DURA Automotive Systems LLC





1780 Pond Run, Auburn Hills, MI 48326, U.S.


-DURA Automotive Systems LLC是一家全球汽车供应商,开发和制造机电一体化控制系统、轻量化结构车身系统、外饰系统、线控换挡执行器、高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)、纯电动汽车电池托盘和铝制车顶导轨。

-DURA Automotive Systems LLC向全球领先的车企和一级合作伙伴供应产品。其产品适用于所有轻型车辆和动力总成类型的300多个平台。


-DURA Automotive Systems LLC由MiddleGround Capital所有。


车身系统 (Body systems)
-轻型电动汽车电池托盘(Lightweight EV battery trays)
-汽车横梁 (Cross car beams)
-复合式和混合式后架托盘 (Composite and hybrid rear shelf trays)
-内胎 (Tire tubes)
-轻型机动车运输车 (Lightweight motor carriers)
-车门结构和门楣 (Door structures and headers)
-激光焊接管 (Laser welded tubes)
-侧面防撞梁 (Side impact beams)
-座椅框架结构 (Seat frame structures)
-保险杠 (Bumpers)
-铰链组件 (Hinge assemblies)
-发动机托架 (Engine carriers)
-变速器 (Transaxle)
底盘系统 (Chassis systems)
-轮胎托架 (Tire carriers)
-轻质悬挂臂 (Lightweight suspension arms)
-驻车制动器控制 (Parking brake controls)
-驻车制动器线缆系统 (Parking brake cable systems)
-集成式驻车制动器和电缆系统 (Integrated parking brake and cable systems)
-手动和脚踏驻车制动器控制 (Hand and foot parking brake controls)
-轻型驻车制动器 (Lightweight parking brakes)
-电子驻车制动器 (Electric parking brakes)
-离合器释放驻车制动器 (Clutch release parking brakes)
-按下释放停车制动器 (Push-to-release parking brakes)
-自动调节驻车制动系统 (Self-adjusting parking brake systems)

动力总成系统 (Powertrain systems)
-单稳态和双稳态线控换档系统 (Mono-stable and bi-stable shift-by-wire systems)
-旋转式线控控制 (Rotary shift-by-wire controls)
-线控执行器 (Shift-by-wire actuators)
-复位驻车执行器 (Return-to-park actuators)
-MTX启停功能 (MTX start-stop features)
-驻车锁执行器 (Park lock actuators)
-手动驻车释放电缆 (Manual park release cables)
-ATX和MTX电缆变速系统 (ATX and MTX cable shift systems)
-导向控制和惯性模块 (Guide controls and inertia modules)
-管道和燃油导轨 (Tubes and fuel rails)
-增压空气冷却器 (Charge air coolers)
-气门弹簧固定器(Valve spring retainers)

电动系统 (Electrical systems)
-ADAS控制器 (ADAS controllers)
-传感器套件 (Sensor suites)
-线控电子 (Shift-by-wire electronics)
-照明技术 (Lighting technologies)
-机电一体化执行器 (Mechatronic actuators)
内饰系统 (Interior systems)
-人机交互 (Human machine interfaces)
-变速器控制 (Shifter controls)
-驻车制动控制器 (Parking brake controls)
-踏板控制器 (Pedal controls)
-控制电缆 (Control cables)
-座椅结构(Seating structures)

外饰系统 (Exterior systems)
-支柱盖 (Pillar cappings)
-1K、2K、3K注塑成型盖 (1K, 2K, and 3K injection molded cappings)
-钢制和铝制门盖 (Steel and aluminum door cappings)
-后备厢装饰件 (Tonneau finishers)
-全景玻璃天窗盖 (Panoramic glass roof cappings)
-钢和铝制车顶导轨 (Steel and aluminum roof rails)
-车门上部装饰 (Door upper trim)
-侧框装饰 (Side frame trim)
-腰线精加工装饰 (Waistline finishing trim)
-导轨 (Guide rails)
-侧框亮边装饰 (Side frame bright trim)
-前格栅装饰 (Decorative front grilles)
-集成玻璃和尾门模块 (Integrated glass and tailgate modules)
-运输车辆用车窗系统 (Mass transit window systems)

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