India - Flash report, Sales volume, 2019

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Flash report, Sales volume, 2019

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, December 2019

6 Jan. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 3.9% in December, 2019
Indian new vehicle sales in December 2019 were down 3.9% y/y to 302,408 units versus 314,676 units in December 2018.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 1.2% to 235,786 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 12.3% to 66,622 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 124,375 units increased 2.4% in December compared to the same month in 2018.
Tata Motors sales of 44,254 units decreased 12.3% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 37,953 units decreased 9.8% in December.
Mahindra sales of 30,870 units increased 0.8% from last December.
Toyota sales of 6,544 units decreased 44.7% from the same month last year.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type

Type Dec. 2019 Dec. 2018 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 235,786 238,692 -1.2%
Commercial Vehicles 66,622 75,984 -12.3%
Grand Total 302,408 314,676 -3.9%

Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Dec. 2019 Dec. 2018 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 124,375 121,479 2.4%
Tata 44,254 50,440 -12.3%
Mahindra & Mahindra 30,870 30,628 0.8%
Hyundai 37,953 42,093 -9.8%
Toyota 6,544 11,836 -44.7%
Ford TBA TBA -%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, November 2019

3 Dec. 2019

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 3.9% in November, 2019
Indian new vehicle sales in November 2019 were down 3.9% y/y to 325,680 units versus 338,812 units in November 2018.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 0.8% to 263,773 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 15.0% to 61,907 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 141,400 units decreased 3.2% in November compared to the same month in 2018.
Hyundai sales of 44,600 units increased 2.0% from last year.
Tata Motors sales of 38,057 units decreased 24.6% in November.
Mahindra sales of 31,337 units decreased 9.7% from last November.
Toyota sales of 8,312 units decreased 22.5% from the same month last year.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Nov. 2019 Nov. 2018 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 263,773 266,000 -0.8%
Commercial Vehicles 61,907 72,812 -15.0%
Grand Total 325,680 338,812 -3.9%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Nov. 2019 Nov. 2018 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 141,400 146,018 -3.2%
Tata 38,057 50,470 -24.6%
Mahindra & Mahindra 31,337 34,718 -9.7%
Hyundai 44,600 43,709 2.0%
Toyota 8,312 10,721 -22.5%
Ford TBA TBA -%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, October 2019

4 Nov. 2019

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 5.2% in October, 2019
Indian new vehicle sales in October 2019 were down 5.2% y/y to 351,800 units versus 371,290 units in October 2018.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were up 0.3% to 285,027 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 23.3% to 66,773 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 141,550 units increased 2.5% in October compared to the same month in 2018.
Hyundai sales of 50,010 units decreased 3.8% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 41,185 units decreased 12.8% in October.
Tata Motors sales of 39,152 units decreased 32.2% from last October.
Toyota sales of 11,866 units decreased 5.9% from the same month last year.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Oct. 2019 Oct. 2018 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 285,027 284,223 0.3%
Commercial Vehicles 66,773 87,067 -23.3%
Grand Total 351,800 371,290 -5.2%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Oct. 2019 Oct. 2018 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 141,550 138,100
Tata 39,152 57,710
Mahindra & Mahindra 41,185 47,223
Hyundai 50,010 52,001
Toyota 11,866 12,606
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, September 2019

2 Oct. 2019

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 27.5% in September, 2019
Indian new vehicle sales in September 2019 were down 27.5% y/y to 281,736 units versus 388,530 units in September 2018.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 23.7% to 223,317 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 39.1% to 58,419 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 112,500 units decreased 26.7% in September compared to the same month in 2018.
Hyundai sales of 40,705 units decreased 14.8% in September.
Tata Motors sales of 32,376 units decreased 49.9% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 32,331 units decreased 24.2% from last September.
Toyota sales of 10,203 units decreased 18.5% from the same month last year.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Sep. 2019 Sep. 2018 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 223,317 292,660 -23.7%
Commercial Vehicles 58,419 95,870 -39.1%
Grand Total 281,736 388,530 -27.5%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Sep. 2019 Sep. 2018 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 112,500 153,550 -26.7%
Tata 32,376 64,598 -49.9%
Mahindra & Mahindra 32,331 42,634 -24.2%
Hyundai 40,705 47,781 -14.8%
Toyota 10,203 12,512 -18.5%
Ford TBA TBA -%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, August 2019

