Indonesia - Flash report, Sales volume, 2020

Flash report, Sales volume, 2020

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, December 2020

19 Jan. 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indonesian car sales decrease 34.8% in December, decrease 48.5% for 2020
Indonesian automobile manufacturers association (Gaikindo) and other sources reported that Indonesian vehicle sales in December 2020 were 57,129 units, decreased 34.8% over the same month in 2019, due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Total sales in 2020 totaled 532,027 units, a 48.5% decrease from that of 2019.
In 2020, Toyota sales decreased 51.4% to 161,256 units (30.3% market share), Daihatsu sales decreased 48.8% to 90,724 units (17.1% market share), Honda decreased 46.6% to 73,315 units (13.8% market share), Suzuki decreased 34.1% to 66,130 units (12.4% market share), and Mitsubishi decreased 51.3% to 57,906 units (10.9% market share).
Gaikindo announced previously its projection of domestic car sales in 2021 to hit 800,000 units.

Indonesia new vehicle sales by make (Wholesales)
Maker/Brand Dec. 2020 Jan.-Dec.
units Share Y-o-Y units Share Y-o-Y
Toyota 18,687 32.7% -31.9% 161,256 30.3% -51.4%
Daihatsu 6,481 11.3% -40.3% 90,724 17.1% -48.8%
Honda 7,447 13.0% -39.5% 73,315 13.8% -46.6%
Suzuki 7,868 13.8% -22.2% 66,130 12.4% -34.1%
Mitsubishi 6,964 12.2% -29.1% 57,906 10.9% -51.3%
Mitsubishi Fuso 2,260 4.0% -35.6% 21,359 4.0% -50.0%
Isuzu 1,786 3.1% -30.5% 16,422 3.1% -35.0%
Hino 1,692 3.0% -45.7% 12,621 2.4% -59.4%
Nissan 30 0.1% -94.9% 10,849 2.0% -11.8%
Wuling 2,135 3.7% -53.7% 6,581 1.2% -70.5%
Mazda 323 0.6% -5.6% 2,660 0.5% -45.5%
Mercedes Benz 118 0.2% -89.1% 2,357 0.4% -60.7%
BMW 206 0.4% 142.4% 1,983 0.4% -20.7%
DFSK 303 0.5% -38.0% 1,947 0.4% -49.5%
Lexus 54 0.1% 116.0% 947 0.2% -33.5%
Kia 110 0.2% -% 807 0.2% -%
Hyundai 105 0.2% 29.6% 740 0.1% -45.7%
UD Trucks - -% -% 515 0.1% -77.3%
VW 29 0.1% 70.6% 475 0.1% 35.7%
MINI 42 0.1% -16.0% 411 0.1% -41.3%
MG 377 0.7% -% 377 0.1% -%
Renault 46 0.1% 58.6% 350 0.1% 25.4%
Datsun - -% -% 300 0.1% -95.4%
Tata 8 0.0% -90.2% 235 0.0% -71.0%
FAW 16 0.0% -55.6% 220 0.0% -24.4%
Scania 18 0.0% 350.0% 217 0.0% -48.1%
Peugeot 16 0.0% -11.1% 212 0.0% 64.3%
Chevrolet - -% -% 54 0.0% -96.5%
Audi 8 0.0% 100.0% 47 0.0% 30.6%
MAN - -% -% 10 0.0% -68.8%
Total 57,129 100.0% -34.8% 532,027 100.0% -48.5%


Flash report, November 2020

21 Dec. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indonesian sales down 41.0% in November due to coronavirus
Indonesian automobile manufacturers association (Gaikindo) and other sources reported that Indonesian vehicle sales in November 2020 were 53,844 units, down 41.0% year over year due to coronavirus.
January - November sales were down 49.8% to 474,910 units.
By automaker sales in November, Toyota fell 47.0% y/y to 15,361 units and a 28.5% market share. Honda was down 36.0% to 8,448 units and a 15.7% market share. Suzuki was down 18.5% to 8,217 units and a 15.3% market share. Daihatsu fell 57.4% to 6,772 units and a 12.6% market share. Mitsubishi decreased 24.7% to 6,693 units and a 12.4% market share.

