Australia - Flash report, Sales volume, 2020

More detailed statistics for Australia

Flash report, Sales volume, 2020

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, December 2020

6 Jan. 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Dec. 2020 Dec. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Dec.
Passenger Cars 19,977 22,477 -11.1% 222,103 315,932 -29.7%
SUV 49,474 39,867 24.1% 454,701 483,331 -5.9%
Commercial Vehicles 22,675 18,647 21.6% 205,597 225,635 -8.9%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,526 3,248 8.6% 34,567 37,969 -9.0%
Total 95,652 84,239 13.5% 916,968 1,062,867 -13.7%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2020 2019 Y-o-Y 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Dec. Share Dec. Share Jan.-Dec. Share Jan.-Dec. Share
1 Toyota 23,470 24.5% 17,309 20.5% 35.6% 204,801 22.3% 205,766 19.4% -0.5%
2 Mazda 8,556 8.9% 6,025 7.2% 42.0% 85,640 9.3% 97,619 9.2% -12.3%
3 Hyundai 6,734 7.0% 5,339 6.3% 26.1% 64,807 7.1% 86,104 8.1% -24.7%
4 Ford 6,306 6.6% 4,842 5.7% 30.2% 59,601 6.5% 63,303 6.0% -5.8%
5 Mitsubishi 6,380 6.7% 7,072 8.4% -9.8% 58,335 6.4% 83,250 7.8% -29.9%
6 Kia 4,700 4.9% 4,940 5.9% -4.9% 56,076 6.1% 61,503 5.8% -8.8%
7 Volkswagen 3,291 3.4% 4,076 4.8% -19.3% 39,266 4.3% 49,928 4.7% -21.4%
8 Nissan 4,216 4.4% 3,949 4.7% 6.8% 38,323 4.2% 50,575 4.8% -24.2%
9 Subaru 3,402 3.6% 2,862 3.4% 18.9% 31,501 3.4% 40,007 3.8% -21.3%
10 Mercedes-Benz Cars 3,150 3.3% 2,995 3.6% 5.2% 29,455 3.2% 31,985 3.0% -7.9%
  Others 25,447 26.6% 24,830 29.5% 2.5% 249,163 27.2% 292,827 27.6% -14.9%
Total 95,652 100.0% 84,239 100.0% 13.5% 916,968 100.0% 1,062,867 100.0% -13.7%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, November 2020

3 Dec. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Nov. 2020 Nov. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Nov.
Passenger Cars 20,711 23,028 -10.1% 202,126 293,455 -31.1%
SUV 50,016 39,535 26.5% 405,227 443,464 -8.6%
Commercial Vehicles 21,252 19,065 11.5% 182,922 206,988 -11.6%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,226 3,080 4.7% 31,041 34,721 -10.6%
Total 95,205 84,708 12.4% 821,316 978,628 -16.1%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2020 2019 Y-o-Y 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Nov. Share Nov. Share Jan.-Nov. Share Jan.-Nov. Share
1 Toyota 23,204 24.4% 16,954 20.0% 36.9% 181,331 22.1% 188,457 19.3% -3.8%
2 Mazda 9,053 9.5% 6,167 7.3% 46.8% 77,084 9.4% 91,594 9.4% -15.8%
3 Hyundai 6,903 7.3% 6,821 8.1% 1.2% 58,073 7.1% 80,765 8.3% -28.1%
4 Ford 6,613 6.9% 4,966 5.9% 33.2% 53,295 6.5% 58,461 6.0% -8.8%
5 Mitsubishi 5,488 5.8% 6,861 8.1% -20.0% 51,955 6.3% 76,178 7.8% -31.8%
6 Kia 5,376 5.6% 5,141 6.1% 4.6% 51,376 6.3% 56,563 5.8% -9.2%
7 Nissan 4,001 4.2% 4,272 5.0% -6.3% 34,107 4.2% 46,626 4.8% -26.8%
8 Volkswagen 3,280 3.4% 3,923 4.6% -16.4% 35,975 4.4% 45,852 4.7% -21.5%
9 Subaru 3,203 3.4% 3,141 3.7% 2.0% 28,099 3.4% 37,145 3.8% -24.4%
10 Isuzu Ute 2,943 3.1% 2,161 2.6% 36.2% 18,841 2.3% 22,629 2.3% -16.7%
  Others 25,141 26.4% 24,301 28.7% 3.5% 231,180 28.1% 274,358 28.0% -15.7%
Total 95,205 100.0% 84,708 100.0% 12.4% 821,316 100.0% 978,628 100.0% -16.1%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, October 2020

