Malaysia - Automotive production volume, 2021

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Flash report, Automotive production volume, 2021

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, December 2021

Jan 21, 2022

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Malaysian new car sales decrease 5.3% in December, decrease 3.7% for 2021
Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) announced that new car sales of 65,184 units in December decrease 5.3% over the same month in 2020.
PVs (passenger vehicles) sales were down 7.3% to 57,603 units. CVs (commercial vehicles) sales were up 12.7% to 7,581 units.
Total sales in 2021 totaled 508,911 units, a 3.7% decrease from that of 2020.
The number of Malaysian car production for December decreased 3.0% over the previous year to 54,166 units.
Full-year production of 481,651 vehicles in 2021 represented a decrease of 0.7% from 2020.
MAA forecasts that sales for the full year of 2022 will increase by 17.9% year-on-year to 600,000 units. Passenger car sales are expected to increase by 19.3% to 540,000 units, and commercial vehicle sales by 6.7% to 60,000 units.

Malaysia - Sales and Production of new Vehicles
Type Dec.
Y-o-Y Jan.-Dec.
Passenger Cars 57,603 62,125 -7.3% 452,663 479,647 -5.6%
Commercial Vehicles 7,581 6,729 12.7% 56,248 48,543 15.9%
Total 65,184 68,854 -5.3% 508,911 528,190 -3.7%
Passenger Cars 49,901 51,917 -3.9% 446,431 457,755 -2.5%
Commercial Vehicles 4,265 3,943 8.2% 35,220 27,431 28.4%
Total 54,166 55,860 -3.0% 481,651 485,186 -0.7%
Source: Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA)

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Flash report, November 2021

Dec 20, 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Malaysian new car sales increase 1.9%, production increases 5.9% in November
On December 17, Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) announced that new car sales of 58,742 units in November increased 1.9% over the same month in 2020.
PVs (passenger vehicles) sales were up 0.6% to 52,601 units. CVs (commercial vehicles) sales were up 15.2% to 6,141 units.
New car sales for the first eleven months of 2021 decreased 4.0% from the same period in 2020 to 441,136 units.
The number of Malaysian car production for November increased 5.9% over the previous year to 58,079 units.
New car production for the first eleven months of 2021 decreased 0.4% from the same period in 2020 to 427,485 units.
MAA assumed that sales volume in December 2021 is expected to be maintained at November 2021 level due to companies' year end promotional campaigns to spur sales, companies ramped up deliveries of vehicles to fulfil backlog orders especially for companies with financial year ending December 2021. However, the shortage of chips may affect certain makes.

Malaysia - Sales and Production of new Vehicles
Type Nov.
Y-o-Y Jan.-Nov.
Passenger Cars 52,601 52,289 0.6% 392,474 417,522 -6.0%
Commercial Vehicles 6,141 5,333 15.2% 48,662 41,814 16.4%
Total 58,742 57,622 1.9% 441,136 459,336 -4.0%
Passenger Cars 53,661 50,894 5.4% 396,530 405,838 -2.3%
Commercial Vehicles 4,418 3,938 12.2% 30,955 23,488 31.8%
Total 58,079 54,832 5.9% 427,485 429,326 -0.4%
Source: Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA)

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Flash report, October 2021

Nov 18, 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Malaysian new car sales increase 10.0%, production increases 11.6% in October
On November 17, Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) announced that new car sales of 63,489 units in October increased 10.0% over the same month in 2020.
PVs (passenger vehicles) sales were up 7.7% to 56,881 units. CVs (commercial vehicles) sales were up 35.2% to 6,608 units.
New car sales for the first ten months of 2021 decreased 4.8% from the same period in 2020 to 382,379 units.
The number of Malaysian car production for October increased 11.6% over the previous year to 65,410 units.
New car production for the first ten months of 2021 decreased 1.4% from the same period in 2020 to 369,406 units.
MAA assumed that sales volume in November 2021 is expected to be maintained at October 2021 level due to companies' year end promotional campaigns to spur sales.

Malaysia - Sales and Production of new Vehicles
Type Oct.
Y-o-Y Jan.-Oct.
Passenger Cars 56,881 52,806 7.7% 339,873 365,233 -6.9%
Commercial Vehicles 6,608 4,889 35.2% 42,506 36,481 16.5%
Total 63,489 57,695 10.0% 382,379 401,714 -4.8%
Passenger Cars 61,248 55,063 11.2% 342,869 354,944 -3.4%
Commercial Vehicles 4,162 3,568 16.6% 26,537 19,550 35.7%
Total 65,410 58,631 11.6% 369,406 374,494 -1.4%
Source: Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA)

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Flash report, September 2021

Oct 19, 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Malaysian new car sales decrease 23.3%, production decreases 11.6% in September
On October 18, Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) announced that new car sales of 44,275 units in September decreased 23.3% over the same month in 2020.
PVs (passenger vehicles) sales were down 27.3% to 38,315 units. CVs (commercial vehicles) sales were up 17.9% to 5,960 units.
New car sales for the first nine months of 2021 decreased 7.3% from the same period in 2020 to 318,874 units.
The number of Malaysian car production for September decreased 11.6% over the previous year to 45,972 units.
New car production for the first nine months of 2021 decreased 3.8% from the same period in 2020 to 303,996 units.
MAA assumed that sales volume in October 2021 is expected to be better than September 2021 level as business operations have been restored nationwide with companies ramping up production and deliveries of vehicles.

Malaysia - Sales and Production of new Vehicles
Type Sep.
Y-o-Y Jan.-Sep.
Passenger Cars 38,315 52,704 -27.3% 282,992 312,427 -9.4%
Commercial Vehicles 5,960 5,054 17.9% 35,882 31,592 13.6%
Total 44,275 57,758 -23.3% 318,874 344,019 -7.3%
Passenger Cars 42,556 49,966 -14.8% 281,621 299,881 -6.1%
Commercial Vehicles 3,416 2,021 69.0% 22,375 15,982 40.0%
Total 45,972 51,987 -11.6% 303,996 315,863 -3.8%
Source: Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA)

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Flash report, August 2021

Sep 24, 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Malaysian new car sales decrease 67.5%, production decreases 72.2% in August
On September 21, Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) announced that new car sales of 17,500 units in August decreased 67.5% over the same month in 2020.
PVs (passenger vehicles) sales were down 69.0% to 15,064 units. CVs (commercial vehicles) sales were down 53.5% to 2,436 units.
New car sales for the first eight months of 2021 decreased 4.4% from the same period in 2020 to 273,757 units.
The number of Malaysian car production for August decreased 72.2% over the previous year to 13,961 units.
New car production for the first eight months of 2021 decreased 2.2% from the same period in 2020 to 258,024 units.
MAA assumed that sales volume in September 2021 is expected to be higher than August 2021 level due to businesses for most industries including automotive sector had resumed albeit at certain levels, continuous on-going efforts by car companies to boost sales in order to generate revenue and shortage of chips may affect certain makes.

Malaysia - Sales and Production of new Vehicles
Type Aug.
Y-o-Y Jan.-Aug.
Passenger Cars 15,064 48,598 -69.0% 243,851 259,723 -6.1%
Commercial Vehicles 2,436 5,240 -53.5% 29,906 26,538 12.7%
Total 17,500 53,838 -67.5% 273,757 286,261 -4.4%
Passenger Cars 12,897 47,913 -73.1% 239,065 249,915 -4.3%
Commercial Vehicles 1,064 2,283 -53.4% 18,959 13,961 35.8%
Total 13,961 50,196 -72.2% 258,024 263,876 -2.2%
Source: Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA)

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Flash report, July 2021

Aug 20, 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Malaysian new car sales decrease 88.0%, production decreases 94.0% in July
On August 16, Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) announced that new car sales of 7,086 units in July decreased 88.0% over the same month in 2020.
PVs (passenger vehicles) sales were down 90.7% to 4,949 units. CVs (commercial vehicles) sales were down 60.9% to 2,137 units.
New car sales for the first seven months of 2021 increased 10.2% from the same period in 2020 to 256,215 units.
The number of Malaysian car production for July decreased 94.0% over the previous year to 2,775 units.
New car production for the first seven months of 2021 increased 14.2% from the same period in 2020 to 244,063 units.
MAA assumed that sales volume in August 2021 is expected to be higher than July 2021 level due to showrooms in many states including key states like Selangor and WP Kuala Lumpur are allowed to operate subject to fulfiling SOP conditions and based on company's employees vaccination rate.

Malaysia - Sales and Production of new Vehicles
Type Jul.
Y-o-Y Jan.-Jul.
Passenger Cars 4,949 53,415 -90.7% 228,787 211,125 8.4%
Commercial Vehicles 2,137 5,463 -60.9% 27,428 21,298 28.8%
Total 7,086 58,878 -88.0% 256,215 232,423 10.2%
Passenger Cars 2,396 44,827 -94.7% 226,168 202,002 12.0%
Commercial Vehicles 379 1,639 -76.9% 17,895 11,678 53.2%
Total 2,775 46,466 -94.0% 244,063 213,680 14.2%
Source: Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA)

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Flash report, June 2021

Jul 26, 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Malaysian new car sales decrease 95.7%, production decreases 99.4% in June
On July 22, Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) announced that new car sales of 1,921 units in June decreased 95.7% over the same month in 2020.
PVs (passenger vehicles) sales were down 95.5% to 1,841 units. CVs (commercial vehicles) sales were down 97.9% to 80 units.
New car sales for the first half of 2021 increased 43.6% from the same period in 2020 to 249,129 units.
The number of Malaysian car production for June decreased 99.4% over the previous year to 276 units.
New car production for the first half of 2021 increased 45.3% from the same period in 2020 to 241,288 units.
MAA assumed that sales volume in July 2021 is expected to be minimal due to only showrooms in Sabah are allowed to operate under National Recovery Plan Phase 2 and vehicle assembly plants and component manufacturers situated in Selangor and certain localities in Kuala Lumpur are not allowed to operate during the EMCO period.

Malaysia - Sales and Production of new Vehicles
Type Jun.
Y-o-Y Jan.-Jun.
Passenger Cars 1,841 40,995 -95.5% 223,838 157,710 41.9%
Commercial Vehicles 80 3,760 -97.9% 25,291 15,835 59.7%
Total 1,921 44,755 -95.7% 249,129 173,545 43.6%
Passenger Cars 246 43,405 -99.4% 223,772 157,174 42.4%
Commercial Vehicles 30 1,639 -98.2% 17,516 8,875 97.4%
Total 276 45,044 -99.4% 241,288 166,049 45.3%
Source: Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA)

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Flash report, May 2021

Jun 22, 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Malaysian new car sales increase 99.7%, production increases 246.1% in May
On June 18, Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) announced that new car sales of 46,663 units in May increased 99.7% over the same month in 2020.
PVs (passenger vehicles) sales were up 101.5% to 41,988 units. CVs (commercial vehicles) sales were up 85.0% to 4,675 units.
New car sales for the first five months of 2021 increased 91.0% from the same period in 2020 to 245,932 units.
The number of Malaysian car production for May increased 246.1% over the previous year to 42,522 units.
New car production for the first five months of 2021 increased 99.2% from the same period in 2020 to 240,998 units.
MAA assumed that sales volume in June 2021 is expected to be minimal due to enforcement of full MCO 3.0 for whole month of June 2021, showrooms not allow to operate, most Government agencies like JPJ, Puspakom, SPAD and LPKP are closed or working with minimal staff.

Malaysia - Sales and Production of new Vehicles
Type May
Y-o-Y Jan.-May
Passenger Cars 41,988 20,839 101.5% 220,785 116,715 89.2%
Commercial Vehicles 4,675 2,527 85.0% 25,147 12,075 108.3%
Total 46,663 23,366 99.7% 245,932 128,790 91.0%
Passenger Cars 40,159 12,022 234.0% 223,512 113,769 96.5%
Commercial Vehicles 2,363 264 795.1% 17,486 7,236 141.7%
Total 42,522 12,286 246.1% 240,998 121,005 99.2%
Source: Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA)

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Flash report, April 2021

May 21, 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Malaysian new car sales 57,912 units, production 51,390 units in April
On May 19, Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) announced that new car sales of 57,912 units in April increased 38,000.0% over the same month in 2020.
2020 April sales were very low due to the MCO to control coronavirus.
PVs (passenger vehicles) sales were up 39,469.9% to 52,628 units. CVs (commercial vehicles) sales were up 27,710.5% to 5,284 units.
New car sales for the first four months of 2021 increased 89.3% from the same period in 2020 to 199,556 units.
The number of Malaysian car production for April increased 18,587.3% over the previous year to 51,390 units.
New car production for the first four months of 2021 increased 82.6% from the same period in 2020 to 198,476 units.
MAA assumed that sales volume in May 2021 is expected to be lower than April 2021 due to implementation of the Movement Control Order 3.0 will affect businesses and traffic flows into showrooms, shorter working month due to Hari Raya festive holidays, shortage of computer chips will continue to affect sales of some makes.

