3D Maps for Autonomous Driving: Standardization and Update Method Studies Advance
Autonomous Vehicle and ADAS Japan 2016 (3)
- Summary
- Promoting autonomous driving through government programs, accelerating the advancement of dynamic maps
- Investigating cooperative areas for standardization at "Dynamic Map Planning Co., Ltd."
- Dynamic Map Planning Co., Ltd.'s business model
- Pioneer: Developing an "Eco data system" through its small 3D-LiDAR
- Joint "Data ecosystem" demonstration experiments by Pioneer and HERE
- Panel discussion: Defining the Precision 3D maps (dynamic maps) required for autonomous driving.
HERE's HD Live Map |
The "Autonomous Vehicle and ADAS Japan 2016" conference was organized by TU Automotive and held in Tokyo from July 11 - 12, 2016. This report will summarize efforts to study and prepare for full-scale creation of 3D maps, based on a lecture by Ichiro Hatano, General Manager In charge of Public Relations for the Autonomous Driving Systems Business Development Division at Pioneer Corporation, titled, "A fusion of laser technology and car navigation technology: The role Pioneer plays in the realization of autonomous driving", and on a panel discussion done afterward titled, "Defining the Precision 3D maps (dynamic maps) required for autonomous driving.".
* Japanese map companies, surveying companies, and nine automotive companies established the "Dynamic Map Planning Co., Ltd." in June 2016. They divided 3D map contents into cooperative and competitive areas, and started a study to standardize the cooperative areas.
* Pioneer has developed a small, low cost 3D-LiDAR. It was made to be equipped in general vehicles, and developed together with map maintenance vehicles. The company has proposed a "data ecosystem" for updating 3D maps to the latest state through information collected from those vehicles. Pioneer has also announced it is working on a demonstration test for the "data ecosystem" together with the European map company "HERE".
* Panel discussion: The discussion included statements such as the opinion that standardization should be promoted as soon as possible, which was countered by a view that careful consideration is needed because the distinction between the cooperative and competitive areas is not always clear. At the same time, HERE has been promoting standardization globally.
Related reports:
Toyota's ADAS technology: Autonomous Vehicle and ADAS 2016 (1) (Aug. 2016)
The impact of autonomous parking: Autonomous Vehicle and ADAS Japan 2016 (2) (Sep. 2016)
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