3% 13,531 3.4% 10,410 3.0% 30.0%
10 Subaru 3,246 3.3% 2,511 3.1% 29.3% 13,882 3.5% 14,018 4.0% -1.0%
  Others 28,717 29.5% 30,669 37.3% -6.4% 127,472 31.7% 120,128 34.2% 6.1%
Total 97,202 100.0% 82,137 100.0% 18.3% 401,654 100.0% 351,139 100.0% 14.4%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, March 2024

Apr 5, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Australian new vehicle sales increase 12.7% in March
On April 4, the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries announced that new vehicle registrations of 109,647 units in March 2024 represented an increase 12.7% over the last March.
New vehicle sales of 304,452 units in the first three months of the year represented an 13.2% increase YoY.
Passenger car sales of 17,611 units in March represented an 2.5% increase YoY, SUV sales of 64,631 units represented a 20.7% increase, LCV sales of 23,061 units represented a 4.8% increase and MHCV sales of 4,344 units represented a 4.1% decrease. Battery electric vehicles accounted for 9.6% of sales in March.
Among the companies, Toyota sales increased 43.4% YoY to 18,961 units, Ford sales increased 35.3% to 8,776 units, Mazda sales of 8,246 units were similar to last year, Mitsubishi sales increased 34.2% to 7,866 units and Kia sales increased 10.4% to 7,070 units.
The best-selling cars in March 2024, in order of popularity, were Ford Ranger, Toyota RAV4, and Tesla Model Y.

New vehicle sales by type

Type Mar. 2024 Mar. 2023 Y-o-Y Jan.-Mar.
Passenger Cars 17,611 17,182 2.5% 53,655 50,219 6.8%
SUV 64,631 53,526 20.7% 172,234 148,112 16.3%
Commercial Vehicles 23,061 22,012 4.8% 67,427 59,308 13.7%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 4,344 4,531 -4.1% 11,136 11,363 -2.0%
Total 109,647 97,251 12.7% 304,452 269,002 13.2%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands
- Maker/Brand 2024 2023 Y-o-Y 2024 2023 Y-o-Y
Mar. Share Mar. Share Jan.-Mar. Share Jan.-Mar. Share
1 Toyota 18,961 17.3% 13,223 13.6% 43.4% 56,238 18.5% 40,918 15.2% 37.4%
2 Ford 8,776 8.0% 6,485 6.7% 35.3% 22,675 7.4% 19,131 7.1% 18.5%
3 Mazda 8,246 7.5% 8,243 8.5% 0.0% 23,761 7.8% 25,317 9.4% -6.1%
4 Mitsubishi 7,866 7.2% 5,863 6.0% 34.2% 20,188 6.6% 16,639 6.2% 21.3%
5 Kia 7,070 6.4% 6,403 6.6% 10.4% 18,918 6.2% 18,409 6.8% 2.8%
6 Tesla 6,017 5.5% 3,578 3.7% 68.2% 12,789 4.2% 10,407 3.9% 22.9%
7 Hyundai 5,985 5.5% 5,369 5.5% 11.5% 17,850 5.9% 16,682 6.2% 7.0%
8 Nissan 4,976 4.5% 3,404 3.5% 46.2% 14,293 4.7% 8,425 3.1% 69.6%
9 Isuzu Ute 4,351 4.0% 4,534 4.7% -4.0% 12,801 4.2% 10,361 3.9% 23.5%
10 MG 3,949 3.6% 4,007 4.1% -1.4% 12,429 4.1% 12,385 4.6% 0.4%
  Others 33,450 30.5% 36,142 37.2% -7.4% 92,510 30.4% 90,328 33.6% 2.4%
Total 109,647 100.0% 97,251 100.0% 12.7% 304,452 100.0% 269,002 100.0% 13.2%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, February 2024

Mar 7, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Australian new vehicle sales increase 20.9% in February
On March 5, the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries announced that new vehicle registrations of 105,023 units in February 2024 represented an increase 20.9% over the last February.
New vehicle sales of 194,805 units in the first two months of the year represented an 13.4% increase YoY.
Passenger car sales of 19,610 units in February represented an 19.3% increase YoY, SUV sales of 57,773 units represented a 20.6% increase, LCV sales of 23,765 units represented a 26.7% increase and MHCV sales of 3,875 units represented a 1.8% increase. Battery electric vehicles accounted for 9.6% of sales in February.
Among the companies, Toyota sales increased 35.2% YoY to 19,374 units, Mazda sales decreased 4.1% to 7,350 units, Ford sales increased 20.8% to 7,275 units, Nissan sales increased 157.2% to 6,617 units and Mitsubishi sales increased 16.6% to 6,411 units.
The best-selling cars in February 2024, in order of popularity, were Ford Ranger, Toyota Hilux, and Tesla Model 3.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Feb. 2024 Feb. 2023 Y-o-Y Jan.-Feb.
Passenger Cars 19,610 16,435 19.3% 36,044 33,037 9.1%
SUV 57,773 47,888 20.6% 107,603 94,586 13.8%
Commercial Vehicles 23,765 18,750 26.7% 44,366 37,296 19.0%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,875 3,805 1.8% 6,792 6,832 -0.6%
Total 105,023 86,878 20.9% 194,805 171,751 13.4%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2024 2023 Y-o-Y 2024 2023 Y-o-Y
Feb. Share Feb. Share Jan.-Feb. Share Jan.-Feb. Share
1 Toyota 19,374 18.4% 14,332 16.5% 35.2% 37,277 19.1% 27,695 16.1% 34.6%
2 Mazda 7,350 7.0% 7,667 8.8% -4.1% 15,515 8.0% 17,074 9.9% -9.1%
3 Ford 7,275 6.9% 6,022 6.9% 20.8% 13,899 7.1% 12,646 7.4% 9.9%
4 Nissan 6,617 6.3% 2,573 3.0% 157.2% 9,317 4.8% 5,021 2.9% 85.6%
5 Mitsubishi 6,411 6.1% 5,500 6.3% 16.6% 12,322 6.3% 10,776 6.3% 14.3%
6 Kia 6,141 5.8% 6,000 6.9% 2.4% 11,848 6.1% 12,006 7.0% -1.3%
7 Hyundai 5,703 5.4% 5,504 6.3% 3.6% 11,865 6.1% 11,313 6.6% 4.9%
8 Tesla 5,665 5.4% 3,516 4.0% 61.1% 6,772 3.5% 6,829 4.0% -0.8%
9 Isuzu Ute 4,692 4.5% 3,156 3.6% 48.7% 8,450 4.3% 5,827 3.4% 45.0%
10 MG 4,474 4.3% 4,363 5.0% 2.5% 8,480 4.4% 8,378 4.9% 1.2%
  Others 31,321 29.8% 28,245 32.5% 10.9% 59,060 30.3% 54,186 31.5% 9.0%
Total 105,023 100.0% 86,878 100.0% 20.9% 194,805 100.0% 171,751 100.0% 13.4%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, January 2024

Feb 6, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Australian new vehicle sales increase 5.8% in January
On February 6, the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries announced that new vehicle registrations of 89,782 units in January 2024 represented an increase 5.8% over January 2023.
Passenger car sales of 16,434 units in January represented an 1.0% decrease from the same period in 2023, SUV sales of 49,830 units represented an 6.7% increase, LCV sales of 20,601 units represented an 11.1% increase and MHCV sales of 2,917 units represented a 3.6% decrease.
Among the companies, Toyota sales increased 34.0% to 17,903 units, Mazda sales decreased 13.2% to 8,165 units, Ford sales is flat at 6,624 units, Hyundai sales increased 6.1% to 6,162 units and Mitsubishi sales increased 12.0% to 5,911 units, compared to January 2023.
The best-selling cars in January 2024, in order of popularity, were Ford Ranger, Toyota Hi-Lux, Toyota Land Cruiser and Isuzu D-MAX.

New vehicle sales by type

Type Jan. 2024 Jan. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger Cars 16,434 16,602 -1.0%
SUV 49,830 46,698 6.7%
Light Commercial Vehicles 20,601 18,546 11.1%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 2,917 3,027 -3.6%
Total 89,782 84,873 5.8%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2024 2023 Y-o-Y
Jan. Share Jan. Share
1 Toyota 17,903 19.9% 13,363 15.7% 34.0%
2 Mazda 8,165 9.1% 9,407 11.1% -13.2%
3 Ford 6,624 7.4% 6,624 7.8% 0.0%
4 Hyundai 6,162 6.9% 5,809 6.8% 6.1%
5 Mitsubishi 5,911 6.6% 5,276 6.2% 12.0%
6 Kia 5,707 6.4% 6,006 7.1% -5.0%
7 MG 4,006 4.5% 4,015 4.7% -0.2%
8 Isuzu Ute 3,758 4.2% 2,671 3.1% 40.7%
9 GWM 3,124 3.5% 2,503 2.9% 24.8%
10 Subaru 3,068 3.4% 3,601 4.2% -14.8%
Others 25,354 28.2% 25,598 30.2% -1.0%
Total 89,782 100.0% 84,873 100.0% 5.8%

Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

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