Hyundai Kefico Corporation Business Report FY ended Dec. 2017

Financial Overview (Consolidated)

(in millions of won)
FY ended Dec. 2017 FY ended Dec. 2016 Rate of
change (%)
Sales 1,663,258 1,806,666 (7.9)
Operating income 17,971 106,007 (83.0)
Net income 38,290 126,247 (69.6)

Sales by Product (non-consolidated)

(In KRW 100 million)
Product FY ended Dec. 2017 FY ended Dec. 2016 FY ended Dec. 2015
Sales Percentage Sales Percentage Sales Percentage
Control units 3,922 23.6 4,042 22.4 3,920 24.3
Actuators 3,536 21.3 4,328 24.0 4,352 27.0
Sensors 3,757 22.6 4,108 22.7 3,936 24.5
Modules 5,315 32.0 5,508 30.5 3,869 24.0
Others 104 0.6 81 0.4 27 0.2
Total 18,067 100.0 18,067 100.0 16,104 100.0

R&D Structure

1992 KETI
(KEFICO Engineering Technology Institute)
1996 Application Center
2005 Reliability Center
2014 R&D Center for Electric Control Systems (Main building)
2015 R&D Center for Electric Control Systems (Annex)

R&D Expenses

(in KRW million)
FY ended Dec. 2017 FY ended Dec. 2016 FY ended Dec. 2015
Amount 72,659 84,069 69,062
In relation to sales (%) 4.07 4.18 3.82

Major R&D Achievements

2016/02/29 Commercial production of fuel-rails for Kapa1.4 T-GDI engine
2016/06/18 Commercial production of Kapa fuel-consumption-enhancing oxygen sensor
2016/06/23 Commercial production of Kapa fuel-consumption-enhancing electronic throttle valve
2016/07/07 Commercial production of sunroof control unit
2016/08/11 Commercial production of 7-speed DCT inhibitor switch

MarkLines Customer Support

9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. (excluding national holidays)
japan Japan
Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Southfield, Michigan, USA
MEX Mexico
León Guanajuato, Mexico
DEU Germany
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
CHN China
Huangpu District, Shanghai, China
THA Thailand
Klongtoey, Bangkok, Thailand
IND India
Gurgaon, Haryana, India