Bosch (Robert Bosch LLC) [博世 (美国)]
- 移动出行 (Mobility)
- 工业技术 (Industrial Technology)
- 消费品 (Consumer Goods)
- 能源及建筑技术 (Energy and Building Technology)
电气化驱动系统 (Electrified Motion)
适用于乘用车及商用车的电动动力总成 (Battery-electric powertrains for passenger cars and commercial vehicles)
-电机 (e-motors)
-混合动力与电驱动系统 (Hybrid and electric drives)
-电动动力传动系统变速箱 (Electric drivetrain transmissions)
电动与混合动力系统 (Electric and hybrid systems)
-电机与发电机 (Motor-generator)
-电驱桥 (e-Axle)
-高压DC-DC转换器 (High-voltage DC/DC converters)
-动力总成域控制器/车辆控制单元 (Powertrain domain controller/vehicle control units)
-踏板行程传感器 (Pedal-travel sensors)
-可扩展电驱动模块 (Scalable electric drive modules)
-柔性充电电缆 (Flexible charging cables)
高压电池 (High voltage batteries)
-48V电池包模组 (48V electrical power pack modules)
-48V电池 (48V batteries)
用于转向及制动系统的机电组件与系统 (Electromechanical components and systems for steering and brakes)
电力电子 (Power electronics)
车窗与车顶执行器 (Window and roof actuators)
-车窗升降驱动器 (Window lift drives)
-天窗驱动器 (Sunroof drives)
座椅与舒适性执行器 (Seating and comfort actuators)
-座椅执行器与驱动器 (Seat actuators and drives)
-舒适性执行器 (Comfort actuators)
-转向柱驱动器 (Steering column drives)
-尾门驱动器 (Tailgate drives)
-压力/流量激活式直接电动换挡控制器 (Pressure- or flow-activated direct electric shift controls)
动力总成解决方案 (Powertrain Solutions)
动力总成系统 (Powertrain systems)
-直喷系统 (Direct injection systems)
-进气口喷射系统 (Port fuel injection systems)
-弹性燃料进气口喷射系统 (Flex fuel port injection systems)
-弹性启动系统 (Flexstart systems)
-双燃料CNG系统 (Bifuel CNG systems)
-CNG系统(CNG systems)
燃油喷射控制 (Fuel-injection management)
-共轨系统 (Common rail systems)
-单体式喷油器系统 (Unit injector systems)
-喷油嘴 (Injection nozzles)
-低压系统 (Low-pressure systems)
-高压泵 (High-pressure pumps)
-高压喷油器 (High-pressure injectors)
-轴向柱塞泵和径向柱塞分配泵 (Axial-piston and radial-piston distributor pumps)
-商用车用单体泵系统 (Unit Pump Systems (UPS) for commercial vehicles)
-商用车用单缸喷油泵 (Single-cylinder injection pumps for commercial vehicles)
-商用车用管道泵 (In-line pumps for commercial vehicles)
电子节气门控制 (Electronic throttle control: ETC/EGAS)
-油门踏板模块 (Accelerator pedal modules)
-电子节气门体 (Electronic throttle bodies)
进气歧管喷射用发动机管理系统 (Engine management for manifold injection)
燃料电池系统 (Fuel cell systems)
-燃料电池控制单元 (Fuel-cell control units)
-燃料电池堆 (Fuel-cell stacks)
-阳极再循环鼓风机 (Anode recirculation blowers)
-氢气喷射器 (Hydrogen gas injectors)
-热膜空气质量计 (Hot-film air-mass meters)
燃油供应 (Fuel supply)
-电动燃油泵 (Electric fuel pumps)
-燃油箱内置式燃油泵单元 (In-tank fuel pump units)
-喷油器 (Fuel injectors)
-燃料供应模块(Fuel-supply modules)
模块和发动机零件 (Modules and engine components)
-油箱泄漏检测模块 (Diagnosis modules for fuel tank leakage)
-气缸盖罩 (Cylinder head covers)
-油雾分离器 (Oil separators)
-净化控制阀 (Canister purge valve)
-电动空气压缩机 (Electric air compressors)
-插入式连接 (Plug-in connections)
-二次空气泵 (Secondary-air pumps)
-进气模块 (Intake modules)
点火装置 (Ignitions)
-单火花点火线圈 (Single-spark ignition coils)
-点火线圈模块 (Ignition coil modules)
