India - Flash report, Sales volume, 2020

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Flash report, Sales volume, 2020

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, December 2020

15 Jan. 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 13.6% in December, 2020
Indian passenger vehicle sales in December 2020 were up 13.6% y/y to 252,998 units.
Vehicle sales from October to December 2020 were up 11.3% y/y to 1,090,951 units.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were up 14.4% to 897,908 units (excludes BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo Cars). CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 1.1% to 193,043 units (excludes Daimler and Scania).
Based on the release of carmakers in December PVs and CVs, the available results are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 146,480 units increased 17.8% in December compared to the same month in 2019.
Tata sales of 53,430 units increased 20.7% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 47,400 units increased 24.9% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 29,571 units decreased 4.2% from last year.
Kia sales of 11,818 units increased 154.4% from last year.
Honda sales of 8,638 units increased 2.7% from the same month last year.
Toyota sales of 7,487 units increased 14.4% in December compared to the same month in 2019.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Dec. 2020 Y-o-Y Oct. 2020-Dec. 2020 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 252,998 13.6% 897,908 14.4%
Commercial Vehicles N/A -% 193,043 -1.1%
Grand Total N/A -% 1,090,951 11.3%
Source:Various media reports
December data and October-December data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, or Volvo. December data does not include Tata.
December data for commercial vehicles has not yet been released. October-December data does not include Daimler or Scania.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Dec. 2020 Dec. 2019 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 146,480 124,375 17.8%
Tata 53,430 44,254 20.7%
Mahindra & Mahindra 29,571 30,870 -4.2%
Hyundai 47,400 37,953 24.9%
Toyota 7,487 6,544 14.4%
Honda 8,638 8,412 2.7%
Kia 11,818 4,645 154.4%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, November 2020

14 Dec. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 4.6% in November, 2020
Indian passenger vehicle sales in November 2020 were up 4.6% y/y to 264,898 units versus 253,139 units in November 2019.
Based on the release of carmakers in November PVs and CVs, the available results are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 138,956 units decreased 1.7% in November compared to the same month in 2019.
Hyundai sales of 48,800 units increased 9.4% from last year.
Tata sales of 47,859 units increased 25.8% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 36,766 units increased 17.3% from last year.
Kia sales of 21,022 units increased 50.1% from last year.
Honda sales of 9,990 units increased 54.7% from the same month last year.
Toyota sales of 8,508 units increased 2.4% in November compared to the same month in 2019.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Nov. 2020 Nov. 2019 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 264,898 253,139 4.6%
Commercial Vehicles N/A 61,907 -%
Grand Total N/A 315,046 -%
Source:Various media reports
Data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Tata.
November data for
commercial vehicles has not yet been released.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Nov. 2020 Nov. 2019 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 138,956 141,400 -1.7%
Tata 47,859 38,057 25.8%
Mahindra & Mahindra 36,766 31,337 17.3%
Hyundai 48,800 44,600 9.4%
Toyota 8,508 8,312 2.4%
Honda 9,990 6,459 54.7%
Kia 21,022 14,005 50.1%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, October 2020

12 Nov. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increased by 14.2% in October, 2020
Indian passenger vehicle sales in October 2020 were up 14.2% y/y to 310,294 units versus 271,737 units in October 2019.
Based on the release of carmakers in October PVs and CVs, the available results are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 166,825 units increased 17.9% in October compared to the same month in 2019.
Hyundai sales of 56,605 units increased 13.2% from last year.
Tata sales of 49,669 units increased 26.9% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 38,682 units decreased 6.1% from last year.
Kia sales of 21,021 units increased 64.4% from last year.
Toyota sales of 12,373 units increased 4.3% from the same month last year.
Honda sales of 10,836 units increased 8.3% in October compared to the same month in 2019.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Oct. 2020 Oct. 2019 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 310,294 271,737 14.2%
Commercial Vehicles N/A 66,773 -%
Grand Total N/A 338,510 -%
Source:Various media reports
Data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Tata.
October data for
commercial vehicles has not yet been released.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Oct. 2020 Oct. 2019 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 166,825 141,550 17.9%
Tata 49,669 39,152 26.9%
Mahindra & Mahindra 38,682 41,185 -6.1%
Hyundai 56,605 50,010 13.2%
Toyota 12,373 11,866 4.3%
Honda 10,836 10,010 8.3%
Kia 21,021 12,786 64.4%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, September 2020

