India - Automotive Sales volume, 2023

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Flash report, Automotive sales volume, 2023

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, December 2023

Jan 15, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 3.2% in December 2023
Indian passenger vehicle sales in December 2023 were up 3.2% y/y to 242,920 units.
Vehicle sales from October to December 2023 were up 7.4% y/y to 1,247,614 units.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were up 8.4% to 1,013,082 units (excludes BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo Cars). CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 3.3% to 234,532 units (excludes Daimler and Scania).
Based on the release of carmakers in December, the available sales results of PVs and CVs are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 106,492 units decreased 6.2% in December compared to the same month in 2022. Tata sales of 76,138 units increased 4.3% from last year. Mahindra sales of 50,691 units increased 6.4% from last year. Hyundai sales of 42,750 units increased 10.1% from last year. Toyota sales of 19,877 units increased 90.7% in December compared to the same month in 2022. Honda sales of 7,902 units increased 11.9% from the same month last year. Kia sales of 12,536 units decreased 17.4% from last year.

Click here for Indian retail sales including CVs

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type

Type Dec. 2023 Y-o-Y Oct .2023-Dec. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles (Including UVs/MPVs) 242,920 3.2% 1,013,082 8.4%
Commercial Vehicles N/A -% 234,532 3.3%
Grand Total N/A -% 1,247,614 7.4%

Source:Various media reports
December data and October-December data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, or Volvo.
December data does not include Tata.
June data for commercial vehicles is not available. October-December data does not include Daimler or Scania.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Dec. 2023 Dec. 2022 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 106,492 113,535 -6.2%
Tata 76,138 72,997 4.3%
Mahindra & Mahindra 50,691 47,646 6.4%
Hyundai 42,750 38,831 10.1%
Toyota 19,877 10,421 90.7%
Honda 7,902 7,062 11.9%
Kia 12,536 15,184 -17.4%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, November 2023

Dec 12, 2023

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 4.3% in November 2023
Indian passenger vehicle sales in November 2023 (excluding BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo Cars, and Tata) were up 4.3% y/y to 288,062 units.
Based on the release of carmakers in November, the available sales results of PVs and CVs are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 136,667 units increased 1.2% in November compared to the same month in 2022.
Tata sales of 72,647 units decreased 1.1% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 61,348 units increased 24.6% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 49,451 units increased 3.0% in November compared to the same month in 2022.
Toyota sales of 16,924 units increased 43.9% in November compared to the same month in 2022.
Honda sales of 8,730 units increased 23.8% from the same month last year.
Kia sales of 22,762 units decreased 5.3% from last year.

Click here for Indian retail sales including CVs

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type

Type Nov. 2023 Nov. 2022 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles (Including UVs/MPVs) 288,062 276,231 4.3%
Commercial Vehicles N/A N/A -%
Grand Total N/A N/A -%

Source:Various media reports
Data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Tata.
Commercial vehicles will be updated every 3 months.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Nov. 2023 Nov. 2022 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 136,667 135,055 1.2%
Tata 72,647 73,467 -1.1%
Mahindra & Mahindra 61,348 49,228 24.6%
Hyundai 49,451 48,002 3.0%
Toyota 16,924 11,765 43.9%
Honda 8,730 7,051 23.8%
Kia 22,762 24,025 -5.3%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, October 2023

Nov 13, 2023

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 17.3% in October 2023
Indian passenger vehicle sales in October 2023 (excluding BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo Cars, and Tata) were up 17.3% y/y to 341,377 units.
Based on the release of carmakers in October, the available sales results of PVs and CVs are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 171,941 units increased 20.0% in October compared to the same month in 2022.
Tata sales of 80,825 units increased 5.6% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 68,392 units increased 30.1% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 55,128 units increased 14.8% in October compared to the same month in 2022.
Toyota sales of 20,542 units increased 56.3% in October compared to the same month in 2022.
Honda sales of 9,400 units decreased 1.5% from the same month last year.
Kia sales of 24,351 units increased 4.4% from last year.

Click here for Indian retail sales including CVs

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Oct. 2023 Oct. 2022 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles (Including UVs/MPVs) 341,377 291,113 17.3%
Commercial Vehicles N/A N/A -%
Grand Total N/A N/A -%
Source:Various media reports
Data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Tata.
Commercial vehicles will be updated every 3 months.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Oct. 2023 Oct. 2022 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 171,941 143,250 20.0%
Tata 80,825 76,537 5.6%
Mahindra & Mahindra 68,392 52,588 30.1%
Hyundai 55,128 48,001 14.8%
Toyota 20,542 13,143 56.3%
Honda 9,400 9,543 -1.5%
Kia 24,351 23,323 4.4%
Source: Releases by each company

More detailed statistics for India


Flash report, September 2023

Oct 17, 2023

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 3.1% in September 2023
Indian passenger vehicle sales in September 2023 (excluding BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo Cars, and Tata) were up 3.1% y/y to 316,908 units.
Both passenger and commercial vehicle sales from July to September 2023 (excluding BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo Cars, Daimler, and Scania) were up 5.1% y/y to 1,322,118 units.
Based on the release of carmakers in September, the available sales results of PVs and CVs are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 153,106 units increased 1.5% in September compared to the same month in 2022.
Tata sales of 82,023 units increased 1.7% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 64,125 units increased 15.8% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 54,241 units increased 9.1% in September compared to the same month in 2022.
Toyota sales of 22,168 units increased 44.2% in September compared to the same month in 2022.
Honda sales of 9,861 units increased 13.2% from the same month last year.
Kia sales of 20,022 units decreased 22.6% from last year.

Click here for Indian retail sales including CVs

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Sep. 2023 Y-o-Y Jul. 2023-Sep. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles (Including UVs/MPVs) 316,908 3.1% 1,074,189 4.7%
Commercial Vehicles N/A -% 247,929 6.9%
Grand Total N/A -% 1,322,118 5.1%
Source:Various media reports
September data and July-September data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, or Volvo.
September data does not include Tata.
September data for commercial vehicles is not available. July-September data does not include Daimler or Scania.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Sep. 2023 Sep. 2022 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 153,106 150,885 1.5%
Tata 82,023 80,633 1.7%
Mahindra & Mahindra 64,125 55,373 15.8%
Hyundai 54,241 49,700 9.1%
Toyota 22,168 15,378 44.2%
Honda 9,861 8,714 13.2%
Kia 20,022 25,857 -22.6%
Source: Releases by each company

More detailed statistics for India


Flash report, August 2023

Sep 12, 2023

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 11.6% in August 2023
Indian passenger vehicle sales in August 2023 (excluding BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo Cars and Tata) were up 11.6% y/y to 313,715 units.
Based on the release of carmakers in August, the available sales results of PVs and CVs are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 158,678 units increased 15.4% in August compared to the same month in 2022.
Tata sales of 76,261 units decreased 0.3% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 59,934 units increased 18.2% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 53,830 units increased 8.7% in August compared to the same month in 2022.
Toyota sales of 22,910 units increased 53.2% in August compared to the same month in 2022.
Honda sales of 7,880 units increased 1.4% from the same month last year.
Kia sales of 19,219 units decreased 13.9% from last year.

Click here for Indian retail sales including CVs

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Aug. 2023 Aug. 2022 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles (Including UVs/MPVs) 313,715 281,210 11.6%
Commercial Vehicles N/A N/A -%
Grand Total N/A N/A -%
Source:Various media reports
Data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Tata.
Commercial vehicles will be updated every 3 months.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Aug. 2023 Aug. 2022 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 158,678 137,537 15.4%
Tata 76,261 76,479 -0.3%
Mahindra & Mahindra 59,934 50,688 18.2%
Hyundai 53,830 49,510 8.7%
Toyota 22,910 14,959 53.2%
Honda 7,880 7,769 1.4%
Kia 19,219 22,322 -13.9%
Source: Releases by each company

More detailed statistics for India


Flash report, July 2023

Aug 14, 2023

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 2.9% in July 2023
Indian passenger vehicle sales in July 2023 (excluding BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo Cars and Tata) were up 2.9% y/y to 302,521 units.
Based on the release of carmakers in July, the available sales results of PVs and CVs are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 154,685 units increased 6.2% in July compared to the same month in 2022.
Tata sales of 78,844 units decreased 0.2% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 56,108 units increased 16.4% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 50,701 units increased 0.4% in July compared to the same month in 2022.
Toyota sales of 20,759 units increased 5.4% in July compared to the same month in 2022.
Honda sales of 4,864 units decreased 28.3% from the same month last year.
Kia sales of 20,002 units decreased 9.2% from last year.

