Mexico - Flash report, Sales volume, 2015

More detailed statistics for Mexico

Flash report, Sales volume, 2015

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, December 2015

7 Jan. 2016

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Sales of new vehicles by type(including import cars)
2015Dec. 2014Dec. Y-o-Y 2015Jan.-Dec. 2014Jan.-Dec. Y-o-Y
Cars 100,242 87,096 15.1% 892,194 745,250 19.7%
Light Trucks 60,421 46,177 30.8% 459,454 390,159 17.8%
Total 160,663 133,273 20.6% 1,351,648 1,135,409 19.0%
Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

Sales of new passenger cars and light trucks
Maker/Brand 2015 2014 Y-o-Y 2015 2014 Y-o-Y
Dec. Share Dec. Share Jan.-Dec. Share Jan.-Dec. *1 Share
Nissan 38,582 24.0% 34,940 26.2% 10.4% 347,124 25.7% 291,729 25.7% 19.0%
GM 33,157 20.6% 24,428 18.3% 35.7% 256,150 19.0% 216,958 19.1% 18.1%
VW Group 22,044 13.7% 19,003 14.3% 16.0% 218,616 16.2% 195,333 17.2% 11.9%
 - VW 18,079 11.3% 15,743 11.8% 14.8% 179,113 13.3% 160,088 14.1% 11.9%
 - SEAT 2,327 1.4% 1,677 1.3% 38.8% 24,148 1.8% 21,330 1.9% 13.2%
 - Audi 1,516 0.9% 1,458 1.1% 4.0% 14,147 1.0% 12,939 1.1% 9.3%
 - Porsche 122 0.1% 125 0.1% -2.4% 1,208 0.1% 975 0.1% 23.9%
 - Bentley *3 N.D. -% N.D. -% -% N.D. -% N.D. -% -%
FCA 11,882 7.4% 10,730 8.1% 10.7% 103,052 7.6% 88,803 7.8% 16.0%
Ford Motor 11,224 7.0% 9,394 7.0% 19.5% 87,523 6.5% 79,097 7.0% 10.7%
Toyota 12,226 7.6% 9,826 7.4% 24.4% 84,779 6.3% 69,597 6.1% 21.8%
Honda 9,524 5.9% 8,628 6.5% 10.4% 73,505 5.4% 60,128 5.3% 22.2%
Mazda 8,213 5.1% 5,192 3.9% 58.2% 57,394 4.2% 40,997 3.6% 40.0%
Hyundai 2,676 1.7% 2,311 1.7% 15.8% 26,251 1.9% 12,064 1.1% 117.6%
Renault 2,805 1.7% 2,938 2.2% -4.5% 24,320 1.8% 24,889 2.2% -2.3%
Suzuki 1,166 0.7% 1,220 0.9% -4.4% 12,914 1.0% 12,510 1.1% 3.2%
BMW 1,138 0.7% 1,051 0.8% 8.3% 12,170 0.9% 10,502 0.9% 15.9%
Kia 2,115 1.3% 0 0.0% -% 11,021 0.8% 0 0.0% -%
Mercedes-Benz *2 1,387 0.9% 1,072 0.8% 29.4% 10,795 0.8% 9,174 0.8% 17.7%
Peugeot 588 0.4% 577 0.4% 1.9% 7,295 0.5% 6,147 0.5% 18.7%
MINI 535 0.3% 583 0.4% -8.2% 5,305 0.4% 4,400 0.4% 20.6%
Acura 263 0.2% 343 0.3% -23.3% 2,423 0.2% 2,595 0.2% -6.6%
Lincoln 260 0.2% 214 0.2% 21.5% 2,071 0.2% 1,868 0.2% 10.9%
Isuzu 201 0.1% 79 0.1% 154.4% 1,940 0.1% 1,468 0.1% 32.2%
Infiniti 203 0.1% 190 0.1% 6.8% 1,818 0.1% 1,475 0.1% 23.3%
Subaru 185 0.1% 131 0.1% 41.2% 1,618 0.1% 1,410 0.1% 14.8%
Land Rover 139 0.1% 180 0.1% -22.8% 1,346 0.1% 1,630 0.1% -17.4%
Volvo 126 0.1% 84 0.1% 50.0% 1,333 0.1% 1,063 0.1% 25.4%
smart 2 0.0% 139 0.1% -98.6% 695 0.1% 1,391 0.1% -50.0%
Jaguar 22 0.0% 20 0.0% 10.0% 190 0.0% 181 0.0% 5.0%
Total *1 160,663 100.0% 133,273 100.0% 20.6% 1,351,648 100.0% 1,135,409 100.0% 19.0%
*1 Data announced by AMIA.*2 The figure of Mercedes-Benz do not include Light trucks since November 2012.*3 Data on sales figures of Bentley has ceased to be supplied from the data source since February 2014.Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

More detailed statistics for Mexico


Flash report, November 2015

3 Dec. 2015

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Sales of new vehicles by type(including import cars)
2015Nov. 2014Nov. Y-o-Y 2015Jan.-Nov. 2014Jan.-Nov. Y-o-Y
Cars 81,714 72,236 13.1% 791,952 658,154 20.3%
Light Trucks 44,497 39,409 12.9% 399,033 343,982 16.0%
Total 126,211 111,645 13.0% 1,190,985 1,002,136 18.8%
Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

