Jetta (VW)

Jul 12, 2024

On July 10, it was announced that VW began production of the new Jetta at the Puebla, Mexico plant, after the three-week halt announced in June.

The first units have already left the production line of segment 1 of the Puebla plant. 

The marketing of this vehicle will focus first on the Mexican market and will later expand to the rest of North America.

This is the most produced model at the Puebla plant, with more than 6 million units manufactured in total.

(Cluster Industrial on July 10, 2024)

Jun 28, 2024

On June 26, the Independent Union of Automotive, Similar and Related Industry Workers, Volkswagen of Mexico (Sitiavw) announced through an internal statement that VW will temporarily stop operations of the Taos and Tiguan segment at the Puebla plant in Mexico due to modifications in production lines.

On the Taos production line, the production stoppage will be from July 1 to Wednesday, July 10, affecting both work shifts in the segment.

In the case of the production of the Tiguan, the three work shifts will stop activities from July 1 to 3.

With these scheduled production stoppages, both segments are added to the Jetta segment, which began on June 17 and will resume operations on July 8.

(Multiple sources on June 26, 2024)

Jun 19, 2024

On June 14, it was announced that the VW plant in Puebla, Mexico, will have a technical production stoppage in segment 1, dedicated to the production of the Jetta.

According to the Independent Union of Volkswagen Automotive Industry Workers of Mexico (SITIAVW), the production stoppage is due to adjustments that will be made on the line.

The duration of the productive stoppage will be three weeks, from June 17 to July 7, resuming activities on July 8, 2024.
The segments dedicated to the manufacturing of the Taos and Tiguan models will continue to work normally.

(Multiple sources on June 14, 2024)

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