5 Nov. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Oct. 2020 Oct. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Oct.
Passenger Cars 17,794 23,557 -24.5% 181,415 270,427 -32.9%
SUV 41,220 38,644 6.7% 355,211 403,929 -12.1%
Commercial Vehicles 19,152 17,164 11.6% 161,670 187,923 -14.0%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,054 3,091 -1.2% 27,815 31,641 -12.1%
Total 81,220 82,456 -1.5% 726,111 893,920 -18.8%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2020 2019 Y-o-Y 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Oct. Share Oct. Share Jan.-Oct. Share Jan.-Oct. Share
1 Toyota 19,505 24.0% 16,988 20.6% 14.8% 158,127 21.8% 171,503 19.2% -7.8%
2 Mazda 7,457 9.2% 6,370 7.7% 17.1% 68,031 9.4% 85,427 9.6% -20.4%
3 Hyundai 5,951 7.3% 7,455 9.0% -20.2% 51,170 7.0% 73,944 8.3% -30.8%
4 Ford 5,744 7.1% 4,891 5.9% 17.4% 46,682 6.4% 53,495 6.0% -12.7%
5 Kia 5,304 6.5% 5,062 6.1% 4.8% 46,000 6.3% 51,422 5.8% -10.5%
6 Mitsubishi 4,510 5.6% 4,811 5.8% -6.3% 46,467 6.4% 69,317 7.8% -33.0%
7 Nissan 3,539 4.4% 4,011 4.9% -11.8% 30,106 4.1% 42,354 4.7% -28.9%
8 Volkswagen 3,112 3.8% 4,220 5.1% -26.3% 32,695 4.5% 41,929 4.7% -22.0%
9 Subaru 2,902 3.6% 3,303 4.0% -12.1% 24,896 3.4% 34,004 3.8% -26.8%
10 Mercedes-Benz Cars 2,288 2.8% 2,586 3.1% -11.5% 23,667 3.3% 26,230 2.9% -9.8%
  Others 20,908 25.7% 22,759 27.6% -8.1% 198,270 27.3% 244,295 27.3% -18.8%
Total 81,220 100.0% 82,456 100.0% -1.5% 726,111 100.0% 893,920 100.0% -18.8%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, September 2020

5 Oct. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Sep. 2020 Sep. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Sep.
Passenger Cars 17,720 24,900 -28.8% 163,621 246,870 -33.7%
SUV 32,647 41,854 -22.0% 313,991 365,285 -14.0%
Commercial Vehicles 15,772 18,257 -13.6% 142,518 170,759 -16.5%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 2,846 3,170 -10.2% 24,761 28,550 -13.3%
Total 68,985 88,181 -21.8% 644,891 811,464 -20.5%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2020 2019 Y-o-Y 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Sep. Share Sep. Share Jan.-Sep. Share Jan.-Sep. Share
1 Toyota 12,936 18.8% 15,166 17.2% -14.7% 138,622 21.5% 154,515 19.0% -10.3%
2 Mazda 7,000 10.1% 8,168 9.3% -14.3% 60,574 9.4% 79,057 9.7% -23.4%
3 Hyundai 5,273 7.6% 7,245 8.2% -27.2% 45,219 7.0% 66,489 8.2% -32.0%
4 Kia 5,092 7.4% 5,128 5.8% -0.7% 40,696 6.3% 46,360 5.7% -12.2%
5 Ford 4,816 7.0% 4,783 5.4% 0.7% 40,938 6.3% 48,604 6.0% -15.8%
6 Mitsubishi 4,179 6.1% 8,990 10.2% -53.5% 41,957 6.5% 64,506 7.9% -35.0%
7 Volkswagen 3,493 5.1% 3,816 4.3% -8.5% 29,583 4.6% 37,709 4.6% -21.5%
8 Nissan 2,588 3.8% 4,651 5.3% -44.4% 26,567 4.1% 38,343 4.7% -30.7%
9 Mercedes-Benz Cars 2,395 3.5% 2,682 3.0% -10.7% 21,379 3.3% 23,644 2.9% -9.6%
10 Subaru 2,121 3.1% 3,502 4.0% -39.4% 21,994 3.4% 30,701 3.8% -28.4%
  Others 19,092 27.7% 24,050 27.3% -20.6% 177,362 27.5% 221,536 27.3% -19.9%
Total 68,985 100.0% 88,181 100.0% -21.8% 644,891 100.0% 811,464 100.0% -20.5%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, August 2020

