Autonomous driving: Latest technologies and next challenges (Part 1)
Key technologies and their roles: "Line of Sight" and "Out of Sight"
- Summary
- Mapping of autonomous driving implementations
- "Line of Sight" and "Out of Sight"
- Line of Sight‥Cerebellar autonomous driving
- Out of Sight‥Cerebral autonomous driving
Automakers are actively promoting and announcing their autonomous vehicles. Governments are also making positive comments on the realization of autonomous vehicles. Under the circumstances, how does each supplier see the progress of its technology for the realization of autonomous vehicles?
TU-Automotive Japan 2015 (formerly called Telematics Japan until last year) was held at the Westin Tokyo from October 20 through October 21, 2015 under the auspices of TU-Automotive Japan. This report is the first of a two-part series that focuses on an autonomous driving session held at TU-Automotive Japan 2015 and summarizes parts suppliers' lectures on directions for future technological research, challenges and solutions as well as timings to implement technologies in their respective specialized fields.
The first report covers a lecture presented by Tsuguo Nobe. He is the Chief Advanced Service Architect and Director of the Strategy Office, Automotive Unit at Intel Corporation. He is also a Visiting Associate Professor at Nagoya University. The title of his lecture was "Autonomous Driving: (Complete) Market Update." He highlighted key technologies for implementing autonomous driving: Deep Learning for "Line of Sight" (up to around 100 meters ahead of the vehicle) and Vehicle IoT (Internet of Things) for "Out of Sight" (beyond the 100-meter distance).
The second report contains lectures by Bosch, Continental, and two embedded OS vendors, QNX and Wind River, as well as comments at a panel discussion.
Related Reports:
Autonomous Driving Technology: Telematics Japan 2014 (Nov. 2014)
Technologies that will be key to autonomous driving (Nov. 2014)
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