Turkey - Automotive Production volume, 2024

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Flash report, Automotive Production volume, 2024

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, June 2024

Jul 16, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Turkey vehicle sales down 6.0% and production down 15.8% in June
The Automotive Manufacturers Association (OSD) announced that vehicle sales of 109,418 units in June 2024 represented a 6.0% decrease over June 2023.
According to the data from Automotive Distributors Association (ODD), Fiat sales were 12,809 units in June (12.1% market share), Renault sales were 11,334 units (10.7% share), Ford sales were 7,649 units (7.2% share), Chery sales were 7,511 units (7.1% share) and VW sales were 6,739 units (6.3% share).
Sales of passenger vehicles under 1,600cc decreased 13.4% YoY to 67,733 units (77.1% share).
Gasoline-engine vehicles decreased 10.8% to 57,722 units (65.7% share), Diesel-engine vehicles decreased 21.2% to 10,713 units (12.2% share), Hybrid vehicles including PHEV and MHEV increased 28.5% to 10,856 units (12.4% share), EVs including range extender EV increased 112.2% to 8,335 units (9.5% share).
Turkey's production of 100,162 units in June was down 15.8% YoY.
Vehicle imports were up 7.1% to 76,316 units while vehicle exports were down 16.5% to 75,702 units in June.

Turkey - Production/Sales of new vehicles
Jun. 2024 Jun. 2023 Y-o-Y 2024
Passenger Cars 68,811 75,974 -9.4% 460,743 462,401 -0.4%
Commercial Vehicles (*) 31,351 42,925 -27.0% 246,324 272,840 -9.7%
Production Total 100,162 118,899 -15.8% 707,067 735,241 -3.8%
Passenger Cars 87,858 91,135 -3.6% 462,955 431,372 7.3%
Commercial Vehicles (*) 21,560 25,217 -14.5% 137,993 151,300 -8.8%
Sales Total 109,418 116,352 -6.0% 600,948 582,672 3.1%
Import 76,316 71,270 7.1% 407,827 353,569 15.3%
Export 75,702 90,649 -16.5% 493,527 505,924 -2.5%
Source: Otomotiv Sanayii Dernegi (OSD)
(*)Including medium and heavy duty vehicles

Turkey - Production of vehicles
Type Jun. 2024 Jun. 2023 Y-o-Y Jan.-Jun. 2024 Jan.-Jun. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger Cars 68,811 75,974 -9.4% 460,743 462,401 -0.4%
Trucks 2,312 3,943 -41.4% 17,508 23,922 -26.8%
Light Trucks 323 449 -28.1% 2,446 2,464 -0.7%
Pick Up 23,094 32,830 -29.7% 194,185 210,667 -7.8%
Bus 641 824 -22.2% 5,547 4,704 17.9%
Minibus 4,553 4,492 1.4% 23,920 28,846 -17.1%
Midibus 428 387 10.6% 2,718 2,237 21.5%
Total 100,162 118,899 -15.8% 707,067 735,241 -3.8%
Source: Otomotiv Sanayii Dernegi (OSD)

More detailed statistics for Turkey


Flash report, May 2024

Jun 17, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Turkey vehicle sales down 9.7% and production down 3.7% in May
The Automotive Manufacturers Association (OSD) announced that vehicle sales of 104,959 units in May 2024 represented a 9.7% decrease over May 2023.
According to the data from Automotive Distributors Association (ODD), Renault sales were 10,850 units in May (10.8% market share), VW sales were 9,794 units (9.8% share), Ford sales were 9,050 units (9.0% share), Fiat sales were 8,826 units (8.8% share) and Chery sales were 6,208 units (6.2% share).
Sales of passenger vehicles under 1,600cc decreased 19.2% YoY to 61,520 units (76.7% share).
Gasoline-engine vehicles decreased 10.8% to 55,042 units (68.6% share), Diesel-engine vehicles decreased 52.0% to 6,675 units (8.3% share), Hybrid vehicles including PHEV and MHEV increased 29.3% to 10,220 units (12.7% share), EVs including range extender EV increased 185.4% to 7,968 units (9.9% share).
Turkey's production of 131,956 units in May was down 3.7% YoY.
Vehicle imports were down 2.2% to 72,803 units while vehicle exports were down 1.0% to 85,162 units in April.