Sales of new passenger cars and light trucks
Maker/Brand 2015 2014 Y-o-Y 2015 2014 Y-o-Y
Nov. Share Nov. Share Jan.-Nov. Share Jan.-Nov. *1 Share
Nissan 29,752 23.6% 28,365 25.4% 4.9% 308,542 25.9% 256,789 25.6% 20.2%
GM 23,324 18.5% 20,118 18.0% 15.9% 222,993 18.7% 192,530 19.2% 15.8%
VW Group 20,438 16.2% 18,043 16.2% 13.3% 196,572 16.5% 176,330 17.6% 11.5%
 - VW 16,768 13.3% 14,841 13.3% 13.0% 161,034 13.5% 144,345 14.4% 11.6%
 - SEAT 2,321 1.8% 2,075 1.9% 11.9% 21,821 1.8% 19,653 2.0% 11.0%
 - Audi 1,243 1.0% 1,026 0.9% 21.2% 12,631 1.1% 11,481 1.1% 10.0%
 - Porsche 106 0.1% 101 0.1% 5.0% 1,086 0.1% 850 0.1% 27.8%
 - Bentley *3 N.D. -% N.D. -% -% N.D. -% N.D. -% -%
FCA 9,910 7.9% 9,012 8.1% 10.0% 91,170 7.7% 78,073 7.8% 16.8%
Toyota 9,165 7.3% 7,301 6.5% 25.5% 72,553 6.1% 59,771 6.0% 21.4%
Honda 7,704 6.1% 6,466 5.8% 19.1% 63,981 5.4% 51,500 5.1% 24.2%
Ford Motor 7,210 5.7% 7,316 6.6% -1.4% 76,299 6.4% 69,703 7.0% 9.5%
Mazda 5,048 4.0% 4,255 3.8% 18.6% 49,181 4.1% 35,805 3.6% 37.4%
Renault 2,870 2.3% 3,144 2.8% -8.7% 21,515 1.8% 21,951 2.2% -2.0%
Hyundai 2,549 2.0% 2,031 1.8% 25.5% 23,575 2.0% 9,753 1.0% 141.7%
Kia 2,247 1.8% 0 0.0% -% 8,906 0.7% 0 0.0% -%
Suzuki 1,400 1.1% 1,431 1.3% -2.2% 11,748 1.0% 11,290 1.1% 4.1%
BMW 1,202 1.0% 930 0.8% 29.2% 11,032 0.9% 9,451 0.9% 16.7%
Mercedes-Benz *2 913 0.7% 864 0.8% 5.7% 9,408 0.8% 8,102 0.8% 16.1%
Peugeot 746 0.6% 686 0.6% 8.7% 6,707 0.6% 5,570 0.6% 20.4%
MINI 452 0.4% 420 0.4% 7.6% 4,770 0.4% 3,817 0.4% 25.0%
Isuzu 260 0.2% 115 0.1% 126.1% 1,739 0.1% 1,389 0.1% 25.2%
Acura 224 0.2% 255 0.2% -12.2% 2,160 0.2% 2,252 0.2% -4.1%
Lincoln 185 0.1% 197 0.2% -6.1% 1,811 0.2% 1,654 0.2% 9.5%
Subaru 180 0.1% 148 0.1% 21.6% 1,433 0.1% 1,279 0.1% 12.0%
Infiniti 178 0.1% 163 0.1% 9.2% 1,615 0.1% 1,285 0.1% 25.7%
Volvo 119 0.1% 124 0.1% -4.0% 1,207 0.1% 979 0.1% 23.3%
Land Rover 106 0.1% 132 0.1% -19.7% 1,207 0.1% 1,450 0.1% -16.8%
Jaguar 27 0.0% 12 0.0% 125.0% 168 0.0% 161 0.0% 4.3%
smart 2 0.0% 117 0.1% -98.3% 693 0.1% 1,252 0.1% -44.6%
Total *1 126,211 100.0% 111,645 100.0% 13.0% 1,190,985 100.0% 1,002,136 100.0% 18.8%
*1 Data announced by AMIA.*2 The figure of Mercedes-Benz do not include Light trucks since November 2012.*3 Data on sales figures of Bentley has ceased to be supplied from the data source since February 2014.Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

More detailed statistics for Mexico


Flash report, October 2015

5 Nov. 2015

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Sales of new vehicles by type(including import cars)
2015Oct. 2014Oct. Y-o-Y 2015Jan.-Oct. 2014Jan.-Oct. Y-o-Y
Cars 76,884 65,434 17.5% 710,238 585,918 21.2%
Light Trucks 42,983 35,489 21.1% 354,536 304,573 16.4%
Total 119,867 100,923 18.8% 1,064,774 890,491 19.6%
Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

Sales of new passenger cars and light trucks
Maker/Brand 2015 2014 Y-o-Y 2015 2014 Y-o-Y
Oct. Share Oct. Share Jan.-Oct. Share Jan.-Oct. *1 Share
Nissan 32,330 27.0% 26,856 26.6% 20.4% 278,790 26.2% 228,424 25.7% 22.0%
GM 21,892 18.3% 18,406 18.2% 18.9% 199,669 18.8% 172,412 19.4% 15.8%
VW Group 19,230 16.0% 17,392 17.2% 10.6% 176,134 16.5% 158,287 17.8% 11.3%
 - VW 15,889 13.3% 14,498 14.4% 9.6% 144,266 13.5% 129,504 14.5% 11.4%
 - SEAT 2,057 1.7% 1,860 1.8% 10.6% 19,500 1.8% 17,578 2.0% 10.9%
 - Audi 1,165 1.0% 948 0.9% 22.9% 11,388 1.1% 10,455 1.2% 8.9%
 - Porsche 119 0.1% 86 0.1% 38.4% 980 0.1% 749 0.1% 30.8%
 - Bentley *3 N.D. -% N.D. -% -% N.D. -% N.D. -% -%
FCA 8,558 7.1% 7,294 7.2% 17.3% 81,260 7.6% 69,061 7.8% 17.7%
Toyota 7,820 6.5% 6,048 6.0% 29.3% 63,388 6.0% 52,470 5.9% 20.8%
Ford Motor 6,881 5.7% 6,573 6.5% 4.7% 69,089 6.5% 62,387 7.0% 10.7%
Honda 6,631 5.5% 5,453 5.4% 21.6% 56,277 5.3% 45,034 5.1% 25.0%
Mazda 4,698 3.9% 3,766 3.7% 24.7% 44,133 4.1% 31,550 3.5% 39.9%
Hyundai 2,404 2.0% 1,812 1.8% 32.7% 21,026 2.0% 7,722 0.9% 172.3%
Renault 2,169 1.8% 2,254 2.2% -3.8% 18,645 1.8% 18,807 2.1% -0.9%
Kia 1,829 1.5% 0 0.0% -% 6,659 0.6% 0 0.0% -%
Suzuki 1,119 0.9% 1,056 1.0% 6.0% 10,348 1.0% 9,859 1.1% 5.0%
BMW 1,100 0.9% 885 0.9% 24.3% 9,830 0.9% 8,521 1.0% 15.4%
Mercedes-Benz *2 927 0.8% 879 0.9% 5.5% 8,495 0.8% 7,238 0.8% 17.4%
Peugeot 601 0.5% 528 0.5% 13.8% 5,961 0.6% 4,884 0.5% 22.1%
MINI 450 0.4% 420 0.4% 7.1% 4,318 0.4% 3,397 0.4% 27.1%
Isuzu 323 0.3% 201 0.2% 60.7% 1,479 0.1% 1,274 0.1% 16.1%
Infiniti 170 0.1% 148 0.1% 14.9% 1,437 0.1% 1,122 0.1% 28.1%
Subaru 170 0.1% 112 0.1% 51.8% 1,253 0.1% 1,131 0.1% 10.8%
Lincoln 163 0.1% 201 0.2% -18.9% 1,626 0.2% 1,457 0.2% 11.6%
Acura 156 0.1% 268 0.3% -41.8% 1,936 0.2% 1,997 0.2% -3.1%
Volvo 125 0.1% 121 0.1% 3.3% 1,088 0.1% 855 0.1% 27.3%
Land Rover 95 0.1% 144 0.1% -34.0% 1,101 0.1% 1,318 0.1% -16.5%
Jaguar 20 0.0% 16 0.0% 25.0% 141 0.0% 149 0.0% -5.4%
smart 6 0.0% 90 0.1% -93.3% 691 0.1% 1,135 0.1% -39.1%
Total *1 119,867 100.0% 100,923 100.0% 18.8% 1,064,774 100.0% 890,491 100.0% 19.6%
*1 Data announced by AMIA.*2 The figure of Mercedes-Benz do not include Light trucks since November 2012.*3 Data on sales figures of Bentley has ceased to be supplied from the data source since February 2014.Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