16 Oct. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increase by 26.5% in September, 2020
Indian passenger vehicle sales in September 2020 were up 26.5% y/y to 272,027 units versus 215,124 units in September 2019.
Vehicle sales from July to September 2020 were up 9.1% y/y to 859,756 units.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 17.0% to 726,232 units (excudes BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo Cars). CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 20.1% to 133,524 units (excludes Daimler and Scania).
Based on the release of carmakers in September PVs and CVs, the available results are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 150,040 units increased 33.4% in September compared to the same month in 2019.
Hyundai sales of 50,313 units increased 23.6% from last year.
Tata sales of 44,444 units increased 37.3% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 33,433 units increased 3.4% from last year.
Kia sales of 18,676 units increased 147.2% from last year.
Honda sales of 10,199 units increased 9.7% from the same month last year.
Toyota sales of 8,116 units decreased 20.5% in September compared to the same month in 2019.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Sep. 2020 Y-o-Y Jul. 2020-Sep. 2020 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 272,027 26.5% 726,232 17.0%
Commercial Vehicles N/A -% 133,524 -20.1%
Grand Total N/A -% 859,756 9.1%
Source:Various media reports
September data and July-September data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, or Volvo. September data does not include Tata.
September data for commercial vehicles has not yet been released. July-September data does not include Daimler or Scania.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Sep. 2020 Sep. 2019 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 150,040 112,500 33.4%
Tata 44,444 32,376 37.3%
Mahindra & Mahindra 33,433 32,331 3.4%
Hyundai 50,313 40,705 23.6%
Toyota 8,116 10,203 -20.5%
Honda 10,199 9,301 9.7%
Kia 18,676 7,554 147.2%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, August 2020

11 Sep. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales increased by 14.2% in August, 2020
Indian passenger vehicle sales in August 2020 were up 14.2% y/y to 215,916 units versus 189,129 units in August 2019.
Based on the release of carmakers in August PVs and CVs, the available results are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 115,325 units increased 21.7% in August compared to the same month in 2019.
Hyundai sales of 45,809 units increased 19.9% from last year.
Tata sales of 35,420 units increased 21.6% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 28,748 units increased 5.1% from last year.
Kia sales of 10,845units increased 73.9% from last year.
Honda sales of 7,509 units decreased 9.4% from the same month last year.
Toyota sales of 5,555 units decreased 48.1% in August compared to the same month in 2019.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Aug. 2020 Aug. 2019 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 215,916 189,129 14.2%
Commercial Vehicles N/A 51,897 -%
Grand Total N/A 241,026 -%
Source:Various media reports
Data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Tata.
August data for
commercial vehicles has not yet been released.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Aug. 2020 Aug. 2019 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 115,325 94,728 21.7%
Tata 35,420 29,140 21.6%
Mahindra & Mahindra 28,748 27,362 5.1%
Hyundai 45,809 38,205 19.9%
Toyota 5,555 10,701 -48.1%
Honda 7,509 8,291 -9.4%
Kia 10,845 6,236 73.9%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, July 2020

