Australia - Flash report, Sales volume, 2017

More detailed statistics for Australia

Flash report, Sales volume, 2017

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, December 2017

5 Jan. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Dec. 2017 Dec. 2016 Y-o-Y Jan.-Dec.
Passenger Cars 36,748 42,385 -13.3% 450,012 486,257 -7.5%
SUV 40,429 34,936 15.7% 465,646 441,018 5.6%
Commercial Vehicles 22,165 18,382 20.6% 236,609 217,890 8.6%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,478 3,060 13.7% 36,849 32,968 11.8%
Total 102,820 98,763 4.1% 1,189,116 1,178,133 0.9%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2017 2016 Y-o-Y 2017 2016 Y-o-Y
Dec. Share Dec. Share Jan.-Dec. Share Jan.-Dec. Share
1 Toyota 17,081 16.6% 19,925 20.2% -14.3% 216,566 18.2% 209,610 17.8% 3.3%
2 Mazda 9,102 8.9% 9,771 9.9% -6.8% 116,349 9.8% 118,217 10.0% -1.6%
3 Hyundai 6,182 6.0% 7,052 7.1% -12.3% 97,013 8.2% 101,555 8.6% -4.5%
4 Holden 12,179 11.8% 7,725 7.8% 57.7% 90,306 7.6% 94,308 8.0% -4.2%
5 Mitsubishi 9,019 8.8% 6,752 6.8% 33.6% 80,654 6.8% 73,368 6.2% 9.9%
6 Ford 5,636 5.5% 6,466 6.5% -12.8% 78,161 6.6% 81,207 6.9% -3.8%
7 Volkswagen 5,136 5.0% 4,565 4.6% 12.5% 58,004 4.9% 56,571 4.8% 2.5%
8 Nissan 4,581 4.5% 5,072 5.1% -9.7% 56,594 4.8% 66,826 5.7% -15.3%
9 Kia 4,007 3.9% 3,314 3.4% 20.9% 54,737 4.6% 42,668 3.6% 28.3%
10 Subaru 4,132 4.0% 3,908 4.0% 5.7% 52,511 4.4% 47,018 4.0% 11.7%
  Others 25,765 25.1% 24,213 24.5% 6.4% 288,221 24.2% 286,785 24.3% 0.5%
Total 102,820 100.0% 98,763 100.0% 4.1% 1,189,116 100.0% 1,178,133 100.0% 0.9%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, November 2017

5 Dec. 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Nov. 2017 Nov. 2016 Y-o-Y Jan.-Nov.
PC 36,929 39,852 -7.3% 413,264 443,872 -6.9%
SUV 40,748 37,536 8.6% 425,217 406,082 4.7%
LCV 20,059 18,592 7.9% 214,444 199,508 7.5%
HCV 3,629 2,957 22.7% 33,371 29,908 11.6%
Total 101,365 98,937 2.5% 1,086,296 1,079,370 0.6%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2017 2016 Y-o-Y 2017 2016 Y-o-Y
Nov. Share Nov. Share Jan.-Nov. Share Jan.-Nov. Share
1 Toyota 18,804 18.6% 18,162 18.4% 3.5% 199,485 18.4% 189,685 17.6% 5.2%
2 Mazda 9,330 9.2% 9,825 9.9% -5.0% 107,247 9.9% 108,446 10.0% -1.1%
3 Hyundai 8,781 8.7% 7,991 8.1% 9.9% 90,831 8.4% 94,503 8.8% -3.9%
4 Holden 7,955 7.8% 7,750 7.8% 2.6% 78,127 7.2% 86,583 8.0% -9.8%
5 Mitsubishi 6,678 6.6% 5,875 5.9% 13.7% 71,635 6.6% 66,616 6.2% 7.5%
6 Ford 6,275 6.2% 6,827 6.9% -8.1% 72,525 6.7% 74,741 6.9% -3.0%
7 Volkswagen 5,364 5.3% 4,862 4.9% 10.3% 52,868 4.9% 52,006 4.8% 1.7%
8 Nissan 5,077 5.0% 6,341 6.4% -19.9% 52,013 4.8% 61,754 5.7% -15.8%
9 Honda 4,431 4.4% 3,502 3.5% 26.5% 41,742 3.8% 36,610 3.4% 14.0%
10 Kia 4,305 4.2% 3,573 3.6% 20.5% 50,730 4.7% 39,354 3.6% 28.9%
  Others 24,365 24.0% 24,229 24.5% 0.6% 269,093 24.8% 269,072 24.9% 0.0%
Total 101,365 100.0% 98,937 100.0% 2.5% 1,086,296 100.0% 1,079,370 100.0% 0.6%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, October 2017

6 Nov. 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Oct. 2017 Oct. 2016 Y-o-Y Jan.-Oct.
PC 36,396 37,817 -3.8% 376,335 404,020 -6.9%
SUV 36,871 36,442 1.2% 384,469 368,546 4.3%
LCV 19,087 16,101 18.5% 194,385 180,916 7.4%
HCV 3,409 2,997 13.7% 29,742 26,951 10.4%
Total 95,763 93,357 2.6% 984,931 980,433 0.5%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2017 2016 Y-o-Y 2017 2016 Y-o-Y
Oct. Share Oct. Share Jan.-Oct. Share Jan.-Oct. Share
1 Toyota 17,836 18.6% 16,348 17.5% 9.1% 180,681 18.3% 171,523 17.5% 5.3%
2 Hyundai 8,800 9.2% 8,704 9.3% 1.1% 82,050 8.3% 86,512 8.8% -5.2%
3 Mazda 8,054 8.4% 7,921 8.5% 1.7% 97,917 9.9% 98,621 10.1% -0.7%
4 Holden 7,726 8.1% 7,521 8.1% 2.7% 70,172 7.1% 78,833 8.0% -11.0%
5 Ford 5,785 6.0% 6,508 7.0% -11.1% 66,250 6.7% 67,914 6.9% -2.5%
6 Mitsubishi 5,550 5.8% 5,227 5.6% 6.2% 64,957 6.6% 60,741 6.2% 6.9%
7 Volkswagen 4,941 5.2% 4,869 5.2% 1.5% 47,504 4.8% 47,144 4.8% 0.8%
8 Subaru 4,667 4.9% 4,140 4.4% 12.7% 44,114 4.5% 38,969 4.0% 13.2%
9 Nissan 4,565 4.8% 5,543 5.9% -17.6% 46,936 4.8% 55,413 5.7% -15.3%
10 Kia 4,255 4.4% 3,543 3.8% 20.1% 46,425 4.7% 35,781 3.6% 29.7%
  Others 23,584 24.6% 23,033 24.7% 2.4% 237,925 24.2% 238,982 24.4% -0.4%
Total 95,763 100.0% 93,357 100.0% 2.6% 984,931 100.0% 980,433 100.0% 0.5%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, September 2017

5 Oct. 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Sep. 2017 Sep. 2016 Y-o-Y Jan.-Sep.
PC 38,147 42,076 -9.3% 339,939 366,203 -7.2%
SUV 39,003 39,497 -1.3% 347,598 332,104 4.7%
LCV 19,745 18,260 8.1% 175,298 164,815 6.4%
HCV 3,305 2,863 15.4% 26,333 23,954 9.9%
Total 100,200 102,696 -2.4% 889,168 887,076 0.2%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2017 2016 Y-o-Y 2017 2016 Y-o-Y
Sep. Share Sep. Share Jan.-Sep. Share Jan.-Sep. Share
1 Toyota 17,377 17.3% 16,716 16.3% 4.0% 162,845 18.3% 155,175 17.5% 4.9%
2 Mazda 10,328 10.3% 12,009 11.7% -14.0% 89,863 10.1% 90,700 10.2% -0.9%
3 Hyundai 8,130 8.1% 9,319 9.1% -12.8% 73,250 8.2% 77,808 8.8% -5.9%
4 Mitsubishi 7,065 7.1% 6,701 6.5% 5.4% 59,407 6.7% 55,514 6.3% 7.0%
5 Holden 6,882 6.9% 8,564 8.3% -19.6% 62,446 7.0% 71,312 8.0% -12.4%
6 Ford 6,845 6.8% 7,280 7.1% -6.0% 60,465 6.8% 61,406 6.9% -1.5%
7 Volkswagen 4,901 4.9% 4,380 4.3% 11.9% 42,563 4.8% 42,275 4.8% 0.7%
8 Kia 4,662 4.7% 3,687 3.6% 26.4% 42,170 4.7% 32,238 3.6% 30.8%
9 Subaru 4,641 4.6% 4,050 3.9% 14.6% 39,447 4.4% 34,829 3.9% 13.3%
10 Honda 4,393 4.4% 3,783 3.7% 16.1% 33,441 3.8% 29,704 3.3% 12.6%
  Others 24,976 24.9% 26,207 25.5% -4.7% 223,271 25.1% 236,115 26.6% -5.4%
Total 100,200 100.0% 102,696 100.0% -2.4% 889,168 100.0% 887,076 100.0% 0.2%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, August 2017

6 Sep. 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Aug. 2017 Aug. 2016 Y-o-Y Jan.-Aug.
PC 35,733 38,945 -8.2% 301,792 324,127 -6.9%
SUV 38,118 36,397 4.7% 308,595 292,607 5.5%
LCV 19,542 16,749 16.7% 155,553 146,555 6.1%
HCV 3,269 2,818 16.0% 23,028 21,091 9.2%
Total 96,662 94,909 1.8% 788,968 784,380 0.6%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2017 2016 Y-o-Y 2017 2016 Y-o-Y
Aug. Share Aug. Share Jan.-Aug. Share Jan.-Aug. Share
1 Toyota 18,511 19.2% 18,650 19.7% -0.7% 145,468 18.4% 138,459 17.7% 5.1%
2 Mazda 8,511 8.8% 9,258 9.8% -8.1% 79,535 10.1% 78,691 10.0% 1.1%
3 Hyundai 7,800 8.1% 6,536 6.9% 19.3% 65,120 8.3% 68,489 8.7% -4.9%
4 Holden 6,984 7.2% 7,667 8.1% -8.9% 55,564 7.0% 62,748 8.0% -11.4%
5 Mitsubishi 6,649 6.9% 6,136 6.5% 8.4% 52,342 6.6% 48,813 6.2% 7.2%
6 Ford 6,645 6.9% 6,849 7.2% -3.0% 53,620 6.8% 54,126 6.9% -0.9%
7 Volkswagen 4,730 4.9% 3,893 4.1% 21.5% 37,662 4.8% 37,895 4.8% -0.6%
8 Subaru 4,579 4.7% 3,362 3.5% 36.2% 34,806 4.4% 30,779 3.9% 13.1%
9 Kia 4,507 4.7% 3,710 3.9% 21.5% 37,508 4.8% 28,551 3.6% 31.4%
10 Nissan 4,095 4.2% 5,616 5.9% -27.1% 38,369 4.9% 44,693 5.7% -14.1%
  Others 23,651 24.5% 23,232 24.5% 1.8% 188,974 24.0% 191,136 24.4% -1.1%
Total 96,662 100.0% 94,909 100.0% 1.8% 788,968 100.0% 784,380 100.0% 0.6%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, July 2017

3 Aug. 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Jul. 2017 Jul. 2016 Y-o-Y Jan.-Jul.
PC 35,792 38,033 -5.9% 266,059 285,182 -6.7%
SUV 36,979 33,817 9.4% 270,477 256,210 5.6%
LCV 17,016 16,889 0.8% 136,011 129,806 4.8%
HCV 2,967 2,592 14.5% 19,759 18,273 8.1%
Total 92,754 91,331 1.6% 692,306 689,471 0.4%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2017 2016 Y-o-Y 2017 2016 Y-o-Y
Jul. Share Jul. Share Jan.-Jul. Share Jan.-Jul. Share
1 Toyota 17,931 19.3% 17,465 19.1% 2.7% 126,957 18.3% 119,809 17.4% 6.0%
2 Mazda 9,528 10.3% 8,460 9.3% 12.6% 71,024 10.3% 69,433 10.1% 2.3%
3 Hyundai 7,501 8.1% 7,603 8.3% -1.3% 57,320 8.3% 61,953 9.0% -7.5%
4 Holden 6,467 7.0% 7,071 7.7% -8.5% 48,580 7.0% 55,081 8.0% -11.8%
5 Ford 6,270 6.8% 6,894 7.5% -9.1% 46,975 6.8% 47,277 6.9% -0.6%
6 Mitsubishi 6,020 6.5% 5,412 5.9% 11.2% 45,693 6.6% 42,677 6.2% 7.1%
7 Kia 4,266 4.6% 3,555 3.9% 20.0% 33,001 4.8% 24,841 3.6% 32.8%
8 Subaru 4,265 4.6% 3,356 3.7% 27.1% 30,227 4.4% 27,417 4.0% 10.2%
9 Nissan 4,094 4.4% 5,304 5.8% -22.8% 34,274 5.0% 39,077 5.7% -12.3%
10 Volkswagen 3,803 4.1% 4,193 4.6% -9.3% 32,932 4.8% 34,002 4.9% -3.1%
  Others 22,609 24.4% 22,018 24.1% 2.7% 165,323 23.9% 167,904 24.4% -1.5%
Total 92,754 100.0% 91,331 100.0% 1.6% 692,306 100.0% 689,471 100.0% 0.4%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, June 2017

5 Jul. 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Jun. 2017 Jun. 2016 Y-o-Y Jan.-Jun.
PC 50,646 53,832 -5.9% 230,267 247,149 -6.8%
SUV 51,393 46,011 11.7% 233,498 222,393 5.0%
LCV 28,253 25,174 12.2% 118,995 112,917 5.4%
HCV 3,879 3,552 9.2% 16,792 15,681 7.1%
Total 134,171 128,569 4.4% 599,552 598,140 0.2%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2017 2016 Y-o-Y 2017 2016 Y-o-Y
Jun. Share Jun. Share Jan.-Jun. Share Jan.-Jun. Share
1 Toyota 24,546 18.3% 22,083 17.2% 11.2% 109,026 18.2% 102,344 17.1% 6.5%
2 Mazda 12,501 9.3% 12,455 9.7% 0.4% 61,496 10.3% 60,973 10.2% 0.9%
3 Hyundai 12,251 9.1% 12,300 9.6% -0.4% 49,819 8.3% 54,350 9.1% -8.3%
4 Holden 9,273 6.9% 11,376 8.8% -18.5% 42,113 7.0% 48,010 8.0% -12.3%
5 Mitsubishi 9,266 6.9% 8,726 6.8% 6.2% 39,673 6.6% 37,265 6.2% 6.5%
6 Ford 8,853 6.6% 8,316 6.5% 6.5% 40,705 6.8% 40,383 6.8% 0.8%
7 Kia 6,737 5.0% 5,170 4.0% 30.3% 28,735 4.8% 21,286 3.6% 35.0%
8 Nissan 6,690 5.0% 6,781 5.3% -1.3% 30,180 5.0% 33,773 5.6% -10.6%
9 Volkswagen 6,447 4.8% 5,933 4.6% 8.7% 29,129 4.9% 29,809 5.0% -2.3%
10 Honda 5,412 4.0% 5,265 4.1% 2.8% 21,831 3.6% 19,633 3.3% 11.2%
  Others 32,195 24.0% 30,164 23.5% 6.7% 146,845 24.5% 150,314 25.1% -2.3%
Total 134,171 100.0% 128,569 100.0% 4.4% 599,552 100.0% 598,140 100.0% 0.2%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, May 2017

5 Jun. 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type May 2017 May 2016 Y-o-Y Jan.-May
PC 38,842 38,222 1.6% 179,621 193,317 -7.1%
SUV 39,629 36,230 9.4% 182,105 176,382 3.2%
LCV 21,215 19,391 9.4% 90,772 87,743 3.5%
HCV 3,215 2,829 13.6% 12,883 12,129 6.2%
Total 102,901 96,672 6.4% 465,381 469,571 -0.9%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2017 2016 Y-o-Y 2017 2016 Y-o-Y
May Share May Share Jan.-May Share Jan.-May Share
1 Toyota 19,876 19.3% 17,201 17.8% 15.6% 84,480 18.2% 80,261 17.1% 5.3%
2 Mazda 9,903 9.6% 9,608 9.9% 3.1% 48,995 10.5% 48,518 10.3% 1.0%
3 Hyundai 8,312 8.1% 9,005 9.3% -7.7% 37,568 8.1% 42,050 9.0% -10.7%
4 Ford 7,617 7.4% 6,584 6.8% 15.7% 31,852 6.8% 32,067 6.8% -0.7%
5 Holden 6,917 6.7% 7,405 7.7% -6.6% 32,840 7.1% 36,634 7.8% -10.4%
6 Mitsubishi 6,521 6.3% 6,154 6.4% 6.0% 30,407 6.5% 28,539 6.1% 6.5%
7 Nissan 5,083 4.9% 5,585 5.8% -9.0% 23,490 5.0% 26,992 5.7% -13.0%
8 Volkswagen 5,080 4.9% 4,565 4.7% 11.3% 22,682 4.9% 23,876 5.1% -5.0%
9 Kia 5,005 4.9% 3,542 3.7% 41.3% 21,998 4.7% 16,116 3.4% 36.5%
10 Subaru 4,146 4.0% 4,002 4.1% 3.6% 20,761 4.5% 18,926 4.0% 9.7%
  Others 24,441 23.8% 23,021 23.8% 6.2% 110,308 23.7% 115,592 24.6% -4.6%
Total 102,901 100.0% 96,672 100.0% 6.4% 465,381 100.0% 469,571 100.0% -0.9%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, April 2017

