Brazil - Flash report, Production volume, 2020

More detailed statistics for Brazil

Flash report, Production volume, 2020

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, December 2020

12 Jan. 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Brazilian vehicle both production and exports up in December, down in 2020
The Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automores (ANFAVEA) announced that Brazilian vehicle production (excluding CKD production) in December 2020 of 209,296 units represented a 22.8% increase from December one year ago.
A total of 2,014,055 vehicles were produced in 2020, a 31.6% decrease from the same period in 2019.
Of the vehicles produced in 2020, 1,608,870 were passenger cars; 295,844 were commercial vehicles; 90,936 were trucks, and 18,405 were buses.
Exports of 38,405 assembled vehicles in December represented a 32.4% increase from the units exported in December 2019.
Vehicle exports in 2020 totaled 324,330 units, a 24.3% decrease from the same period in 2019.
Of the vehicles exported in 2020, 258,105 were passenger cars; 48,863 were commercial vehicles; 13,243 were trucks, and 4,119 were buses.
A total of 6,024 complete knock down (CKD) kits were exported in 2020, comprised of 10 passenger car, 3,873 truck, and 2,141 bus kits.

Automobile production, sales, export units
Type Dec. 2020 Dec. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Dec.
Registration Passenger Cars 194,681 215,190 -9.5% 1,615,942 2,262,069 -28.6%
Light Commercial Vehicles 38,303 36,847 4.0% 338,886 403,514 -16.0%
Trucks 9,838 8,598 14.4% 89,678 101,335 -11.5%
Buses 1,145 1,923 -40.5% 13,931 20,932 -33.4%
Total 243,967 262,558 -7.1% 2,058,437 2,787,850 -26.2%
Export Passenger Cars 30,088 22,603 33.1% 258,105 347,064 -25.6%
Light Commercial Vehicles 6,182 4,647 33.0% 48,863 60,456 -19.2%
Trucks 1,643 973 68.9% 13,243 13,552 -2.3%
Buses 492 775 -36.5% 4,119 7,136 -42.3%
Total 38,405 28,998 32.4% 324,330 428,208 -24.3%
Production Passenger Cars 164,710 141,689 16.2% 1,608,870 2,448,490 -34.3%
Light Commercial Vehicles 33,092 21,649 52.9% 295,844 355,351 -16.7%
Trucks 10,485 5,974 75.5% 90,936 113,476 -19.9%
Buses 1,009 1,192 -15.4% 18,405 27,671 -33.5%
Total 209,296 170,504 22.8% 2,014,055 2,944,988 -31.6%
Source: Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automotores (ANFAVEA)

More detailed statistics for Brazil


Flash report, November 2020

8 Dec. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Brazilian vehicle production in November up 4.7%, exports up 38.6% (ANFAVEA)
The Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automores (ANFAVEA) announced that Brazilian vehicle production (excluding CKD production) in November 2020 of 238,200 units represented an increase of 4.7% from November 2019.
Of the vehicles produced in November, 188,957 were passenger cars; 36,064 were commercial vehicles; 11,474 were trucks, and 1,705 were buses.
A total of 1,804,759 vehicles were produced in the first eleven months of 2020, down 35.0% year-on-year.
Exports of 44,007 assembled vehicles in November represented an increase of 38.6% from November 2019.
Of the vehicles exported in November, 35,397 were passenger cars; 6,856 were commercial vehicles; 1,426 were trucks, and 328 were buses.
A total of 314 complete knock down (CKD) kits were exported in November, comprised of 222 truck and 92 bus kits.
Vehicle exports in the first eleven months of 2020 totaled 285,925 units, down 28.4% year-on-year.

Automobile production, sales, export units
Type Nov. 2020 Nov. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Nov.
Registration Passenger Cars 177,577 196,770 -9.8% 1,421,261 2,046,879 -30.6%
Light Commercial Vehicles 36,909 34,820 6.0% 300,583 366,667 -18.0%
Trucks 9,143 9,064 0.9% 79,840 92,737 -13.9%
Buses 1,381 1,656 -16.6% 12,786 19,009 -32.7%
Total 225,010 242,310 -7.1% 1,814,470 2,525,292 -28.1%
Export Passenger Cars 35,397 25,140 40.8% 228,017 324,461 -29.7%
Light Commercial Vehicles 6,856 4,718 45.3% 42,681 55,809 -23.5%
Trucks 1,426 1,242 14.8% 11,600 12,579 -7.8%
Buses 328 645 -49.1% 3,627 6,361 -43.0%
Total 44,007 31,745 38.6% 285,925 399,210 -28.4%
Production Passenger Cars 188,957 186,426 1.4% 1,446,857 2,306,801 -37.3%
Light Commercial Vehicles 36,064 30,219 19.3% 260,055 333,702 -22.1%
Trucks 11,474 8,764 30.9% 80,451 107,502 -25.2%
Buses 1,705 2,046 -16.7% 17,396 26,479 -34.3%
Total 238,200 227,455 4.7% 1,804,759 2,774,484 -35.0%
Source: Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automotores (ANFAVEA)

More detailed statistics for Brazil


Flash report, October 2020

9 Nov. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Brazilian vehicle production in October down 18.0%, exports up 16.4% (ANFAVEA)
The Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automores (ANFAVEA) announced that Brazilian vehicle production (excluding CKD production) in October 2020 of 236,468 units represented a decline of 18.0% from October 2019.
Of the vehicles produced in October, 189,158 were passenger cars; 34,601 were commercial vehicles; 10,902 were trucks, and 1,807 were buses.
A total of 1,566,559 vehicles were produced in the first ten months of 2020.
Exports of 34,882 assembled vehicles in October represented an increase of 16.4% from October 2019.
Of the vehicles exported in October, 27,835 were passenger cars; 5,091 were commercial vehicles; 1,474 were trucks, and 482 were buses.
A total of 471 complete knock down (CKD) kits were exported in October, comprised of 281 truck and 190 bus kits.
Vehicle exports in the first ten months of 2020 totaled 241,918 units.

Automobile production, sales, export units
Type Oct. 2020 Oct. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Oct.
Registration Passenger Cars 168,508 204,532 -17.6% 1,243,684 1,850,109 -32.8%
Light Commercial Vehicles 37,191 37,254 -0.2% 263,674 331,847 -20.5%
Trucks 7,909 9,418 -16.0% 70,697 83,673 -15.5%
Buses 1,436 2,157 -33.4% 11,405 17,353 -34.3%
Total 215,044 253,361 -15.1% 1,589,460 2,282,982 -30.4%
Export Passenger Cars 27,835 23,813 16.9% 192,618 299,321 -35.6%
Light Commercial Vehicles 5,091 4,157 22.5% 35,827 51,091 -29.9%
Trucks 1,474 1,499 -1.7% 10,174 11,337 -10.3%
Buses 482 497 -3.0% 3,299 5,716 -42.3%
Total 34,882 29,966 16.4% 241,918 367,465 -34.2%
Production Passenger Cars 189,158 239,005 -20.9% 1,260,658 2,120,375 -40.5%
Light Commercial Vehicles 34,601 35,578 -2.7% 221,233 303,483 -27.1%
Trucks 10,902 11,286 -3.4% 68,977 98,738 -30.1%
Buses 1,807 2,650 -31.8% 15,691 24,433 -35.8%
Total 236,468 288,519 -18.0% 1,566,559 2,547,029 -38.5%
Source: Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automotores (ANFAVEA)

More detailed statistics for Brazil


Flash report, September 2020

8 Oct. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Brazilian vehicle production in September down 11.0%, exports down 16.7%, registrations down 11.6% (ANFAVEA)
On October 7, the Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automores (ANFAVEA) announced that Brazilian vehicle production (excluding CKD production) in September 2020 of 220,162 units represented an increase of 4.4% from August, but a decline of 11.0% from September 2019.
Of the vehicles produced in September, 175,685 were passenger cars; 33,088 were commercial vehicles; 9,430 were trucks, and 1,959 were buses.
A total of 1,330,939 vehicles were produced in the first nine months of 2020.
Exports of 30,519 assembled vehicles in September represented an increase of 8.5% from August, but a 16.7% decrease from the units exported in September 2019.
Of the vehicles exported in September, 25,125 were passenger cars; 3,532 were commercial vehicles; 1,568 were trucks, and 294 were buses.
Vehicle exports in the first nine months of 2020 totaled 207,265 units.
A total of 432 complete knock down (CKD) kits were exported in September, comprised of 250 truck and 182 bus kits.
New vehicle registrations of 207,710 vehicles in September represented an increase of 13.3% from August, but an 11.6% decrease from registrations in September 2019.
Of the new vehicles registered in September, 161,114 were passenger cars; 38,051 were commercial vehicles; 7,312 were trucks, and 1,233 were buses.
Of those vehicles, 3.2% had gasoline engines, 84.5% were flex-fuel, 11.2 had diesel engines, and 1.1% were EVs.
New vehicle registrations in the first nine months of 2020 totaled 1,374,416 units.

