Turkey: brisk export boosts 2010 production to 1.09 mn units, and domestic sales reach record 790 K

Ford spends 860 mn dollars to refurbish its plant, while Chery Motors builds a new plant to produce



 The 2010 production volume in Turkey was 1.095 million units, up by 25.9% over the previous year. Turkey has surpassed the Czech Republic (1.033 million units) and Poland (1.009 million units), and become the largest automotive producer among European countries except the advanced nations of Western Europe. Some 70% of production volume is exported mainly to Western European countries. Exports recovered to 750 K units in 2010 from a declining trend after the economic crisis (910 K in 2008 and 630 K in 2009), which boosted the country's production volume.

 New vehicle sales in Turkey jumped to 793 K units in 2010, up by 37.7% over the previous year, which refreshed the 2005 record of 759 K units. Imports accounting for around 60% of new vehicle sales also hit a new high to 465 K units in 2010, up by 48.3%.

 OEMs consider Turkey not only as a promising market but also as a highly potential export center. They are refurbishing their existing factories in Turkey and adding vehicle types to their production. Chinese Chery Motors will run the new plant with an annual production capacity of 20 K units in 2012, aiming for a capacity of 100 K units in 2017.

Turkey: Production volume, exports and imports, and new vehicle sales

  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Jan.-Mar.
Production 987,580 1,099,414 1,147,110 869,605 1,094,557 257,623 304,414
Export 696,688 820,370 910,261 628,970 754,469 203,472 213,503
New car sales 665,515 634,206 526,544 575,869 793,172 107,191 192,488
Import 382,460 355,752 306,087 313,921 465,408 63,097 115,965
Export/Production 70.5% 74.6% 79.4% 72.3% 68.9% 79.0% 70.1%
Import/Sales 57.5% 56.1% 58.1% 54.5% 58.7% 58.9% 60.2%

Source: OSD (Otomotiv Sanayii Dernegi)

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