Indonesia new vehicle sales by make (Wholesales)
Maker/Brand Nov. 2020 Jan.-Nov.
units Share Y-o-Y units Share Y-o-Y
Toyota 15,361 28.5% -47.0% 142,569 30.0% -53.2%
Honda 8,448 15.7% -36.0% 65,868 13.9% -47.3%
Suzuki 8,217 15.3% -18.5% 58,262 12.3% -35.5%
Daihatsu 6,772 12.6% -57.4% 84,243 17.7% -49.4%
Mitsubishi 6,693 12.4% -24.7% 50,942 10.7% -53.3%
Isuzu 2,103 3.9% -21.1% 14,636 3.1% -35.5%
Mitsubishi Fuso 2,050 3.8% -33.7% 19,099 4.0% -51.3%
Hino 1,606 3.0% -43.3% 10,939 2.3% -60.9%
Wuling 825 1.5% -57.6% 4,446 0.9% -74.9%
Mazda 404 0.8% -6.0% 2,337 0.5% -48.5%
Mercedes Benz 368 0.7% -16.7% 2,239 0.5% -54.4%
BMW 218 0.4% -22.7% 1,777 0.4% -26.4%
DFSK 195 0.4% -31.8% 1,644 0.3% -51.2%
Lexus 118 0.2% 0.9% 895 0.2% -36.1%
Kia 101 0.2% -% 697 0.1% -%
Hyundai 97 0.2% -7.6% 635 0.1% -50.5%
UD Trucks 56 0.1% -59.7% 515 0.1% -76.0%
Nissan 43 0.1% -93.9% 10,819 2.3% -7.6%
MINI 32 0.1% -62.4% 369 0.1% -43.2%
Renault 32 0.1% -20.0% 304 0.1% 21.6%
Scania 32 0.1% 190.9% 199 0.0% -51.9%
VW 25 0.0% -64.3% 446 0.1% 33.9%
FAW 17 0.0% 21.4% 204 0.0% -20.0%
Peugeot 15 0.0% -16.7% 196 0.0% 76.6%
Tata 12 0.0% -76.0% 227 0.0% -68.8%
Audi 4 0.0% 33.3% 39 0.0% 21.9%
Datsun - -% -% 300 0.1% -95.3%
Chevrolet - -% -% 54 0.0% -96.2%
MAN - -% -% 10 0.0% -68.8%
Total 53,844 100.0% -41.0% 474,910 100.0% -49.8%


Flash report, October 2020

19 Nov. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indonesian sales down 49.1% in October due to coronavirus
Indonesian automobile manufacturers association (Gaikindo) and other sources reported that Indonesian vehicle sales in October 2020 were 49,043 units, down 49.1% year over year due to coronavirus.
January - October sales were down 50.7% to 421,089 units.
By automaker sales in October, Toyota fell 47.2% y/y to 16,345 units and a 33.3% market share. Daihatsu was down 52.7% to 8,289 units and a 16.9% market share. Honda was down 46.7% to 7,732 units and a 15.8% market share. Mitsubishi fell 38.0% to 5,315 units and a 10.8% market share. Suzuki decreased 41.0% to 5,143 units and a 10.5% market share.

Indonesia new vehicle sales by make (Wholesales)
Maker/Brand Oct. 2020 Jan.-Oct.
units Share Y-o-Y units Share Y-o-Y
Toyota 16,345 33.3% -47.2% 127,208 30.2% -53.8%
Daihatsu 8,289 16.9% -52.7% 77,471 18.4% -48.5%
Honda 7,732 15.8% -46.7% 57,420 13.6% -48.7%
Mitsubishi 5,315 10.8% -38.0% 44,249 10.5% -55.9%
Suzuki 5,143 10.5% -41.0% 50,045 11.9% -37.6%
Mitsubishi Fuso 1,803 3.7% -66.7% 17,049 4.0% -52.8%
Isuzu 1,634 3.3% -34.1% 12,533 3.0% -37.5%
Hino 894 1.8% -69.0% 9,333 2.2% -62.8%
Wuling 637 1.3% -67.8% 3,621 0.9% -77.1%
DFSK 233 0.5% -47.4% 1,449 0.3% -53.0%
BMW 171 0.3% -34.2% 1,559 0.4% -26.9%
Mazda 139 0.3% -66.7% 1,958 0.5% -52.4%
Mercedes Benz 133 0.3% -65.1% 1,871 0.4% -58.2%
Hyundai 104 0.2% -23.0% 538 0.1% -54.3%
Renault 102 0.2% 175.7% 272 0.1% 29.5%
Lexus 74 0.2% -62.6% 775 0.2% -39.6%
Kia 62 0.1% -% 596 0.1% -%
UD Trucks 59 0.1% -47.3% 459 0.1% -77.1%
MINI 41 0.1% -36.9% 337 0.1% -40.4%
Scania 38 0.1% 46.2% 167 0.0% -58.6%
Nissan 37 0.1% -92.3% 10,776 2.6% -2.1%
VW 18 0.0% -37.9% 421 0.1% 60.1%
FAW 18 0.0% -60.9% 187 0.0% -22.4%
Tata 10 0.0% -93.1% 215 0.1% -68.3%
Peugeot 9 0.0% -40.0% 181 0.0% 94.6%
Audi 3 0.0% 0.0% 35 0.0% 20.7%
Datsun - -% -% 300 0.1% -94.9%
Chevrolet - -% -% 54 0.0% -94.6%
MAN - -% -% 10 0.0% -66.7%
Total 49,043 100.0% -49.1% 421,089 100.0% -50.7%