8 May 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Apr. 2017 Apr. 2016 Y-o-Y Jan.-Apr.
PC 32,147 36,671 -12.3% 140,779 155,095 -9.2%
SUV 31,368 31,783 -1.3% 142,476 140,152 1.7%
LCV 17,111 16,595 3.1% 69,557 68,352 1.8%
HCV 2,509 2,522 -0.5% 9,668 9,300 4.0%
Total 83,135 87,571 -5.1% 362,480 372,899 -2.8%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2017 2016 Y-o-Y 2017 2016 Y-o-Y
Apr. Share Apr. Share Jan.-Apr. Share Jan.-Apr. Share
1 Toyota 16,090 19.4% 16,567 18.9% -2.9% 64,604 17.8% 63,060 16.9% 2.4%
2 Mazda 8,630 10.4% 8,461 9.7% 2.0% 39,092 10.8% 38,910 10.4% 0.5%
3 Hyundai 6,850 8.2% 8,643 9.9% -20.7% 29,256 8.1% 33,045 8.9% -11.5%
4 Holden 5,804 7.0% 6,710 7.7% -13.5% 25,923 7.2% 29,229 7.8% -11.3%
5 Ford 5,802 7.0% 6,842 7.8% -15.2% 24,235 6.7% 25,483 6.8% -4.9%
6 Mitsubishi 5,470 6.6% 4,178 4.8% 30.9% 23,886 6.6% 22,385 6.0% 6.7%
7 Kia 4,120 5.0% 3,025 3.5% 36.2% 16,993 4.7% 12,574 3.4% 35.1%
8 Volkswagen 3,867 4.7% 4,732 5.4% -18.3% 17,602 4.9% 19,311 5.2% -8.8%
9 Subaru 3,854 4.6% 3,156 3.6% 22.1% 16,615 4.6% 14,924 4.0% 11.3%
10 Nissan 3,350 4.0% 4,044 4.6% -17.2% 18,407 5.1% 21,407 5.7% -14.0%
  Others 19,298 23.2% 21,213 24.2% -9.0% 85,867 23.7% 92,571 24.8% -7.2%
Total 83,135 100.0% 87,571 100.0% -5.1% 362,480 100.0% 372,899 100.0% -2.8%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, March 2017

5 Apr. 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Mar. 2017 Mar. 2016 Y-o-Y Jan.-Mar.
PC 38,972 43,652 -10.7% 108,632 118,424 -8.3%
SUV 41,484 38,437 7.9% 111,108 108,369 2.5%
LCV 21,992 19,754 11.3% 52,446 51,757 1.3%
HCV 2,962 2,669 11.0% 7,159 6,778 5.6%
Total 105,410 104,512 0.9% 279,345 285,328 -2.1%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2017 2016 Y-o-Y 2017 2016 Y-o-Y
Mar. Share Mar. Share Jan.-Mar. Share Jan.-Mar. Share
1 Toyota 19,652 18.6% 17,849 17.1% 10.1% 48,514 17.4% 46,493 16.3% 4.3%
2 Mazda 10,472 9.9% 10,228 9.8% 2.4% 30,462 10.9% 30,449 10.7% 0.0%
3 Hyundai 8,700 8.3% 9,700 9.3% -10.3% 22,406 8.0% 24,402 8.6% -8.2%
4 Mitsubishi 7,583 7.2% 6,519 6.2% 16.3% 18,416 6.6% 18,207 6.4% 1.1%
5 Holden 7,211 6.8% 8,355 8.0% -13.7% 20,119 7.2% 22,519 7.9% -10.7%
6 Ford 6,852 6.5% 6,481 6.2% 5.7% 18,433 6.6% 18,641 6.5% -1.1%
7 Nissan 5,620 5.3% 5,811 5.6% -3.3% 15,057 5.4% 17,363 6.1% -13.3%
8 Volkswagen 5,122 4.9% 5,316 5.1% -3.6% 13,735 4.9% 14,579 5.1% -5.8%
9 Subaru 5,006 4.7% 4,825 4.6% 3.8% 12,761 4.6% 11,768 4.1% 8.4%
10 Kia 4,684 4.4% 3,366 3.2% 39.2% 12,873 4.6% 9,549 3.3% 34.8%
  Others 24,508 23.3% 26,062 24.9% -6.0% 66,569 23.8% 71,358 25.0% -6.7%
Total 105,410 100.0% 104,512 100.0% 0.9% 279,345 100.0% 285,328 100.0% -2.1%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, February 2017

