SAE 2011 World Congress: OEM exhibits

Charging forward together; Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf and more EVs are displayed



 The following is a summery of reports on new technologies and vehicles introduced by six OEMs (GM, Ford, Chrysler, Hyundai/Kia, Honda, and Nissan) at the SAE 2011 World Congress (held in Detroit on April 12 to 14, 2011; referred to as the SAE show).

 This year's show was held under the theme of "Charging forward together". At this show, we felt the enthusiasm for promotion of electric vehicles to be "Charged" in order to "Charge" ahead the sluggish economy. A total of six OEMs exhibited their products at this SAE 2011 as in the previous year, but the number of suppliers at the show increased from last year's about 100 to about 140 due to economic recovery. However, the number of supplies at the show two years ago was about 300, which indicates that the recovery of the economy is only half done.

 The products and technologies exhibited at the show by the OEMs are outlined below. (listed in no particular order of importance)

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