Flash report, September 2020

20 Oct. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indonesian sales down 48.1% in September due to coronavirus
Indonesian automobile manufacturers association (Gaikindo) and other sources reported that Indonesian vehicle sales in September 2020 were 48,554 units, down 48.1% year over year due to coronavirus.
January - September sales were down 50.9% to 372,046 units.
By automaker sales in September, Toyota fell 58.7% y/y to 13,150 units and a 27.1% market share. Daihatsu was down 36.1% to 11,204 units and a 23.1% market share. Suzuki decreased 23.1% to 6,246 units and a 12.9% market share. Honda was down 52.9% to 5,856 units and a 12.1% market share. Mitsubishi fell 50.4% to 4,230 units and a 8.7% market share.

Indonesia new vehicle sales by make
Maker/Brand Sep. 2020 Jan.-Sep.
units Share Y-o-Y units Share Y-o-Y
Toyota 13,150 27.1% -58.7% 110,863 29.8% -54.6%
Daihatsu 11,204 23.1% -36.1% 69,182 18.6% -48.0%
Suzuki 6,246 12.9% -23.1% 44,902 12.1% -37.2%
Honda 5,856 12.1% -52.9% 49,688 13.4% -48.9%
Mitsubishi 4,230 8.7% -50.4% 38,934 10.5% -57.6%
Mitsubishi Fuso 2,400 4.9% -42.6% 15,246 4.1% -50.4%
Nissan 1,421 2.9% 49.4% 10,739 2.9% 2.0%
Isuzu 1,314 2.7% -36.7% 10,899 2.9% -37.9%
Hino 1,030 2.1% -67.1% 8,439 2.3% -62.0%
Wuling 511 1.1% -74.5% 2,984 0.8% -78.4%
Mercedes Benz 231 0.5% -61.4% 1,738 0.5% -57.5%
DFSK 200 0.4% -55.7% 1,216 0.3% -53.9%
Mazda 198 0.4% -41.8% 1,819 0.5% -50.8%
BMW 196 0.4% -25.2% 1,388 0.4% -25.9%
Lexus 84 0.2% -12.5% 701 0.2% -35.4%
Hyundai 64 0.1% -38.5% 434 0.1% -58.3%
Kia 59 0.1% -% 534 0.1% -%
MINI 49 0.1% -38.8% 296 0.1% -40.8%
UD Trucks 38 0.1% -68.3% 400 0.1% -78.9%
Renault 20 0.0% 5.3% 170 0.0% -1.7%
Tata 15 0.0% -58.3% 205 0.1% -61.5%
VW 13 0.0% -45.8% 403 0.1% 72.2%
Peugeot 9 0.0% -43.8% 172 0.0% 120.5%
FAW 9 0.0% -65.4% 169 0.0% -13.3%
Audi 5 0.0% -16.7% 32 0.0% 23.1%
Scania 2 0.0% -89.5% 129 0.0% -65.8%
Datsun - -% -% 300 0.1% -94.5%
Chevrolet - -% -% 54 0.0% -94.4%
MAN - -% -% 10 0.0% -61.5%
Total 48,554 100.0% -48.1% 372,046 100.0% -50.9%


Flash report, August 2020

17 Sep. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indonesian sales down 59.0% in August due to coronavirus
Indonesian automobile manufacturers association (Gaikindo) and other sources reported that Indonesian vehicle sales in August 2020 were 37,291 units, down 59.0% year over year due to coronavirus.
January - August sales were down 51.3% to 323,507 units.
By automaker sales in August, Toyota fell 70.0% y/y to 8,687 units and a 23.3% market share. Nissan was up 456.1% to 6,829 units and a 18.3% market share. Daihatsu decreased 56.9% to 6,651 units and a 17.8% market share. Suzuki was down 59.4% to 3,501 units and a 9.4% market share. Mitsubishi fell 69.4% to 3,208 units and a 8.6% market share.