More detailed statistics for Mexico


Flash report, September 2015

2 Oct. 2015

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Sales of new vehicles by type(including import cars)
2015Sep. 2014Sep. Y-o-Y 2015Jan.-Sep. 2014Jan.-Sep. Y-o-Y
Cars 73,178 58,107 25.9% 633,354 520,484 21.7%
Light Trucks 38,152 31,009 23.0% 311,553 269,084 15.8%
Total 111,330 89,116 24.9% 944,907 789,568 19.7%
Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

Sales of new passenger cars and light trucks
Maker/Brand 2015 2014 Y-o-Y 2015 2014 Y-o-Y
Sep. Share Sep. Share Jan.-Sep. Share Jan.-Sep. *1 Share
Nissan 28,145 25.3% 23,954 26.9% 17.5% 246,460 26.1% 201,568 25.5% 22.3%
GM 20,160 18.1% 15,113 17.0% 33.4% 177,777 18.8% 154,006 19.5% 15.4%
VW Group 18,580 16.7% 16,189 18.2% 14.8% 156,904 16.6% 140,894 17.8% 11.4%
 - VW 15,333 13.8% 13,126 14.7% 16.8% 128,377 13.6% 115,006 14.6% 11.6%
 - SEAT 1,898 1.7% 1,785 2.0% 6.3% 17,443 1.8% 15,718 2.0% 11.0%
 - Audi 1,239 1.1% 1,187 1.3% 4.4% 10,223 1.1% 9,507 1.2% 7.5%
 - Porsche 110 0.1% 91 0.1% 20.9% 861 0.1% 663 0.1% 29.9%
 - Bentley *3 N.D. -% N.D. -% -% N.D. -% N.D. -% -%
FCA 8,377 7.5% 6,319 7.1% 32.6% 72,702 7.7% 61,767 7.8% 17.7%
Toyota 7,030 6.3% 5,617 6.3% 25.2% 55,568 5.9% 46,422 5.9% 19.7%
Ford Motor 6,704 6.0% 4,978 5.6% 34.7% 62,208 6.6% 55,814 7.1% 11.5%
Honda 6,232 5.6% 5,194 5.8% 20.0% 49,646 5.3% 39,581 5.0% 25.4%
Mazda 4,434 4.0% 3,391 3.8% 30.8% 39,435 4.2% 27,784 3.5% 41.9%
Hyundai 2,518 2.3% 1,500 1.7% 67.9% 18,622 2.0% 5,910 0.7% 215.1%
Renault 2,077 1.9% 1,984 2.2% 4.7% 16,476 1.7% 16,553 2.1% -0.5%
Kia 1,711 1.5% 0 0.0% -% 4,830 0.5% 0 0.0% -%
BMW 1,125 1.0% 920 1.0% 22.3% 8,730 0.9% 7,636 1.0% 14.3%
Mercedes-Benz *2 931 0.8% 711 0.8% 30.9% 7,568 0.8% 6,359 0.8% 19.0%
Suzuki 930 0.8% 971 1.1% -4.2% 9,229 1.0% 8,803 1.1% 4.8%
Peugeot 717 0.6% 576 0.6% 24.5% 5,360 0.6% 4,356 0.6% 23.0%
MINI 460 0.4% 415 0.5% 10.8% 3,868 0.4% 2,977 0.4% 29.9%
Isuzu 303 0.3% 251 0.3% 20.7% 1,156 0.1% 1,073 0.1% 7.7%
Acura 205 0.2% 297 0.3% -31.0% 1,780 0.2% 1,729 0.2% 2.9%
Lincoln 197 0.2% 104 0.1% 89.4% 1,463 0.2% 1,256 0.2% 16.5%
Infiniti 168 0.2% 135 0.2% 24.4% 1,267 0.1% 974 0.1% 30.1%
Subaru 119 0.1% 116 0.1% 2.6% 1,083 0.1% 1,019 0.1% 6.3%
Volvo 96 0.1% 108 0.1% -11.1% 963 0.1% 734 0.1% 31.2%
Land Rover 75 0.1% 130 0.1% -42.3% 1,006 0.1% 1,174 0.1% -14.3%
Jaguar 22 0.0% 16 0.0% 37.5% 121 0.0% 133 0.0% -9.0%
smart 14 0.0% 127 0.1% -89.0% 685 0.1% 1,045 0.1% -34.4%
Total *1 111,330 100.0% 89,116 100.0% 24.9% 944,907 100.0% 789,568 100.0% 19.7%
*1 Data announced by AMIA.*2 The figure of Mercedes-Benz do not include Light trucks since November 2012.*3 Data on sales figures of Bentley has ceased to be supplied from the data source since February 2014.Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

More detailed statistics for Mexico


Flash report, August 2015

3 Sep. 2015

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Sales of new vehicles by type(including import cars)
2015Aug. 2014Aug. Y-o-Y 2015Jan.-Aug. 2014Jan.-Aug. Y-o-Y
Cars 76,694 68,611 11.8% 560,176 462,377 21.2%
Light Trucks 35,344 35,270 0.2% 273,401 238,075 14.8%
Total 112,038 103,881 7.9% 833,577 700,452 19.0%
Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