3 Mar. 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Feb. 2017 Feb. 2016 Y-o-Y Jan.-Feb.
PC 34,740 39,558 -12.2% 69,660 74,772 -6.8%
SUV 35,497 36,865 -3.7% 69,624 69,932 -0.4%
LCV 16,512 17,500 -5.6% 30,454 32,003 -4.8%
HCV 2,276 2,520 -9.7% 4,197 4,109 2.1%
Total 89,025 96,443 -7.7% 173,935 180,816 -3.8%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2017 2016 Y-o-Y 2017 2016 Y-o-Y
Feb. Share Feb. Share Jan.-Feb. Share Jan.-Feb. Share
1 Toyota 16,308 18.3% 16,191 16.8% 0.7% 28,862 16.6% 28,644 15.8% 0.8%
2 Mazda 9,923 11.1% 10,205 10.6% -2.8% 19,990 11.5% 20,221 11.2% -1.1%
3 Hyundai 7,001 7.9% 7,701 8.0% -9.1% 13,706 7.9% 14,702 8.1% -6.8%
4 Mitsubishi 5,758 6.5% 6,681 6.9% -13.8% 10,833 6.2% 11,688 6.5% -7.3%
5 Holden 5,724 6.4% 7,340 7.6% -22.0% 12,908 7.4% 14,164 7.8% -8.9%
6 Ford 5,669 6.4% 6,656 6.9% -14.8% 11,581 6.7% 12,160 6.7% -4.8%
7 Volkswagen 4,618 5.2% 4,922 5.1% -6.2% 8,613 5.0% 9,263 5.1% -7.0%
8 Nissan 4,425 5.0% 5,989 6.2% -26.1% 9,437 5.4% 11,552 6.4% -18.3%
9 Kia 4,174 4.7% 3,067 3.2% 36.1% 8,189 4.7% 6,183 3.4% 32.4%
10 Subaru 3,746 4.2% 3,538 3.7% 5.9% 7,755 4.5% 6,943 3.8% 11.7%
  Others 21,679 24.4% 24,153 25.0% -10.2% 42,061 24.2% 45,296 25.1% -7.1%
Total 89,025 100.0% 96,443 100.0% -7.7% 173,935 100.0% 180,816 100.0% -3.8%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, January 2017

3 Feb. 2017

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Jan. 2017 Jan. 2016 Y-o-Y
PC 34,920 35,214 -0.8%
SUV 34,127 33,067 3.2%
LCV 13,942 14,503 -3.9%
HCV 1,921 1,589 20.9%
Total 84,910 84,373 0.6%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2017 2016 Y-o-Y
Jan. Share Jan. Share
1 Toyota 12,554 14.8% 12,453 14.8% 0.8%
2 Mazda 10,067 11.9% 10,016 11.9% 0.5%
3 Holden 7,184 8.5% 6,824 8.1% 5.3%
4 Hyundai 6,705 7.9% 7,001 8.3% -4.2%
5 Ford 5,912 7.0% 5,504 6.5% 7.4%
6 Mitsubishi 5,075 6.0% 5,007 5.9% 1.4%
7 Nissan 5,012 5.9% 5,563 6.6% -9.9%
8 Kia 4,015 4.7% 3,116 3.7% 28.9%
9 Subaru 4,009 4.7% 3,405 4.0% 17.7%
10 Volkswagen 3,995 4.7% 4,341 5.1% -8.0%
Others 20,382 24.0% 21,143 25.1% -3.6%
Total 84,910 100.0% 84,373 100.0% 0.6%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia