Teksid S.p.A. Business Report FY2011

Business Highlights

Financial Overview

(in million euros)
  FY2010 FY2009 Rate of
Revenue 776 578 34.3 1)
Trading profit 17 (14) -

-The Cast Iron business unit recorded a 21.8% increase in volumes over 2009, with the most notable improvement in the heavy vehicle segment, particularly in Europe (+18.1%) and the NAFTA region (+47.2%), where the heavy segment is the sector’s primary area of focus, and in Brazil (+19.9%). Revenues for the business unit were up 35.9%, driven by higher volumes as well as higher pricing to recover increases in raw material costs.

-The Company's Cast Iron business unit also operates in China through Hua Dong Teksid Automotive Foundry Co. Ltd., a joint venture with the SAIC group which is accounted for under the equity method. In 2010, the company recorded a 9.1% decrease in delivery volumes associated with a decline in exports to Italy.

-The Aluminum business unit posted a 15.3% increase in volumes and a 26.5% increase in revenues, principally
driven by higher volumes and price increases to recover higher raw material costs.


R&D Expenditure

(in million euros)
  FY2010 FY2009 FY2008
Overall 2 2 3

Investment Activities

Capital Investment

(in million euros)
  FY2010 FY2009 FY2008
Overall 31 33 41