2 Sep. 2019

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 33.2% in August, 2019
Indian new vehicle sales in August 2019 were down 33.2% y/y to 248,421 units versus 371,866 units in August 2018.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 31.6% to 196,524 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 38.7% to 51,897 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 94,728 units decreased 35.9% in August compared to the same month in 2018.
Hyundai sales of 38,205 units decreased 16.6% in August.
Tata Motors sales of 32,343 units decreased 48.4% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 27,362 units decreased 28.6% from last August.
Toyota sales of 10,701 units decreased 24.1% from the same month last year.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Aug. 2019 Aug. 2018 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 196,524 287,198 -31.6%
Commercial Vehicles 51,897 84,668 -38.7%
Grand Total 248,421 371,866 -33.2%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Aug. 2019 Aug. 2018 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 94,728 147,700 -35.9%
Tata 29,140 57,210 -49.1%
Mahindra & Mahindra 27,362 38,342 -28.6%
Hyundai 38,205 45,801 -16.6%
Toyota 10,701 14,100 -24.1%
Ford TBA TBA -%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, July 2019

1 Aug. 2019

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 29.9% in July, 2019
Indian new vehicle sales in July 2019 were down 29.9% y/y to 257,656 units versus 367,457 units in July 2018.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 31.0% to 200,790 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 25.7% to 56,866 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 98,210 units decreased 36.3% in July compared to the same month in 2018.
Hyundai sales of 57,310 units decreased 3.8% from last year.
Tata Motors sales of 32,938 units decreased 34.3% in July.
Mahindra sales of 31,705 units decreased 15.6% from last July.
Toyota sales of 10,423 units decreased 23.8% from the same month last year.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type

Type Jul. 2019 Jul. 2018 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 200,790 290,960 -31.0%
Commercial Vehicles 56,866 76,497 -25.7%
Grand Total 257,656 367,457 -29.9%

Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Jul. 2019 Jul. 2018 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 98,210 154,150 -36.3%
Tata 32,938 50,100 -34.3%
Mahindra & Mahindra 31,705 37,566 -15.6%
Hyundai 39,010 43,481 -10.3%
Toyota 10,423 13,677 -23.8%
Ford TBA TBA -%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, June 2019

1 Jul. 2019

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 16.3% in June, 2019
Indian new vehicle sales in June 2019 were down 16.3% y/y to 296,503 units versus 354,418 units in June 2018.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 17.5% to 225,732 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 12.3% to 70,771 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 113,031 units decreased 16.7% in June compared to the same month in 2018.
Tata Motors sales of 49,073 units decreased 13.6% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 42,007 units decreased 7.3% in June.
Mahindra sales of 33,689 units decreased 4.5% from last June.
Toyota sales of 10,603 units decreased 19.0% from the same month last year.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Jun. 2019 Jun. 2018 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 225,732 273,748 -17.5%
Commercial Vehicles 70,771 80,670 -12.3%
Grand Total 296,503 354,418 -16.3%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Jun. 2019 Jun. 2018 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 113,031 135,662 -16.7%
Tata 49,073 56,773 -13.6%
Mahindra & Mahindra 33,689 35,262 -4.5%
Hyundai 42,007 45,314 -7.3%
Toyota 10,603 13,088 -19.0%
Ford TBA TBA -%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, May 2019

3 Jun. 2019

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 18.4% in May, 2019
Indian new vehicle sales in May 2019 were down 18.4% y/y to 308,194 units versus 377,716 units in May 2018.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 20.5% to 239,347 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 10.0% to 68,847 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 123,250 units decreased 24.5% in May compared to the same month in 2018.
Hyundai sales of 42,502 units decreased 5.6% from last year.
Tata Motors sales of 40,155 units decreased 26.0% in May.
Mahindra sales of 36,929 units decreased 1.5% from last May.
Toyota sales of 12,138 units decreased 7.4% from the same month last year.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type

Type May 2019 May 2018 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 239,347 301,238 -20.5%
Commercial Vehicles 68,847 76,478 -10.0%
Grand Total 308,194 377,716 -18.4%

Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make May 2019 May 2018 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 123,250 163,200 -24.5%
Tata 40,155 54,290 -26.0%
Mahindra & Mahindra 36,929 37,478 -1.5%
Hyundai 42,502 45,008 -5.6%
Toyota 12,138 13,113 -7.4%
Ford TBA TBA -%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, April 2019

