Hitachi AMS signs put-option agreement to acquire Chassis Brakes International

Hitachi Automotive Systems (AMS) announced that it has granted KPS Capital Partners, LP a put-option agreement for the acquisition of 100% of Chassis Brakes International B.V. Chassis Brakes International is one of the suppliers of automotive safety solutions and had over EUR 900 million in sales for the year ended 31 December 2019. The proposed transaction will strengthen Hitachi Automotive Systems’ chassis and safety systems capabilities, as well as motion control capabilities across the whole vehicle. It will support further development and integration of electrification, AD/ADAS technologies and software. Chassis Brakes International’s highly experienced global management team will help drive further operational excellence, including quality standards, operating tools and processes, and digitalization. At the same time, Hitachi Automotive Systems would be investing in a growth segment. The combined business would have strong growth potential and be positioned to shape the direction of advanced safety systems via advanced engineering and system design capabilities. The proposed transition will enhance Chassis Brakes International and Hitachi Automotive’s highly complementary geographic footprint and technological expertise. (From a press release on June 19, 2019)