Automotive World 2018: CFRP components and plastic molding technology
Exhibits of molded CFRP components for weight reduction, and unique plastic processing technology
- Summary
- Diversified CFRP technology exhibitions: Hybrid molding, heat and cool molding, CFRTP sheet processing
- Joint booths by CFRP related companies: Composite materials, thermoplastic resins, etc.
- Unique plastic molding processing technology: Suction blow molding, hot melt molding, etc.
Automotive World 2018*, Asia's largest for advanced automotive technology exhibition, was held from January 17 to 19, 2018 at the Tokyo Big Sight exhibition center with participation by 1,063 companies. The event was considered a great success with approximately 114,380 visitors to the trade show for all of the exhibitions.
*The Automotive World 2018 event included the following exhibitions: the 10th International Automotive Electronics Technology Expo, the 9th EV & HEV Drive System Technology Expo, the 8th Automotive Lightweight Technology Expo, the 6th Connected Car Japan Expo, the 4th Automotive Components & Processing Technology Expo, and the 1st Autonomous Driving Technology Expo.
Various exhibitions related to automotive plastics could be seen at the Automotive Lightweight Technology Expo as well as the other expos.
Automotive Lightweight Technology Expo | CFRP joint booth |
This report was written in cooperation with of Mr. Yasuo Takeda, director of the Yasuda Polymer Research Institute, and covers the exhibitions relating to carbon fiber reinforced (thermo) plastics, which are being increasingly used for automotive applications, as well as the much-publicized plastic molding technology. The second report in this series will feature the various bonding technologies and the major exhibitions from materials and components suppliers.
*CFR(T)P: Carbon fiber reinforced (thermo) plastics
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