Sales of new passenger cars and light trucks
Maker/Brand 2015 2014 Y-o-Y 2015 2014 Y-o-Y
Aug. Share Aug. Share Jan.-Aug. Share Jan.-Aug. *1 Share
Nissan 29,179 26.0% 26,508 25.5% 10.1% 218,315 26.2% 177,614 25.4% 22.9%
GM 20,094 17.9% 23,474 22.6% -14.4% 157,617 18.9% 138,893 19.8% 13.5%
VW Group 18,765 16.7% 16,157 15.6% 16.1% 138,324 16.6% 124,706 17.8% 10.9%
 - VW 15,322 13.7% 13,082 12.6% 17.1% 113,044 13.6% 101,880 14.5% 11.0%
 - SEAT 2,072 1.8% 1,895 1.8% 9.3% 15,545 1.9% 13,933 2.0% 11.6%
 - Audi 1,258 1.1% 1,095 1.1% 14.9% 8,984 1.1% 8,320 1.2% 8.0%
 - Porsche 113 0.1% 85 0.1% 32.9% 751 0.1% 572 0.1% 31.3%
 - Bentley *3 N.D -% N.D -% -% N.D -% N.D -% -%
FCA 8,382 7.5% 7,143 6.9% 17.3% 64,325 7.7% 55,448 7.9% 16.0%
Toyota 7,125 6.4% 6,506 6.3% 9.5% 48,538 5.8% 40,805 5.8% 19.0%
Ford Motor 6,948 6.2% 7,183 6.9% -3.3% 55,504 6.7% 50,836 7.3% 9.2%
Honda 5,543 4.9% 4,958 4.8% 11.8% 43,414 5.2% 34,387 4.9% 26.3%
Mazda 4,572 4.1% 3,567 3.4% 28.2% 35,001 4.2% 24,393 3.5% 43.5%
Hyundai 2,553 2.3% 1,400 1.3% 82.4% 16,104 1.9% 4,410 0.6% 265.2%
Renault 1,926 1.7% 1,959 1.9% -1.7% 14,399 1.7% 14,569 2.1% -1.2%
Kia 1,620 1.4% 0 0.0% -% 3,119 0.4% 0 0.0% -%
Suzuki 1,110 1.0% 1,110 1.1% 0.0% 8,299 1.0% 7,832 1.1% 6.0%
BMW 1,011 0.9% 900 0.9% 12.3% 7,605 0.9% 6,716 1.0% 13.2%
Mercedes-Benz *2 936 0.8% 926 0.9% 1.1% 6,637 0.8% 5,648 0.8% 17.5%
Peugeot 681 0.6% 494 0.5% 37.9% 4,643 0.6% 3,780 0.5% 22.8%
MINI 445 0.4% 402 0.4% 10.7% 3,408 0.4% 2,562 0.4% 33.0%
Acura 229 0.2% 238 0.2% -3.8% 1,575 0.2% 1,432 0.2% 10.0%
Lincoln 220 0.2% 163 0.2% 35.0% 1,266 0.2% 1,152 0.2% 9.9%
Infiniti 160 0.1% 130 0.1% 23.1% 1,099 0.1% 839 0.1% 31.0%
Subaru 140 0.1% 116 0.1% 20.7% 964 0.1% 903 0.1% 6.8%
Isuzu 131 0.1% 193 0.2% -32.1% 853 0.1% 822 0.1% 3.8%
Volvo 113 0.1% 81 0.1% 39.5% 867 0.1% 626 0.1% 38.5%
Land Rover 80 0.1% 132 0.1% -39.4% 931 0.1% 1,044 0.1% -10.8%
smart 55 0.0% 126 0.1% -56.3% 671 0.1% 918 0.1% -26.9%
Jaguar 20 0.0% 15 0.0% 33.3% 99 0.0% 117 0.0% -15.4%
Total *1 112,038 100.0% 103,881 100.0% 7.9% 833,577 100.0% 700,452 100.0% 19.0%
*1 Data announced by AMIA.*2 The figure of Mercedes-Benz do not include Light trucks since November 2012.*3 Data on sales figures of Bentley has ceased to be supplied from the data source since February 2014.Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

More detailed statistics for Mexico


Flash report, July 2015

4 Aug. 2015

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Sales of new vehicles by type(including import cars)
2015Jul. 2014Jul. Y-o-Y 2015Jan.-Jul. 2014Jan.-Jul. Y-o-Y
Cars 75,209 65,574 14.7% 483,482 393,766 22.8%
Light Trucks 36,505 30,637 19.2% 238,057 202,805 17.4%
Total 111,714 96,211 16.1% 721,539 596,571 20.9%
Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

Sales of new passenger cars and light trucks
Maker/Brand 2015 2014 Y-o-Y 2015 2014 Y-o-Y
Jul. Share Jul. Share Jan.-Jul. Share Jan.-Jul. *1 Share
Nissan 28,557 25.6% 23,472 24.4% 21.7% 189,136 26.2% 151,106 25.3% 25.2%
GM 21,272 19.0% 20,796 21.6% 2.3% 137,523 19.1% 115,419 19.3% 19.2%
VW Group 18,074 16.2% 15,925 16.6% 13.5% 119,559 16.6% 108,549 18.2% 10.1%
 - VW 14,753 13.2% 13,094 13.6% 12.7% 97,722 13.5% 88,798 14.9% 10.0%
 - SEAT 2,065 1.8% 1,722 1.8% 19.9% 13,473 1.9% 12,038 2.0% 11.9%
 - Audi 1,158 1.0% 1,020 1.1% 13.5% 7,726 1.1% 7,225 1.2% 6.9%
 - Porsche 98 0.1% 89 0.1% 10.1% 638 0.1% 487 0.1% 31.0%
 - Bentley *3 N.D. -% N.D. -% -% N.D. -% N.D. -% -%
FCA 9,009 8.1% 7,255 7.5% 24.2% 55,943 7.8% 48,305 8.1% 15.8%
Ford Motor 7,248 6.5% 7,047 7.3% 2.9% 48,556 6.7% 43,653 7.3% 11.2%
Honda 5,996 5.4% 5,585 5.8% 7.4% 37,871 5.2% 29,429 4.9% 28.7%
Toyota 5,969 5.3% 5,295 5.5% 12.7% 41,413 5.7% 34,299 5.7% 20.7%
Mazda 4,482 4.0% 3,614 3.8% 24.0% 30,429 4.2% 20,826 3.5% 46.1%
Hyundai 2,547 2.3% 1,303 1.4% 95.5% 13,551 1.9% 3,010 0.5% 350.2%
Renault 2,037 1.8% 1,746 1.8% 16.7% 12,473 1.7% 12,610 2.1% -1.1%
Kia 1,499 1.3% 0 0.0% -% 1,499 0.2% 0 0.0% -%
BMW 1,023 0.9% 858 0.9% 19.2% 6,594 0.9% 5,816 1.0% 13.4%
Suzuki 966 0.9% 936 1.0% 3.2% 7,189 1.0% 6,722 1.1% 6.9%
Mercedes-Benz *2 851 0.8% 685 0.7% 24.2% 5,701 0.8% 4,722 0.8% 20.7%
Peugeot 621 0.6% 485 0.5% 28.0% 3,962 0.5% 3,286 0.6% 20.6%
MINI 441 0.4% 315 0.3% 40.0% 2,963 0.4% 2,160 0.4% 37.2%
Acura 194 0.2% 158 0.2% 22.8% 1,346 0.2% 1,194 0.2% 12.7%
Isuzu 166 0.1% 83 0.1% 100.0% 722 0.1% 629 0.1% 14.8%
Lincoln 149 0.1% 122 0.1% 22.1% 1,046 0.1% 989 0.2% 5.8%
Infiniti 136 0.1% 106 0.1% 28.3% 939 0.1% 709 0.1% 32.4%
Volvo 126 0.1% 67 0.1% 88.1% 754 0.1% 545 0.1% 38.3%
Subaru 125 0.1% 119 0.1% 5.0% 824 0.1% 787 0.1% 4.7%
smart 124 0.1% 110 0.1% 12.7% 616 0.1% 792 0.1% -22.2%
Land Rover 94 0.1% 115 0.1% -18.3% 851 0.1% 912 0.2% -6.7%
Jaguar 8 0.0% 14 0.0% -42.9% 79 0.0% 102 0.0% -22.5%
Total *1 111,714 100.0% 96,211 100.0% 16.1% 721,539 100.0% 596,571 100.0% 20.9%
*1 Data announced by AMIA.*2 The figure of Mercedes-Benz do not include Light trucks since November 2012.*3 Data on sales figures of Bentley has ceased to be supplied from the data source since February 2014.Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