Malaysia - Sales and Production of new Vehicles
Type Apr.
Y-o-Y Jan.-Apr.
Passenger Cars 52,628 133 39469.9% 179,096 95,876 86.8%
Commercial Vehicles 5,284 19 27710.5% 20,460 9,548 114.3%
Total 57,912 152 38000.0% 199,556 105,424 89.3%
Passenger Cars 47,764 240 19801.7% 183,353 101,747 80.2%
Commercial Vehicles 3,626 35 10260.0% 15,123 6,972 116.9%
Total 51,390 275 18587.3% 198,476 108,719 82.6%
Source: Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA)

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Flash report, March 2021

Apr 20, 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Malaysian new car sales increase 200.7%, production increases 174.6% in March  
On April 16, Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) announced that new car sales of 63,878 units in March increased 200.7% over the same month in 2020.
2020 March sales were very low due to the MCO to control coronavirus.
PVs (passenger vehicles) sales were up 197.7% to 56,478 units. CVs (commercial vehicles) sales were up 226.3% to 7,400 units.
New car sales for the first three months of 2021 increased 32.5% from the same period in 2020 to 139,499 units.
The number of Malaysian car production for March increased 174.6% over the previous year to 62,221 units.
New car production for the first three months of 2021 increased 35.6% from the same period in 2020 to 147,086 units.
MAA assumed that sales volume for April 2021 is expected to be maintained at March 2021 level due to on-going aggressive promotional campaigns by car companies.

Malaysia - Sales and Production of new Vehicles
Type Mar.
Y-o-Y Jan.-Mar.
Passenger Cars 56,478 18,974 197.7% 123,281 95,743 28.8%
Commercial Vehicles 7,400 2,268 226.3% 16,218 9,510 70.5%
Total 63,878 21,242 200.7% 139,499 105,253 32.5%
Passenger Cars 58,102 21,087 175.5% 135,589 101,507 33.6%
Commercial Vehicles 4,119 1,570 162.4% 11,497 6,937 65.7%
Total 62,221 22,657 174.6% 147,086 108,444 35.6%
Source: Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA)

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Flash report, February 2021

Mar 24, 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Malaysian new car sales increase 4.1%, production increases 12.0% in February
On March 17, Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) announced that new car sales of 42,784 units in February increased 4.1% over the same month in 2020.
PVs (passenger vehicles) sales were up 1.5% to 37,923 units. CVs (commercial vehicles) sales were up 30.4% to 4,861 units.
New car sales for the first two months of 2021 decreased 10.0% from the same period in 2020 to 75,621 units.
The number of Malaysian car production for February increased 12.0% over the previous year to 45,199 units.
New car production for the first two months of 2021 decreased 1.1% from the same period in 2020 to 84,865 units.
MAA assumed that sales volume for March 2021 is expected to be higher than February 2021 due to rush for deliveries by companies having their financial year ending on 31 March 2021, and resumption of JPJ's full services for all types of vehicle transaction.

Malaysia - Sales and Production of new Vehicles
Type Feb.
Y-o-Y Jan.-Feb.
Passenger Cars 37,923 37,359 1.5% 66,803 76,769 -13.0%
Commercial Vehicles 4,861 3,728 30.4% 8,818 7,260 21.5%
Total 42,784 41,087 4.1% 75,621 84,029 -10.0%
Passenger Cars 41,301 37,893 9.0% 77,487 80,420 -3.6%
Commercial Vehicles 3,898 2,478 57.3% 7,378 5,367 37.5%
Total 45,199 40,371 12.0% 84,865 85,787 -1.1%
Source: Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA)

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Flash report, January 2021

Feb 22, 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Malaysian new car sales decrease 23.6%, production decreases 12.7% in January
On February 17, Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) announced that new car sales of 32,829 units in January decreased 23.6% over the same month in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
PVs (passenger vehicles) sales were down 26.7% to 28,872 units. CVs (commercial vehicles) sales were up 12.0% to 3,957 units.
The number of Malaysian car production for January decreased 12.7% over the previous year to 39,666 units.
MAA reported sales volume for January 2021 was 51% lower than December 2020 because traffic volume to showrooms dropped due to the enforcement of MCO, most customers had been bought forward in December 2020 resulting in lower stocks in January 2021 for some companies and impact from shutdown of some part suppliers due to Covid-19, resulting in short supply of components and parts for some companies.
MAA assumed that sales volume for February 2021 is expected to be lower than January 2021 due to short working month.

Malaysia - Sales and Production of new Vehicles

Type Jan. 2021 Jan. 2020 Y-o-Y
Passenger Cars 28,872 39,410 -26.7%
Commercial Vehicles 3,957 3,532 12.0%
Total 32,829 42,942 -23.6%
Passenger Cars 36,186 42,527 -14.9%
Commercial Vehicles 3,480 2,889 20.5%
Total 39,666 45,416 -12.7%
Source: Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA)

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