India - Flash report, Sales volume, 2018

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Flash report, Sales volume, 2018

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, December 2018

4 Jan. 2019

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 2.3% in December, 2018
Indian new vehicle sales in December 2018 were down 2.3% y/y to 314,676 units versus 322,132 units in December 2017.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 0.4% to 238,692 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were down 7.8% to 75,984 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 121,479 units increased 1.8% in December compared to the same month in 2017.
Tata Motors sales of 50,440 units decreased 7.7% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 42,093 units increased 4.8% in December.
Mahindra sales of 30,628 units decreased 2.1% from last December.
Toyota sales of 11,830 units increased 9.6% from the same month last year.
Ford sales of 5,840 units increased 14.8% in December.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Dec. 2018 Dec. 2017 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 238,692 239,723 -0.4%
Commercial Vehicles 75,984 82,409 -7.8%
Grand Total 314,676 322,132 -2.3%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Dec. 2018 Dec. 2017 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 121,479 119,286 1.8%
Tata 50,440 54,627 -7.7%
Mahindra & Mahindra 30,628 31,292 -2.1%
Hyundai 42,093 40,158 4.8%
Toyota 11,830 10,793 9.6%
Ford 5,840 5,087 14.8%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, November 2018

3 Dec. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales decreased by 1.6% in November, 2018
Indian new vehicle sales in November 2018 were down 1.6% y/y to 338,812 units versus 344,286 units in November 2017.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 3.4% to 266,000 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 5.8% to 72,812 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 146,018 units increased 0.5% in November compared to the same month in 2017.
Tata Motors sales of 50,470 units decreased 3.8% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 43,709 units decreased 0.7% in November.
Mahindra sales of 34,718 units increased 14.6% from last November.
Toyota sales of 10,721 units decreased 15.8% from the same month last year.
Ford sales of 6,375 units decreased 18.0% in November.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Nov. 2018 Nov. 2017 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 266,000 275,440 -3.4%
Commercial Vehicles 72,812 68,846 5.8%
Grand Total 338,812 344,286 -1.6%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Nov. 2018 Nov. 2017 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 146,018 145,300 0.5%
Tata 50,470 52,464 -3.8%
Mahindra & Mahindra 34,718 30,292 14.6%
Hyundai 43,709 44,008 -0.7%
Toyota 10,721 12,734 -15.8%
Ford 6,375 7,777 -18.0%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, October 2018

1 Nov. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales increased by 6.2% in October, 2018
Indian new vehicle sales in October 2018 were up 6.2% y/y to 371,371 units versus 349,693 units in October 2017.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were up 1.6% to 284,224 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 24.8% to 87,147 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 138,100 units increased 1.5% in October compared to the same month in 2017.
Tata Motors sales of 57,710 units increased 18.1% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 52,001 units increased 4.9% in October.
Mahindra sales of 47,223 units increased 13.8% from last October.
Toyota sales of 12,606 units increased 1.6% from the same month last year.
Ford sales of 9,044 units increased 114.4% in October.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Oct. 2018 Oct. 2017 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 284,224 279,877 1.6%
Commercial Vehicles 87,147 69,816 24.8%
Grand Total 371,371 349,693 6.2%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Oct. 2018 Oct. 2017 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 138,100 136,000 1.5%
Tata 57,710 48,886 18.1%
Mahindra & Mahindra 47,223 41,510 13.8%
Hyundai 52,001 49,588 4.9%
Toyota 12,606 12,403 1.6%
Ford 9,044 4,218 114.4%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, September 2018

2 Oct. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales increased by 0.3% in September, 2018
Indian new vehicle sales in September 2018 were up 0.3% y/y to 388,525 units versus 387,268 units in September 2017.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 5.6% to 292,658 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 24.1% to 95,867 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 153,550 units increased 1.4% in September compared to the same month in 2017.
Tata Motors sales of 64,520 units increased 19.6% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 47,781 units decreased 4.5% in September.
Mahindra sales of 42,634 units decreased 1.3% from last September.
Toyota sales of 12,512 units increased 1.4% from the same month last year.
Ford sales of 8,239 units decreased 6.0% in September.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Sep. 2018 Sep. 2017 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 292,658 310,041 -5.6%
Commercial Vehicles 95,867 77,227 24.1%
Grand Total 388,525 387,268 0.3%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Sep. 2018 Sep. 2017 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 153,550 151,400 1.4%
Tata 64,520 53,964 19.6%
Mahindra & Mahindra 42,634 43,217 -1.3%
Hyundai 47,781 50,028 -4.5%
Toyota 12,512 12,335 1.4%
Ford 8,239 8,769 -6.0%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, August 2018