More detailed statistics for Mexico


Flash report, June 2015

2 Jul. 2015

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Sales of new vehicles by type(including import cars)
2015Jun. 2014Jun. Y-o-Y 2015Jan.-Jun. 2014Jan.-Jun. Y-o-Y
Cars 71,369 55,785 27.9% 408,273 328,192 24.4%
Light Trucks 35,521 28,342 25.3% 201,552 172,168 17.1%
Total 106,890 84,127 27.1% 609,825 500,360 21.9%
Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

Sales of new passenger cars and light trucks
Maker/Brand 2015 2014 Y-o-Y 2015 2014 Y-o-Y
Jun. Share Jun. Share Jan.-Jun. Share Jan.-Jun. *1 Share
Nissan 28,235 26.4% 21,915 26.0% 28.8% 160,579 26.3% 127,634 25.5% 25.8%
GM 21,528 20.1% 15,032 17.9% 43.2% 116,251 19.1% 94,623 18.9% 22.9%
VW Group 17,009 15.9% 15,485 18.4% 9.8% 101,485 16.6% 92,623 18.5% 9.6%
 - VW 13,742 12.9% 12,661 15.0% 8.5% 82,969 13.6% 75,704 15.1% 9.6%
 - SEAT 1,931 1.8% 1,642 2.0% 17.6% 11,408 1.9% 10,316 2.1% 10.6%
 - Audi 1,235 1.2% 1,111 1.3% 11.2% 6,568 1.1% 6,205 1.2% 5.9%
 - Porsche 101 0.1% 71 0.1% 42.3% 540 0.1% 398 0.1% 35.7%
 - Bentley *3 N.D. -% N.D. -% -% N.D. -% N.D. -% -%
FCA 8,303 7.8% 6,515 7.7% 27.4% 46,934 7.7% 41,050 8.2% 14.3%
Ford Motor 7,040 6.6% 5,449 6.5% 29.2% 41,308 6.8% 36,606 7.3% 12.8%
Toyota 5,824 5.4% 4,804 5.7% 21.2% 35,444 5.8% 29,004 5.8% 22.2%
Honda 5,292 5.0% 4,647 5.5% 13.9% 31,875 5.2% 23,844 4.8% 33.7%
Mazda 4,340 4.1% 3,085 3.7% 40.7% 25,947 4.3% 17,212 3.4% 50.7%
Hyundai 2,472 2.3% 1,002 1.2% 146.7% 11,004 1.8% 1,707 0.3% 544.6%
Renault 1,776 1.7% 1,868 2.2% -4.9% 10,436 1.7% 10,864 2.2% -3.9%
Suzuki 1,086 1.0% 957 1.1% 13.5% 6,223 1.0% 5,786 1.2% 7.6%
BMW 971 0.9% 870 1.0% 11.6% 5,571 0.9% 4,958 1.0% 12.4%
Mercedes-Benz *2 808 0.8% 767 0.9% 5.3% 4,850 0.8% 4,037 0.8% 20.1%
Peugeot 670 0.6% 438 0.5% 53.0% 3,341 0.5% 2,801 0.6% 19.3%
MINI 440 0.4% 360 0.4% 22.2% 2,522 0.4% 1,845 0.4% 36.7%
Acura 247 0.2% 164 0.2% 50.6% 1,152 0.2% 1,036 0.2% 11.2%
Infiniti 135 0.1% 122 0.1% 10.7% 803 0.1% 603 0.1% 33.2%
Volvo 132 0.1% 63 0.1% 109.5% 628 0.1% 478 0.1% 31.4%
Lincoln 125 0.1% 125 0.1% 0.0% 897 0.1% 867 0.2% 3.5%
Land Rover 120 0.1% 102 0.1% 17.6% 757 0.1% 797 0.2% -5.0%
Subaru 120 0.1% 110 0.1% 9.1% 699 0.1% 668 0.1% 4.6%
smart 106 0.1% 126 0.1% -15.9% 492 0.1% 682 0.1% -27.9%
Isuzu 101 0.1% 105 0.1% -3.8% 556 0.1% 546 0.1% 1.8%
Jaguar 10 0.0% 16 0.0% -37.5% 71 0.0% 88 0.0% -19.3%
Total *1 106,890 100.0% 84,127 100.0% 27.1% 609,825 100.0% 500,360 100.0% 21.9%
*1 Data announced by AMIA.*2 The figure of Mercedes-Benz do not include Light trucks since November 2012.*3 Data on sales figures of Bentley has ceased to be supplied from the data source since February 2014.Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

More detailed statistics for Mexico


Flash report, May 2015

3 Jun. 2015

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Sales of new vehicles by type(including import cars)
2015May 2014May Y-o-Y 2015Jan.-May 2014Jan.-May Y-o-Y
Cars 67,779 58,738 15.4% 336,904 272,407 23.7%
Light Trucks 34,203 29,506 15.9% 166,031 143,826 15.4%
Total 101,982 88,244 15.6% 502,935 416,233 20.8%
Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