3 Sep. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Aug. 2020 Aug. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Aug.
Passenger Cars 14,758 25,793 -42.8% 145,901 221,970 -34.3%
SUV 32,378 39,030 -17.0% 281,344 323,431 -13.0%
Commercial Vehicles 11,234 17,513 -35.9% 126,746 152,502 -16.9%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 2,616 3,297 -20.7% 21,915 25,380 -13.7%
Total 60,986 85,633 -28.8% 575,906 723,283 -20.4%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2020 2019 Y-o-Y 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Aug. Share Aug. Share Jan.-Aug. Share Jan.-Aug. Share
1 Toyota 12,449 20.4% 16,700 19.5% -25.5% 125,686 21.8% 139,349 19.3% -9.8%
2 Mazda 6,921 11.3% 7,291 8.5% -5.1% 53,574 9.3% 70,889 9.8% -24.4%
3 Hyundai 4,525 7.4% 7,320 8.5% -38.2% 39,946 6.9% 59,244 8.2% -32.6%
4 Kia 4,521 7.4% 4,662 5.4% -3.0% 35,604 6.2% 41,232 5.7% -13.6%
5 Mitsubishi 4,308 7.1% 6,242 7.3% -31.0% 37,778 6.6% 55,516 7.7% -32.0%
6 Ford 3,898 6.4% 4,916 5.7% -20.7% 36,122 6.3% 43,821 6.1% -17.6%
7 Volkswagen 2,785 4.6% 4,100 4.8% -32.1% 26,090 4.5% 33,893 4.7% -23.0%
8 Nissan 2,380 3.9% 4,538 5.3% -47.6% 23,979 4.2% 33,692 4.7% -28.8%
9 Mercedes-Benz Cars 2,064 3.4% 2,380 2.8% -13.3% 18,984 3.3% 20,962 2.9% -9.4%
10 Subaru 2,052 3.4% 3,553 4.1% -42.2% 19,873 3.5% 27,199 3.8% -26.9%
  Others 15,083 24.7% 23,931 27.9% -37.0% 158,270 27.5% 197,486 27.3% -19.9%
Total 60,986 100.0% 85,633 100.0% -28.8% 575,906 100.0% 723,283 100.0% -20.4%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, July 2020

5 Aug. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Jul. 2020 Jul. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Jul.
Passenger Cars 18,149 25,386 -28.5% 131,097 196,156 -33.2%
SUV 36,560 37,894 -3.5% 249,012 284,422 -12.4%
Commercial Vehicles 14,898 16,710 -10.8% 115,512 134,989 -14.4%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 2,898 3,194 -9.3% 19,299 22,083 -12.6%
Total 72,505 83,184 -12.8% 514,920 637,650 -19.2%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2020 2019 Y-o-Y 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Jul. Share Jul. Share Jan.-Jul. Share Jan.-Jul. Share
1 Toyota 15,508 21.4% 17,876 21.5% -13.2% 113,237 22.0% 122,649 19.2% -7.7%
2 Mazda 7,806 10.8% 8,227 9.9% -5.1% 46,653 9.1% 63,598 10.0% -26.6%
3 Mitsubishi 4,684 6.5% 5,247 6.3% -10.7% 33,470 6.5% 49,274 7.7% -32.1%
4 Hyundai 4,634 6.4% 6,983 8.4% -33.6% 35,421 6.9% 51,924 8.1% -31.8%
5 Kia 4,625 6.4% 4,506 5.4% 2.6% 31,083 6.0% 36,570 5.7% -15.0%
6 Ford 4,573 6.3% 4,900 5.9% -6.7% 32,224 6.3% 38,905 6.1% -17.2%
7 Volkswagen 3,710 5.1% 3,609 4.3% 2.8% 23,305 4.5% 29,793 4.7% -21.8%
8 Nissan 2,906 4.0% 3,804 4.6% -23.6% 21,599 4.2% 29,154 4.6% -25.9%
9 Subaru 2,864 4.0% 3,513 4.2% -18.5% 17,821 3.5% 23,646 3.7% -24.6%
10 Mercedes-Benz Cars 2,556 3.5% 2,792 3.4% -8.5% 16,920 3.3% 18,582 2.9% -8.9%
  Others 18,639 25.7% 21,727 26.1% -14.2% 143,187 27.8% 173,555 27.2% -17.5%
Total 72,505 100.0% 83,184 100.0% -12.8% 514,920 100.0% 637,650 100.0% -19.2%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, June 2020