Turkey - Production/Sales of new vehicles

May 2024 May 2023 Y-o-Y 2024
Passenger Cars 91,823 90,739 1.2% 391,932 386,427 1.4%
Commercial Vehicles (*) 40,133 46,273 -13.3% 214,973 229,915 -6.5%
Production Total 131,956 137,012 -3.7% 606,905 616,342 -1.5%
Passenger Cars 80,260 87,418 -8.2% 375,097 340,237 10.2%
Commercial Vehicles (*) 24,699 28,809 -14.3% 116,385 126,083 -7.7%
Sales Total 104,959 116,227 -9.7% 491,482 466,320 5.4%
Import 72,803 74,430 -2.2% 331,484 282,299 17.4%
Export 85,162 86,019 -1.0% 417,826 415,275 0.6%
Source: Otomotiv Sanayii Dernegi (OSD)
(*)Including medium and heavy duty vehicles

Turkey - Production of vehicles
Type May 2024 May 2023 Y-o-Y Jan.-May 2024 Jan.-May 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger Cars 91,823 90,739 1.2% 391,932 386,427 1.4%
Trucks 2,825 4,639 -39.1% 15,196 19,979 -23.9%
Light Trucks 431 518 -16.8% 2,123 2,015 5.4%
Pick Up 30,125 34,654 -13.1% 171,091 177,837 -3.8%
Bus 999 956 4.5% 4,906 3,880 26.4%
Minibus 5,257 5,084 3.4% 19,367 24,354 -20.5%
Midibus 496 422 17.5% 2,290 1,850 23.8%
Total 131,956 137,012 -3.7% 606,905 616,342 -1.5%
Source: Otomotiv Sanayii Dernegi (OSD)

More detailed statistics for Turkey


Flash report, April 2024

May 13, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Turkey vehicle sales down 22.5% and production down 13.2% in April
The Automotive Manufacturers Association (OSD) announced that vehicle sales of 79,150 units in April 2024 represented a 22.5% decrease over April 2023.
According to the data from Automotive Distributors Association (ODD), Fiat sales were 9,403 units in April (12.4% market share), Renault sales were 6,795 units (9.0% share), VW sales were 6,787 units (8.9% share), Ford sales were 6,512 units (8.6% share) and Chery sales were 5,315 units (7.0% share).
Sales of passenger vehicles under 1,600cc decreased 32.6% YoY to 43,782 units (71.3% share).
Gasoline-engine vehicles decreased 29.5% to 36,390 units (59.2% share), Diesel-engine vehicles decreased 45.4% to 7,408 units (12.1% share), Hybrid vehicles including PHEV and MHEV increased 22.1% to 10,714 units (17.4% share), EVs including range extender EV increased 125.4% to 6,546 units (10.7% share).
Turkey's production of 97,877 units in April was down 13.2% YoY.
Vehicle imports were down 13.8% to 54,171 units while vehicle exports were up 1.1% to 76,204 units in March.

Turkey - Production/Sales of new vehicles
Apr. 2024 Apr. 2023 Y-o-Y 2024
Passenger Cars 61,835 73,637 -16.0% 300,109 295,688 1.5%
Commercial Vehicles (*) 36,042 39,096 -7.8% 174,838 183,642 -4.8%
Production Total 97,877 112,733 -13.2% 474,947 479,330 -0.9%
Passenger Cars 61,448 77,398 -20.6% 294,837 252,819 16.6%
Commercial Vehicles (*) 17,702 24,678 -28.3% 91,701 97,274 -5.7%
Sales Total 79,150 102,076 -22.5% 386,538 350,093 10.4%
Import 54,171 62,812 -13.8% 258,671 207,869 24.4%
Export 76,204 75,411 1.1% 332,664 329,256 1.0%
Source: Otomotiv Sanayii Dernegi (OSD)
(*)Including medium and heavy duty vehicles

Turkey - Production of vehicles
Type Apr. 2024 Apr. 2023 Y-o-Y Jan.-Apr. 2024 Jan.-Apr. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger Cars 61,835 73,637 -16.0% 300,109 295,688 1.5%
Trucks 2,224 3,575 -37.8% 12,369 15,340 -19.4%
Light Trucks 337 412 -18.2% 1,692 1,497 13.0%
Pick Up 28,630 29,361 -2.5% 140,966 143,183 -1.5%
Bus 748 910 -17.8% 3,907 2,924 33.6%
Minibus 3,742 4,471 -16.3% 14,110 19,270 -26.8%
Midibus 361 367 -1.6% 1,794 1,428 25.6%
Total 97,877 112,733 -13.2% 474,947 479,330 -0.9%
Source: Otomotiv Sanayii Dernegi (OSD)

