Poland - Flash report, Sales volume, 2016

More detailed statistics for Poland

Flash report, Sales volume, 2016

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, December 2016

5 Jan. 2017

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Poland - Sales of new PCs and LCVs
Maker/Brand 2016 2015 Y-o-Y 2016 2015 Y-o-Y
Dec. Share Dec. Share Jan.-Dec. Share Jan.-Dec. Share
Skoda 4,674 9.4% 4,496 10.3% 4.0% 53,557 11.3% 45,531 11.2% 17.6%
Volkswagen 5,453 11.0% 5,087 11.6% 7.2% 47,631 10.0% 40,354 9.9% 18.0%
Toyota 4,682 9.4% 4,430 10.1% 5.7% 41,681 8.8% 36,466 8.9% 14.3%
Opel 3,877 7.8% 2,821 6.5% 37.4% 37,480 7.9% 31,894 7.8% 17.5%
Ford 3,849 7.8% 3,149 7.2% 22.2% 35,197 7.4% 30,779 7.5% 14.4%
Renault 3,567 7.2% 2,746 6.3% 29.9% 32,169 6.8% 26,494 6.5% 21.4%
Fiat 2,492 5.0% 2,196 5.0% 13.5% 21,067 4.4% 19,526 4.8% 7.9%
Kia 1,652 3.3% 1,783 4.1% -7.3% 19,586 4.1% 17,679 4.3% 10.8%
Dacia 1,817 3.7% 1,549 3.5% 17.3% 19,281 4.1% 14,916 3.7% 29.3%
Hyundai 2,013 4.1% 1,856 4.2% 8.5% 18,176 3.8% 16,225 4.0% 12.0%
Mercedes-Benz 2,192 4.4% 1,661 3.8% 32.0% 17,054 3.6% 12,974 3.2% 31.4%
Peugeot 1,583 3.2% 1,554 3.6% 1.9% 16,845 3.5% 15,855 3.9% 6.2%
Nissan 1,732 3.5% 1,557 3.6% 11.2% 14,359 3.0% 14,375 3.5% -0.1%
BMW 1,408 2.8% 1,094 2.5% 28.7% 12,497 2.6% 9,550 2.3% 30.9%
Mazda 1,047 2.1% 1,095 2.5% -4.4% 11,231 2.4% 9,335 2.3% 20.3%
Citroen 1,137 2.3% 1,122 2.6% 1.3% 10,840 2.3% 11,147 2.7% -2.8%
Audi 1,371 2.8% 972 2.2% 41.0% 10,787 2.3% 8,014 2.0% 34.6%
SEAT 759 1.5% 394 0.9% 92.6% 8,781 1.8% 7,181 1.8% 22.3%
Volvo 604 1.2% 598 1.4% 1.0% 7,741 1.6% 6,821 1.7% 13.5%
Suzuki 523 1.1% 649 1.5% -19.4% 7,696 1.6% 6,714 1.6% 14.6%
Others 3,120 6.3% 2,896 6.6% 7.7% 32,279 6.8% 26,428 6.5% 22.1%
Total 49,552 100.0% 43,705 100.0% 13.4% 475,935 100.0% 408,258 100.0% 16.6%
Source: Polski Zwiazek Przemyslu Motoryzacyjnego (PZPM)

