Russia - Automotive Sales volume, 2024

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*The number of units listed is the number at the time of the announcement.

Flash report, Automotive sales volume, 2024

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, September 2024

Oct 11, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Russian vehicle sales increase 135.1% in September
The 151,491 new cars and light commercial vehicles sold in Russia in September represented an increase 135.1% compared to the same month in 2023 according to the Association of European Business (AEB) Automobile Manufacturers Committee on October 3 (Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material).
Alexey Kalitsev, Chairman of the Automobile Manufacturers Committee, commented “As the Committee expected, sales of new cars and light commercial vehicles kept on growing in September. As forecasted, this is largely due to the expectation of price increases amid changes in disposal fee rates and an increase in the key rate.
However, despite the success, overall sales in the third quarter did not go beyond the sales volume in the second quarter of this year. This may indicate that we are approaching a limitation of the market's growth potential due to a decrease in purchasing power and the satisfaction of deferred demand from consumers. Most likely, the positive dynamics will continue in the coming months, but will not be as rapid. The results of 9 months demonstrate that, with a high degree of probability, by the end of 2024 the market will achieve higher figures than the Committee forecasted earlier.”

Russia - Sales of new vehicles by type

Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material.
The number of units by brand will be included in the annual update.
Sep. 2024 Sep. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger cars N/A N/A -%
Light Trucks (Pickup Truck, SUV) N/A N/A -%
Total 151,491 64,429 135.1%
Source: Association of European Businesses (AEB)

More detailed statistics for Russia


Flash report, August 2024

Sep 5, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Russian vehicle sales increase 156.2% in August
The 152,012 new cars and light commercial vehicles sold in Russia in August represented an increase 156.2% compared to the same month in 2023 according to the Association of European Business (AEB) Automobile Manufacturers Committee on September 4 (Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material).
Alexey Kalitsev, Chairman of the Automobile Manufacturers Committee, commented “Sales of new cars in August 2024 showed the best August result in 10 years. Obviously, this is due to a range of factors. Firstly, it should be noted that, against the background of a shortage of offers on the market after February 2022, a significant deferred demand was formed. It has been being satisfied as the market is saturated with new models.
In addition, expecting the increase in disposal fees from October 1, buyers are in a hurry to purchase a new car.
We also should not forget about the change in the tax legislation and further decisions on the key rate. Thus, the August which is used to be "calm" due to holidays, hits a ten-year record.
With a high degree of probability, this trend will continue in September, unless new factors influencing consumer behavior appear."

Russia - Sales of new vehicles by type

Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material.
The number of units by brand will be included in the annual update.
Aug. 2024 Aug. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger cars N/A N/A -%
Light Trucks (Pickup Truck, SUV) N/A N/A -%
Total 152,012 59,332 156.2%
Source: Association of European Businesses (AEB)

More detailed statistics for Russia


Flash report, July 2024

Aug 6, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Russian vehicle sales increase 133.2% in July
The 123,217 new cars and light commercial vehicles sold in Russia in July represented an increase 133.2% compared to the same month in 2023 according to the Association of European Business (AEB) Automobile Manufacturers Committee on August 5 (Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material).
Alexey Kalitsev, Chairman of the Automobile Manufacturers Committee, comments: The Russian market for new cars is growing relentlessly. Despite the slowdown in sales dynamics, the potential for growth remains. Obviously, the share of cars coming in as parallel imports is dwindling toward insignificance. The automotive market is already one where official importers and manufacturers are consolidating their dominance. However, we will soon see a reduction in car imports as well, due to a number of factors and government initiatives aimed at stimulating local production.
Some of the most noteworthy factors that will impact how the new car market develops are the planned significant incremental increase in the disposal fee and the upcoming tax reform. These factors will start to have a significant impact in the near future, but it will only be possible to fully assess it at the end of this year or the beginning of next year. At present, the Committee believes that the forecast for 2024 at the level of 1.45 million sold new cars published last month has every chance of being realized.

