リカルド社 世界各国環境規制動向 EMLEGサービスのご案内
- 皆様の個人情報は以下の目的に限定して、使用します。(個人情報保護法)
- 上記目的のために、リカルド社へご登録情報を公開いたしますことをご了承ください。
- 会社名
- ご担当者名
- 事業所/部署名
- 役職
- 住所
- 電話番号
- E-Mailアドレス
- ホームページアドレス
- お問合わせ・見積依頼 内容
◆対象国及びデータ一覧 (全て英語でのお取り扱いとなります)
対象国 |
カテゴリー |
Austria |
Heavy Duty |
Austria |
Motorcycles & Mopeds |
Austria |
Non-road Engines & Vehicles |
Austria |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Belgium |
General |
Belgium |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Belgium |
Stationary Engines |
Bulgaria |
General |
Czech Republic |
General |
Denmark |
General |
Denmark |
Stationary Engines |
EU |
Air Quality |
EU |
Fuel Economy |
EU |
Fuels |
EU |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
EU |
Marine |
EU |
Member States |
EU |
Motorcycles and Mopeds |
EU |
Non-road Engines & Vehicles |
EU |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
EU |
Railways |
EU |
Stationary Engines |
EU |
Vehicle Categories |
Finland |
General |
France |
General |
France |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Germany |
General |
Germany |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Germany |
Stationary Engines |
Greece |
General |
Hungary |
General |
Iceland |
General |
Ireland |
General |
Italy |
General |
Italy |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Italy |
Stationary Engines |
Luxembourg |
General |
Netherlands |
General |
Norway |
Marine |
Norway |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Norway |
Stationary Engines |
Poland |
General |
Portugal |
General |
Romania |
General |
Russian Federation |
Fuels |
Russian Federation |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Russian Federation |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Slovakia |
General |
Slovenia |
General |
Spain |
General |
Spain |
Motorcycles & Mopeds |
Spain |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Spain |
Stationary Engines |
Sweden |
General |
Switzerland |
Air Quality |
Switzerland |
General |
Switzerland |
Marine |
Switzerland |
Non-road Engines & Vehicles |
Switzerland |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Switzerland |
Stationary |
Turkey |
General |
Turkey |
Motorcycles & Mopeds |
Turkey |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Ukraine |
General |
United Kingdom |
Fuel Economy & CO2 emissions |
United Kingdom |
Fuels |
United Kingdom |
General |
対象国 |
カテゴリー |
Iran |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Iran |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Israel |
Air Quality |
Israel |
Fuels |
Israel |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Israel |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Saudi Arabia |
Air Quality |
Saudi Arabia |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Saudi Arabia |
Non-road Engines & Vehicles |
Saudi Arabia |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
対象国 |
カテゴリー |
Australia |
Air Quality |
Australia |
Categories |
Australia |
Fuel Economy |
Australia |
Fuels |
Australia |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Australia |
Marine |
Australia |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
New Zealand |
Fuels |
New Zealand |
General |
対象国 |
カテゴリー |
South Africa |
Air Quality |
South Africa |
Fuels |
South Africa |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
South Africa |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
対象国 |
カテゴリー |
International |
Gothenburg Protocol |
International |
International Union of Railways (UIC) |
World Bank |
Stationary Engines |
International |
World Harmonized Light-Duty Test Procedure |
International |
Worldwide Harmonized OBD |
International |
Worldwide Motorcycle Emissions Test Cycle |
International |
International Maritime Organization (IMO) |
対象国 |
カテゴリー |
Canada |
Air Quality |
Canada |
Fuel Economy |
Canada |
Fuels |
Canada |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Canada |
Marine |
Canada |
Motorcycles & Mopeds |
Canada |
Non-road Engines & Vehicles |
Canada |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Canada |
Stationary Engines |
USA Federal |
Air Quality |
USA Federal |
Fuel Economy |
USA Federal |
Fuels |
USA Federal |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
USA Federal |
Marine |
USA Federal |
Motorcycles & Mopeds |
USA Federal |
Non-road Engines & Vehicles |
USA Federal |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
USA Federal |
Railways |
USA Federal |
Stationary Engines |
USA - California |
Air Quality |
USA - California |
Fuel Economy |
USA - California |
Fuels |
USA - California |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
USA - California |
Marine |
USA - California |
Motorcycles and Mopeds |
USA - California |
Non-road Engines & Vehicles |
USA - California |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
USA - California |
Railways |
USA - California |
Stationary Engines |
対象国 |
カテゴリー |
Argentina |
Fuels |
Argentina |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Argentina |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Brazil |
Fuel Economy |
Brazil |
Fuels |
Brazil |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Brazil |
Motorcycles and Mopeds |
Brazil |
Non-road Engines & Vehicles |
Brazil |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Chile |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Chile |
Motorcycles and Mopeds |
Chile |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Colombia |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Colombia |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Costa Rica |
General |
Ecuador |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Ecuador |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Mexico |
Air Quality |
Mexico |
Fuel Economy |
Mexico |
Fuels |
Mexico |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Mexico |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Peru |
General |
Venezuela |
General |
対象国 |
カテゴリー |
China |
Fuel Economy |
China |
Fuels |
China |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
China |
Motorcycles & Mopeds |
China |
Non-road Engines & Vehicles |
China |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Hong Kong |
Air Quality |
Hong Kong |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Hong Kong |
Motorcycles & Mopeds |
Hong Kong |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
India |
Fuel Economy |
India |
Fuels |
India |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
India |
Motorcycles & Mopeds |
India |
Non-road Engines & Vehicles |
India |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Indonesia |
General |
Japan |
Heavy Duty |
Japan |
Fuel Economy |
Japan |
Fuels |
Japan |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Japan |
Marine |
Japan |
Motorcycles & Mopeds |
Japan |
Non-road Engines & Vehicles |
Japan |
Stationary Engines |
Japan |
Vehicle Categories |
Malaysia |
General |
Nepal |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Nepal |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Pakistan |
Fuels |
Pakistan |
General |
Philippines |
Fuels |
Philippines |
General |
Singapore |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Singapore |
Motorcycles & Mopeds |
Singapore |
Non-road Engines & Vehicles |
Singapore |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
South Korea |
Fuel Economy |
South Korea |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
South Korea |
Motorcycles & Mopeds |
South Korea |
Non-road Engines & Vehicles |
South Korea |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Taiwan |
Fuels |
Taiwan |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Taiwan |
Motorcycles & Mopeds |
Taiwan |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Thailand |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Thailand |
Marine |
Thailand |
Motorcycles & Mopeds |
Thailand |
Passenger Cars & LDT |
Vietnam |
Categories |
Vietnam |
Fuels |
Vietnam |
Heavy Duty Vehicles |
Vietnam |
Motorcycles & Mopeds |
Vietnam |
Passenger Cars & LDT |