More detailed statistics for Poland


Flash report, November 2016

7 Dec. 2016

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Poland - Sales of new PCs and LCVs
Maker/Brand 2016 2015 Y-o-Y 2016 2015 Y-o-Y
Nov. Share Nov. Share Jan.-Nov. Share Jan.-Nov. Share
Skoda 5,237 12.4% 4,073 11.5% 28.6% 48,883 11.5% 41,035 11.3% 19.1%
Volkswagen 4,668 11.1% 3,846 10.9% 21.4% 42,178 9.9% 35,267 9.7% 19.6%
Toyota 3,663 8.7% 3,122 8.8% 17.3% 36,999 8.7% 32,036 8.8% 15.5%
Ford 3,338 7.9% 2,696 7.6% 23.8% 31,348 7.4% 27,630 7.6% 13.5%
Opel 3,208 7.6% 2,658 7.5% 20.7% 33,603 7.9% 29,073 8.0% 15.6%
Renault 3,206 7.6% 2,505 7.1% 28.0% 28,602 6.7% 23,748 6.5% 20.4%
Fiat 2,053 4.9% 1,901 5.4% 8.0% 18,575 4.4% 17,330 4.8% 7.2%
Hyundai 1,675 4.0% 1,266 3.6% 32.3% 16,163 3.8% 14,369 3.9% 12.5%
Mercedes-Benz 1,533 3.6% 1,201 3.4% 27.6% 14,862 3.5% 11,313 3.1% 31.4%
Peugeot 1,500 3.6% 1,320 3.7% 13.6% 15,262 3.6% 14,301 3.9% 6.7%
Dacia 1,469 3.5% 1,303 3.7% 12.7% 17,464 4.1% 13,367 3.7% 30.7%
Kia 1,353 3.2% 1,336 3.8% 1.3% 17,934 4.2% 15,896 4.4% 12.8%
BMW 1,083 2.6% 743 2.1% 45.8% 11,089 2.6% 8,456 2.3% 31.1%
Nissan 1,074 2.5% 950 2.7% 13.1% 12,627 3.0% 12,818 3.5% -1.5%
Audi 916 2.2% 659 1.9% 39.0% 9,416 2.2% 7,042 1.9% 33.7%
Citroen 876 2.1% 977 2.8% -10.3% 9,703 2.3% 10,025 2.7% -3.2%
Volvo 804 1.9% 718 2.0% 12.0% 7,137 1.7% 6,223 1.7% 14.7%
Mazda 801 1.9% 827 2.3% -3.1% 10,184 2.4% 8,240 2.3% 23.6%
SEAT 609 1.4% 382 1.1% 59.4% 8,022 1.9% 6,787 1.9% 18.2%
Suzuki 547 1.3% 549 1.6% -0.4% 7,173 1.7% 6,065 1.7% 18.3%
Other 2,552 6.1% 2,299 6.5% 11.0% 29,159 6.8% 23,532 6.5% 23.9%
Total 42,165 100.0% 35,331 100.0% 19.3% 426,383 100.0% 364,553 100.0% 17.0%
Source: Polski Zwiazek Przemyslu Motoryzacyjnego (PZPM)

More detailed statistics for Poland


Flash report, October 2016

7 Nov. 2016

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Poland - Sales of new PCs and LCVs
Maker/Brand 2016 2015 Y-o-Y 2016 2015 Y-o-Y
Oct. Share Oct. Share Jan.-Oct. Share Jan.-Oct. Share
Skoda 4,574 12.4% 3,623 10.7% 26.2% 43,646 11.4% 36,962 11.2% 18.1%
Volkswagen 3,662 9.9% 3,793 11.2% -3.5% 37,510 9.8% 31,421 9.5% 19.4%
Opel 3,028 8.2% 2,424 7.1% 24.9% 30,395 7.9% 26,415 8.0% 15.1%
Toyota 2,847 7.7% 2,647 7.8% 7.6% 33,336 8.7% 28,914 8.8% 15.3%
Renault 2,547 6.9% 2,368 7.0% 7.6% 25,396 6.6% 21,243 6.5% 19.5%
Ford 2,473 6.7% 2,557 7.5% -3.3% 28,010 7.3% 24,934 7.6% 12.3%
Fiat 1,759 4.8% 1,695 5.0% 3.8% 16,522 4.3% 15,429 4.7% 7.1%
Hyundai 1,605 4.4% 1,480 4.4% 8.4% 14,488 3.8% 13,103 4.0% 10.6%
Kia 1,500 4.1% 1,321 3.9% 13.6% 16,581 4.3% 14,560 4.4% 13.9%
Peugeot 1,457 4.0% 1,445 4.2% 0.8% 13,762 3.6% 12,981 3.9% 6.0%
Mercedes-Benz 1,434 3.9% 1,137 3.3% 26.1% 13,329 3.5% 10,112 3.1% 31.8%
Dacia 1,264 3.4% 1,087 3.2% 16.3% 15,995 4.2% 12,064 3.7% 32.6%
BMW 1,203 3.3% 823 2.4% 46.2% 10,006 2.6% 7,713 2.3% 29.7%
Audi 929 2.5% 819 2.4% 13.4% 8,500 2.2% 6,383 1.9% 33.2%
Mazda 810 2.2% 793 2.3% 2.1% 9,383 2.4% 7,413 2.3% 26.6%
Nissan 805 2.2% 817 2.4% -1.5% 11,553 3.0% 11,868 3.6% -2.7%
Citroen 773 2.1% 915 2.7% -15.5% 8,827 2.3% 9,048 2.7% -2.4%
Volvo 688 1.9% 719 2.1% -4.3% 6,333 1.6% 5,505 1.7% 15.0%
Suzuki 628 1.7% 627 1.8% 0.2% 6,626 1.7% 5,516 1.7% 20.1%
SEAT 561 1.5% 559 1.6% 0.4% 7,413 1.9% 6,405 1.9% 15.7%
Others 2,330 6.3% 2,364 7.0% -1.4% 26,607 6.9% 21,233 6.4% 25.3%
Total 36,877 100.0% 34,013 100.0% 8.4% 384,218 100.0% 329,222 100.0% 16.7%
Source: Polski Zwiazek Przemyslu Motoryzacyjnego (PZPM)

