Toshiba SCiB Cell High Power Product Strategy

From the Smart Energy Week 2021 Battery Japan Expert Technical Session



  Based on a technical presentation at the 12th International Rechargeable Battery Expo - Battery Japan (March 3-5, 2021, Tokyo Big Sight), this report introduces the principle features and future strategy of the SCiBTM lithium-ion rechargeable battery, which Toshiba Corporation (Toshiba) has developed and produced independently since 2008. (Speaker: Ms. Asako Satoh, Cell Technology Executive, Battery Division, Toshiba Corporation)

  The electrodes of the latest lithium-ion batteries are made of a variety of materials on the positive electrode side, but graphite is nearly a standard for the negative electrode. In contrast to this, SCiBTM has been given a unique feature that sets it apart from other batteries by using a distinctive material on the negative electrode side.

チタン酸リチウムの物性 角形捲回構造のセル
The many advantages of SCiB are based on the physical properties of the anode material, lithium titanium oxide. Currently, the product is supplied as a cell with a square winding structure shown in the photo.

(Source: Toshiba)


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