3 Jul. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Jun. 2020 Jun. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Jun.
Passenger Cars 25,036 33,864 -26.1% 112,948 170,770 -33.9%
SUV 51,931 53,509 -2.9% 212,452 246,528 -13.8%
Commercial Vehicles 28,645 26,372 8.6% 100,614 118,279 -14.9%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 4,622 4,072 13.5% 16,401 18,889 -13.2%
Total 110,234 117,817 -6.4% 442,415 554,466 -20.2%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2020 2019 Y-o-Y 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Jun. Share Jun. Share Jan.-Jun. Share Jan.-Jun. Share
1 Toyota 22,867 20.7% 21,200 18.0% 7.9% 97,729 22.1% 104,773 18.9% -6.7%
2 Mazda 9,420 8.5% 10,806 9.2% -12.8% 38,847 8.8% 55,371 10.0% -29.8%
3 Hyundai 7,737 7.0% 10,001 8.5% -22.6% 30,787 7.0% 44,941 8.1% -31.5%
4 Ford 7,624 6.9% 7,155 6.1% 6.6% 27,651 6.3% 34,005 6.1% -18.7%
5 Mitsubishi 7,419 6.7% 8,891 7.5% -16.6% 28,786 6.5% 44,027 7.9% -34.6%
6 Volkswagen 5,737 5.2% 5,793 4.9% -1.0% 19,595 4.4% 26,184 4.7% -25.2%
7 Kia 5,727 5.2% 7,200 6.1% -20.5% 26,458 6.0% 32,064 5.8% -17.5%
8 Mercedes-Benz Cars 4,437 4.0% 3,377 2.9% 31.4% 14,364 3.2% 15,790 2.8% -9.0%
9 Nissan 4,260 3.9% 5,514 4.7% -22.7% 18,693 4.2% 25,350 4.6% -26.3%
10 Subaru 3,775 3.4% 4,615 3.9% -18.2% 14,957 3.4% 20,133 3.6% -25.7%
  Others 31,231 28.3% 33,265 28.2% -6.1% 124,548 28.2% 151,828 27.4% -18.0%
Total 110,234 100.0% 117,817 100.0% -6.4% 442,415 100.0% 554,466 100.0% -20.2%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, May 2020

3 Jun. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type May 2020 May 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-May
Passenger Cars 13,836 28,890 -52.1% 87,912 136,906 -35.8%
SUV 28,652 40,937 -30.0% 160,521 193,019 -16.8%
Commercial Vehicles 14,791 19,178 -22.9% 71,969 91,907 -21.7%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 2,615 3,556 -26.5% 11,779 14,817 -20.5%
Total 59,894 92,561 -35.3% 332,181 436,649 -23.9%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2020 2019 Y-o-Y 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
May Share May Share Jan.-May Share Jan.-May Share
1 Toyota 14,466 24.2% 18,820 20.3% -23.1% 74,862 22.5% 83,573 19.1% -10.4%
2 Mazda 5,661 9.5% 8,578 9.3% -34.0% 29,427 8.9% 44,565 10.2% -34.0%
3 Hyundai 4,109 6.9% 8,106 8.8% -49.3% 23,050 6.9% 34,940 8.0% -34.0%
4 Ford 3,894 6.5% 5,788 6.3% -32.7% 20,027 6.0% 26,850 6.1% -25.4%
5 Mitsubishi 3,010 5.0% 5,120 5.5% -41.2% 21,367 6.4% 35,136 8.0% -39.2%
6 Volkswagen 2,781 4.6% 4,520 4.9% -38.5% 13,858 4.2% 20,391 4.7% -32.0%
7 Kia 2,760 4.6% 5,533 6.0% -50.1% 20,731 6.2% 24,864 5.7% -16.6%
8 Nissan 2,216 3.7% 3,970 4.3% -44.2% 14,433 4.3% 19,836 4.5% -27.2%
9 Subaru 2,023 3.4% 4,023 4.3% -49.7% 11,182 3.4% 15,518 3.6% -27.9%
10 BMW 2,013 3.4% 2,052 2.2% -1.9% 9,273 2.8% 9,882 2.3% -6.2%
  Others 16,961 28.3% 26,051 28.1% -34.9% 93,971 28.3% 121,094 27.7% -22.4%
Total 59,894 100.0% 92,561 100.0% -35.3% 332,181 100.0% 436,649 100.0% -23.9%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, April 2020

