CEATEC JAPAN 2017: Driver Monitoring Technologies

Drowsiness prevention features and biometric sensing for autonomous driving



At the CEATEC JAPAN 2017 exposition held in the Makuhari, Chiba convention center on October 3-6, various advanced driver-assistance system technologies were displayed by electronics manufacturers.

This report focuses on exhibits relating to driver state monitoring technologies that are essential for the safe and smooth transfer of control over vehicle functions involved in Level 3 autonomous driving systems (conditional automation).

Omron showed off a cockpit demonstration of its "Onboard Driver Monitoring Sensor" that utilizes its proprietary facial-recognition technology. Panasonic demonstrated its camera imaging and AI processing technology for regulating driver drowsiness, which was announced in July 2017. Denso conducted a VR imaging demonstration using a wearable biometric sensor to detect data including the driver's pulse and blood pressure. At the NTT booth, the NTT group demonstrated its wearable biometric sensing "hitoe" wear technology and introduced its driver drowsiness detection system that utilizes a dedicated smartphone application.


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