More detailed statistics for Turkey


Flash report, March 2024

Apr 22, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Turkey vehicle sales up 4.2% and production down 4.3% in March
The Automotive Manufacturers Association (OSD) announced that vehicle sales of 114,210 units in March 2024 represented a 4.2% increase over March 2023.
According to the data from Automotive Distributors Association (ODD), Fiat sales were 14,699 units in March (13.4% market share), Renault sales were 13,155 units (12.0% share), Ford sales were 8,324 units (7.6% share), Peugeot sales were 6,830 units (6.2% share) and Citroen sales were 6,785 units (6.2% share).
Sales of passenger vehicles under 1,600cc increased 1.8% YoY to 68,245 units (78.4% share).
Gasoline-engine vehicles increased 12.7% to 58,566 units (67.3% share), Diesel-engine vehicles decreased 38.7% to 9,428 units (10.8% share), Hybrid vehicles including PHEV and MHEV increased 26.7% to 11,436 units (13.1% share), EVs including range extender EV increased 209.3% to 6,784 units (7.8% share).
Turkey's production of 136,611 units in March was down 4.3% YoY.
Vehicle imports were up 22.9% to 78,291 units while vehicle exports were down 3.9% to 91,985 units in March.

Turkey - Production/Sales of new vehicles
Mar. 2024 Mar. 2023 Y-o-Y 2024
Passenger Cars 87,260 87,577 -0.4% 238,274 222,051 7.3%
Commercial Vehicles (*) 49,351 55,222 -10.6% 138,796 144,546 -4.0%
Production Total 136,611 142,799 -4.3% 377,070 366,597 2.9%
Passenger Cars 87,071 79,226 9.9% 233,389 175,421 33.0%
Commercial Vehicles (*) 27,139 30,432 -10.8% 74,072 72,596 2.0%
Sales Total 114,210 109,658 4.2% 307,461 248,017 24.0%
Import 78,291 63,697 22.9% 204,558 145,057 41.0%
Export 91,985 95,701 -3.9% 256,511 253,845 1.1%
Source: Otomotiv Sanayii Dernegi (OSD)
(*)Including medium and heavy duty vehicles

Turkey - Production of vehicles
Type Mar. 2024 Mar. 2023 Y-o-Y Jan.-Mar. 2024 Jan.-Mar. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger Cars 87,260 87,577 -0.4% 238,274 222,051 7.3%
Trucks 3,167 4,553 -30.4% 10,145 11,765 -13.8%
Light Trucks 505 393 28.5% 1,355 1,085 24.9%
Pick Up 40,140 43,312 -7.3% 112,336 113,822 -1.3%
Bus 1,127 918 22.8% 3,159 2,014 56.9%
Minibus 3,881 5,544 -30.0% 10,368 14,799 -29.9%
Midibus 531 502 5.8% 1,433 1,061 35.1%
Total 136,611 142,799 -4.3% 377,070 366,597 2.9%
Source: Otomotiv Sanayii Dernegi (OSD)

More detailed statistics for Turkey


Flash report, February 2024

Mar 11, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Turkey vehicle sales up 30.7% and production up 19.1% in February
The Automotive Manufacturers Association (OSD) announced that vehicle sales of 110,797 units in February 2024 represented a 30.7% increase over February 2023.
According to the data from Automotive Distributors Association (ODD), Fiat sales were 13,560 units in February (12.8% market share), Renault sales were 12,903 units (12.2% share), Citroen sales were 7,730 units (7.3% share), Ford sales were 7,145 units (6.7% share) and VW sales were 6,730 units (6.3% share).
Sales of passenger vehicles under 1,600cc increased 25.6% YoY to 64,512 units (78.4% share).
Gasoline-engine vehicle increased 41.7% to 56,647 units (68.8% share), Diesel decreased 28.4% to 7,855 units (9.5% share), Hybrid including PHEV and MHEV increased 96.7% to 11,336 units (13.8% share), EV including range extender EV increased 312.4% to 5,799 units (7.0% share).
Turkey's production of 133,396 units in February was up 19.1% YoY.
Vehicle imports were up 56.1% to 73,513 units while vehicle exports were up 13.6% to 89,454 units in February.