Automobile production, sales, export units
Type Sep. 2020 Sep. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Sep.
Registration Passenger Cars 161,114 187,818 -14.2% 1,075,176 1,645,577 -34.7%
Light Commercial Vehicles 38,051 36,196 5.1% 226,483 294,593 -23.1%
Trucks 7,312 9,098 -19.6% 62,788 74,255 -15.4%
Buses 1,233 1,736 -29.0% 9,969 15,196 -34.4%
Total 207,710 234,848 -11.6% 1,374,416 2,029,621 -32.3%
Export Passenger Cars 25,125 27,424 -8.4% 164,705 275,508 -40.2%
Light Commercial Vehicles 3,532 7,768 -54.5% 30,899 46,934 -34.2%
Trucks 1,568 984 59.3% 8,844 9,838 -10.1%
Buses 294 464 -36.6% 2,817 5,219 -46.0%
Total 30,519 36,640 -16.7% 207,265 337,499 -38.6%
Production Passenger Cars 175,685 203,198 -13.5% 1,076,264 1,881,370 -42.8%
Light Commercial Vehicles 33,088 31,438 5.2% 182,123 267,905 -32.0%
Trucks 9,430 10,406 -9.4% 58,304 87,452 -33.3%
Buses 1,959 2,413 -18.8% 14,248 21,783 -34.6%
Total 220,162 247,455 -11.0% 1,330,939 2,258,510 -41.1%
Source: Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automotores (ANFAVEA)

More detailed statistics for Brazil


Flash report, August 2020

7 Sep. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Brazilian vehicle production down 21.8%, exports down 23.4% in August (ANFAVEA)
The Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automores (ANFAVEA) announced that Brazilian vehicle production (excluding CKD production) in August 2020 of 210,860 units represented a 21.8% decrease from August one year ago.
Of the vehicles produced in August, 170,455 were passenger cars; 31,375 were commercial vehicles; 7,316 were trucks, and 1,714 were buses.
A total of 1,110,777 vehicles were produced in the first eight months of 2020, a 44.8% decrease from the same period in 2019.
Exports of 28,126 assembled vehicles in August represented a 23.4% decrease from the units exported in August 2019.
Of the vehicles exported in August, 22,830 were passenger cars; 3,800 were commercial vehicles; 1,260 were trucks, and 236 were buses.
A total of 744 complete knock down (CKD) kits were exported in August, comprised of 519 truck, and 225 bus kits.
Vehicle exports in the first eight months of 2019 totaled 176,746 units, a 41.3% decrease from the same period in 2019.

Automobile production, sales, export units
Type Aug. 2020 Aug. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Aug.
Registration Passenger Cars 142,057 195,917 -27.5% 914,062 1,457,759 -37.3%
Light Commercial Vehicles 31,765 35,605 -10.8% 188,432 258,397 -27.1%
Trucks 8,076 9,433 -14.4% 55,476 65,157 -14.9%
Buses 1,497 2,030 -26.3% 8,736 13,460 -35.1%
Total 183,395 242,985 -24.5% 1,166,706 1,794,773 -35.0%
Export Passenger Cars 22,830 30,228 -24.5% 139,580 248,084 -43.7%
Light Commercial Vehicles 3,800 4,690 -19.0% 27,367 39,166 -30.1%
Trucks 1,260 1,353 -6.9% 7,276 8,854 -17.8%
Buses 236 446 -47.1% 2,523 4,755 -46.9%
Total 28,126 36,717 -23.4% 176,746 300,859 -41.3%
Production Passenger Cars 170,455 222,648 -23.4% 900,579 1,678,172 -46.3%
Light Commercial Vehicles 31,375 33,712 -6.9% 149,035 236,467 -37.0%
Trucks 7,316 10,732 -31.8% 48,874 77,046 -36.6%
Buses 1,714 2,666 -35.7% 12,289 19,370 -36.6%
Total 210,860 269,758 -21.8% 1,110,777 2,011,055 -44.8%
Source: Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automotores (ANFAVEA)