Sales of new passenger cars and light trucks
Maker/Brand 2015 2014 Y-o-Y 2015 2014 Y-o-Y
May Share May Share Jan.-May Share Jan.-May *1 Share
Nissan 26,545 26.0% 22,000 24.9% 20.7% 132,344 26.3% 105,719 25.4% 25.2%
GM 19,581 19.2% 17,839 20.2% 9.8% 94,723 18.8% 79,591 19.1% 19.0%
VW Group 17,647 17.3% 15,625 17.7% 12.9% 84,476 16.8% 77,139 18.5% 9.5%
 VW 14,526 14.2% 12,882 14.6% 12.8% 69,227 13.8% 63,043 15.1% 9.8%
 SEAT 1,855 1.8% 1,605 1.8% 15.6% 9,477 1.9% 8,674 2.1% 9.3%
 Audi 1,181 1.2% 1,068 1.2% 10.6% 5,333 1.1% 5,094 1.2% 4.7%
 Porsche 85 0.1% 70 0.1% 21.4% 439 0.1% 327 0.1% 34.3%
 Bentley *3 N.D -% N.D -% -% N.D -% N.D -% -%
FCA 7,468 7.3% 6,900 7.8% 8.2% 38,631 7.7% 34,535 8.3% 11.9%
Ford Motor 7,119 7.0% 6,325 7.2% 12.6% 34,268 6.8% 31,157 7.5% 10.0%
Toyota 6,024 5.9% 5,348 6.1% 12.6% 29,620 5.9% 24,200 5.8% 22.4%
Honda 4,850 4.8% 4,333 4.9% 11.9% 26,583 5.3% 19,197 4.6% 38.5%
Mazda 4,796 4.7% 3,332 3.8% 43.9% 21,607 4.3% 14,127 3.4% 52.9%
Hyundai 2,049 2.0% 705 0.8% 190.6% 8,532 1.7% 705 0.2% 1110.2%
Renault 1,005 1.0% 1,712 1.9% -41.3% 8,660 1.7% 8,996 2.2% -3.7%
BMW 982 1.0% 703 0.8% 39.7% 4,600 0.9% 4,088 1.0% 12.5%
Suzuki 970 1.0% 1,077 1.2% -9.9% 5,137 1.0% 4,829 1.2% 6.4%
Mercedes-Benz *2 913 0.9% 719 0.8% 27.0% 4,042 0.8% 3,270 0.8% 23.6%
Peugeot 600 0.6% 427 0.5% 40.5% 2,671 0.5% 2,363 0.6% 13.0%
MINI 411 0.4% 260 0.3% 58.1% 2,082 0.4% 1,485 0.4% 40.2%
Lincoln 170 0.2% 120 0.1% 41.7% 772 0.2% 742 0.2% 4.0%
Acura 154 0.2% 179 0.2% -14.0% 905 0.2% 872 0.2% 3.8%
Infiniti 142 0.1% 133 0.2% 6.8% 668 0.1% 481 0.1% 38.9%
Land Rover 130 0.1% 131 0.1% -0.8% 637 0.1% 695 0.2% -8.3%
Subaru 124 0.1% 112 0.1% 10.7% 579 0.1% 558 0.1% 3.8%
Volvo 106 0.1% 61 0.1% 73.8% 496 0.1% 415 0.1% 19.5%
Isuzu 97 0.1% 78 0.1% 24.4% 455 0.1% 441 0.1% 3.2%
smart 89 0.1% 109 0.1% -18.3% 386 0.1% 556 0.1% -30.6%
Jaguar 10 0.0% 16 0.0% -37.5% 61 0.0% 72 0.0% -15.3%
Total *1 101,982 100.0% 88,244 100.0% 15.6% 502,935 100.0% 416,233 100.0% 20.8%
*1 Data announced by AMIA.*2 The figure of Mercedes-Benz do not include Light trucks since November 2012.*3 Data on sales figures of Bentley has ceased to be supplied from the data source since February 2014.Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

More detailed statistics for Mexico


Flash report, April 2015

7 May 2015

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Sales of new vehicles by type(including import cars)
2015Apr. 2014Apr. Y-o-Y 2015Jan.-Apr. 2014Jan.-Apr. Y-o-Y
Cars 63,737 50,365 26.6% 269,125 213,669 26.0%
Light Trucks 31,059 26,500 17.2% 131,828 114,320 15.3%
Total 94,796 76,865 23.3% 400,953 327,989 22.2%
Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

Sales of new passenger cars and light trucks
Maker/Brand 2015 2014 Y-o-Y 2015 2014 Y-o-Y
Apr. Share Apr. Share Jan.-Apr. Share Jan.-Apr. *1 Share
Nissan 24,566 25.9% 19,488 25.4% 26.1% 105,799 26.4% 83,719 25.5% 26.4%
GM 18,612 19.6% 15,009 19.5% 24.0% 75,142 18.7% 61,752 18.8% 21.7%
VW Group 14,587 15.4% 14,412 18.7% 1.2% 66,829 16.7% 61,513 18.8% 8.6%
 VW 11,791 12.4% 11,645 15.1% 1.3% 54,701 13.6% 50,161 15.3% 9.1%
 SEAT 1,749 1.8% 1,752 2.3% -0.2% 7,622 1.9% 7,069 2.2% 7.8%
 Audi 957 1.0% 951 1.2% 0.6% 4,152 1.0% 4,026 1.2% 3.1%
 Porsche 90 0.1% 64 0.1% 40.6% 354 0.1% 257 0.1% 37.7%
 Bentley *3 N.D. -% N.D. -% -% N.D. -% N.D. -% -%
FCA 7,474 7.9% 6,470 8.4% 15.5% 31,163 7.8% 27,635 8.4% 12.8%
Ford Motor 6,913 7.3% 5,793 7.5% 19.3% 27,149 6.8% 24,832 7.6% 9.3%
Toyota 5,446 5.7% 4,601 6.0% 18.4% 23,596 5.9% 18,852 5.7% 25.2%
Honda 4,828 5.1% 3,189 4.1% 51.4% 21,733 5.4% 14,864 4.5% 46.2%
Mazda 4,290 4.5% 2,643 3.4% 62.3% 16,811 4.2% 10,795 3.3% 55.7%
Renault 1,728 1.8% 1,495 1.9% 15.6% 7,655 1.9% 7,284 2.2% 5.1%
Hyundai 1,726 1.8% 0 0.0% -% 6,483 1.6% 0 0.0% -%
Suzuki 1,035 1.1% 842 1.1% 22.9% 4,167 1.0% 3,752 1.1% 11.1%
BMW 850 0.9% 700 0.9% 21.4% 3,618 0.9% 3,385 1.0% 6.9%
Mercedes-Benz *2 794 0.8% 614 0.8% 29.3% 3,129 0.8% 2,551 0.8% 22.7%
Peugeot 565 0.6% 408 0.5% 38.5% 2,071 0.5% 1,936 0.6% 7.0%
MINI 437 0.5% 334 0.4% 30.8% 1,671 0.4% 1,225 0.4% 36.4%
Acura 173 0.2% 117 0.2% 47.9% 751 0.2% 693 0.2% 8.4%
Infiniti 127 0.1% 117 0.2% 8.5% 526 0.1% 348 0.1% 51.1%
Land Rover 123 0.1% 125 0.2% -1.6% 507 0.1% 564 0.2% -10.1%
Lincoln 122 0.1% 95 0.1% 28.4% 602 0.2% 622 0.2% -3.2%
Subaru 120 0.1% 118 0.2% 1.7% 455 0.1% 446 0.1% 2.0%
Isuzu 104 0.1% 105 0.1% -1.0% 358 0.1% 363 0.1% -1.4%
Volvo 102 0.1% 80 0.1% 27.5% 390 0.1% 354 0.1% 10.2%
smart 62 0.1% 95 0.1% -34.7% 297 0.1% 447 0.1% -33.6%
Jaguar 12 0.0% 15 0.0% -20.0% 51 0.0% 56 0.0% -8.9%
Total *1 94,796 100.0% 76,865 100.0% 23.3% 400,953 100.0% 327,989 100.0% 22.2%
*1 Data announced by AMIA.*2 The figure of Mercedes-Benz do not include Light trucks since November 2012.*3 Data on sales figures of Bentley has ceased to be supplied from the data source since February 2014.Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