Russia - Sales of new vehicles by type

Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material.
The number of units by brand will be included in the annual update.
Jul. 2024 Jul. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger cars N/A N/A -%
Light Trucks (Pickup Truck, SUV) N/A N/A -%
Total 123,217 52,832 133.2%
Source: Association of European Businesses (AEB)

More detailed statistics for Russia


Flash report, June 2024

Jul 4, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Russian vehicle sales increase 49.6% in June, increase 74.5% in first half of 2024
The 130,715 new cars and light commercial vehicles sold in Russia in June represented an increase 49.6% compared to the same month in 2023 according to the Association of European Business (AEB) Automobile Manufacturers Committee on July 3 (Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material). Year-to-date sales increased 74.5% with 703,765 cars registered in the first half of 2024.
Alexey Kalitsev, Chairman of the Automobile Manufacturers Committee, commented “The main trend of the first half of 2024 was the rapid growth of the new car sales market, which exceeded the forecast values of the beginning of the year. In January, the AEB forecasted the market size of 1.3 million sold cars in 2024.
The Government’s efforts aimed at reducing the volume of parallel imports and increasing the localization of car production, as well as regulating imports through the EAEU countries, at a certain point contributed to a slowdown in growth, however, did not change the trend.
The main source of the market growth continues to be the import of new cars. However, due to the ongoing and planned launch of production, in the future the share of imports will decrease, as we already observed in the past, during the period of active localization of foreign manufacturers. It is also worth noting that, in general, the volume of cars imported through alternative sources is practically not growing. And its share dropped to 18% in the first half of the year.
On the demand side, while remains at a fairly high level, despite quite wide offers, there is no increase in traffic in dealer centers. One of the reasons for this is the high cost of loans due to the Central Bank’s continuing high key rate.
Taking into account various economic, regulatory, political factors and, assuming that sanctions and other pressure will remain at the same level until the end of the year, the Automobile Manufacturers Committee updates its forecast for 2024 at the level of 1.45 million sold new cars."

Russia - Sales of new vehicles by type

Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material.
The number of units by brand will be included in the annual update.
Jun. 2024*1 Y-o-Y*1 Jan.-Jun.
Passenger cars N/A -% N/A -%
Light Trucks (Pickup Truck, SUV) N/A -% N/A -%
Total 130,715 49.6% 703,765 74.5%
Source: Association of European Businesses (AEB)
*1 Data announced by AEB.

More detailed statistics for Russia


Flash report, May 2024

Jun 5, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Russian vehicle sales increase 143.9% in May
The 125,501 new cars and light commercial vehicles sold in Russia in May represented an increase 143.9% compared to the same month in 2023 according to the Association of European Business (AEB) Automobile Manufacturers Committee on June 4 (Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material).
Alexey Kalitsev, Chairman of the Automobile Manufacturers Committee, commented “June will show whether the slowdown in market growth is sustainable.
January to May sales are up +81% to 617,000 of new vehicles, suggesting that our 2024 forecast presented in January has a good chance of being realized. We will update it in our next press release at the same time as present the data for the first half of 2024.
We are closely monitoring decisions that could significantly affect the market situation in the near future, in particular, a possible change in the key rate by the Central Bank, as well as the level and timing of the increase in the disposal fee.
In general, transparency and predictability of working conditions and decision-making by regulators remain important for the stable development of the industry.”

Russia - Sales of new vehicles by type

Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material.
The number of units by brand will be included in the annual update.
May 2024 May 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger cars N/A N/A -%
Light Trucks (Pickup Truck, SUV) N/A N/A -%
Total 125,501 51,466 143.9%
Source: Association of European Businesses (AEB)

More detailed statistics for Russia


Flash report, April 2024

May 7, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Russian vehicle sales increase 132.4% in April
The 126,140 new cars and light commercial vehicles sold in Russia in April represented an increase 132.4% compared to the same month in 2023 according to the Association of European Business (AEB) Automobile Manufacturers Committee on May 3 (Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material).
Alexey Kalitsev, Chairman of the Automobile Manufacturers Committee, commented "The market continues to adapt to changing rules of the industry regulations, which also include the amended rules for recalculation of the disposal fees on cars imported from the EAEU countries which came onto force as of April 1, 2024. The restart of production sites, as well as the Government’s efforts to create conditions for the successful localization of new automakers entering or already operating in Russia, will contribute to the expansion of offers on the domestic market. It is especially important to attract the most advanced technologies, such as of hybrid and electric powertrains. As already noted, there is currently an increase in consumer interest in such cars. However, one of the limiting factors for their acquisition continues to be the existing approach to calculating excise taxes and other payments, which is based on simple addition of engines’ powers, which is incorrect from a technical point of view. In this regard, the development and implementation of a methodology for calculating the power of vehicles with two or more engines remains relevant. We have already contacted relevant government authorities with a proposal to conduct a respective research and hope that they will initiate it thus supporting this initiative.”