Indonesia new vehicle sales by make (Wholesales)
Maker/Brand Aug. 2020 Jan.-Aug.
units Share Y-o-Y units Share Y-o-Y
Toyota 8,687 23.3% -70.0% 97,728 30.2% -54.0%
Nissan 6,829 18.3% 456.1% 9,318 2.9% -2.7%
Daihatsu 6,651 17.8% -56.9% 57,978 17.9% -49.8%
Suzuki 3,501 9.4% -59.4% 38,656 11.9% -39.0%
Mitsubishi 3,208 8.6% -69.4% 34,704 10.7% -58.3%
Honda 3,047 8.2% -74.4% 43,832 13.5% -48.4%
Mitsubishi Fuso 1,659 4.4% -55.9% 12,846 4.0% -51.6%
Isuzu 1,312 3.5% -44.4% 9,585 3.0% -38.1%
Hino 817 2.2% -72.5% 7,409 2.3% -61.2%
Wuling 365 1.0% -80.3% 2,473 0.8% -79.1%
Mazda 240 0.6% -48.2% 1,621 0.5% -51.7%
Mercedes Benz 212 0.6% -54.8% 1,507 0.5% -56.8%
DFSK 198 0.5% -51.5% 1,016 0.3% -53.6%
BMW 177 0.5% -41.2% 1,192 0.4% -26.0%
Kia 72 0.2% -% 475 0.1% -%
Lexus 67 0.2% -70.9% 617 0.2% -37.6%
UD Trucks 54 0.1% -84.3% 362 0.1% -79.6%
MINI 45 0.1% -40.0% 247 0.1% -41.2%
Renault 39 0.1% -7.1% 150 0.0% -2.6%
Hyundai 35 0.1% -78.0% 370 0.1% -60.6%
VW 18 0.0% -67.3% 390 0.1% 85.7%
Peugeot 16 0.0% 60.0% 163 0.1% 162.9%
Scania 14 0.0% -50.0% 127 0.0% -64.5%
FAW 13 0.0% -50.0% 160 0.0% -5.3%
Tata 11 0.0% -89.1% 190 0.1% -61.8%
Audi 4 0.0% 33.3% 27 0.0% 35.0%
Datsun - -% -% 300 0.1% -93.9%
Chevrolet - -% -% 54 0.0% -94.1%
MAN - -% -% 10 0.0% -52.4%
Total 37,291 100.0% -59.0% 323,507 100.0% -51.3%


Flash report, July 2020

17 Aug. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indonesian sales down 71.8% in July due to coronavirus
Indonesian automobile manufacturers association (Gaikindo) and other sources reported that Indonesian vehicle sales in July 2020 were 25,283 units, down 71.8% year over year due to coronavirus.
January - July sales were down 50.1% to 286,215 units.
By automaker sales in July, Toyota fell 75.4% y/y to 7,224 units and a 28.6% market share. Suzuki was down 22.1% to 6,369 units and a 25.2% market share. Mitsubishi decreased 67.4% to 3,564 units and a 14.1% market share. Honda was down 85.5% to 2,016 units and a 8.0% market share. Daihatsu fell 88.1% to 1,553 units and a 6.1% markhare.

Indonesia new vehicle sales by make (Wholesales)
Maker/Brand Jul. 2020 Jan.-Jul.
units Share Y-o-Y units Share Y-o-Y
Toyota 7,224 28.6% -75.4% 89,040 31.1% -51.5%
Suzuki 6,369 25.2% -22.1% 35,155 12.3% -35.8%
Mitsubishi 3,564 14.1% -67.4% 31,496 11.0% -56.7%
Honda 2,016 8.0% -85.5% 40,785 14.2% -44.1%
Daihatsu 1,553 6.1% -88.1% 51,327 17.9% -48.7%
Isuzu 1,166 4.6% -36.6% 8,273 2.9% -36.9%
Mitsubishi Fuso 1,126 4.5% -69.4% 11,187 3.9% -50.9%
Hino 731 2.9% -70.3% 6,592 2.3% -59.1%
Wuling 260 1.0% -88.1% 2,108 0.7% -78.8%
Mazda 245 1.0% -52.3% 1,381 0.5% -52.2%
Nissan 188 0.7% -83.9% 2,489 0.9% -70.2%
BMW 168 0.7% -38.0% 1,015 0.4% -22.5%
Mercedes Benz 158 0.6% -64.0% 1,295 0.5% -57.2%
Lexus 108 0.4% -22.3% 550 0.2% -27.5%
UD Trucks 71 0.3% -62.6% 308 0.1% -78.4%
Kia 65 0.3% -% 403 0.1% -%
VW 59 0.2% 55.3% 372 0.1% 140.0%
DFSK 58 0.2% -87.6% 818 0.3% -54.0%
MINI 43 0.2% -38.6% 202 0.1% -41.4%
Hyundai 36 0.1% -74.6% 335 0.1% -57.0%
Renault 24 0.1% -14.3% 111 0.0% -0.9%
Peugeot 18 0.1% 157.1% 147 0.1% 182.7%
Scania 13 0.1% -71.7% 113 0.0% -65.8%
FAW 12 0.0% -52.0% 147 0.1% 2.8%
Tata 6 0.0% -80.0% 179 0.1% -54.8%
Audi 2 0.0% 100.0% 23 0.0% 35.3%
Datsun - -% -% 300 0.1% -93.0%
Chevrolet - -% -% 54 0.0% -94.0%
MAN - -% -% 10 0.0% -50.0%
Total 25,283 100.0% -71.8% 286,215 100.0% -50.1%


Flash report, June 2020

16 Jul. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indonesian sales down 78.9% in June due to coronavirus
Indonesian automobile manufacturers association (Gaikindo) and other sources reported that Indonesian vehicle sales in June 2020 were 12,623 units, down 78.9% year over year due to coronavirus.
January - June sales were down 46.0% to 260,933 units.
By automaker sales in June, Toyota fell 80.0% y/y to 3,705 units and a 29.4% market share. Suzuki was down 61.9% to 2,755 units and a 21.8% market share. Mitsubishi decreased 80.7% to 1,767 units and a 14.0% market share. Honda was down 83.2% to 1,267 units and a 10.0% market share. Isuzu fell 62.0% to 693 units and a 5.5% market share.
Gaikindo predicts that vehicle sales this year are only 600 thousand units or down compared to pre-pandemic projections of 1.1 million units.

Indonesia new vehicle sales by make (Wholesales)
Maker/Brand Jun. 2020 Jan.-Jun.
units Share Y-o-Y units Share Y-o-Y
Toyota 3,705 29.4% -80.0% 81,816 31.4% -47.0%
Suzuki 2,755 21.8% -61.9% 28,786 11.0% -38.2%
Mitsubishi 1,767 14.0% -80.7% 27,932 10.7% -54.8%
Honda 1,267 10.0% -83.2% 38,769 14.9% -34.4%
Isuzu 693 5.5% -62.0% 7,107 2.7% -37.0%
Mitsubishi Fuso 637 5.0% -77.2% 10,061 3.9% -47.4%
Hino 634 5.0% -61.7% 5,861 2.2% -57.1%
Daihatsu 331 2.6% -94.5% 49,774 19.1% -42.8%
Nissan 156 1.2% -86.6% 2,301 0.9% -67.9%
Mazda 116 0.9% -36.3% 1,136 0.4% -52.2%
Mercedes Benz 105 0.8% -68.8% 1,138 0.4% -56.0%
BMW 89 0.7% -32.1% 847 0.3% -18.5%
Lexus 70 0.6% -16.7% 442 0.2% -28.7%
DFSK 54 0.4% -86.5% 760 0.3% -42.0%
UD Trucks 40 0.3% -73.5% 237 0.1% -80.9%
Wuling 34 0.3% -97.6% 1,848 0.7% -76.2%
Kia 32 0.3% -% 338 0.1% -%
Hyundai 30 0.2% -55.2% 299 0.1% -53.1%
MINI 23 0.2% -54.0% 159 0.1% -42.2%
Peugeot 17 0.1% 183.3% 129 0.0% 186.7%
VW 16 0.1% -30.4% 313 0.1% 167.5%
Scania 16 0.1% -63.6% 100 0.0% -64.8%
Renault 15 0.1% -46.4% 87 0.0% 3.6%
Tata 8 0.1% -83.3% 173 0.1% -52.7%
Audi 7 0.1% 250.0% 21 0.0% 31.3%
FAW 5 0.0% -54.5% 135 0.1% 14.4%
MAN 1 0.0% 0.0% 10 0.0% -44.4%
Datsun - -% -% 300 0.1% -92.2%
Chevrolet - -% -% 54 0.0% -93.8%
Total 12,623 100.0% -78.9% 260,933 100.0% -46.0%


Flash report, May 2020

16 Jun. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indonesian sales down 95.8% in May due to coronavirus
Indonesian automobile manufacturers association (Gaikindo) and other sources reported that Indonesian vehicle sales in May 2020 were 3,551 units, down 95.8% year over year due to coronavirus.
January - May sales were down 41.4% to 248,310 units.
By automaker sales in May, Mitsubishi fell 91.5% y/y to 785 units and a 22.1% market share. Suzuki was down 91.1% to 779 units and a 21.9% market share. Toyota decreased 97.6% to 695 units and a 19.6% market share. Isuzu was down 77.5% to 379 units and a 10.7% market share. Hino fell 85.0% to 251 units and a 7.1% market share.

Indonesia new vehicle sales by make
Maker/Brand May 2020 Jan.-May
units Share Y-o-Y units Share Y-o-Y
Mitsubishi 785 22.1% -91.5% 26,165 10.5% -50.3%
Suzuki 779 21.9% -91.1% 26,031 10.5% -33.8%
Toyota 695 19.6% -97.6% 78,111 31.5% -42.5%
Isuzu 379 10.7% -77.5% 6,414 2.6% -32.2%
Hino 251 7.1% -85.0% 5,227 2.1% -56.5%
Mitsubishi Fuso 134 3.8% -94.7% 9,424 3.8% -42.3%
Honda 101 2.8% -99.1% 37,502 15.1% -27.2%
Mercedes Benz 72 2.0% -83.6% 1,033 0.4% -54.0%
Nissan 57 1.6% -95.3% 2,145 0.9% -64.3%
BMW 57 1.6% -72.9% 758 0.3% -16.5%
Wuling 37 1.0% -98.2% 1,814 0.7% -71.4%
Mazda 35 1.0% -92.6% 1,020 0.4% -53.5%
DFSK 33 0.9% -90.2% 706 0.3% -22.4%
Kia 32 0.9% -% 306 0.1% -%
Renault 24 0.7% -42.9% 72 0.0% 28.6%
Lexus 21 0.6% -81.6% 372 0.1% -30.6%
Hyundai 15 0.4% -89.3% 269 0.1% -52.8%
MINI 11 0.3% -78.0% 136 0.1% -39.6%
Scania 8 0.2% -83.7% 84 0.0% -65.0%
Peugeot 7 0.2% 0.0% 112 0.0% 187.2%
Audi 5 0.1% 150.0% 14 0.0% 0.0%
MAN 5 0.1% -% 9 0.0% -47.1%
VW 3 0.1% -82.4% 297 0.1% 216.0%
FAW 3 0.1% -91.4% 130 0.1% 21.5%
Tata 2 0.1% -94.6% 165 0.1% -48.1%
Daihatsu - -% -% 49,443 19.9% -39.0%
Datsun - -% -% 300 0.1% -90.2%
UD Trucks - -% -% 197 0.1% -81.9%
Chevrolet - -% -% 54 0.0% -93.3%
Total 3,551 100.0% -95.8% 248,310 100.0% -41.4%


Flash report, April 2020

20 May 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indonesian sales down 90.7% in April due to coronavirus
Indonesian automobile manufacturers association (Gaikindo) and other sources reported that Indonesian vehicle sales in April 2020 were 7,871 units, down 90.7% year over year due to the coronavirus.
January - April sales were down 27.9% to 244,762 units.
By automaker sales in April, Toyota was down 93.0% y/y to 2,056 units with a 26.1% market share. Daihatsu was down 91.8% to 1,330 units with a 16.9% market share. Honda was down 89.8% to 1,183 units with a 15.0% market share. Suzuki was down 86.4% to 1,042 units with a 13.2% market share. Mitsubishi was down 89.7% to 808 units with a 10.3% market share.

Indonesia new vehicle sales by make (Wholesales)
Maker/Brand Apr. 2020 Jan.-Apr.
units Share Y-o-Y units Share Y-o-Y
Toyota 2,056 26.1% -93.0% 77,419 31.6% -27.4%
Daihatsu 1,330 16.9% -91.8% 49,443 20.2% -26.0%
Honda 1,183 15.0% -89.8% 37,401 15.3% -7.6%
Suzuki 1,042 13.2% -86.4% 25,252 10.3% -17.3%
Mitsubishi 808 10.3% -89.7% 25,380 10.4% -41.5%
Hino 339 4.3% -84.6% 4,976 2.0% -51.9%
Isuzu 335 4.3% -81.6% 6,035 2.5% -22.4%
Mitsubishi Fuso 305 3.9% -86.4% 9,290 3.8% -32.6%
BMW 78 1.0% -47.3% 701 0.3% 0.4%
Nissan 58 0.7% -93.6% 2,088 0.9% -56.5%
Mercedes Benz 57 0.7% -86.1% 961 0.4% -46.8%
Mazda 43 0.5% -90.1% 985 0.4% -42.9%
Lexus 37 0.5% -71.8% 351 0.1% -16.8%
Wuling 29 0.4% -98.1% 1,777 0.7% -58.5%
UD Trucks 27 0.3% -88.2% 197 0.1% -77.8%
DFSK 25 0.3% -83.6% 673 0.3% 17.7%
Peugeot 22 0.3% 144.4% 105 0.0% 228.1%
Hyundai 21 0.3% -86.6% 254 0.1% -40.9%
Kia 19 0.2% -% 274 0.1% -%
FAW 17 0.2% -43.3% 127 0.1% 76.4%
Scania 12 0.2% -72.1% 76 0.0% -60.2%
VW 9 0.1% 125.0% 294 0.1% 281.8%
MINI 8 0.1% -84.0% 125 0.1% -28.6%
Chevrolet 4 0.1% -97.4% 54 0.0% -91.8%
Audi 4 0.1% 0.0% 9 0.0% -25.0%
Renault 2 0.0% -75.0% 48 0.0% 242.9%
Tata 1 0.0% -97.6% 163 0.1% -42.0%
Datsun - -% -% 300 0.1% -87.8%
MAN - -% -% 4 0.0% -76.5%
Total 7,871 100.0% -90.7% 244,762 100.0% -27.9%


Flash report, March 2020

17 Apr. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indonesian sales down 15.3% in March

Indonesian automobile manufacturers association (Gaikindo) and other sources reported that Indonesian vehicle sales in March 2020 were 76,800 units, down 15.3% year over year.
January - March sales were down 7.2% to 236,825 units.
By automaker sales in March, Toyota was down 8.8% y/y to 26,191 units with a 34.1% market share. Daihatsu was down 7.5% to 18,162 units with a 23.6% market share. Honda was up 48.2% to 12,068 units with a 15.7% market share. Mitsubishi was down 42.4% to 7,582 units with a 9.9% market share. Suzuki was down 19.2% to 5,085 units with a 6.6% market share.

Indonesia new vehicle sales by make
Maker/Brand Mar. 2020 Jan.-Mar.
units Share Y-o-Y units Share Y-o-Y
Toyota 26,191 34.1% -8.8% 75,363 31.8% -2.5%
Daihatsu 18,162 23.6% -7.5% 48,113 20.3% -5.1%
Honda 12,068 15.7% 48.2% 36,218 15.3% 25.6%
Mitsubishi 7,582 9.9% -42.4% 24,572 10.4% -30.9%
Suzuki 5,085 6.6% -19.2% 24,210 10.2% 5.9%
Mitsubishi Fuso 2,777 3.6% -6.1% 8,985 3.8% -22.2%
Isuzu 1,325 1.7% -26.9% 5,700 2.4% -4.4%
Hino 1,168 1.5% -56.3% 4,637 2.0% -43.1%
Nissan 600 0.8% -81.1% 2,030 0.9% -48.0%
Wuling 384 0.5% -67.8% 1,748 0.7% -36.5%
Mercedes Benz 324 0.4% -33.3% 904 0.4% -35.3%
BMW 253 0.3% 26.5% 623 0.3% 13.3%
Mazda 208 0.3% -52.1% 942 0.4% -27.0%
Lexus 155 0.2% -8.8% 314 0.1% 7.9%
DFSK 101 0.1% -37.3% 648 0.3% 54.3%
Kia 73 0.1% -% 255 0.1% -%
UD Trucks 63 0.1% -72.7% 170 0.1% -74.3%
VW 48 0.1% 77.8% 285 0.1% 290.4%
FAW 42 0.1% 162.5% 108 0.0% 157.1%
MINI 35 0.0% -30.0% 117 0.0% -6.4%
Peugeot 35 0.0% 150.0% 83 0.0% 260.9%
Chevrolet 34 0.0% -84.3% 50 0.0% -90.2%
Hyundai 33 0.0% -59.3% 233 0.1% -14.7%
Datsun 27 0.0% -96.0% 300 0.1% -80.8%
Renault 17 0.0% 750.0% 46 0.0% 666.7%
Tata 7 0.0% -89.4% 162 0.1% -32.2%
MAN 2 0.0% -33.3% 4 0.0% -71.4%
Audi 1 0.0% -75.0% 5 0.0% -37.5%
Total 76,800 100.0% -15.3% 236,825 100.0% -7.2%


Flash report, February 2020

2 Apr. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indonesian sales down 3.1% in February
Indonesian automobile manufacturers association (Gaikindo) and other sources reported that Indonesian vehicle sales in February 2020 were 79,573 units, down 3.1% year over year.
By automaker sales in February, Toyota was up 6.9% y/y to 25,053 units with a 31.5% market share. Daihatsu was down 3.2% to 15,778 units with a 19.8% market share. Honda was up 6.9% to 11,373 units with a 14.3% market share. Suzuki was up 3.7% to 8,613 units with a 10.8% market share. Mitsubishi was down 27.0% to 7,811 units with a 9.8% market share.

Indonesia new vehicle sales by make
Maker/Brand Feb. 2020 Jan.-Feb.
units Share Y-o-Y units Share Y-o-Y
Toyota 25,053 31.5% 6.9% 49,172 30.7% 1.3%
Daihatsu 15,778 19.8% -3.2% 29,951 18.7% -3.6%
Honda 11,373 14.3% 6.9% 24,150 15.1% 16.7%
Suzuki 8,613 10.8% 3.7% 19,125 12.0% 15.4%
Mitsubishi 7,811 9.8% -27.0% 16,990 10.6% -24.2%
Mitsubishi Fuso 3,092 3.9% -21.0% 6,208 3.9% -27.7%
Isuzu 2,044 2.6% 13.2% 4,375 2.7% 5.5%
Hino 2,004 2.5% -26.4% 3,469 2.2% -36.7%
Wuling 875 1.1% -27.0% 1,364 0.9% -12.5%
Nissan 845 1.1% 146.4% 1,430 0.9% 95.9%
Mazda 437 0.5% 1.9% 734 0.5% -14.4%
Mercedes Benz 361 0.5% -21.0% 580 0.4% -36.4%
DFSK 304 0.4% 94.9% 547 0.3% 111.2%
BMW 215 0.3% 22.9% 370 0.2% 5.7%
Kia 128 0.2% -% 182 0.1% -%
Lexus 127 0.2% 13.4% 159 0.1% 31.4%
VW 114 0.1% 267.7% 237 0.1% 415.2%
Tata 100 0.1% 35.1% 155 0.1% -10.4%
Hyundai 70 0.1% -32.7% 200 0.1% 4.2%
UD Trucks 60 0.1% -76.0% 107 0.1% -75.1%
MINI 50 0.1% 25.0% 82 0.1% 9.3%
FAW 48 0.1% 380.0% 66 0.0% 153.8%
Datsun 47 0.1% -92.6% 273 0.2% -69.3%
Renault 14 0.0% 1300.0% 29 0.0% 625.0%
Chevrolet 5 0.0% -97.2% 16 0.0% -94.5%
Peugeot 3 0.0% -66.7% 20 0.0% 122.2%
Audi 1 0.0% 0.0% 4 0.0% 0.0%
MAN 1 0.0% -66.7% 2 0.0% -81.8%
Total 79,573 100.0% -3.1% 159,997 100.0% -2.8%


Flash report, January 2020

28 Feb. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indonesian sales down 3.0% in January
Indonesian automobile manufacturers association (Gaikindo) and other sources reported that Indonesian vehicle sales in January 2020 were 79,983 units, down 3.0% year over year.
By automaker sales in January, Toyota was down 3.8% y/y to 24,119 units with a 30.2% market share. Daihatsu was down 4.0% to 14,173 units with a 17.7% market share. Honda was up 27.0% to 12,777 units with a 16.0% market share. Suzuki was up 27.1% to 10,512 units with a 13.1% market share. Mitsubishi was down 21.6% to 9,179 units with a 11.5% market share.
Gaikindo aims to sell about 1.08 million units in 2020, up 5% from the previous year.

Indonesia new vehicle sales by make (Wholesales)
Maker/Brand Jan. 2020
units Share Y-o-Y
Toyota 24,119 30.2% -3.8%
Daihatsu 14,173 17.7% -4.0%
Honda 12,777 16.0% 27.0%
Suzuki 10,512 13.1% 27.1%
Mitsubishi 9,179 11.5% -21.6%
Mitsubishi Fuso 3,116 3.9% -33.3%
Isuzu 1,901 2.4% -18.9%
Hino 1,465 1.8% -46.8%
Nissan 585 0.7% 51.2%
Wuling 489 0.6% 35.8%
Mazda 297 0.4% -30.6%
DFSK 243 0.3% 135.9%
Datsun 226 0.3% -12.4%
Mercedes Benz 219 0.3% -51.9%
BMW 175 0.2% 0.0%
Hyundai 130 0.2% 47.7%
VW 123 0.2% 720.0%
Tata 55 0.1% -44.4%
UD Trucks 47 0.1% -73.9%
MINI 40 0.1% 14.3%
FAW 33 0.0% 106.3%
Lexus 32 0.0% 255.6%
Peugeot 17 0.0% -%
Renault 15 0.0% 400.0%
Scania 11 0.0% -73.2%
Audi 3 0.0% 0.0%
MAN 1 0.0% -87.5%
Total 79,983 100.0% -3.0%