More detailed statistics for Mexico


Flash report, March 2015

2 Apr. 2015

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Sales of new vehicles by type(including import cars)
2015Mar. 2014Mar. Y-o-Y 2015Jan.-Mar. 2014Jan.-Mar. Y-o-Y
Cars 69,336 55,583 24.7% 205,388 163,304 25.8%
Light Trucks 35,566 30,099 18.2% 100,769 87,820 14.7%
Total 104,902 85,682 22.4% 306,157 251,124 21.9%
Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)
Sales of new passenger cars and light trucks
Maker/Brand 2015 2014 Y-o-Y 2015 2014 Y-o-Y
Mar. Share Mar. Share Jan.-Mar. Share Jan.-Mar. *1 Share
Nissan 28,575 27.2% 22,060 25.7% 29.5% 81,233 26.5% 64,231 25.6% 26.5%
GM 20,196 19.3% 15,853 18.5% 27.4% 56,530 18.5% 46,743 18.6% 20.9%
VW Group 17,277 16.5% 15,850 18.5% 9.0% 52,242 17.1% 47,102 18.8% 10.9%
 VW 14,310 13.6% 12,900 15.1% 10.9% 42,910 14.0% 38,516 15.3% 11.4%
 SEAT 1,800 1.7% 1,839 2.1% -2.1% 5,873 1.9% 5,317 2.1% 10.5%
 Audi 1,077 1.0% 1,040 1.2% 3.6% 3,195 1.0% 3,075 1.2% 3.9%
 Porsche 90 0.1% 71 0.1% 26.8% 264 0.1% 193 0.1% 36.8%
 Bentley *3 N.D. -% N.D. -% -% N.D. -% N.D. -% -%
FCA 7,683 7.3% 7,196 8.4% 6.8% 23,689 7.7% 21,165 8.4% 11.9%
Ford Motor 6,645 6.3% 6,444 7.5% 3.1% 20,236 6.6% 19,039 7.6% 6.3%
Toyota 6,378 6.1% 4,950 5.8% 28.8% 18,150 5.9% 14,251 5.7% 27.4%
Honda 5,289 5.0% 3,749 4.4% 41.1% 16,905 5.5% 11,675 4.6% 44.8%
Mazda 4,385 4.2% 2,794 3.3% 56.9% 12,521 4.1% 8,152 3.2% 53.6%
Renault 1,791 1.7% 2,130 2.5% -15.9% 5,927 1.9% 5,789 2.3% 2.4%
Hyundai 1,716 1.6% 0 0.0% -% 4,757 1.6% 0 0.0% -%
Suzuki 1,055 1.0% 954 1.1% 10.6% 3,132 1.0% 2,910 1.2% 7.6%
BMW 1,002 1.0% 1,148 1.3% -12.7% 2,768 0.9% 2,685 1.1% 3.1%
Mercedes-Benz *2 764 0.7% 718 0.8% 6.4% 2,335 0.8% 1,937 0.8% 20.5%
Peugeot 605 0.6% 493 0.6% 22.7% 1,506 0.5% 1,528 0.6% -1.4%
MINI 430 0.4% 234 0.3% 83.8% 1,234 0.4% 891 0.4% 38.5%
Acura 201 0.2% 168 0.2% 19.6% 578 0.2% 576 0.2% 0.3%
Lincoln 160 0.2% 212 0.2% -24.5% 480 0.2% 527 0.2% -8.9%
Land Rover 157 0.1% 150 0.2% 4.7% 384 0.1% 439 0.2% -12.5%
Isuzu 145 0.1% 155 0.2% -6.5% 254 0.1% 258 0.1% -1.6%
Infiniti 140 0.1% 61 0.1% 129.5% 399 0.1% 231 0.1% 72.7%
Subaru 108 0.1% 123 0.1% -12.2% 335 0.1% 328 0.1% 2.1%
Volvo 103 0.1% 89 0.1% 15.7% 288 0.1% 274 0.1% 5.1%
smart 82 0.1% 134 0.2% -38.8% 235 0.1% 352 0.1% -33.2%
Jaguar 15 0.0% 17 0.0% -11.8% 39 0.0% 41 0.0% -4.9%
Total *1
104,902 100.0% 85,682 100.0% 22.4% 306,157 100.0% 251,124 100.0% 21.9%
*1 Data announced by AMIA.*2 The figure of Mercedes-Benz do not include Light trucks since November 2012.*3 Data on sales figures of Bentley has ceased to be supplied from the data source since February 2014.Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

More detailed statistics for Mexico


Flash report, February 2015

4 Mar. 2015

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Sales of new vehicles by type(including import cars)
2015Feb. 2014Feb. Y-o-Y 2015Jan.-Feb. 2014Jan.-Feb. Y-o-Y
Cars 66,031 51,816 27.4% 136,052 107,721 26.3%
Light Trucks 31,527 28,122 12.1% 65,203 57,721 13.0%
Total 97,558 79,938 22.0% 201,255 165,442 21.6%
Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