变速器技术 (Transmission technologies)
-电力驱动系统 (Power system actuation)
-ECU执行器和模块 (ECU actuators and modules)
-自动换挡变速器用ECU (ECUs for automated shift transmissions)
-CVT用推式传送带 (Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) pushbelts)
-混动专用无级变速器 (Dedicated hybrid continuously variable transmission (DH-CVT))
-可变力传动电磁阀(Variable-force transmission solenoids)
-直接电动换档控制(Direct electric shift controls)
-变速器速度传感器(Transmission speed sensors)
-线性力电磁阀 (Linear-force solenoids)
涡轮增压器 (Turbochargers)
启停系统 (Start/Stop systems)
-能量回收系统 (Boost Recuperation System (BRS))
传感器 (Sensors)
-发动机控制传感器 (Engine management sensors)
-排气控制传感器 (Exhaust management sensors)
-变速器用速度传感器 (Transmission speed sensors)
乘用车及商用车用电子柴油控制系统 (Electronic Diesel Control (EDC) for passenger cars and commercial vehicles)
预热系统 (Glow systems)
-预热控制系统 (Glow control units)
-电热塞 (Glow plugs)
空气管理系统 (Air management systems)
-进气管理系统 (Intake air management systems)
-节流阀控制 (Throttle valve control)
-EGR执行器 (Exhaust gas recirculation actuators)
-柴油发动机塑料控制板 (Plastic control flaps for diesel engines)
-涡轮执行器 (Swirl actuators)
-升压器 (Boost pressure actuators)
-尾气涡轮增压器执行器 (Exhaust gas turbochargers actuators)
-热膜式空气质量计 (Hot-film air-mass meter (HFM))
-空气温度传感器 (Air temperature sensors)
-升压传感器 (Boost pressure sensors)
-粒子传感器 (Particle sensors)
-氮氧化物传感器 (NOx sensors)
-氧传感器 (Lambda sensors)
-电子节气门 (Electronic throttle valves)
-油门踏板模块 (Accelerator-pedal modules)
尾气净化装置 (Exhaust gas cleaning)
-NOx催化转化器 (NOx-catalytic converters)
-蓄能式NOx催化转化器 (Accumulator-type NOx catalytic converters)
-微粒滤清系统 (Particulate filter systems)
-SCR系统 (Denoxtronic SCR systems)
-柴油颗粒滤清传感器 (Sensors for Diesel Particulate Filter DPF))
-计量模块 (Dosing modules)
-双喷射技术排气处理系统 (Exhaust gas treatment systems with double-inject technology)
热管理系统 (Thermal management systems)
-气候控制系统 (Climate control systems)
- 鼓风机控制单元 (Blower control units)
- 鼓风机模块 (Blower modules)
- 空调系统 (Air conditioning systems)
-发动机热管理 (Engine thermal management)
- 鼓风机模块 (Blower modules)
- 发动机冷却驱动 (Engine cooling drives)
- 发动机冷却泵 (Engine cooling pumps)
- 发动机冷却阀 (Engine cooling valves)
- 电动冷却液泵 (Electric coolant pumps)
- 空调用鼓风机电机 (Air conditioning blower motors)
- 冷却液开关阀 (Coolant switch valves)
汽车电子设备 (Mobility Electronics)
电子设备 (Electronics)
-复合系统 (Multiplex systems)
-电气/电子架构 (Electric/Electronic architectures)
-12V DC-DC转换器 (12V DC-DC converters)
-充电转换器 (Charge-converters)
-车身计算机模块 (Body computer modules)
-防盗控制系统 (Immobilizers)
-逆变器 (Inverters)
-电力电子 (Power electronics)
传感器 (Sensors)
半导体 (Semiconductors)
-二极管 (Diodes)
-IP模块 (IP-Modules)
-车身控制单元 (Body electronic control units)
-制动控制系统 (Braking control systems)
-发动机控制系统 (Engine management systems)
-各类控制单元 (Various control units)
跨域计算解决方案 (Cross-Domain Computing Solutions)
汽车音响系统 (Car Hi-Hi Systems)
-车内影像 (In-vehicle video)
-音响系统 (Sound systems)