Turkey - Production/Sales of new vehicles
Feb. 2024 Feb. 2023 Y-o-Y 2024
Passenger Cars 83,955 63,751 31.7% 151,014 134,474 12.3%
Commercial Vehicles (*) 49,441 48,210 2.6% 90,847 89,324 1.7%
Production Total 133,396 111,961 19.1% 241,861 223,798 8.1%
Passenger Cars 82,277 58,907 39.7% 146,318 96,195 52.1%
Commercial Vehicles (*) 28,520 25,874 10.2% 46,979 42,164 11.4%
Sales Total 110,797 84,781 30.7% 193,297 138,359 39.7%
Import 73,513 47,091 56.1% 126,270 81,360 55.2%
Export 89,454 78,763 13.6% 164,560 158,144 4.1%
Source: Otomotiv Sanayii Dernegi (OSD)
(*)Including medium and heavy duty vehicles

Turkey - Production of vehicles
Type Feb. 2024 Feb. 2023 Y-o-Y Jan.-Feb. 2024 Jan.-Feb. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger Cars 83,955 63,751 31.7% 151,014 134,474 12.3%
Trucks 5,128 3,589 42.9% 8,380 7,212 16.2%
Light Trucks 460 349 31.8% 850 692 22.8%
Pick Up 38,689 38,410 0.7% 72,196 70,510 2.4%
Bus 1,123 651 72.5% 2,032 1,096 85.4%
Minibus 3,557 4,908 -27.5% 6,487 9,255 -29.9%
Midibus 484 303 59.7% 902 559 61.4%
Total 133,396 111,961 19.1% 241,861 223,798 8.1%
Source: Otomotiv Sanayii Dernegi (OSD)

More detailed statistics for Turkey


Flash report, January 2024

Feb 13, 2024

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Turkey vehicle sales up 53.8% and production down 3.0% in January
The Automotive Manufacturers Association (OSD) announced that vehicle sales of 82,416 units in January 2024 represented a 53.8% increase over January 2023.
According to the data from Automotive Distributors Association (ODD), Fiat sales were 11,724 units in January (14.7% market share), Renault sales were 10,005 units (12.6% share), VW sales were 6,516 units (8.2% share), Ford sales were 6,282 units (7.9% share) and Toyota sales were 5,782 units (7.3% share).
Sales of passenger vehicles under 1,600cc increased 56.5% YoY to 49,234 units (76.9% share).
Gasoline-engine vehicle increased 61.2% to 41,212 units (64.4% share), Diesel increased 60.6% to 8,055 units (12.6% share), Hybrid including PHEV and MHEV increased 136.7% to 10,260 units (16.0% share), EV including range extender EV increased 271.0% to 3,973 units (6.2% share).
Turkey's production of 108,483 units in January was down 3.0% YoY.
Vehicle imports were up 53.8% to 52,699 units while vehicle exports were down 5.4% to 75,106 units in January.

Turkey - Production/Sales of new vehicles

Jan. 2024 Jan. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger Cars 67,059 70,723 -5.2%
Commercial Vehicles (*) 41,424 41,114 0.8%
Production Total 108,483 111,837 -3.0%
Passenger Cars 64,041 37,288 71.7%
Commercial Vehicles (*) 18,375 16,290 12.8%
Sales Total 82,416 53,578 53.8%
Import 52,699 34,269 53.8%
Export 75,106 79,381 -5.4%

Source: Otomotiv Sanayii Dernegi (OSD)
(*)Including medium and heavy duty vehicles

Turkey - Production of vehicles

Type Jan. 2024 Jan. 2023 Y-o-Y
Passenger Cars 67,059 70,723 -5.2%
Trucks 3,252 3,623 -10.2%
Light Trucks 408 343 19.0%
Pick Up 33,507 32,100 4.4%
Bus 909 445 104.3%
Minibus 2,930 4,347 -32.6%
Midibus 418 256 63.3%
Total 108,483 111,837 -3.0%

Source: Otomotiv Sanayii Dernegi (OSD)

More detailed statistics for Turkey