More detailed statistics for Brazil


Flash report, July 2020

11 Aug. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Brazilian vehicle production down 36.2%, exports down 30.8% in July (ANFAVEA)
The Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automores (ANFAVEA) announced that Brazilian vehicle production (excluding CKD production) in July 2020 of 170,287 units represented a 36.2% decrease from July one year ago.
Of the vehicles produced in July, 135,969 were passenger cars; 26,261 were commercial vehicles; 6,820 were trucks, and 1,237 were buses.
A total of 899,553 vehicles were produced in the first seven months of 2020, a 48.3% decrease from the same period in 2019.
Exports of 29,126 assembled vehicles in July represented a 30.8% decrease from the units exported in July 2019.
Of the vehicles exported in July, 21,215 were passenger cars; 6,133 were commercial vehicles; 1,217 were trucks, and 561 were buses.
A total of 918 complete knock down (CKD) kits were exported in July, comprised of 558 truck, and 360 bus kits.
Vehicle exports in the first seven months of 2019 totaled 148,663 units, a 43.7% decrease from the same period in 2019.

Automobile production, sales, export units
Type Jul. 2020 Jul. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Jul.
Registration Passenger Cars 134,956 195,854 -31.1% 772,005 1,261,842 -38.8%
Light Commercial Vehicles 28,468 37,007 -23.1% 156,667 222,792 -29.7%
Trucks 9,540 8,942 6.7% 47,400 55,724 -14.9%
Buses 1,523 1,811 -15.9% 7,239 11,430 -36.7%
Total 174,487 243,614 -28.4% 983,311 1,551,788 -36.6%
Export Passenger Cars 21,215 35,773 -40.7% 116,700 217,856 -46.4%
Light Commercial Vehicles 6,133 4,320 42.0% 23,617 34,476 -31.5%
Trucks 1,217 1,510 -19.4% 6,059 7,501 -19.2%
Buses 561 512 9.6% 2,287 4,309 -46.9%
Total 29,126 42,115 -30.8% 148,663 264,142 -43.7%
Production Passenger Cars 135,969 221,869 -38.7% 730,068 1,455,524 -49.8%
Light Commercial Vehicles 26,261 31,565 -16.8% 117,716 202,755 -41.9%
Trucks 6,820 10,918 -37.5% 41,558 66,314 -37.3%
Buses 1,237 2,640 -53.1% 10,211 16,704 -38.9%
Total 170,287 266,992 -36.2% 899,553 1,741,297 -48.3%
Source: Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automotores (ANFAVEA)

More detailed statistics for Brazil


Flash report, June 2020

7 Jul. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Brazilian vehicle production down 57.7%, exports down 52.0% in June (ANFAVEA)
The Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automores (ANFAVEA) announced that Brazilian vehicle production (excluding CKD production) in June 2020 of 98,708 units represented an increase of 129.1% from May, and a 57.7% decrease from June one year ago.
Of the vehicles produced in June, 71,231 were passenger cars; 20,501 were commercial vehicles; 5,634 were trucks, and 1,342 were buses.
A total of 729,527 vehicles were produced in the first six months of 2020, a 50.5% decrease from the same period in 2019.
Exports of 19,405 assembled vehicles in June represented an increase of 401.4% from May, and a 52.0% decrease from the units exported in June 2019.
Of the vehicles exported in June, 13,223 were passenger cars; 4,571 were commercial vehicles; 1,230 were trucks, and 381 were buses.
A total of 575 complete knock down (CKD) kits were exported in June, comprised of 323 truck, and 252 bus kits.
Vehicle exports in the first six months of 2019 totaled 119,485 units, a 46.2% decrease from the same period in 2019.