12 Aug. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian passenger vehicle sales decreased by 3.9% in July, 2020
Indian passenger vehicle sales in July 2020 were down 3.9% y/y to 182,779 units versus 190,115 units in July 2019.
Based on the release of carmakers in July including PVs and CVs, the available results by carmaker are as follows:
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 100,000 units increased 1.8% in July compared to the same month in 2019.
Hyundai sales of 38,200 units decreased 2.1% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 24,003 units decreased 24.3% from last year.
Kia sales of 8,502 units in July.
Toyota sales of 5,386 units decreased 48.3% from the same month last year.
Honda sales of 5,383 units decreased 47.5% in July compared to the same month in 2019.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Jul. 2020 Jul. 2019 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 182,779 190,115 -3.9%
Commercial Vehicles N/A 56,866 -%
Grand Total N/A 246,981 -%
Source:Various media reports
Data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Tata.
July data for
commercial vehicles has not yet been released.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Jul. 2020 Jul. 2019 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 100,000 98,210 1.8%
Tata N/A N/A -%
Mahindra & Mahindra 24,003 31,705 -24.3%
Hyundai 38,200 39,010 -2.1%
Toyota 5,386 10,423 -48.3%
Honda 5,383 10,250 -47.5%
Kia 8,502 - -%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, June 2020

2 Jul. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 79.9% from April to June 2020
Indian new vehicle sales from April to June 2020 were down 79.9% y/y to 185,370 units.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 78.4% to 157,734 units (excudes BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volvo Cars). CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 84.8% to 31,636 units (excludes Daimler and Scania).
In June, Maruti-Suzuki sales of 52,300 units decreased 53.7% compared to the same month in 2019.
Hyundai sales of 21,320 units decreased 49.2% from last June.
Mahindra sales of 18,407 units decreased 45.4% from last June.
Kia sales of 7,275 units in June.
Toyota sales of 3,866 units decreased 63.5% from the same month last year.
Honda sales of 1,398 units decreased 86.4% in June compared to the same month in 2019.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Jun. 2020 Y-o-Y Apr. 2020-Jun. 2020 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 105,617 -49.6% 153,734 -78.4%
Commercial Vehicles - -% 31,636 -84.8%
Grand Total - -% 185,370 -79.9%
Source:Various media reports

June data and April-June data for passenger cars does not include BMW, Mercedes-Benz, or Volvo. June data does not include Tata.
June data for
commercial vehicles has not yet been released. April-June data does not include Daimler or Scania.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Jun. 2020 Jun. 2019 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 52,300 113,031 -53.7%
Tata N/A N/A -%
Mahindra & Mahindra 18,407 33,689 -45.4%
Hyundai 21,320 42,007 -49.2%
Toyota 3,866 10,603 -63.5%
Honda 1,398 10,314 -86.4%
Kia 7,275 - -%

Make Apr.-Jun. 2020 Apr.-Jun. 2019 Y-o-Y
Tata 23,845 131,879 -81.9%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, May 2020

2 Jun. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make May 2020 May 2019 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 13,865 123,250 -88.8%
Tata N/A N/A -%
Mahindra & Mahindra 8,988 36,929 -75.7%
Hyundai 6,883 42,502 -83.8%
Toyota 1,639 12,138 -86.5%
Honda 375 11,442 -96.7%
Kia 1,661 - -%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, April 2020

5 May 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Major Indian OEMs report zero domestic sales for April 2020
On May 1, Maruti Suzuki India Limited informed that it had zero sales in the domestic market in April 2020 due to the Government orders and all production facilities were closed. Following resumption of port operations, the first export shipment of 632 units was undertaken from the Mundra port.
Toyota India also announced no wholesales in the month of April 2020. Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. sold 733 vehicles in the export market during April 2020. Domestic vehicle sales during the month were completely impacted by the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Hyundai Motor India Ltd, registered exports sales of 1,341 units in the month of April 2020. However, domestic sales stood nil amid nationwide lockdown.
Other OEMs like Tata Motos, Honda, Ford, Nissan, Volkswagen, Kia etc also reported zero sales due to nationwide lockdown for coronavirus.
Commercial Vehicle OEMs like Ashok Leyland, SML Isuzu, Eicher etc reported no domestic sales during April 2020. Two-Wheeler manufactures Bajaj , Hero MotoCorp, Honda, TVS, Royal Enfield, Yamaha announced zero domestic sales.

