Venezuela - Flash report, Sales volume, 2017

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Flash report, Sales volume, 2017

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, May 2017

13 Jun. 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Venezuela - Sales of new vehicles
Maker/Brand May 2017 Share Jan.-May
TOYOTA 147 52.7% 559 47.9%
FORD 118 42.3% 539 46.1%
FCA 11 3.9% 50 4.3%
MACK 3 1.1% 20 1.7%
TOTAL 279 100.0% 1,168 100.0%
Source: Camara Automotriz de Venezuela (CAVENEZ)

More detailed statistics for Venezuela


Flash report, April 2017

8 May 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Venezuela - Sales of new vehicles
Maker/Brand Apr. 2017 Share Jan.-Apr.
TOYOTA 135 60.3% 412 46.3%
FORD 78 34.8% 421 47.4%
FCA 10 4.5% 39 4.4%
MACK 1 0.4% 17 1.9%
TOTAL 224 100.0% 889 100.0%
Source: Camara Automotriz de Venezuela (CAVENEZ)

More detailed statistics for Venezuela


Flash report, March 2017

10 Apr. 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Venezuela - Sales of new vehicles
Maker/Brand Mar. 2017 Share Jan.-Mar.
FORD 185 63.1% 343 51.6%
TOYOTA 101 34.5% 277 41.7%
FCA 5 1.7% 29 4.4%
MACK 2 0.7% 16 2.4%
TOTAL 293 100.0% 665 100.0%
Source: Camara Automotriz de Venezuela (CAVENEZ)

More detailed statistics for Venezuela


Flash report, February 2017

8 Mar. 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Venezuela - Sales of new vehicles
Maker/Brand Feb. 2017 Share Jan.-Feb.
TOYOTA 116 54.0% 176 47.3%
FORD 78 36.3% 158 42.5%
MACK 14 6.5% 14 3.8%
FCA 7 3.3% 24 6.5%
TOTAL 215 100.0% 372 100.0%
Source: Camara Automotriz de Venezuela (CAVENEZ)

More detailed statistics for Venezuela


Flash report, January 2017

13 Feb. 2017

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Venezuela - Sales of new vehicles
Maker/Brand Jan. 2017 Share
FORD 80 51.0%
TOYOTA 60 38.2%
FCA 17 10.8%
Total 157 100.0%
Source: Camara Automotriz de Venezuela (CAVENEZ)

More detailed statistics for Venezuela