SAE China 2021 (2): Concepts and Practices for Electric Electronic Information Architecture

China's intelligent and connected cars center, Huawei, United Automotive Electronic Systems



SAECCE 2021电子电气信息架构分论坛
SAE China 2021 Electronic and Electrical Information Architecture technical session

 The 2021 China Society of Automotive Engineering Congress and Exhibition (SAECCE 2021) was held from October 19 to 21 at the Shanghai Automobile Exhibition Center in Shanghai, China.

 The main theme of this year's congress was innovation of automobile technology against the background of "Automobile plus X, Technological Innovation under Dual-Carbon Goals", and experts from leading automakers, suppliers, research institutes, government agencies, and related industries were invited to speak on the developing trends of automotive electrification, smart (autonomous), connected, and sharing.

 Among these, the technical session "Electronic and Electrical Information Architecture" was held on October 20. The session was co-hosted by the China Society of Automotive Engineering, the National Innovation Center of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles, and the China Academy of Information and Communication Technology, and focused on how to build E/E (electronic and electrical) information architecture for next-generation automobiles.

 A representative of one of the co-organizers, the National Innovation Center of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles, proposed an SOA (service-oriented architecture) that satisfies E/E information architecture with cloud integration of functional safety, expected functional safety, and information security.

 This report will focus mainly on the presentations given by the experts from the National Innovation Center of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles, Huawei Intelligent Automotive Solution BU (Business Unit), and United Automotive Electronics Systems.


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