California DMV Disengagement Report 2023: Nine Years of Trend Data



About This Report

  This report was written by VSI Labs (VSI) for MarkLines' portal users. VSI is a technology research company that provides industry with deep insight and analysis on the enabling technologies used for active safety and automated driving.



  California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is the pioneer in testing autonomous vehicles. CA DMV has provided AV testing data since 2015 on a yearly basis. It released the 2023 data on February 2, 2024. The data is limited, but the results are the primary publicly available data to assess how the various AV companies are doing. The data includes the following information:

  • Company name of all participants
  • 12 monthly data from December 2022 through November 2023
  • Number of AV permits and how many AVs are used
  • Monthly AV miles travel for each AV and yearly total
  • Disengagement data for all AVs by date, company, vehicle ID and other information. Disengagement means the driving tasks is transferred from the AV software to the safety driver. The disengagement can be initiated by the safety driver, the AV software and in rare case due to equipment related issues.
  • From 2015 to 2019 all AVs operated with safety drivers and is labelled “drivered”. In 2020 driverless permits were issued and driverless AV data was released in 2021. In this case disengagements only occur with hardware and software issues. Few driverless AV disengagement are reported.

  This tech brief covers the 2023 data-from December 2022 through November 2023. We also include trend data for nine years-2015 to 2023 and perspectives on the data trends.


Material from: Egil Juliussen, PhD, [Technology Brief] California DMV Disengagement Report 2023: Nine Years of Trend Data [February 5, 2024] [the websites of VSI Labs AUTONOMOUS SOLUTIONS PORTAL] reproduced with permission of VSI Labs.

VSI Labs


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