3 Sep. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales increased by 3.4% in August, 2018
Indian new vehicle sales in August 2018 were up 3.4% y/y to 371,854 units versus 359,766 units in August 2017.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 2.5% to 287,186 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 29.6% to 84,668 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 147,700 units decreased 2.8% in August compared to the same month in 2017.
Tata Motors sales of 58,262 units increased 26.9% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 45,801 units decreased 2.8% in August.
Mahindra sales of 38,342 units increased 10.3% from last August.
Toyota sales of 14,100 units increased 17.3% from the same month last year.
Ford sales of 8,042 units increased 3.4% in August.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Aug. 2018 Aug. 2017 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 287,186 294,416 -2.5%
Commercial Vehicles 84,668 65,350 29.6%
Grand Total 371,854 359,766 3.4%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Aug. 2018 Aug. 2017 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 147,700 152,000 -2.8%
Tata 58,262 45,906 26.9%
Mahindra & Mahindra 38,342 34,752 10.3%
Hyundai 45,801 47,103 -2.8%
Toyota 14,100 12,017 17.3%
Ford 8,042 7,777 3.4%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, July 2018

1 Aug. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales increased by 2.6% in July, 2018

Indian new vehicle sales in July 2018 were up 2.6% y/y to 367,457 units versus 358,066 units in July 2017.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were down 2.7% to 290,960 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 29.7% to 76,497 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 154,150 units increased 0.1% in July compared to the same month in 2017.
Tata Motors sales of 51,896 units increased 21.3% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 43,481 units increased 1.1% in July.
Mahindra sales of 37,566 units increased 8.0% from last July.
Toyota sales of 13,677 units decreased 22.9% from the same month last year.
Ford sales of 7,816 units decreased 7.2% in July.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Jul. 2018 Jul. 2017 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 290,960 299,066 -2.7%
Commercial Vehicles 76,497 59,000 29.7%
Grand Total 367,457 358,066 2.6%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Jul. 2018 Jul. 2017 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 154,150 154,001 0.1%
Tata 51,896 42,775 21.3%
Mahindra & Mahindra 37,566 34,795 8.0%
Hyundai 43,481 43,007 1.1%
Toyota 13,677 17,750 -22.9%
Ford 7,816 8,418 -7.2%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, June 2018

2 Jul. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales increased by 38.5% in June, 2018
Indian new vehicle sales in June 2018 were up 38.5% y/y to 354,383 units versus 255,926 units in June 2017.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were up 37.5% to 273,759 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 41.7% to 80,624 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 135,662 units increased 45.5% in June compared to the same month in 2017.
Tata Motors sales of 56,773 units increased 54.1% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 45,371 units increased 20.8% in June.
Mahindra sales of 35,262 units increased 18.5% from last June.
Toyota sales of 13,088 units increased 563.4% from the same month last year.
Ford sales of 8,444 units increased 37.3% in June.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Jun. 2018 Jun. 2017 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 273,759 199,036 37.5%
Commercial Vehicles 80,624 56,890 41.7%
Grand Total 354,383 255,926 38.5%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Jun. 2018 Jun. 2017 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 135,662 93,263 45.5%
Tata 56,773 36,836 54.1%
Mahindra & Mahindra 35,262 29,750 18.5%
Hyundai 45,371 37,562 20.8%
Toyota 13,088 1,973 563.4%
Ford 8,444 6,149 37.3%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, May 2018

1 Jun. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales increased by 23.8% in May, 2018
Indian new vehicle sales in May 2018 were up 23.8% y/y to 377,716 units versus 305,221 units in May 2017.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were up 19.7% to 301,238 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 43.1% to 76,478 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 163,200 units increased 24.9% in May compared to the same month in 2017.
Tata Motors sales of 54,295 units increased 57.6% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 45,008 units increased 7.1% in May.
Mahindra sales of 37,478 units increased 5.6% from last May.
Toyota sales of 13,113 units increased 20.1% from the same month last year.
Ford sales of 9,069 units increased 34.5% in May.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type May 2018 May 2017 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 301,238 251,764 19.7%
Commercial Vehicles 76,478 53,457 43.1%
Grand Total 377,716 305,221 23.8%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make May 2018 May 2017 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 163,200 130,676 24.9%
Tata 54,295 34,461 57.6%
Mahindra & Mahindra 37,478 35,503 5.6%
Hyundai 45,008 42,007 7.1%
Toyota 13,113 10,914 20.1%
Ford 9,069 6,742 34.5%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, April 2018

