Autonomous driving: Latest technologies and next challenges (Part 2)
Bosch and Continental show road maps and prospects
- Summary
- Bosch:Five technological requirements for fully autonomous driving and steps to develop technologies
- Continental: Ideal HMIs and challenges for autonomous driving
- Requirements of software platform for autonomous driving
- Summary-Public acceptance and practicability of autonomous driving from viewpoints of suppliers
Automakers are actively promoting and announcing their autonomous vehicles. Governments are also making positive comments on the realization of autonomous vehicles. Under the circumstances, how does each supplier see the progress of its technology for the realization of autonomous vehicles?
TU-Automotive Japan 2015 (formerly called Telematics Japan until last year) was held at the Westin Tokyo from October 20 through October 21, 2015 under the auspices of TU-Automotive Japan. This report is the second of a two-part series that focuses on an autonomous driving session held at TU-Automotive Japan 2015 and summarizes lectures presented by suppliers, such as Bosch and Continental. (Click here for the first report.)
* Bosch Group stated that autonomous driving starts with high-speed driving and parking assist functions. Technologies in these two areas will advance in stages. Bosch introduced its efforts to fulfill five technological requirements for fully autonomous driving.
* Continental proposed a holistic (comprehensive) approach, which includes IoT-based infrastructures, to HMI for autonomous driving. A driver monitoring system was used as an example.
* QNX and Wind River (embedded OS vendors) emphasized that a software platform covering an overall system would be required for autonomous driving.
* Summary (comments at panel discussion): There is public acceptance of autonomous driving. However, commercialization of autonomous vehicles should be pursued with caution and repeated verifications. It is important to standardize technological elements and specifications.
Related Reports:
Autonomous driving: Latest technologies and next challenges (Part 1) (Dec. 2015)
Autonomous Driving Technology: Telematics Japan 2014 (Nov. 2014)
Technologies that will be key to autonomous driving (Nov. 2014)
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