Click here for Indian retail sales including CVs

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Jul. 2023 Jul. 2022 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles (Including UVs/MPVs) 302,521 293,865 2.9%
Commercial Vehicles N/A N/A -%
Grand Total N/A N/A -%
Source:Various media reports
Data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Tata.
Commercial vehicles will be updated every 3 months.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Jul. 2023 Jul. 2022 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 154,685 145,666 6.2%
Tata 78,844 78,978 -0.2%
Mahindra & Mahindra 56,108 48,191 16.4%
Hyundai 50,701 50,500 0.4%
Toyota 20,759 19,693 5.4%
Honda 4,864 6,784 -28.3%
Kia 20,002 22,022 -9.2%
Source: Releases by each company

More detailed statistics for India


Flash report, June 2023

Jul 13, 2023

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 1.6% in June 2023
Indian passenger vehicle sales in June 2023 (excluding BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo Cars and Tata) were up 1.6% y/y to 280,252 units.
Based on the release of carmakers in June, the available sales results of PVs and CVs are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 136,019 units increased 8.2% in June compared to the same month in 2022.
Tata sales of 80,383 units increased 1.0% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 52,386 units increased 12.2% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 50,001 units increased 2.0% in June compared to the same month in 2022.
Toyota sales of 18,237 units increased 10.4% in June compared to the same month in 2022.
Honda sales of 5,080 units decreased 35.2% from the same month last year.
Kia sales of 19,391 units decreased 19.3% from last year.

Click here for Indian retail sales including CVs

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Jun. 2023 Y-o-Y Apr. 2023-Jun. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles (Including UVs/MPVs) 280,252 1.6% 995,974 9.4%
Commercial Vehicles N/A -% 217,046 -3.3%
Grand Total N/A -% 1,213,020 6.9%
Source:Various media reports
June data and April-June data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, or Volvo.
June data does not include Tata.
June data for commercial vehicles is not available. April-June data does not include Daimler or Scania.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Jun. 2023 Jun. 2022 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 136,019 125,710 8.2%
Tata 80,383 79,606 1.0%
Mahindra & Mahindra 52,386 46,695 12.2%
Hyundai 50,001 49,001 2.0%
Toyota 18,237 16,512 10.4%
Honda 5,080 7,834 -35.2%
Kia 19,391 24,024 -19.3%
Source: Releases by each company

More detailed statistics for India


Flash report, May 2023

Jun 14, 2023

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 14.9% in May 2023
Indian passenger vehicle sales in May 2023 (excluding BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo Cars and Tata) were up 14.9% y/y to 288,369 units.
Based on the release of carmakers in May, the available sales results of PVs and CVs are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 146,596 units increased 14.5% in May compared to the same month in 2022.
Tata sales of 73,448 units decreased 1.7% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 51,939 units increased 9.5% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 48,601 units increased 14.9% in May compared to the same month in 2022.
Toyota sales of 19,379 units increased 89.7% in May compared to the same month in 2022.
Honda sales of 4,660 units decreased 43.1% from the same month last year.
Kia sales of 18,766 units increased 0.3% from last year.

Click here for Indian retail sales including CVs

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type May 2023 May 2022 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles (Including UVs/MPVs) 288,369 251,051 14.9%
Commercial Vehicles N/A N/A -%
Grand Total N/A N/A -%
Source:Various media reports
Data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Tata.
Commercial vehicles will be updated every 3 months.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make May 2023 May 2022 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 146,596 128,000 14.5%
Tata 73,448 74,755 -1.7%
Mahindra & Mahindra 51,939 47,421 9.5%
Hyundai 48,601 42,293 14.9%
Toyota 19,379 10,216 89.7%
Honda 4,660 8,188 -43.1%
Kia 18,766 18,718 0.3%
Source: Releases by each company

More detailed statistics for India


Flash report, April 2023

May 15, 2023

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 12.9% in April 2023
Indian passenger vehicle sales in April 2023 (excluding BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo Cars and Tata) were up 12.9% y/y to 284,271 units.
Based on the release of carmakers in April, the available sales results of PVs and CVs are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 139,519 units increased 10.5% in April compared to the same month in 2022.
Tata sales of 68,514 units decreased 4.1% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 53,779 units increased 37.1% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 49,701 units increased 13.0% from last year.
Toyota sales of 14,162 units decreased 6.1% in April compared to the same month in 2022.
Honda sales of 5,313 units decreased 32.5% from the same month last year.
Kia sales of 23,216 units increased 22.1% from last year.

Click here for Indian retail sales including CVs

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Apr. 2023 Apr. 2022 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles (Including UVs/MPVs) 284,271 251,716 12.9%
Commercial Vehicles N/A N/A -%
Grand Total N/A N/A -%
Source:Various media reports
Data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Tata.
Commercial vehicles will be updated every 3 months.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Apr. 2023 Apr. 2022 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 139,519 126,261 10.5%
Tata 68,514 71,467 -4.1%
Mahindra & Mahindra 53,779 39,223 37.1%
Hyundai 49,701 44,001 13.0%
Toyota 14,162 15,086 -6.1%
Honda 5,313 7,874 -32.5%
Kia 23,216 19,019 22.1%
Source: Releases by each company

More detailed statistics for India


Flash report, March 2023

Apr 14, 2023

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 4.5% in March 2023
Indian passenger vehicle sales in March 2023 (excluding BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo Cars and Tata) were up 4.5% y/y to 292,030 units.
Vehicle sales from January to March 2023 were up 10.9% y/y to 1,297,577 units.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were up 10.6% to 1,018,419 units (excludes BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo Cars). CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 11.7% to 279,158 units (excludes Daimler and Scania).
Based on the release of carmakers in March, the available sales results of PVs and CVs are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 136,787 units decreased 0.6% in March compared to the same month in 2022.
Tata sales of 89,351 units increased 3.0% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 56,810 units increased 21.9% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 50,600 units increased 13.5% from last year.
Toyota sales of 18,670 units increased 9.0% in March compared to the same month in 2022.
Honda sales of 6,692 units increased 1.6% from the same month last year.
Kia sales of 21,501 units decreased 5.0% from last year.

Click here for Indian retail sales including CVs

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type

Type Mar. 2023 Y-o-Y Jan. 2023-Mar. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles (Including UVs/MPVs) 292,030 4.5% 1,018,419 10.6%
Commercial Vehicles N/A -% 279,158 11.7%
Grand Total N/A -% 1,297,577 10.9%

Source:Various media reports
March data and January-March data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, or Volvo.
March data does not include Tata.
March data for commercial vehicles is not available. January-March data does not include Daimler or Scania.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Mar. 2023 Mar. 2022 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 136,787 137,658 -0.6%
Tata 89,351 86,718 3.0%
Mahindra & Mahindra 56,810 46,611 21.9%
Hyundai 50,600 44,600 13.5%
Toyota 18,670 17,131 9.0%
Honda 6,692 6,589 1.6%
Kia 21,501 22,622 -5.0%
Source: Releases by each company

More detailed statistics for India


Flash report, February 2023

Mar 13, 2023

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 11.0% in February 2023
Indian passenger vehicle sales in February 2023 (excluding BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo Cars and Tata) were up 11.0% y/y to 291,928 units.
Based on the release of carmakers in February, the available sales results of PVs and CVs are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 150,823 units increased 9.6% in February compared to the same month in 2022.
Tata sales of 78,006 units increased 5.6% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 50,114 units increased 6.3% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 47,001 units increased 6.7% from last year.
Toyota sales of 15,338 units increased 75.4% in February compared to the same month in 2022.
Honda sales of 6,086 units decreased 15.3% from the same month last year.
Kia sales of 24,600 units increased 35.8% from last year.

Click here for Indian retail sales including CVs

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type

Type Feb. 2023 Feb. 2022 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles (Including UVs/MPVs) 291,928 262,984 11.0%
Commercial Vehicles N/A N/A -%
Grand Total N/A N/A -%
Source:Various media reports
Data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Tata.
Commercial vehicles will be updated every 3 months.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Feb. 2023 Feb. 2022 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 150,823 137,607 9.6%
Tata 78,006 73,875 5.6%
Mahindra & Mahindra 50,114 47,142 6.3%
Hyundai 47,001 44,050 6.7%
Toyota 15,338 8,745 75.4%
Honda 6,086 7,187 -15.3%
Kia 24,600 18,121 35.8%
Source: Releases by each company

More detailed statistics for India


Flash report, January 2023

Feb 14, 2023

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 17.2% in January 2023
Indian passenger vehicle (PV) sales in January 2023 (excluding BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo Cars and Tata) were up 17.2% y/y to 298,093 units.
Based on the release of carmakers in January PVs and commercial vehicles (CVs), the available results are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 151,367 units increased 14.3% in January compared to the same month in 2022.
Tata sales of 79,681 units increased 9.9% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 53,816 units increased 33.0% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 50,106 units increased 13.8% from last year.
Toyota sales of 12,835 units increased 75.2% from last year.
Honda sales of 7,821 units decreased 25.0% from last year.
Kia sales of 28,634 units increased 48.2% in January compared to the same month in 2022.

Click here for Indian retail sales including CVs

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Jan. 2023 Jan. 2022 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles (Including UVs/MPVs) 298,093 254,287 17.2%
Commercial Vehicles N/A N/A -%
Grand Total N/A N/A -%
Source:Various media reports
Data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Tata.
Commercial vehicles will be updated every 3 months.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Jan. 2023 Jan. 2022 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 151,367 132,461 14.3%
Tata 79,681 72,485 9.9%
Mahindra & Mahindra 53,816 40,477 33.0%
Hyundai 50,106 44,022 13.8%
Toyota 12,835 7,328 75.2%
Honda 7,821 10,427 -25.0%
Kia 28,634 19,319 48.2%
Source: Releases by each company

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