Automobile production, sales, export units
Type Jun. 2020 Jun. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Jun.
Registration Passenger Cars 102,404 181,297 -43.5% 637,048 1,065,988 -40.2%
Light Commercial Vehicles 20,391 32,698 -37.6% 128,200 185,785 -31.0%
Trucks 8,954 7,688 16.5% 37,860 46,782 -19.1%
Buses 1,069 1,515 -29.4% 5,716 9,619 -40.6%
Total 132,818 223,198 -40.5% 808,824 1,308,174 -38.2%
Export Passenger Cars 13,223 33,127 -60.1% 95,484 182,083 -47.6%
Light Commercial Vehicles 4,571 5,659 -19.2% 17,433 30,156 -42.2%
Trucks 1,230 1,045 17.7% 4,842 5,991 -19.2%
Buses 381 603 -36.8% 1,726 3,797 -54.5%
Total 19,405 40,434 -52.0% 119,485 222,027 -46.2%
Production Passenger Cars 71,231 190,859 -62.7% 594,068 1,233,655 -51.8%
Light Commercial Vehicles 20,501 29,923 -31.5% 91,731 171,190 -46.4%
Trucks 5,634 9,993 -43.6% 34,797 55,396 -37.2%
Buses 1,342 2,375 -43.5% 8,931 14,064 -36.5%
Total 98,708 233,150 -57.7% 729,527 1,474,305 -50.5%
Source: Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automotores (ANFAVEA)

More detailed statistics for Brazil


Flash report, May 2020

8 Jun. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Brazilian vehicle production down 84.4%, exports down 90.8% in May due to coronavirus
The Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automores (ANFAVEA) announced that Brazilian vehicle production (excluding CKD production) in May 2020 of 43,080 units represented an increase of 2,332.4% from April, and a 84.4% decrease from May one year ago.
Of the vehicles produced in May, 29,589 were passenger cars; 8,218 were commercial vehicles; 4,054 were trucks, and 1,219 were buses.
A total of 630,819 vehicles were produced in the first five months of 2020, a 49.2% decrease from the same period in 2019.
Exports of 3,870 assembled vehicles in May represented a decrease of 46.3% from April, and a 90.8% decrease from the units exported in May 2019.
Of the vehicles exported in May, 2,016 were passenger cars; 952 were commercial vehicles; 636 were trucks, and 266 were buses.
A total of 427 complete knock down (CKD) kits were exported in May, comprised of 247 truck, and 180 bus kits.
Vehicle exports in the first five months of 2019 totaled 100,080 units, a 44.9% decrease from the same period in 2019.

Automobile production, sales, export units
Type May 2020 May 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-May
Registration Passenger Cars 44,137 198,776 -77.8% 534,644 884,691 -39.6%
Light Commercial Vehicles 12,568 35,823 -64.9% 107,809 153,087 -29.6%
Trucks 4,819 9,128 -47.2% 28,906 39,094 -26.1%
Buses 666 1,713 -61.1% 4,647 8,104 -42.7%
Total 62,190 245,440 -74.7% 676,006 1,084,976 -37.7%
Export Passenger Cars 2,016 34,983 -94.2% 82,261 148,956 -44.8%
Light Commercial Vehicles 952 5,269 -81.9% 12,862 24,497 -47.5%
Trucks 636 1,323 -51.9% 3,612 4,946 -27.0%
Buses 266 551 -51.7% 1,345 3,194 -57.9%
Total 3,870 42,126 -90.8% 100,080 181,593 -44.9%
Production Passenger Cars 29,589 230,351 -87.2% 522,823 1,042,796 -49.9%
Light Commercial Vehicles 8,218 31,391 -73.8% 71,244 141,267 -49.6%
Trucks 4,054 11,230 -63.9% 29,163 45,403 -35.8%
Buses 1,219 2,775 -56.1% 7,589 11,689 -35.1%
Total 43,080 275,747 -84.4% 630,819 1,241,155 -49.2%
Source: Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automotores (ANFAVEA)

More detailed statistics for Brazil


Flash report, April 2020

11 May 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Brazilian vehicle production down 99.3%, exports down 79.3% in April
On May 7, the Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automores (ANFAVEA) announced that Brazilian vehicle production (excluding CKD production) in April 2020 of 1,847 units represented a decrease of 99.0% from March, and a 99.3% decrease from April one year ago.
Of the vehicles produced in April, 946 were passenger cars; 102 were commercial vehicles; 403 were trucks, and 396 were buses.
A total of 587,739 vehicles were produced in the first four months of 2020.
Exports of 7,212 assembled vehicles in April represented a decrease of 76.6% from March, and a 79.3% decrease from the units exported in April 2019.
Of the vehicles exported in April, 5,829 were passenger cars; 1,096 were commercial vehicles; 217 were trucks, and 70 were buses.
A total of 110 complete knock down (CKD) kits were exported in April, comprised of 86 truck and 24 bus kits.
Vehicle exports in the first four months of 2020 totaled 96,210 units.