信息和导航系统 (Information and navigation systems)
-导航用显示屏 (Screen-based dynamic navigation)
-收音机高保真导航 (Radio Hi-Fi navigation)
-智能导航系统 (Smart navigation systems)
-3D artMap导航系统 (3D artMap navigation systems)
-Eco.Logic地平线导航与驾驶辅助系统 (Eco.Logic horizon navigation and driver assistance systems)
-导航系统APP (Navigation apps)
-信息娱乐系统 (Infotainment systems)
-智能手机及显示屏集成系统 "mySPIN" (mySPIN - Smartphone integration systems)
-集成智能网联仪表 (Integrated connectivity clusters)
-语音控制系统 (Voice control systems)
智能网联系统 (Connectivity systems)
-智能网联地平线路线预测系统 (Connected Horizon route forecast systems)
-智能网联控制系统 (Connectivity control systems)
-中心网关模块 (Central gateway module)
-防盗系统 (Immobilizers)
显示屏系统 (Display systems)
-抬头显示屏 (HUD) (Head-up Display (HUD))
-仪表组(可程序控制) (Programmable instrument clusters)
-neoSense触觉反馈显示屏 (neoSense tactile feedback displays)
-“DualView”显示屏 (DualView display)
-防眩光显示屏 (Anti-glare display screens)
-3D显示屏 (3D displays)
-主机 (Head units)
-人机界面 (Human-machine interfaces (HMI))
跨域车辆控制单元 (Cross-domain vehicle control units)
车辆运动 (Vehicle Motion)
转向系统 (Steering systems)
-乘用车及商用车用转向齿轮 (Steering gears for passenger cars and commercial vehicles)
-乘用车及商用车用转向泵 (Pumps for passenger cars and commercial vehicles)
-电动液压助力转向系统 (Electro Hydraulic Power Steering systems (EHPS))
-电动助力转向系统 (Electric Power Steering systems (EPS))
-Servolectric电动助力转向系统 (Servolectric electric power steering systems)
-Servotronic电子控制齿条和小齿轮转向系统 (Servotronic electronically controlled rack-and-pinion steering systems)
-主动转向系统 (Active steering systems)
-手动调节转向柱 (Manual adjust steering columns)
-电动转向柱 (Electric adjust steering columns)
-转向角度传感器 (Steering angle sensors)
-转向扭矩传感器 (Steering torque sensors)
-齿条和小齿轮助力转向 (Rack and pinion power steering)
-中间轴 (Intermediate shafts)
-万向节 (Universal joints)
-叶片泵 (Vane pumps)
-可变容量泵 (Variable displacement pumps)
-商用车用串联泵 (Tandem pumps for commercial vehicles)
-商用车用径向柱塞泵 (Radial piston pumps for commercial vehicles)
制动系统 (Braking systems)
-真空泵 (Vacuum pumps)
-机油/燃油真空泵一体化系统 (Combined oil-vacuum pumps and fuel-vacuum pumps)
-制动助力器 (Brake boosters)
-制动盘 (Brake disc)
-iDisc低粉尘排放制动盘 (iDisc brake disc with reduced brake dust emissions)
-集成式助力制动系统 (Integrated power brakes)
-电动制动助力器 (Electric brake boosters)
-串联式主缸 (Tandem master cylinders)
-液压式助力器 (Hydraulic boosters)
-可变油泵 (Variable oil pimps)
-机械制动辅助(EVA)(紧急阀门辅助) (Mechanical brake assist EVA (Emergency Valve Assist))
-再生协调制动系统 (Cooperative regenerative braking systems)
-iBooster电动机械助力器 (iBooster electromechanical boosters)
主动安全系统 (Active safety systems)
-防抱死制动系统 (Antilock Braking System (ABS))
-牵引力控制系统 (Traction Control Systems)
-车身稳定控制装置ESP (Electric Stability Program (ESP))
-车辆动态控制(VDM)系统 (Vehicle Dynamics Management (VDM) systems)
-传感器 (Sensors)
-乘客保护系统 (Occupant protection systems)
自动驾驶辅助系统 (Automated and driver assistance systems)