7 May 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Apr. 2020 Apr. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Apr.
Passenger Cars 9,157 23,816 -61.6% 74,076 108,016 -31.4%
SUV 18,023 33,190 -45.7% 131,869 152,082 -13.3%
Commercial Vehicles 9,436 15,601 -39.5% 57,178 72,729 -21.4%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 2,310 2,943 -21.5% 9,164 11,261 -18.6%
Total 38,926 75,550 -48.5% 272,287 344,088 -20.9%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2020 2019 Y-o-Y 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Apr. Share Apr. Share Jan.-Apr. Share Jan.-Apr. Share
1 Toyota 10,325 26.5% 15,135 20.0% -31.8% 60,396 22.2% 64,753 18.8% -6.7%
2 Mazda 3,022 7.8% 7,644 10.1% -60.5% 23,766 8.7% 35,987 10.5% -34.0%
3 Kia 2,492 6.4% 4,521 6.0% -44.9% 17,971 6.6% 19,331 5.6% -7.0%
4 Ford 2,251 5.8% 4,803 6.4% -53.1% 16,133 5.9% 21,062 6.1% -23.4%
5 Hyundai 2,247 5.8% 6,469 8.6% -65.3% 18,941 7.0% 26,834 7.8% -29.4%
6 Mitsubishi 1,734 4.5% 4,717 6.2% -63.2% 18,357 6.7% 30,016 8.7% -38.8%
7 BMW 1,703 4.4% 1,805 2.4% -5.7% 7,260 2.7% 7,830 2.3% -7.3%
8 Holden 1,501 3.9% 3,483 4.6% -56.9% 10,501 3.9% 15,308 4.4% -31.4%
9 Nissan 1,468 3.8% 3,025 4.0% -51.5% 12,217 4.5% 15,866 4.6% -23.0%
10 Volkswagen 1,328 3.4% 3,505 4.6% -62.1% 11,077 4.1% 15,871 4.6% -30.2%
  Others 10,855 27.9% 20,443 27.1% -46.9% 75,668 27.8% 91,230 26.5% -17.1%
Total 38,926 100.0% 75,550 100.0% -48.5% 272,287 100.0% 344,088 100.0% -20.9%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, March 2020

6 Apr. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Mar. 2020 Mar. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Mar.
Passenger Cars 21,777 28,999 -24.9% 64,919 84,200 -22.9%
SUV 39,171 45,660 -14.2% 113,868 118,892 -4.2%
Commercial Vehicles 18,162 21,488 -15.5% 47,720 57,128 -16.5%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 2,580 3,295 -21.7% 6,854 8,318 -17.6%
Total 81,690 99,442 -17.9% 233,361 268,538 -13.1%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2020 2019 Y-o-Y 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Mar. Share Mar. Share Jan.-Mar. Share Jan.-Mar. Share
1 Toyota 17,583 21.5% 17,298 17.4% 1.6% 50,071 21.5% 49,618 18.5% 0.9%
2 Mazda 6,819 8.3% 9,618 9.7% -29.1% 20,744 8.9% 28,343 10.6% -26.8%
3 Mitsubishi 6,002 7.3% 10,135 10.2% -40.8% 16,623 7.1% 25,299 9.4% -34.3%
4 Kia 5,654 6.9% 5,303 5.3% 6.6% 15,479 6.6% 14,810 5.5% 4.5%
5 Hyundai 5,306 6.5% 7,731 7.8% -31.4% 16,694 7.2% 20,365 7.6% -18.0%
6 Holden 4,992 6.1% 3,833 3.9% 30.2% 9,000 3.9% 11,825 4.4% -23.9%
7 Ford 4,857 5.9% 6,160 6.2% -21.2% 13,882 5.9% 16,259 6.1% -14.6%
8 Nissan 3,501 4.3% 5,115 5.1% -31.6% 10,749 4.6% 12,841 4.8% -16.3%
9 Honda 3,144 3.8% 4,335 4.4% -27.5% 10,102 4.3% 12,242 4.6% -17.5%
10 Subaru 3,024 3.7% 3,018 3.0% 0.2% 7,877 3.4% 8,489 3.2% -7.2%
  Others 20,808 25.5% 26,896 27.0% -22.6% 62,140 26.6% 68,447 25.5% -9.2%
Total 81,690 100.0% 99,442 100.0% -17.9% 233,361 100.0% 268,538 100.0% -13.1%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, February 2020