Automobile production, sales, export units
Type Apr. 2020 Apr. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Apr.
Registration Passenger Cars 39,501 189,097 -79.1% 490,507 685,915 -28.5%
Light Commercial Vehicles 11,962 32,626 -63.3% 95,241 117,264 -18.8%
Trucks 3,952 8,502 -53.5% 24,087 29,966 -19.6%
Buses 320 1,711 -81.3% 3,981 6,391 -37.7%
Total 55,735 231,936 -76.0% 613,816 839,536 -26.9%
Export Passenger Cars 5,829 27,157 -78.5% 80,243 113,973 -29.6%
Light Commercial Vehicles 1,096 6,081 -82.0% 11,912 19,228 -38.0%
Trucks 217 1,104 -80.3% 2,976 3,623 -17.9%
Buses 70 563 -87.6% 1,079 2,643 -59.2%
Total 7,212 34,905 -79.3% 96,210 139,467 -31.0%
Production Passenger Cars 946 225,330 -99.6% 493,234 812,445 -39.3%
Light Commercial Vehicles 102 30,021 -99.7% 63,026 109,876 -42.6%
Trucks 403 9,412 -95.7% 25,109 34,173 -26.5%
Buses 396 2,798 -85.8% 6,370 8,914 -28.5%
Total 1,847 267,561 -99.3% 587,739 965,408 -39.1%
Source: Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automotores (ANFAVEA)

More detailed statistics for Brazil


Flash report, March 2020

7 Apr. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Brazilian vehicle production down 21.1%, exports down 21.1% in March
The Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automores (ANFAVEA) announced that Brazilian vehicle production (excluding CKD production) in March 2020 of 189,958 units represented a 21.1% decrease from March one year ago.
Of the vehicles produced in March, 159,341 were passenger cars; 20,219 were commercial vehicles; 8,406 were trucks, and 1,992 were buses.
A total of 585,889 vehicles were produced in the first three months of 2020, a 16.0% decrease from the same period in 2019.
Exports of 30,772 assembled vehicles in March represented a 21.1% decrease from the units exported in March 2019.
Of the vehicles exported in March, 24,815 were passenger cars; 4,681 were commercial vehicles; 969 were trucks, and 307 were buses.
A total of 288 complete knock down (CKD) kits were exported in March, comprised of 164 truck, and 124 bus kits.
Vehicle exports in the first three months of 2020 totaled 88,998 units, a 14.9% decrease from the same period in 2019.

Automobile production, sales, export units
Type Mar. 2020 Mar. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Mar.
Registration Passenger Cars 131,275 170,487 -23.0% 451,006 496,818 -9.2%
Light Commercial Vehicles 25,029 29,487 -15.1% 83,279 84,638 -1.6%
Trucks 6,438 7,601 -15.3% 20,135 21,464 -6.2%
Buses 883 1,590 -44.5% 3,661 4,680 -21.8%
Total 163,625 209,165 -21.8% 558,081 607,600 -8.1%
Export Passenger Cars 24,815 31,849 -22.1% 74,377 86,816 -14.3%
Light Commercial Vehicles 4,681 4,955 -5.5% 10,853 13,147 -17.4%
Trucks 969 1,193 -18.8% 2,759 2,519 9.5%
Buses 307 1,021 -69.9% 1,009 2,080 -51.5%
Total 30,772 39,018 -21.1% 88,998 104,562 -14.9%
Production Passenger Cars 159,341 203,108 -21.5% 495,128 587,115 -15.7%
Light Commercial Vehicles 20,219 27,665 -26.9% 60,081 79,855 -24.8%
Trucks 8,406 8,319 1.0% 24,706 24,761 -0.2%
Buses 1,992 1,671 19.2% 5,974 6,116 -2.3%
Total 189,958 240,763 -21.1% 585,889 697,847 -16.0%
Source: Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automotores (ANFAVEA)