Russia - Sales of new vehicles by type

Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material.
The number of units by brand will be included in the annual update.
Apr. 2024 Apr. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger cars N/A N/A -%
Light Trucks (Pickup Truck, SUV) N/A N/A -%
Total 126,140 54,270 132.4%
Source: Association of European Businesses (AEB)

More detailed statistics for Russia


Flash report, March 2024

Apr 9, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Russian car sales increase 107.9% in March
The 100,658 new cars and light commercial vehicles (LCV) sold in Russia in March 2024 represented an increase of 107.9% compared to the same month in 2023 according to the Association of European Business (AEB) Automobile Manufacturers Committee on April 3.(Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material)
The 249,118 new cars and LCVs sold in the first three months of 2024 represented an increase of 62.3% over the same period in 2023.
Among the five largest OEM retailers in Russia in March 2024, Lada sales were up 42.5% to 91,563 units, Haval sales were up 125.2% to 37,470 units, Chery was up 74.4% to 33,00 2units, Geely was up 129.7% to 29,104 units and GAZ LCV was up 24.3% to 11,878 units.
The 3 bestselling models sold in March were the Lada Granta, Lada Niva and Lada Vesta.

Russia - Sales of new vehicles by type

Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material.
The number of units by brand will be included in the annual update.
Mar. 2024 Mar. 2023 Y-o-Y Jan.-Mar.
Passenger cars N/A N/A -% N/A N/A -%
Light Trucks (Pickup Truck, SUV) N/A N/A -% N/A N/A -%
Total 100,658 48,414 107.9% 249,118 153,477 62.3%
Source: Association of European Businesses (AEB)

More detailed statistics for Russia


Flash report, February 2024

Mar 6, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Russian car sales increase 98.9% in February
The 83,260 new cars and light commercial vehicles sold in Russia in February represented an increase 98.9% compared to the same month in 2023 according to the Association of European Business (AEB) Automobile Manufacturers Committee on March 5 (Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material).
Alexey Kalitsev, Chairman of the Automobile Manufacturers Committee, commented Alexey Kalitsev, Chairman of the Automobile Manufacturers Committee, commented "In February, the impact of market oversaturation due to high levels of inventory remains but becomes less pronounced.
The state introduces and adapts various support measures and restrictions in order to regulate the automobile market, which should stimulate and strengthen the development of local production. At the same time, opportunities are provided for further successful development of the automotive business, including for players with newly acquired assets. In particular, the list of Russian-made cars recommended for government procurement has been expanded.
Other measures include the following:
- From February 1, the simplified certification system ceased to apply to electric vehicles imported officially. In the short term, this will not contribute to the growth of sales of such cars, but it should obviously stimulate local production and have a positive effect on the technical support of the sold cars. -From April 1, an additional disposal fee will be charged for cars imported through the EAEU countries. It is likely that this measure supports the market in February and March, when the “window” is still open and those wishing to buy a cheaper car will try to take advantage of it. Based on market trends in January-February, there are good preconditions for continued growth in March.”

Russia - Sales of new vehicles by type

Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material.
The number of units by brand will be included in the annual update.
Feb. 2024 Feb. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger cars N/A N/A -%
Light Trucks (Pickup Truck, SUV) N/A N/A -%
Total 83,260 41,851 98.9%
Source: Association of European Businesses (AEB)

More detailed statistics for Russia


Flash report, January 2024

Feb 6, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Russian car sales increase 100.6% in January
The 65,200 new cars and light commercial vehicles sold in Russia in January represented an increase 100.6% compared to the same month in 2023 according to the Association of European Business (AEB) Automobile Manufacturers Committee on February 5 (Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material).
Alexey Kalitsev, Chairman of the Automobile Manufacturers Committee, commented “Market dynamics were influenced by ongoing adaptation to internal and external factors. One of these factors is market saturation due to high levels of inventory concentrated in the crossover segment. Also, the growth figures are driven by the low base of January last year. Compared to December 2023, there is a slowdown, which is typical for January, since traditionally in December contracting is more dynamic due to the upcoming holidays. It is obvious that the impact of a significant increase in the key rate, disposal fee and other factors continues, that’s why many customers are postponing the purchase of a new car.
To further maintain the growing trend, it is necessary to strengthen measures to support consumer demand both from dealers and manufacturers, and at the state level as well. In February, we will be able to assess the development trends of the automotive market with greater accuracy."

Russia - Sales of new vehicles by type

Only total numbers are available due to limitations relating to the source material.
The number of units by brand will be included in the annual update.

Jan. 2024 Jan. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger cars N/A N/A -%
Light Trucks (Pickup Truck, SUV) N/A N/A -%
Total 65,200 32,499 100.6%

Source: Association of European Businesses (AEB)

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