4 Mar. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Feb. 2020 Feb. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Feb.
Passenger Cars 22,648 27,151 -16.6% 43,142 55,201 -21.8%
SUV 39,304 37,292 5.4% 74,697 73,232 2.0%
Commercial Vehicles 15,523 19,831 -21.7% 29,558 35,640 -17.1%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 2,465 2,828 -12.8% 4,274 5,023 -14.9%
Total 79,940 87,102 -8.2% 151,671 169,096 -10.3%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2020 2019 Y-o-Y 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Feb. Share Feb. Share Jan.-Feb. Share Jan.-Feb. Share
1 Toyota 17,679 22.1% 16,359 18.8% 8.1% 32,488 21.4% 32,320 19.1% 0.5%
2 Mazda 7,230 9.0% 9,235 10.6% -21.7% 13,925 9.2% 18,725 11.1% -25.6%
3 Hyundai 5,945 7.4% 6,429 7.4% -7.5% 11,388 7.5% 12,634 7.5% -9.9%
4 Mitsubishi 5,513 6.9% 8,495 9.8% -35.1% 10,621 7.0% 15,164 9.0% -30.0%
5 Kia 5,120 6.4% 4,856 5.6% 5.4% 9,825 6.5% 9,507 5.6% 3.3%
6 Ford 4,856 6.1% 5,678 6.5% -14.5% 9,025 6.0% 10,099 6.0% -10.6%
7 Nissan 3,804 4.8% 3,923 4.5% -3.0% 7,248 4.8% 7,726 4.6% -6.2%
8 Volkswagen 3,633 4.5% 4,067 4.7% -10.7% 6,879 4.5% 7,684 4.5% -10.5%
9 Honda 3,522 4.4% 3,865 4.4% -8.9% 6,958 4.6% 7,907 4.7% -12.0%
10 Mercedes-Benz Cars 2,673 3.3% 2,615 3.0% 2.2% 4,531 3.0% 4,649 2.7% -2.5%
  Others 19,965 25.0% 21,580 24.8% -7.5% 38,783 25.6% 42,681 25.2% -9.1%
Total 79,940 100.0% 87,102 100.0% -8.2% 151,671 100.0% 169,096 100.0% -10.3%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, January 2020

5 Feb. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Jan. 2020 Jan. 2019 Y-o-Y
Passenger Cars 20,494 28,050 -26.9%
SUV 35,393 35,940 -1.5%
Light Commercial Vehicles 14,035 15,809 -11.2%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 1,809 2,195 -17.6%
Total 71,731 81,994 -12.5%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Jan. Share Jan. Share
1 Toyota 14,809 20.6% 15,961 19.5% -7.2%
2 Mazda 6,695 9.3% 9,490 11.6% -29.5%
3 Hyundai 5,443 7.6% 6,205 7.6% -12.3%
4 Mitsubishi 5,108 7.1% 6,669 8.1% -23.4%
5 Kia 4,705 6.6% 4,651 5.7% 1.2%
6 Ford 4,169 5.8% 4,421 5.4% -5.7%
7 Nissan 3,444 4.8% 3,803 4.6% -9.4%
8 Honda 3,436 4.8% 4,042 4.9% -15.0%
9 Volkswagen 3,246 4.5% 3,617 4.4% -10.3%
10 Holden 2,641 3.7% 4,167 5.1% -36.6%
Others 18,035 25.1% 18,968 23.1% -4.9%
Total 71,731 100.0% 81,994 100.0% -12.5%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia