Australia - Flash report, Sales volume, 2018

More detailed statistics for Australia

Flash report, Sales volume, 2018

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, December 2018

7 Jan. 2019

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Dec. 2018 Dec. 2017 Y-o-Y Jan.-Dec.
Passenger Cars 27,037 36,685 -26.3% 378,413 449,949 -15.9%
SUV 37,644 40,492 -7.0% 495,300 465,709 6.4%
Commercial Vehicles 19,393 22,165 -12.5% 237,972 236,609 0.6%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,454 3,478 -0.7% 41,426 36,849 12.4%
Total 87,528 102,820 -14.9% 1,153,111 1,189,116 -3.0%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2018 2017 Y-o-Y 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Dec. Share Dec. Share Jan.-Dec. Share Jan.-Dec. Share
1 Toyota 15,991 18.3% 17,081 16.6% -6.4% 217,061 18.8% 216,566 18.2% 0.2%
2 Mazda 8,129 9.3% 9,102 8.9% -10.7% 111,280 9.7% 116,349 9.8% -4.4%
3 Hyundai 5,766 6.6% 6,182 6.0% -6.7% 94,187 8.2% 97,013 8.2% -2.9%
4 Mitsubishi 7,306 8.3% 9,019 8.8% -19.0% 84,944 7.4% 80,654 6.8% 5.3%
5 Ford 5,230 6.0% 5,636 5.5% -7.2% 69,081 6.0% 78,161 6.6% -11.6%
6 Holden 4,822 5.5% 12,179 11.8% -60.4% 60,751 5.3% 90,306 7.6% -32.7%
7 Kia 4,214 4.8% 4,007 3.9% 5.2% 58,815 5.1% 54,737 4.6% 7.5%
8 Nissan 4,534 5.2% 4,581 4.5% -1.0% 57,699 5.0% 56,594 4.8% 2.0%
9 Volkswagen 4,291 4.9% 5,136 5.0% -16.5% 56,620 4.9% 58,004 4.9% -2.4%
10 Honda 4,189 4.8% 5,041 4.9% -16.9% 51,525 4.5% 46,783 3.9% 10.1%
  Others 23,056 26.3% 24,856 24.2% -7.2% 291,148 25.2% 293,949 24.7% -1.0%
Total 87,528 100.0% 102,820 100.0% -14.9% 1,153,111 100.0% 1,189,116 100.0% -3.0%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, November 2018

5 Dec. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Nov. 2018 Nov. 2017 Y-o-Y Jan.-Nov.
Passenger Cars 29,250 36,929 -20.8% 351,376 413,264 -15.0%
SUV 39,983 40,748 -1.9% 457,656 425,217 7.6%
Commercial Vehicles 20,900 20,059 4.2% 218,579 214,444 1.9%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,727 3,629 2.7% 37,972 33,371 13.8%
Total 93,860 101,365 -7.4% 1,065,583 1,086,296 -1.9%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2018 2017 Y-o-Y 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Nov. Share Nov. Share Jan.-Nov. Share Jan.-Nov. Share
1 Toyota 18,271 19.5% 18,804 18.6% -2.8% 201,070 18.9% 199,485 18.4% 0.8%
2 Mazda 8,905 9.5% 9,330 9.2% -4.6% 103,151 9.7% 107,247 9.9% -3.8%
3 Hyundai 7,869 8.4% 8,781 8.7% -10.4% 88,421 8.3% 90,831 8.4% -2.7%
4 Mitsubishi 6,953 7.4% 6,678 6.6% 4.1% 77,638 7.3% 71,635 6.6% 8.4%
5 Ford 5,519 5.9% 6,275 6.2% -12.0% 63,851 6.0% 72,525 6.7% -12.0%
6 Nissan 5,330 5.7% 5,077 5.0% 5.0% 53,165 5.0% 52,013 4.8% 2.2%
7 Holden 5,125 5.5% 7,955 7.8% -35.6% 55,929 5.2% 78,127 7.2% -28.4%
8 Volkswagen 4,713 5.0% 5,364 5.3% -12.1% 52,329 4.9% 52,868 4.9% -1.0%
9 Kia 4,644 4.9% 4,305 4.2% 7.9% 54,601 5.1% 50,730 4.7% 7.6%
10 Subaru 3,921 4.2% 4,265 4.2% -8.1% 46,565 4.4% 48,379 4.5% -3.7%
  Others 22,610 24.1% 24,531 24.2% -7.8% 268,863 25.2% 262,456 24.2% 2.4%
Total 93,860 100.0% 101,365 100.0% -7.4% 1,065,583 100.0% 1,086,296 100.0% -1.9%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, October 2018

5 Nov. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Oct. 2018 Oct. 2017 Y-o-Y Jan.-Oct.
Passenger Cars 27,802 36,396 -23.6% 322,126 376,335 -14.4%
SUV 39,849 36,871 8.1% 417,673 384,469 8.6%
Commercial Vehicles 19,286 19,087 1.0% 197,679 194,385 1.7%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,781 3,409 10.9% 34,245 29,742 15.1%
Total 90,718 95,763 -5.3% 971,723 984,931 -1.3%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2018 2017 Y-o-Y 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Oct. Share Oct. Share Jan.-Oct. Share Jan.-Oct. Share
1 Toyota 17,811 19.6% 17,836 18.6% -0.1% 182,799 18.8% 180,681 18.3% 1.2%
2 Mazda 8,172 9.0% 8,054 8.4% 1.5% 94,246 9.7% 97,917 9.9% -3.7%
3 Hyundai 7,432 8.2% 8,800 9.2% -15.5% 80,552 8.3% 82,050 8.3% -1.8%
4 Mitsubishi 6,217 6.9% 5,550 5.8% 12.0% 70,685 7.3% 64,957 6.6% 8.8%
5 Ford 5,362 5.9% 5,785 6.0% -7.3% 58,332 6.0% 66,250 6.7% -12.0%
6 Holden 5,256 5.8% 7,726 8.1% -32.0% 50,804 5.2% 70,172 7.1% -27.6%
7 Volkswagen 4,835 5.3% 4,941 5.2% -2.1% 47,616 4.9% 47,504 4.8% 0.2%
8 Kia 4,583 5.1% 4,255 4.4% 7.7% 49,957 5.1% 46,425 4.7% 7.6%
9 Subaru 4,370 4.8% 4,667 4.9% -6.4% 42,644 4.4% 44,114 4.5% -3.3%
10 Nissan 4,241 4.7% 4,565 4.8% -7.1% 47,835 4.9% 46,936 4.8% 1.9%
  Others 22,439 24.7% 23,584 24.6% -4.9% 246,253 25.3% 237,925 24.2% 3.5%
Total 90,718 100.0% 95,763 100.0% -5.3% 971,723 100.0% 984,931 100.0% -1.3%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, September 2018

3 Oct. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Sep. 2018 Sep. 2017 Y-o-Y Jan.-Sep.
Passenger Cars 30,487 38,147 -20.1% 294,324 339,939 -13.4%
SUV 41,420 39,003 6.2% 377,824 347,598 8.7%
Commercial Vehicles 19,298 19,745 -2.3% 178,393 175,298 1.8%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,506 3,305 6.1% 30,464 26,333 15.7%
Total 94,711 100,200 -5.5% 881,005 889,168 -0.9%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2018 2017 Y-o-Y 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Sep. Share Sep. Share Jan.-Sep. Share Jan.-Sep. Share
1 Toyota 17,386 18.4% 17,377 17.3% 0.1% 164,988 18.7% 162,845 18.3% 1.3%
2 Hyundai 8,110 8.6% 8,130 8.1% -0.2% 73,120 8.3% 73,250 8.2% -0.2%
3 Mitsubishi 7,622 8.0% 7,065 7.1% 7.9% 64,468 7.3% 59,407 6.7% 8.5%
4 Mazda 7,070 7.5% 10,328 10.3% -31.5% 86,074 9.8% 89,863 10.1% -4.2%
5 Nissan 5,167 5.5% 4,002 4.0% 29.1% 43,594 4.9% 42,371 4.8% 2.9%
6 Ford 5,084 5.4% 6,845 6.8% -25.7% 52,970 6.0% 60,465 6.8% -12.4%
7 Kia 5,003 5.3% 4,662 4.7% 7.3% 45,374 5.2% 42,170 4.7% 7.6%
8 Subaru 4,758 5.0% 4,641 4.6% 2.5% 38,274 4.3% 39,447 4.4% -3.0%
9 Volkswagen 4,694 5.0% 4,901 4.9% -4.2% 42,781 4.9% 42,563 4.8% 0.5%
10 Holden 4,651 4.9% 6,882 6.9% -32.4% 45,548 5.2% 62,446 7.0% -27.1%
  Others 25,166 26.6% 25,367 25.3% -0.8% 223,814 25.4% 214,341 24.1% 4.4%
Total 94,711 100.0% 100,200 100.0% -5.5% 881,005 100.0% 889,168 100.0% -0.9%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, August 2018

