WCX18: SAE World Congress Experience - Mobility and Connectivity

Panel sessions discuss effects of mobility and connectivity automotive megatrends



The Exchange presentation area at WCX18

The WCX18: SAE World Congress Experience was held from April 10 through April 12, 2018 in Detroit, Michigan, U.S. During the conference, multiple panel sessions highlighted potential considerations in expansion of mobility and connectivity in an automotive and transportation ecosystem. These sessions discussed ideas including the roles of various entities, issues to increase customer response and offered broader perspective on the impact of increased mobility and connectivity.

This report is the third report in a series which summarizes technologies, systems and ideas presented at WCX18 from displayed exhibits and speaking sessions. This report focuses on panel sessions which discussed topics related to themes of mobility and connectivity. Reports focusing on autonomous vehicle and clean vehicle technology were previously released.

Related reports:
Emerging Chinese EV makers: Rapid development with IT investment and partnerships (Apr. 2018)
The Mobility Services Business in Japan and Automated Driving Technology
(Mar. 2018)
GM, Google-Waymo to launch driverless cars for ride sharing for 2019 (Feb. 2018)
WCX: SAE World Congress Experience
WCX18: SAE World Congress Experience - Clean Vehicle Technology (Apr. 2018)
WCX18: SAE World Congress Experience - Autonomous Technology
(Apr. 2018)

This report is for paid members only. Remaining 3 chapters remaining.
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