1 May 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales increased by 16.4% in April, 2018
Indian new vehicle sales in April 2018 were up 16.4% y/y to 371,497 units versus 319,167 units in April 2017.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were up 7.5% to 298,504 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 76.0% to 72,993 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 164,978 units increased 14.2% in April compared to the same month in 2017.
Tata Motors sales of 53,511 units increased 85.5% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 46,735 units increased 4.4% in April.
Mahindra sales of 39,422 units increased 16.8% from last April.
Toyota sales of 13,037 units increased 0.6% from the same month last year.
Ford sales of 7,428 units decreased 2.5% in April.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Apr. 2018 Apr. 2017 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 298,504 277,683 7.5%
Commercial Vehicles 72,993 41,484 76.0%
Grand Total 371,497 319,167 16.4%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Apr. 2018 Apr. 2017 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 164,978 144,492 14.2%
Tata 53,511 28,844 85.5%
Mahindra & Mahindra 39,422 33,751 16.8%
Hyundai 46,735 44,758 4.4%
Toyota 13,037 12,964 0.6%
Ford 7,428 7,618 -2.5%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, March 2018

2 Apr. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales increased by 10.7% in March, 2018
Indian new vehicle sales in March 2018 were up 10.7% y/y to 409,403 units versus 369,956 units in March 2017.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were up 6.4% to 300,722 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 24.6% to 108,681 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 148,582 units increased 16.1% in March compared to the same month in 2017.
Tata Motors sales of 69,440 units increased 35.3% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 48,009 units increased 7.3% in March.
Toyota sales of 12,539 units decreased 9.1% from the same month last year.
Ford sales of 9,016 units increased 3.6% in March.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Mar. 2018 Mar. 2017 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 300,722 282,698 6.4%
Commercial Vehicles 108,681 87,258 24.6%
Grand Total 409,403 369,956 10.7%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Mar. 2018 Mar. 2017 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 148,582 127,999 16.1%
Tata 69,440 51,309 35.3%
Mahindra & Mahindra 49,608 45,686 8.6%
Hyundai 48,009 44,757 7.3%
Toyota 12,539 13,796 -9.1%
Ford 9,016 8,700 3.6%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, February 2018

1 Mar. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales increased by 12.6% in February, 2018
Indian new vehicle sales in February 2018 were up 12.6% y/y to 363,106 units versus 322,407 units in February 2017.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were up 7.8% to 275,329 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 31.1% to 87,777 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 137,900 units increased 14.2% in February compared to the same month in 2017.
Tata Motors sales of 58,993 units increased 38.2% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 44,505 units increased 5.1% in February.
Mahindra sales of 41,614 units increased 16.2% from last year.
Toyota sales of 11,864 units increased 2.8% from the same month last year.
Ford sales of 9,041 units increased 8.4% in February.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Feb. 2018 Feb. 2017 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 275,329 255,470 7.8%
Commercial Vehicles 87,777 66,937 31.1%
Grand Total 363,106 322,407 12.6%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers
(excluding export sales)
Make Feb. 2018 Feb. 2017 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 137,900 120,735 14.2%
Tata 58,993 42,679 38.2%
Mahindra & Mahindra 41,614 35,811 16.2%
Hyundai 44,505 42,327 5.1%
Toyota 11,864 11,543 2.8%
Ford 9,041 8,338 8.4%
Source: Releases by each company

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Flash report, January 2018

1 Feb. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Indian new vehicle sales increased by 13.6% in January, 2018
Indian new vehicle sales in January 2018 were up 13.6% y/y to 371,137 units versus 326,694 units in January 2017.
PVs (passenger vehicle, UV and van) sales were up 7.6% to 285,477 units. CVs (M&HCVs and LCVs) sales were up 39.7% to 85,660 units.
Maruti-Suzuki sales of 139,189 units increased 4.1% in January compared to the same month in 2017.
Tata Motors sales of 59,441 units increased 43.5% from last year.
Hyundai sales of 45,508 units increased 8.3% in January.
Mahindra sales of 42,995 units increased 30.7% from last year.
Toyota sales of 12,351 units increased 19.5% from the same month last year.
Ford sales of 9,450 units increased 18.2% in January.

India - New Vehicle Sales

By type
Type Jan. 2018 Jan. 2017 Y-o-Y
Passenger Vehicles 285,477 265,389 7.6%
Commercial Vehicles 85,660 61,305 39.7%
Grand Total 371,137 326,694 13.6%
Source:Various media reports

India - New Vehicle Sales by major Makers (excluding export sales)
Make Jan. 2018 Jan. 2017 Y-o-Y
Maruti Suzuki 139,189 133,768 4.1%
Tata 59,441 41,428 43.5%
Mahindra & Mahindra 42,995 32,906 30.7%
Hyundai 45,508 42,017 8.3%
Toyota 12,351 10,336 19.5%
Ford 9,450 7,995 18.2%
Source: Releases by each company

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