Sales of new passenger cars and light trucks
Maker/Brand 2015 2014 Y-o-Y 2015 2014 Y-o-Y
Feb. Share Feb. Share Jan.-Feb. *1 Share Jan.-Feb. *1 Share
Nissan 25,286 25.9% 20,553 25.7% 23.0% 52,658 26.2% 42,171 25.5% 24.9%
GM 17,737 18.2% 14,708 18.4% 20.6% 36,334 18.1% 30,890 18.7% 17.6%
VW Group 16,878 17.3% 15,354 19.2% 9.9% 35,055 17.4% 31,251 18.9% 12.2%
 VW 13,978 14.3% 12,665 15.8% 10.4% 28,600 14.2% 25,616 15.5% 11.6%
 SEAT 1,767 1.8% 1,625 2.0% 8.7% 4,073 2.0% 3,478 2.1% 17.1%
 Audi 1,045 1.1% 1,011 1.3% 3.4% 2,118 1.1% 2,035 1.2% 4.1%
 Porsche 88 0.1% 53 0.1% 66.0% 174 0.1% 122 0.1% 42.6%
 Bentley *3 N.D -% N.D -% -% N.D -% N.D -% -%
FCA 7,877 8.1% 6,614 8.3% 19.1% 16,006 8.0% 13,969 8.4% 14.6%
Ford Motor 6,525 6.7% 6,155 7.7% 6.0% 13,591 6.8% 12,595 7.6% 7.9%
Toyota 5,722 5.9% 4,556 5.7% 25.6% 11,772 5.8% 9,301 5.6% 26.6%
Honda 5,428 5.6% 3,617 4.5% 50.1% 11,616 5.8% 7,926 4.8% 46.6%
Mazda 4,071 4.2% 2,494 3.1% 63.2% 8,136 4.0% 5,358 3.2% 51.8%
Renault 1,951 2.0% 1,883 2.4% 3.6% 4,136 2.1% 3,659 2.2% 13.0%
Hyundai 1,519 1.6% 0 0.0% -% 3,041 1.5% 0 0.0% -%
Suzuki 1,059 1.1% 947 1.2% 11.8% 2,077 1.0% 1,956 1.2% 6.2%
BMW 900 0.9% 692 0.9% 30.1% 1,766 0.9% 1,537 0.9% 14.9%
Mercedes-Benz *2 833 0.9% 606 0.8% 37.5% 1,571 0.8% 1,219 0.7% 28.9%
Peugeot 415 0.4% 509 0.6% -18.5% 901 0.4% 1,035 0.6% -12.9%
MINI 404 0.4% 290 0.4% 39.3% 804 0.4% 657 0.4% 22.4%
Lincoln 174 0.2% 174 0.2% 0.0% 320 0.2% 315 0.2% 1.6%
Acura 173 0.2% 176 0.2% -1.7% 377 0.2% 408 0.2% -7.6%
Land Rover 135 0.1% 143 0.2% -5.6% 227 0.1% 289 0.2% -21.5%
Infiniti 123 0.1% 70 0.1% 75.7% 259 0.1% 170 0.1% 52.4%
Subaru 102 0.1% 101 0.1% 1.0% 227 0.1% 205 0.1% 10.7%
Volvo 95 0.1% 100 0.1% -5.0% 185 0.1% 185 0.1% 0.0%
Isuzu 71 0.1% 60 0.1% 18.3% 109 0.1% 103 0.1% 5.8%
smart 68 0.1% 122 0.2% -44.3% 153 0.1% 218 0.1% -29.8%
Jaguar 12 0.0% 14 0.0% -14.3% 24 0.0% 24 0.0% 0.0%
Total *1 97,558 100.0% 79,938 100.0% 22.0% 201,255 100.0% 165,442 100.0% 21.6%
*1 Data announced by AMIA.*2 The figure of Mercedes-Benz do not include Light trucks since November 2012.*3 Data on sales figures of Bentley has ceased to be supplied from the data source since February 2014.Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

More detailed statistics for Mexico


Flash report, January 2015

5 Feb. 2015

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Sales of new vehicles by type(including import cars)
2015Jan . 2014Jan . Y-o-Y 2015Jan.-Jan. 2014Jan.-Jan. Y-o-Y
Cars 70,021 55,905 25.2% 70,021 55,905 25.2%
Light Trucks 33,676 29,599 13.8% 33,676 29,599 13.8%
Total 103,697 85,504 21.3% 103,697 85,504 21.3%
Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

Sales of new passenger cars and light trucks
Maker/Brand 2015 2014 Y-o-Y 2015 2014 Y-o-Y
Jan. Share Jan. Share Jan.-Jan. Share Jan.-Jan. Share
Nissan 27,372 26.4% 21,618 25.3% 26.6% 27,372 26.4% 21,618 25.3% 26.6%
GM 18,597 17.9% 16,182 18.9% 14.9% 18,597 17.9% 16,182 18.9% 14.9%
Volkswagen 14,622 14.1% 12,951 15.1% 12.9% 14,622 14.1% 12,951 15.1% 12.9%
Ford Motor 7,066 6.8% 6,440 7.5% 9.7% 7,066 6.8% 6,440 7.5% 9.7%
Honda 6,188 6.0% 4,309 5.0% 43.6% 6,188 6.0% 4,309 5.0% 43.6%
Toyota 6,050 5.8% 4,745 5.5% 27.5% 6,050 5.8% 4,745 5.5% 27.5%
Chrysler 5,778 5.6% 5,646 6.6% 2.3% 5,778 5.6% 5,646 6.6% 2.3%
Mazda 4,065 3.9% 2,864 3.3% 41.9% 4,065 3.9% 2,864 3.3% 41.9%
SEAT 2,306 2.2% 1,853 2.2% 24.4% 2,306 2.2% 1,853 2.2% 24.4%
Renault 2,185 2.1% 1,776 2.1% 23.0% 2,185 2.1% 1,776 2.1% 23.0%
Mitsubishi 1,583 1.5% 885 1.0% 78.9% 1,583 1.5% 885 1.0% 78.9%
Hyundai 1,522 1.5% 0 0.0% -% 1,522 1.5% 0 0.0% -%
Audi 1,073 1.0% 1,024 1.2% 4.8% 1,073 1.0% 1,024 1.2% 4.8%
Suzuki 1,018 1.0% 1,009 1.2% 0.9% 1,018 1.0% 1,009 1.2% 0.9%
BMW 866 0.8% 845 1.0% 2.5% 866 0.8% 845 1.0% 2.5%
Fiat 759 0.7% 800 0.9% -5.1% 759 0.7% 800 0.9% -5.1%
Mercedes-Benz *1 738 0.7% 613 0.7% 20.4% 738 0.7% 613 0.7% 20.4%
Peugeot 486 0.5% 526 0.6% -7.6% 486 0.5% 526 0.6% -7.6%
MINI 400 0.4% 367 0.4% 9.0% 400 0.4% 367 0.4% 9.0%
Acura 204 0.2% 232 0.3% -12.1% 204 0.2% 232 0.3% -12.1%
Lincoln 146 0.1% 141 0.2% 3.5% 146 0.1% 141 0.2% 3.5%
Infiniti 136 0.1% 100 0.1% 36.0% 136 0.1% 100 0.1% 36.0%
Subaru 125 0.1% 104 0.1% 20.2% 125 0.1% 104 0.1% 20.2%
Land Rover 92 0.1% 146 0.2% -37.0% 92 0.1% 146 0.2% -37.0%
Volvo 90 0.1% 85 0.1% 5.9% 90 0.1% 85 0.1% 5.9%
Porsche 86 0.1% 69 0.1% 24.6% 86 0.1% 69 0.1% 24.6%
smart 85 0.1% 96 0.1% -11.5% 85 0.1% 96 0.1% -11.5%
Isuzu 38 0.0% 43 0.1% -11.6% 38 0.0% 43 0.1% -11.6%
Jaguar 12 0.0% 10 0.0% 20.0% 12 0.0% 10 0.0% 20.0%
Alfa Romeo 9 0.0% 24 0.0% -62.5% 9 0.0% 24 0.0% -62.5%
Bentley *2 N.D. -% 1 0.0% -% N.D. -% 1 0.0% -%
Total 103,697 100.0% 85,504 100.0% 21.3% 103,697 100.0% 85,504 100.0% 21.3%
*1 The figure of Mercedes-Benz do not include Light trucks since November 2012.*2 Data on sales figures of Bentley has ceased to be supplied from the data source since February 2014.Source: Asociacion Mexicana de la Industria Automotriz A.C. (AMIA)

More detailed statistics for Mexico