2 May 2019

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 14.9% in April, 2019
Indian new vehicle sales in April 2019 were down 14.9% y/y to 316,221 units versus 371,553 units in April 2018.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 17.1% to 247,541 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 6.0% to 68,680 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 133,704 units decreased 19.0% in April compared to the same month in 2018.
Tata Motors sales of 42,577 units decreased 20.4% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 42,005 units decreased 10.1% in April.
Mahindra sales of 36,250 units decreased 8.0% from last April.
Toyota sales of 9,300 units decreased 28.7% from the same month last year.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Apr. 2019 Apr. 2018 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 247,541 298,504 -17.1%
Commercial Vehicles 68,680 73,049 -6.0%
Grand Total 316,221 371,553 -14.9%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Apr. 2019 Apr. 2018 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 133,704 164,978 -19.0%
Tata 42,577 53,511 -20.4%
Mahindra & Mahindra 36,250 39,422 -8.0%
Hyundai 42,005 46,735 -10.1%
Toyota 9,300 13,037 -28.7%
Ford TBA TBA -%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, March 2019

2 Apr. 2019

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 2.1% in March, 2019
Indian new vehicle sales in March 2019 were down 2.1% y/y to 400,836 units versus 409,403 units in March 2018.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 3.0% to 291,806 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 0.3% to 109,030 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 147,613 units decreased 0.7% in March compared to the same month in 2018.
Tata Motors sales of 68,709 units decreased 1.0% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 50,117 units increased 1.0% in March compared to the same month in 2018.
Hyundai sales of 44,350 units decreased 7.6% in March.
Toyota sales of 12,818 units increased 2.2% from the same month last year.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Mar. 2019 Mar. 2018 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 291,806 300,722 -3.0%
Commercial Vehicles 109,030 108,681 0.3%
Grand Total 400,836 409,403 -2.1%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Mar. 2019 Mar. 2018 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 147,613 148,582 -0.7%
Tata 68,709 69,409 -1.0%
Mahindra & Mahindra 50,117 49,608 1.0%
Hyundai 44,350 48,009 -7.6%
Toyota 12,818 12,539 2.2%
Ford TBA TBA -%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, February 2019

4 Mar. 2019

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 0.9% in February, 2019
Indian new vehicle sales in February 2019 were down 0.9% y/y to 359,720 units versus 363,106 units in February 2018.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 1.1% to 272,284 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 0.4% to 87,436 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 139,100 units increased 0.9% in February compared to the same month in 2018.
Tata Motors sales of 57,221 units decreased 3.0% from last year.
Mahindra sales of 45,756 units increased 10.0% in February.
Hyundai sales of 43,110 units decreased 3.1% from last year.
Toyota sales of 11,760 units decreased 0.9% from the same month last year.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Feb. 2019 Feb. 2018 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 272,284 275,346 -1.1%
Commercial Vehicles 87,436 87,777 -0.4%
Grand Total 359,720 363,123 -0.9%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Feb. 2019 Feb. 2018 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 139,100 137,900 0.9%
Tata 57,221 58,993 -3.0%
Mahindra & Mahindra 45,756 41,614 10.0%
Hyundai 43,110 44,505 -3.1%
Toyota 11,760 11,864 -0.9%
Ford TBA TBA -%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, January 2019

6 Feb. 2019

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 0.9% in January, 2019
Indian new vehicle sales in January 2019 were down 0.9% y/y to 367,716 units versus 371,161 units in January 2018.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 1.9% to 280,125 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 2.2% to 87,591 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 142,150 units increased 1.1% in January compared to the same month in 2018.
Tata Motors sales of 54,915 units decreased 7.6% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 45,803 units increased 0.6% in January.
Mahindra sales of 44,907 units increased 4.4% from last year.
Toyota sales of 11,221 units decreased 9.1% from the same month last year.
Ford sales of 7,700 units decreased 18.5% in January.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Jan. 2019 Jan. 2018 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 280,125 285,467 -1.9%
Commercial Vehicles 87,591 85,694 2.2%
Grand Total 367,716 371,161 -0.9%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Jan. 2019 Jan. 2018 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 142,150 140,600 1.1%
Tata 54,915 59,441 -7.6%
Mahindra & Mahindra 44,907 42,995 4.4%
Hyundai 45,803 45,508 0.6%
Toyota 11,221 12,351 -9.1%
Ford 7,700 9,450 -18.5%
Source: Releases by each company

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