More detailed statistics for Brazil


Flash report, February 2020

9 Mar. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Brazilian vehicle production down 20.8%, exports down 7.0% in February
The Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automores (ANFAVEA) announced that Brazilian vehicle production (excluding CKD production) in February 2020 of 204,197 units represented an increase of 6.5% from January, and a 20.8% decrease from February one year ago.
Of the vehicles produced in February, 173,261 were passenger cars; 19,255 were commercial vehicles; 9,125 were trucks, and 2,556 were buses.
A total of 395,928 vehicles were produced in the first two months of 2020, a 13.4% decrease from the same period in 2019.
Exports of 37,677 assembled vehicles in February represented an increase of 83.4% from January, and a 7.0% decrease from the units exported in February 2019.
Of the vehicles exported in February, 32,079 were passenger cars; 4,265 were commercial vehicles; 897 were trucks, and 436 were buses.
A total of 647 complete knock down (CKD) kits were exported in February, comprised of 449 truck, and 198 bus kits.
Vehicle exports in the first two months of 2019 totaled 58,226 units, a 11.2% decrease from the same period in 2019.

Automobile production, sales, export units
Type Feb. 2020 Feb. 2019 Y-o-Y Jan.-Feb.
Registration Passenger Cars 165,150 162,538 1.6% 319,731 326,331 -2.0%
Light Commercial Vehicles 28,149 27,735 1.5% 58,250 55,151 5.6%
Trucks 6,412 6,876 -6.7% 13,697 13,863 -1.2%
Buses 1,286 1,492 -13.8% 2,778 3,090 -10.1%
Total 200,997 198,641 1.2% 394,456 398,435 -1.0%
Export Passenger Cars 32,079 33,482 -4.2% 49,524 54,967 -9.9%
Light Commercial Vehicles 4,265 5,511 -22.6% 6,210 8,192 -24.2%
Trucks 897 806 11.3% 1,790 1,326 35.0%
Buses 436 711 -38.7% 702 1,059 -33.7%
Total 37,677 40,510 -7.0% 58,226 65,544 -11.2%
Production Passenger Cars 173,261 217,812 -20.5% 335,637 384,007 -12.6%
Light Commercial Vehicles 19,255 27,970 -31.2% 40,015 52,190 -23.3%
Trucks 9,125 9,631 -5.3% 16,294 16,442 -0.9%
Buses 2,556 2,526 1.2% 3,982 4,445 -10.4%
Total 204,197 257,939 -20.8% 395,928 457,084 -13.4%
Source: Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automotores (ANFAVEA)

More detailed statistics for Brazil


Flash report, January 2020

7 Feb. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Brazilian vehicle production down 3.9%, exports down 20.0% in January

The Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automores (ANFAVEA) announced that Brazilian vehicle production (excluding CKD production) in January 2020 of 191,386 units represented an increase of 12.2% from December 2019, and a 3.9% decrease from January one year ago.
Of the vehicles produced in January, 160,088 were passenger cars; 22,703 were commercial vehicles; 7,169 were trucks, and 1,426 were buses.
Exports of 20,027 assembled vehicles in January represented a decrease of 30.9% from December 2019, and a 20.0% decrease from the units exported in January 2019.
Of the vehicles exported in January, 16,814 were passenger cars; 2,054 were commercial vehicles; 893 were trucks, and 266 were buses.
A total of 377 complete knock down (CKD) kits were exported in January, comprised of 10 passenger car, 204 truck, and 163 bus kits.

Automobile production, sales, export unit
Type Jan. 2020 Jan. 2019 Y-o-Y
Registration Passenger Cars 154,581 163,793 -5.6%
Light Commercial Vehicles 30,100 27,416 9.8%
Trucks 7,286 6,987 4.3%
Buses 1,492 1,598 -6.6%
Total 193,459 199,794 -3.2%
Export Passenger Cars 16,814 21,485 -21.7%
Light Commercial Vehicles 2,054 2,681 -23.4%
Trucks 893 520 71.7%
Buses 266 348 -23.6%
Total 20,027 25,034 -20.0%
Production Passenger Cars 160,088 166,195 -3.7%
Light Commercial Vehicles 22,703 24,220 -6.3%
Trucks 7,169 6,811 5.3%
Buses 1,426 1,919 -25.7%
Total 191,386 199,145 -3.9%
Source: Associacao Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veiculos Automotores (ANFAVEA)

More detailed statistics for Brazil