-自适应巡航控制系统 (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC))
-智能前照灯控制系统 (Intelligent headlight control systems)
-道路标志识别系统 (Road sign recognition systems)
-泊车辅助系统 (Parking aid systems)
-侧视辅助系统 (Side view assist systems)
-Night Vision Plus红外夜视系统 (Night Vision Plus - Active infrared night vision systems)
-睡意检测系统 (Driver drowsiness detection systems)
-预测性紧急制动系统 (Predictive emergency braking systems)
-车道变更辅助系统 (Lane change assist systems)
-车道偏离警告系统 (Lane departure warning systems)
-车道保持辅助系统 (Lane keeping support systems)
-预测行人保护系统 (Predictive pedestrian protection systems)
-施工区域辅助系统 (Construction zone assist systems)
-后方交通穿行警示系统 (Rear cross traffic alert systems)
-盲点检测系统 (Blind spot detection systems)
-中/远距雷达 (Mid-range and long-range radar)
-超声波传感器 (Ultrasonic sensors)
-多功能摄像头 (Multi-purpose cameras)
-近距离摄像头 (Near-range cameras)
-立体摄像头系统 (Stereo video camera systems)
-myDriveAssist应用程序 (myDriveAssist app)
-车库停车辅助系统 (Garage park assist systems)
-家庭区停车辅助系统 (Home zone park assist systems)
-远程停车辅助系统 (Remote park assist systems)
-交通拥堵辅助系统 (traffic jam assist systems)
-高速公路辅助系统 (Highway assist systems)
-基于云技术的逆行驾驶预警系统(Cloud-based wrong-way driver warning systems)
-智能前照灯控制系统 (Intelligent headlight control systems)
-避开转向辅助系统 (Evasive steering support systems)
-左转辅助系统 (Left turn assist systems)
-紧急制动操纵系统 (Emergency braking and maneuver systems)
-自动代客泊车系统 (Automated valet parking systems)
-多摄像头系统 (Multi-camera systems)
-后视系统 (Rear view systems)
-车内监控系统(Interior monitoring systems)
-道路状况预测服务 (Predictive road condition services)
-驾驶员辅助系统域控制器(Driver assistance system domain controllers)
被动安全系统 (Passive safety systems)
-碰撞检测系统 (Crash detection systems)
-安全气囊控制单元 (Airbag control units)
-行人保护系统 (Pedestrian protection systems)
-二次碰撞缓解系统 (Secondary collision mitigation systems)
-先进侧翻传感器 (Advanced rollover sensors)
-侧柱碰撞检测系统 (Side pole crash detection systems)
-双通道加速度传感器 (Two-channel acceleration sensors)
-辅助压力传感器 (Peripheral pressure sensors)
-压力管传感器 (Pressure tube sensors)
-外围传感器接口 (Peripheral sensor interfaces)
-安全气囊控制传感器 (Airbag control sensors)
-辅助加速度传感器 (Peripheral acceleration sensors)
-行人接触检测传感器 (Pedestrian contact sensors)
智能网联移动出行解决方案 (Connected Mobility Solutions)
-无线钥匙管理系统 (Wireless key management systems)
-预测诊断软件解决方案 (Predictive Diagnostic software solutions)
-社区化智能网联停车解决方案 (Community-based connected parking solutions)
-智能网联充电解决方案 (Connected charging solutions)
-V2X智能网联控制单元 (V2X connectivity control units)
-Perfectly Keyless车辆数字门禁系统(Perfectly Keyless digital vehicle access system)
-基于众包定位的道路特征系统 (Road signature systems provided crowdsourced localization)
移动出行售后市场 (Mobility Aftermarket)
雨刮系统 (Wiper systems)
-前后雨刮驱动系统(适用于各种形状和尺寸的车窗) (Front and rear wiper drives for various windshield and window sizes)
-雨刮臂 (Wiper arms)
-雨刮片 (Wiper blades)
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(注) 文中括号内的数字意为降幅或亏损。