5 Sep. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Aug. 2018 Aug. 2017 Y-o-Y Jan.-Aug.
Passenger Cars 30,940 35,733 -13.4% 263,837 301,792 -12.6%
SUV 41,271 38,118 8.3% 336,404 308,595 9.0%
Commercial Vehicles 19,165 19,542 -1.9% 159,095 155,553 2.3%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,845 3,269 17.6% 26,958 23,028 17.1%
Total 95,221 96,662 -1.5% 786,294 788,968 -0.3%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2018 2017 Y-o-Y 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Aug. Share Aug. Share Jan.-Aug. Share Jan.-Aug. Share
1 Toyota 18,833 19.8% 18,511 19.2% 1.7% 147,602 18.8% 145,468 18.4% 1.5%
2 Mazda 10,740 11.3% 8,511 8.8% 26.2% 79,004 10.0% 79,535 10.1% -0.7%
3 Hyundai 8,006 8.4% 7,800 8.1% 2.6% 65,010 8.3% 65,120 8.3% -0.2%
4 Mitsubishi 7,067 7.4% 6,649 6.9% 6.3% 56,846 7.2% 52,342 6.6% 8.6%
5 Ford 5,962 6.3% 6,645 6.9% -10.3% 47,886 6.1% 53,620 6.8% -10.7%
6 Volkswagen 4,637 4.9% 4,730 4.9% -2.0% 38,087 4.8% 37,662 4.8% 1.1%
7 Kia 4,620 4.9% 4,507 4.7% 2.5% 40,371 5.1% 37,508 4.8% 7.6%
8 Nissan 4,440 4.7% 4,095 4.2% 8.4% 38,427 4.9% 38,369 4.9% 0.2%
9 Holden 4,356 4.6% 6,984 7.2% -37.6% 40,897 5.2% 55,564 7.0% -26.4%
10 Subaru 3,845 4.0% 4,579 4.7% -16.0% 33,516 4.3% 34,806 4.4% -3.7%
  Others 22,715 23.9% 23,651 24.5% -4.0% 198,648 25.3% 188,974 24.0% 5.1%
Total 95,221 100.0% 96,662 100.0% -1.5% 786,294 100.0% 788,968 100.0% -0.3%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, July 2018

6 Aug. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Jul. 2018 Jul. 2017 Y-o-Y Jan.-Jul.
Passenger Cars 28,547 35,792 -20.2% 232,897 266,059 -12.5%
SUV 36,625 36,979 -1.0% 295,133 270,477 9.1%
Commercial Vehicles 17,035 17,016 0.1% 139,930 136,011 2.9%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,344 2,967 12.7% 23,113 19,759 17.0%
Total 85,551 92,754 -7.8% 691,073 692,306 -0.2%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2018 2017 Y-o-Y 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jul. Share Jul. Share Jan.-Jul. Share Jan.-Jul. Share
1 Toyota 16,915 19.8% 17,931 19.3% -5.7% 128,769 18.6% 126,957 18.3% 1.4%
2 Mazda 8,920 10.4% 9,528 10.3% -6.4% 68,264 9.9% 71,024 10.3% -3.9%
3 Hyundai 7,061 8.3% 7,501 8.1% -5.9% 57,004 8.2% 57,320 8.3% -0.6%
4 Mitsubishi 5,908 6.9% 6,020 6.5% -1.9% 49,779 7.2% 45,693 6.6% 8.9%
5 Ford 5,481 6.4% 6,270 6.8% -12.6% 41,924 6.1% 46,975 6.8% -10.8%
6 Kia 4,403 5.1% 4,266 4.6% 3.2% 35,751 5.2% 33,001 4.8% 8.3%
7 Nissan 4,260 5.0% 4,094 4.4% 4.1% 33,987 4.9% 34,274 5.0% -0.8%
8 Volkswagen 3,981 4.7% 3,803 4.1% 4.7% 33,450 4.8% 32,932 4.8% 1.6%
9 Holden 3,927 4.6% 6,467 7.0% -39.3% 36,541 5.3% 48,580 7.0% -24.8%
10 Subaru 3,366 3.9% 4,265 4.6% -21.1% 29,671 4.3% 30,227 4.4% -1.8%
  Others 21,329 24.9% 22,609 24.4% -5.7% 175,933 25.5% 165,323 23.9% 6.4%
Total 85,551 100.0% 92,754 100.0% -7.8% 691,073 100.0% 692,306 100.0% -0.2%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, June 2018

4 Jul. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Jun. 2018 Jun. 2017 Y-o-Y Jan.-Jun.
Passenger Cars 41,561 50,646 -17.9% 204,350 230,267 -11.3%
SUV 56,162 51,393 9.3% 258,508 233,498 10.7%
Commercial Vehicles 28,346 28,253 0.3% 122,895 118,995 3.3%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 4,231 3,879 9.1% 19,769 16,792 17.7%
Total 130,300 134,171 -2.9% 605,522 599,552 1.0%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2018 2017 Y-o-Y 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jun. Share Jun. Share Jan.-Jun. Share Jan.-Jun. Share
1 Toyota 23,171 17.8% 24,546 18.3% -5.6% 111,854 18.5% 109,026 18.2% 2.6%
2 Mazda 12,469 9.6% 12,501 9.3% -0.3% 59,344 9.8% 61,496 10.3% -3.5%
3 Hyundai 10,436 8.0% 12,251 9.1% -14.8% 49,943 8.2% 49,819 8.3% 0.2%
4 Mitsubishi 10,232 7.9% 9,266 6.9% 10.4% 43,871 7.2% 39,673 6.6% 10.6%
5 Ford 7,492 5.7% 8,853 6.6% -15.4% 36,443 6.0% 40,705 6.8% -10.5%
6 Holden 7,385 5.7% 9,273 6.9% -20.4% 32,614 5.4% 42,113 7.0% -22.6%
7 Kia 7,067 5.4% 6,737 5.0% 4.9% 31,348 5.2% 28,735 4.8% 9.1%
8 Honda 7,013 5.4% 5,412 4.0% 29.6% 29,301 4.8% 21,831 3.6% 34.2%
9 Nissan 6,604 5.1% 6,690 5.0% -1.3% 29,727 4.9% 30,180 5.0% -1.5%
10 Volkswagen 6,334 4.9% 6,447 4.8% -1.8% 29,469 4.9% 29,129 4.9% 1.2%
  Others 32,097 24.6% 32,195 24.0% -0.3% 151,608 25.0% 146,845 24.5% 3.2%
Total 130,300 100.0% 134,171 100.0% -2.9% 605,522 100.0% 599,552 100.0% 1.0%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, May 2018

5 Jun. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type May 2018 May 2017 Y-o-Y Jan.-May
Passenger Cars 32,786 38,842 -15.6% 162,789 179,621 -9.4%
SUV 42,973 39,629 8.4% 202,346 182,105 11.1%
Commercial Vehicles 21,082 21,193 -0.5% 94,549 90,742 4.2%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,913 3,237 20.9% 15,538 12,913 20.3%
Total 100,754 102,901 -2.1% 475,222 465,381 2.1%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2018 2017 Y-o-Y 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
May Share May Share Jan.-May Share Jan.-May Share
1 Toyota 19,571 19.4% 19,876 19.3% -1.5% 88,683 18.7% 84,480 18.2% 5.0%
2 Mazda 9,403 9.3% 9,903 9.6% -5.0% 46,875 9.9% 48,995 10.5% -4.3%
3 Hyundai 8,807 8.7% 8,312 8.1% 6.0% 39,507 8.3% 37,568 8.1% 5.2%
4 Mitsubishi 6,916 6.9% 6,521 6.3% 6.1% 33,639 7.1% 30,407 6.5% 10.6%
5 Ford 5,738 5.7% 7,617 7.4% -24.7% 28,951 6.1% 31,852 6.8% -9.1%
6 Kia 5,500 5.5% 5,005 4.9% 9.9% 24,281 5.1% 21,998 4.7% 10.4%
7 Volkswagen 5,430 5.4% 5,080 4.9% 6.9% 23,135 4.9% 22,682 4.9% 2.0%
8 Holden 5,129 5.1% 6,917 6.7% -25.8% 25,229 5.3% 32,840 7.1% -23.2%
9 Nissan 4,334 4.3% 5,083 4.9% -14.7% 23,123 4.9% 23,490 5.0% -1.6%
10 Honda 4,142 4.1% 3,820 3.7% 8.4% 22,288 4.7% 16,419 3.5% 35.7%
  Others 25,784 25.6% 24,767 24.1% 4.1% 119,511 25.1% 114,650 24.6% 4.2%
Total 100,754 100.0% 102,901 100.0% -2.1% 475,222 100.0% 465,381 100.0% 2.1%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, April 2018