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Apr. 2020 Apr. 2019 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 0 133,704 -100.0%
Tata 0 42,577 -100.0%
Mahindra & Mahindra 0 36,250 -100.0%
Hyundai 0 42,005 -100.0%
Toyota 0 9,300 -100.0%
Honda 0 11,272 -100.0%
Kia 0 - -%
Source: Releases by each company

More detailed statistics for India


Flash report, March 2020

2 Apr. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 61.1% in March, 2020

Indian new vehicle sales in March 2020 were down 61.1% y/y to 156,041 units versus 400,883 units in March 2019 due to coronavirus.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 51.0% to 143,014 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 88.1% to 13,027 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 79,080 units decreased 46.4% in March compared to the same month in 2019.
Hyundai sales of 40,010 units decreased 7.2% from last year.
Tata Motors sales of 11,012 units decreased 84.0% in March.
Kia sales of 8,583 units in March.
Toyota sales of 7,023 units decreased 45.2% from the same month last year.
Mahindra sales of 5,618 units decreased 88.8% from last year.
Honda sales of 3,697 units decreased 78.5% in March compared to the same month in 2019.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Mar. 2020 Mar. 2019 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 143,014 291,861 -51.0%
Commercial Vehicles 13,027 109,022 -88.1%
Grand Total 156,041 400,883 -61.1%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Mar. 2020 Mar. 2019 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 79,080 147,613 -46.4%
Tata 11,012 68,727 -84.0%
Mahindra & Mahindra 5,618 50,117 -88.8%
Hyundai 26,300 44,350 -40.7%
Toyota 7,023 12,818 -45.2%
Honda 3,697 17,202 -78.5%
Kia 8,583 - -%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, February 2020

3 Mar. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 13.8% in February, 2020
Indian new vehicle sales in February 2020 were down 13.8% y/y to 310,186 units versus 359,679 units in February 2019.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 7.6% to 251,516 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 32.9% to 58,670 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 134,150 units decreased 3.6% in February compared to the same month in 2019.
Hyundai sales of 40,010 units decreased 7.2% from last year.
Tata Motors sales of 38,002 units decreased 33.6% in February.
Mahindra sales of 25,929 units decreased 43.3% from last year.
Kia sales of 15,644 units in February.
Toyota sales of 10,352 units decreased 12.0% from the same month last year.
Honda sales of 7,269 units decreased 46.3% in February compared to the same month in 2019.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type

Type Feb. 2020 Feb. 2019 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 251,516 272,243 -7.6%
Commercial Vehicles 58,670 87,436 -32.9%
Grand Total 310,186 359,679 -13.8%

Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Feb. 2020 Feb. 2019 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 134,150 139,100 -3.6%
Tata 38,002 57,221 -33.6%
Mahindra & Mahindra 25,929 45,756 -43.3%
Hyundai 40,010 43,110 -7.2%
Toyota 10,352 11,760 -12.0%
Honda 7,269 13,527 -46.3%
Kia 15,644 - -%
Source: Releases by each company

More detailed statistics for India


Flash report, January 2020

3 Feb. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 8.1% in January, 2020
Indian new vehicle sales in January 2020 were down 8.1% y/y to 338,003 units versus 367,682 units in January 2019.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 6.2% to 262,714 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 14.0% to 75,289 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 142,250 units increased 0.1% in January compared to the same month in 2019.
Tata Motors sales of 45,242 units decreased 17.6% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 42,002 units decreased 8.3% in January.
Mahindra sales of 41,632 units decreased 7.3% from last year.
Toyota sales of 5,804 units decreased 48.3% from the same month last year.
Honda sales of 5,299 units decreased 71.0% in January.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Jan. 2020 Jan. 2019 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 262,714 280,091 -6.2%
Commercial Vehicles 75,289 87,591 -14.0%
Grand Total 338,003 367,682 -8.1%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Jan. 2020 Jan. 2019 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 142,250 142,150 0.1%
Tata 45,242 54,915 -17.6%
Mahindra & Mahindra 41,632 44,907 -7.3%
Hyundai 42,002 45,803 -8.3%
Toyota 5,804 11,221 -48.3%
Honda 5,299 18,261 -71.0%
Source: Releases by each company

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