7 May 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Apr. 2018 Apr. 2017 Y-o-Y Jan.-Apr.
Passenger Cars 27,533 32,147 -14.4% 130,003 140,779 -7.7%
SUV 36,159 31,368 15.3% 159,373 142,476 11.9%
Commercial Vehicles 16,087 17,103 -5.9% 73,467 69,549 5.6%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,151 2,517 25.2% 11,625 9,676 20.1%
Total 82,930 83,135 -0.2% 374,468 362,480 3.3%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2018 2017 Y-o-Y 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Apr. Share Apr. Share Jan.-Apr. Share Jan.-Apr. Share
1 Toyota 16,647 20.1% 16,090 19.4% 3.5% 69,112 18.5% 64,604 17.8% 7.0%
2 Mazda 7,723 9.3% 8,630 10.4% -10.5% 37,472 10.0% 39,092 10.8% -4.1%
3 Hyundai 7,132 8.6% 6,850 8.2% 4.1% 30,700 8.2% 29,256 8.1% 4.9%
4 Mitsubishi 5,508 6.6% 5,470 6.6% 0.7% 26,723 7.1% 23,886 6.6% 11.9%
5 Ford 4,822 5.8% 5,802 7.0% -16.9% 23,213 6.2% 24,235 6.7% -4.2%
6 Holden 4,576 5.5% 5,804 7.0% -21.2% 20,100 5.4% 25,923 7.2% -22.5%
7 Kia 4,502 5.4% 4,120 5.0% 9.3% 18,781 5.0% 16,993 4.7% 10.5%
8 Subaru 4,017 4.8% 3,854 4.6% 4.2% 17,366 4.6% 16,615 4.6% 4.5%
9 Volkswagen 3,918 4.7% 3,867 4.7% 1.3% 17,705 4.7% 17,602 4.9% 0.6%
10 Nissan 3,028 3.7% 3,350 4.0% -9.6% 18,789 5.0% 18,407 5.1% 2.1%
  Others 21,057 25.4% 19,298 23.2% 9.1% 94,507 25.2% 85,867 23.7% 10.1%
Total 82,930 100.0% 83,135 100.0% -0.2% 374,468 100.0% 362,480 100.0% 3.3%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, March 2018

5 Apr. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Mar. 2018 Mar. 2017 Y-o-Y Jan.-Mar.
Passenger Cars 36,120 38,972 -7.3% 102,470 108,632 -5.7%
SUV 45,525 41,484 9.7% 123,214 111,108 10.9%
Commercial Vehicles 21,897 21,992 -0.4% 57,380 52,446 9.4%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,446 2,962 16.3% 8,474 7,159 18.4%
Total 106,988 105,410 1.5% 291,538 279,345 4.4%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2018 2017 Y-o-Y 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Mar. Share Mar. Share Jan.-Mar. Share Jan.-Mar. Share
1 Toyota 18,878 17.6% 19,652 18.6% -3.9% 52,465 18.0% 48,514 17.4% 8.1%
2 Mazda 9,723 9.1% 10,472 9.9% -7.2% 29,749 10.2% 30,462 10.9% -2.3%
3 Mitsubishi 8,810 8.2% 7,583 7.2% 16.2% 21,215 7.3% 18,416 6.6% 15.2%
4 Hyundai 8,443 7.9% 8,700 8.3% -3.0% 23,568 8.1% 22,406 8.0% 5.2%
5 Ford 6,687 6.3% 6,852 6.5% -2.4% 18,391 6.3% 18,433 6.6% -0.2%
6 Nissan 6,191 5.8% 5,620 5.3% 10.2% 15,761 5.4% 15,057 5.4% 4.7%
7 Honda 5,586 5.2% 3,106 2.9% 79.8% 15,129 5.2% 9,772 3.5% 54.8%
8 Subaru 5,195 4.9% 5,006 4.7% 3.8% 13,349 4.6% 12,761 4.6% 4.6%
9 Volkswagen 5,137 4.8% 5,122 4.9% 0.3% 13,787 4.7% 13,735 4.9% 0.4%
10 Holden 5,116 4.8% 7,211 6.8% -29.1% 15,524 5.3% 20,119 7.2% -22.8%
  Others 27,222 25.4% 26,086 24.7% 4.4% 72,600 24.9% 69,670 24.9% 4.2%
Total 106,988 100.0% 105,410 100.0% 1.5% 291,538 100.0% 279,345 100.0% 4.4%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia


Flash report, February 2018

5 Mar. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Feb. 2018 Feb. 2017 Y-o-Y Jan.-Feb.
Passenger Cars 34,490 34,740 -0.7% 66,350 69,660 -4.8%
SUV 39,800 35,497 12.1% 77,689 69,624 11.6%
Commercial Vehicles 18,707 16,512 13.3% 35,483 30,454 16.5%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 3,002 2,276 31.9% 5,028 4,197 19.8%
Total 95,999 89,025 7.8% 184,550 173,935 6.1%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2018 2017 Y-o-Y 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Feb. Share Feb. Share Jan.-Feb. Share Jan.-Feb. Share
1 Toyota 18,281 19.0% 16,308 18.3% 12.1% 33,587 18.2% 28,862 16.6% 16.4%
2 Mazda 9,913 10.3% 9,923 11.1% -0.1% 20,026 10.9% 19,990 11.5% 0.2%
3 Hyundai 8,001 8.3% 7,001 7.9% 14.3% 15,125 8.2% 13,706 7.9% 10.4%
4 Mitsubishi 7,142 7.4% 5,758 6.5% 24.0% 12,405 6.7% 10,833 6.2% 14.5%
5 Ford 6,059 6.3% 5,669 6.4% 6.9% 11,704 6.3% 11,581 6.7% 1.1%
6 Honda 4,962 5.2% 3,196 3.6% 55.3% 9,543 5.2% 6,666 3.8% 43.2%
7 Nissan 4,863 5.1% 4,425 5.0% 9.9% 9,570 5.2% 9,437 5.4% 1.4%
8 Holden 4,689 4.9% 5,724 6.4% -18.1% 10,408 5.6% 12,908 7.4% -19.4%
9 Volkswagen 4,671 4.9% 4,618 5.2% 1.1% 8,650 4.7% 8,613 5.0% 0.4%
10 Kia 4,664 4.9% 4,174 4.7% 11.7% 9,195 5.0% 8,189 4.7% 12.3%
  Others 22,754 23.7% 22,229 25.0% 2.4% 44,337 24.0% 43,150 24.8% 2.8%
Total 95,999 100.0% 89,025 100.0% 7.8% 184,550 100.0% 173,935 100.0% 6.1%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

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Flash report, January 2018

5 Feb. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

New vehicle sales by type
Type Jan. 2018 Jan. 2017 Y-o-Y
Passenger Cars 31,890 34,920 -8.7%
SUV 37,859 34,127 10.9%
Light Commercial Vehicles 16,776 13,942 20.3%
Heavy Commercial Vehicles 2,026 1,921 5.5%
Total 88,551 84,910 4.3%

Top 10 best selling Makers/Brands

- Maker/Brand 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan. Share Jan. Share
1 Toyota 15,306 17.3% 12,554 14.8% 21.9%
2 Mazda 10,113 11.4% 10,067 11.9% 0.5%
3 Hyundai 7,124 8.0% 6,705 7.9% 6.2%
4 Holden 5,719 6.5% 7,184 8.5% -20.4%
5 Ford 5,645 6.4% 5,912 7.0% -4.5%
6 Mitsubishi 5,263 5.9% 5,075 6.0% 3.7%
7 Nissan 4,707 5.3% 5,012 5.9% -6.1%
8 Honda 4,581 5.2% 3,470 4.1% 32.0%
9 Kia 4,531 5.1% 4,015 4.7% 12.9%
10 Subaru 4,253 4.8% 4,009 4.7% 6.1%
Others 21,309 24.1% 20,907 24.6% 1.9%
Total 88,551 100.0% 84,910 100.0% 4.3%
Source: Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI)

More detailed statistics for Australia