More detailed statistics for Poland


Flash report, September 2016

6 Oct. 2016

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Poland - Sales of new PCs and LCVs
Maker/Brand 2016 2015 Y-o-Y 2016 2015 Y-o-Y
Sep. Share Sep. Share Jan.-Sep. Share Jan.-Sep. Share
Skoda 4,288 11.5% 3,230 10.1% 32.8% 39,072 11.2% 33,339 11.3% 17.2%
Volkswagen 3,793 10.1% 3,062 9.6% 23.9% 33,848 9.7% 27,628 9.4% 22.5%
Toyota 2,978 8.0% 2,610 8.2% 14.1% 30,489 8.8% 26,267 8.9% 16.1%
Ford 2,859 7.6% 2,612 8.2% 9.5% 25,537 7.4% 22,377 7.6% 14.1%
Opel 2,765 7.4% 2,279 7.1% 21.3% 27,367 7.9% 23,991 8.1% 14.1%
Renault 2,515 6.7% 2,015 6.3% 24.8% 22,849 6.6% 18,875 6.4% 21.1%
Fiat 1,667 4.5% 1,652 5.2% 0.9% 14,763 4.3% 13,734 4.7% 7.5%
Nissan 1,589 4.3% 1,651 5.2% -3.8% 10,748 3.1% 11,051 3.7% -2.7%
Kia 1,561 4.2% 1,343 4.2% 16.2% 15,081 4.3% 13,239 4.5% 13.9%
Mercedes-Benz 1,514 4.0% 1,021 3.2% 48.3% 11,895 3.4% 8,975 3.0% 32.5%
Dacia 1,343 3.6% 1,113 3.5% 20.7% 14,731 4.2% 10,977 3.7% 34.2%
Hyundai 1,306 3.5% 1,350 4.2% -3.3% 12,883 3.7% 11,623 3.9% 10.8%
Peugeot 1,214 3.2% 1,258 3.9% -3.5% 12,305 3.5% 11,536 3.9% 6.7%
BMW 1,152 3.1% 976 3.0% 18.0% 8,803 2.5% 6,890 2.3% 27.8%
Mazda 891 2.4% 824 2.6% 8.1% 8,573 2.5% 6,620 2.2% 29.5%
Audi 885 2.4% 549 1.7% 61.2% 7,571 2.2% 5,564 1.9% 36.1%
Citroen 723 1.9% 796 2.5% -9.2% 8,054 2.3% 8,133 2.8% -1.0%
Honda 620 1.7% 432 1.3% 43.5% 5,732 1.7% 3,964 1.3% 44.6%
SEAT 597 1.6% 418 1.3% 42.8% 6,852 2.0% 5,846 2.0% 17.2%
Suzuki 567 1.5% 534 1.7% 6.2% 5,998 1.7% 4,889 1.7% 22.7%
Others 2,558 6.8% 2,292 7.2% 11.6% 24,190 7.0% 19,691 6.7% 22.8%
Total 37,385 100.0% 32,017 100.0% 16.8% 347,341 100.0% 295,209 100.0% 17.7%
Source: Polski Zwiazek Przemyslu Motoryzacyjnego (PZPM)

More detailed statistics for Poland


Flash report, August 2016

6 Sep. 2016

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Poland - Sales of new PCs and LCVs
Maker/Brand 2016 2015 Y-o-Y 2016 2015 Y-o-Y
Aug. Share Aug. Share Jan.-Aug. Share Jan.-Aug. Share
Skoda 3,414 10.1% 2,608 9.6% 30.9% 34,784 11.2% 30,109 11.4% 15.5%
Volkswagen 3,258 9.7% 2,550 9.4% 27.8% 30,055 9.7% 24,566 9.3% 22.3%
Opel 2,808 8.3% 2,009 7.4% 39.8% 24,602 7.9% 21,712 8.2% 13.3%
Toyota 2,690 8.0% 2,551 9.4% 5.4% 27,511 8.9% 23,657 9.0% 16.3%
Ford 2,390 7.1% 1,996 7.4% 19.7% 22,678 7.3% 19,765 7.5% 14.7%
Renault 2,318 6.9% 2,214 8.2% 4.7% 20,334 6.6% 16,860 6.4% 20.6%
Dacia 1,479 4.4% 1,014 3.7% 45.9% 13,388 4.3% 9,864 3.7% 35.7%
Kia 1,430 4.2% 1,247 4.6% 14.7% 13,520 4.4% 11,896 4.5% 13.7%
Fiat 1,409 4.2% 1,340 4.9% 5.1% 13,096 4.2% 12,082 4.6% 8.4%
Mercedes-Benz 1,296 3.8% 837 3.1% 54.8% 10,381 3.3% 7,954 3.0% 30.5%
Peugeot 1,295 3.8% 1,188 4.4% 9.0% 11,091 3.6% 10,278 3.9% 7.9%
Hyundai 1,140 3.4% 984 3.6% 15.9% 11,577 3.7% 10,273 3.9% 12.7%
BMW 1,005 3.0% 656 2.4% 53.2% 7,651 2.5% 5,914 2.2% 29.4%
Mazda 843 2.5% 730 2.7% 15.5% 7,682 2.5% 5,796 2.2% 32.5%
Nissan 823 2.4% 645 2.4% 27.6% 9,159 3.0% 9,400 3.6% -2.6%
Citroen 794 2.4% 743 2.7% 6.9% 7,331 2.4% 7,337 2.8% -0.1%
Audi 791 2.3% 574 2.1% 37.8% 6,686 2.2% 5,015 1.9% 33.3%
Suzuki 647 1.9% 450 1.7% 43.8% 5,431 1.8% 4,355 1.7% 24.7%
SEAT 641 1.9% 554 2.0% 15.7% 6,255 2.0% 5,428 2.1% 15.2%
Honda 530 1.6% 357 1.3% 48.5% 5,112 1.6% 3,532 1.3% 44.7%
Others 2,734 8.1% 1,884 6.9% 45.1% 21,632 7.0% 17,399 6.6% 24.3%
Total 33,735 100.0% 27,131 100.0% 24.3% 309,956 100.0% 263,192 100.0% 17.8%
Source: Polski Zwiazek Przemyslu Motoryzacyjnego (PZPM)

More detailed statistics for Poland


Flash report, July 2016

5 Aug. 2016

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Poland - Sales of new PCs and LCVs
Maker/Brand 2016 2015 Y-o-Y 2016 2015 Y-o-Y
Jul. Share Jul. Share Jan.-Jul. Share Jan.-Jul. Share
Volkswagen 4,035 11.3% 3,154 9.3% 27.9% 26,797 9.7% 22,016 9.3% 21.7%
Skoda 3,743 10.5% 3,416 10.0% 9.6% 31,370 11.4% 27,501 11.6% 14.1%
Toyota 2,803 7.9% 3,165 9.3% -11.4% 24,821 9.0% 21,106 8.9% 17.6%
Opel 2,768 7.8% 3,081 9.1% -10.2% 21,794 7.9% 19,703 8.3% 10.6%
Ford 2,679 7.5% 2,234 6.6% 19.9% 20,288 7.3% 17,769 7.5% 14.2%
Renault 2,535 7.1% 2,323 6.8% 9.1% 18,016 6.5% 14,646 6.2% 23.0%
Dacia 1,618 4.5% 1,088 3.2% 48.7% 11,909 4.3% 8,850 3.7% 34.6%
Hyundai 1,473 4.1% 1,580 4.6% -6.8% 10,437 3.8% 9,289 3.9% 12.4%
Kia 1,419 4.0% 1,590 4.7% -10.8% 12,090 4.4% 10,649 4.5% 13.5%
Peugeot 1,322 3.7% 1,362 4.0% -2.9% 9,796 3.5% 9,090 3.9% 7.8%
Fiat 1,286 3.6% 1,603 4.7% -19.8% 11,687 4.2% 10,741 4.6% 8.8%
Mercedes-Benz 1,254 3.5% 1,036 3.0% 21.0% 9,085 3.3% 7,117 3.0% 27.7%
Nissan 933 2.6% 934 2.7% -0.1% 8,336 3.0% 8,755 3.7% -4.8%
BMW 893 2.5% 842 2.5% 6.1% 6,646 2.4% 5,258 2.2% 26.4%
Mazda 832 2.3% 898 2.6% -7.3% 6,839 2.5% 5,066 2.1% 35.0%
Citroen 814 2.3% 949 2.8% -14.2% 6,537 2.4% 6,594 2.8% -0.9%
Suzuki 801 2.2% 606 1.8% 32.2% 4,784 1.7% 3,905 1.7% 22.5%
Audi 788 2.2% 672 2.0% 17.3% 5,895 2.1% 4,441 1.9% 32.7%
SEAT 755 2.1% 626 1.8% 20.6% 5,614 2.0% 4,874 2.1% 15.2%
Volvo 561 1.6% 673 2.0% -16.6% 4,613 1.7% 3,818 1.6% 20.8%
Others 2,370 6.6% 2,166 6.4% 9.4% 18,867 6.8% 14,873 6.3% 26.9%
Total 35,682 100.0% 33,998 100.0% 5.0% 276,221 100.0% 236,061 100.0% 17.0%
Source: Polski Zwiazek Przemyslu Motoryzacyjnego (PZPM)

More detailed statistics for Poland


Flash report, June 2016

7 Jul. 2016

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Poland - Sales of new PCs and LCVs
Maker/Brand 2016 2015 Y-o-Y 2016 2015 Y-o-Y
Jun. Share Jun. Share Jan.-Jun. Share Jan.-Jun. Share
Skoda 5,149 11.7% 4,071 11.8% 26.5% 27,627 11.5% 24,085 11.9% 14.7%
Volkswagen 4,060 9.2% 3,045 8.8% 33.3% 22,762 9.5% 18,862 9.3% 20.7%
Toyota 3,683 8.3% 2,487 7.2% 48.1% 22,018 9.2% 17,941 8.9% 22.7%
Opel 3,568 8.1% 2,976 8.6% 19.9% 19,026 7.9% 16,622 8.2% 14.5%
Ford 3,567 8.1% 2,867 8.3% 24.4% 17,609 7.3% 15,535 7.7% 13.4%
Renault 2,828 6.4% 2,278 6.6% 24.1% 15,481 6.4% 12,323 6.1% 25.6%
Dacia 2,162 4.9% 1,423 4.1% 51.9% 10,291 4.3% 7,762 3.8% 32.6%
Kia 1,823 4.1% 1,345 3.9% 35.5% 10,671 4.4% 9,059 4.5% 17.8%
Fiat 1,769 4.0% 1,483 4.3% 19.3% 10,401 4.3% 9,138 4.5% 13.8%
Mercedes-Benz 1,718 3.9% 1,025 3.0% 67.6% 7,831 3.3% 6,081 3.0% 28.8%
Hyundai 1,460 3.3% 1,477 4.3% -1.2% 8,964 3.7% 7,709 3.8% 16.3%
Peugeot 1,429 3.2% 1,235 3.6% 15.7% 8,474 3.5% 7,728 3.8% 9.7%
Nissan 1,428 3.2% 1,551 4.5% -7.9% 7,403 3.1% 7,821 3.9% -5.3%
Mazda 1,204 2.7% 780 2.3% 54.4% 6,007 2.5% 4,168 2.1% 44.1%
BMW 1,144 2.6% 939 2.7% 21.8% 5,753 2.4% 4,416 2.2% 30.3%
Citroen 954 2.2% 907 2.6% 5.2% 5,723 2.4% 5,645 2.8% 1.4%
Audi 949 2.1% 779 2.3% 21.8% 5,107 2.1% 3,769 1.9% 35.5%
SEAT 787 1.8% 584 1.7% 34.8% 4,859 2.0% 4,248 2.1% 14.4%
Volvo 660 1.5% 598 1.7% 10.4% 4,052 1.7% 3,145 1.6% 28.8%
Honda 621 1.4% 385 1.1% 61.3% 4,084 1.7% 2,729 1.4% 49.7%
Others 3,194 7.2% 2,319 6.7% 37.7% 16,396 6.8% 13,277 6.6% 23.5%
Total 44,157 100.0% 34,554 100.0% 27.8% 240,539 100.0% 202,063 100.0% 19.0%
Source: Polski Zwiazek Przemyslu Motoryzacyjnego (PZPM)

More detailed statistics for Poland


Flash report, May 2016

6 Jun. 2016

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Poland - Sales of new PCs and LCVs
Maker/Brand 2016 2015 Y-o-Y 2016 2015 Y-o-Y
May Share May Share Jan.-May Share Jan.-May Share
Skoda 4,404 11.6% 3,663 11.7% 20.2% 22,478 11.4% 20,014 11.9% 12.3%
Volkswagen 3,677 9.7% 3,085 9.8% 19.2% 18,702 9.5% 15,817 9.4% 18.2%
Opel 3,215 8.5% 2,440 7.8% 31.8% 15,458 7.9% 13,646 8.1% 13.3%
Toyota 3,006 7.9% 2,311 7.4% 30.1% 18,335 9.3% 15,454 9.2% 18.6%
Ford 2,793 7.4% 2,584 8.2% 8.1% 14,042 7.2% 12,668 7.6% 10.8%
Renault 2,690 7.1% 2,251 7.2% 19.5% 12,653 6.4% 10,045 6.0% 26.0%
Dacia 1,785 4.7% 1,112 3.5% 60.5% 8,129 4.1% 6,339 3.8% 28.2%
Fiat 1,645 4.3% 1,504 4.8% 9.4% 8,632 4.4% 7,655 4.6% 12.8%
Kia 1,584 4.2% 1,327 4.2% 19.4% 8,848 4.5% 7,714 4.6% 14.7%
Hyundai 1,363 3.6% 1,364 4.3% -0.1% 7,504 3.8% 6,232 3.7% 20.4%
Mercedes-Benz 1,204 3.2% 1,027 3.3% 17.2% 6,113 3.1% 5,056 3.0% 20.9%
Peugeot 1,181 3.1% 1,152 3.7% 2.5% 7,045 3.6% 6,493 3.9% 8.5%
Nissan 1,127 3.0% 1,069 3.4% 5.4% 5,975 3.0% 6,270 3.7% -4.7%
Mazda 1,112 2.9% 766 2.4% 45.2% 4,803 2.4% 3,388 2.0% 41.8%
BMW 958 2.5% 759 2.4% 26.2% 4,609 2.3% 3,477 2.1% 32.6%
SEAT 931 2.5% 587 1.9% 58.6% 4,072 2.1% 3,664 2.2% 11.1%
Audi 840 2.2% 544 1.7% 54.4% 4,158 2.1% 2,990 1.8% 39.1%
Citroen 829 2.2% 812 2.6% 2.1% 4,769 2.4% 4,738 2.8% 0.7%
Volvo 489 1.3% 447 1.4% 9.4% 3,392 1.7% 2,549 1.5% 33.1%
Honda 434 1.1% 396 1.3% 9.6% 3,463 1.8% 2,344 1.4% 47.7%
Others 2,651 7.0% 2,201 7.0% 20.4% 13,202 6.7% 10,958 6.5% 20.5%
Total 37,918 100.0% 31,401 100.0% 20.8% 196,382 100.0% 167,511 100.0% 17.2%
Source: Polski Zwiazek Przemyslu Motoryzacyjnego (PZPM)

More detailed statistics for Poland


Flash report, April 2016

10 May 2016

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Poland - Sales of new PCs and LCVs
Maker/Brand 2016 2015 Y-o-Y 2016 2015 Y-o-Y
Apr. Share Apr. Share Jan.-Apr. Share Jan.-Apr. Share
Skoda 4,612 11.6% 3,811 11.7% 21.0% 18,074 11.4% 16,351 12.0% 10.5%
Toyota 3,646 9.2% 3,056 9.4% 19.3% 15,329 9.7% 13,143 9.7% 16.6%
Volkswagen 3,449 8.7% 2,818 8.7% 22.4% 15,025 9.5% 12,732 9.4% 18.0%
Opel 3,140 7.9% 2,727 8.4% 15.1% 12,243 7.7% 11,206 8.2% 9.3%
Renault 2,796 7.0% 2,084 6.4% 34.2% 9,963 6.3% 7,794 5.7% 27.8%
Ford 2,648 6.6% 2,344 7.2% 13.0% 11,249 7.1% 10,084 7.4% 11.6%
Dacia 1,830 4.6% 1,168 3.6% 56.7% 6,344 4.0% 5,227 3.8% 21.4%
Fiat 1,818 4.6% 1,669 5.1% 8.9% 6,987 4.4% 6,151 4.5% 13.6%
Kia 1,795 4.5% 1,264 3.9% 42.0% 7,264 4.6% 6,387 4.7% 13.7%
Hyundai 1,583 4.0% 1,215 3.7% 30.3% 6,141 3.9% 4,868 3.6% 26.2%
Peugeot 1,484 3.7% 1,290 4.0% 15.0% 5,864 3.7% 5,341 3.9% 9.8%
Mercedes-Benz 1,392 3.5% 985 3.0% 41.3% 4,909 3.1% 4,029 3.0% 21.8%
Citroen 1,001 2.5% 899 2.8% 11.3% 3,940 2.5% 3,926 2.9% 0.4%
Mazda 955 2.4% 818 2.5% 16.7% 3,691 2.3% 2,622 1.9% 40.8%
BMW 946 2.4% 725 2.2% 30.5% 3,651 2.3% 2,718 2.0% 34.3%
SEAT 896 2.2% 571 1.8% 56.9% 3,141 2.0% 3,077 2.3% 2.1%
Nissan 866 2.2% 1,008 3.1% -14.1% 4,848 3.1% 5,201 3.8% -6.8%
Audi 765 1.9% 627 1.9% 22.0% 3,318 2.1% 2,446 1.8% 35.7%
Honda 756 1.9% 447 1.4% 69.1% 3,029 1.9% 1,948 1.4% 55.5%
Volvo 648 1.6% 578 1.8% 12.1% 2,903 1.8% 2,102 1.5% 38.1%
Others 2,801 7.0% 2,450 7.5% 14.3% 10,551 6.7% 8,757 6.4% 20.5%
Total 39,827 100.0% 32,554 100.0% 22.3% 158,464 100.0% 136,110 100.0% 16.4%
Source: Polski Zwiazek Przemyslu Motoryzacyjnego (PZPM)

More detailed statistics for Poland


Flash report, March 2016

6 Apr. 2016

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Poland - Sales of new PCs and LCVs
Maker/Brand 2016 2015 Y-o-Y 2016 2015 Y-o-Y
Mar. Share Mar. Share Jan.-Mar. Share Jan.-Mar. Share
Volkswagen 4,954 11.1% 3,911 10.2% 26.7% 11,576 9.8% 9,914 9.6% 16.8%
Skoda 4,327 9.7% 4,093 10.7% 5.7% 13,462 11.3% 12,540 12.1% 7.4%
Toyota 3,945 8.9% 3,433 9.0% 14.9% 11,683 9.8% 10,087 9.7% 15.8%
Ford 3,551 8.0% 3,147 8.2% 12.8% 8,601 7.2% 7,740 7.5% 11.1%
Opel 3,231 7.2% 2,970 7.7% 8.8% 9,103 7.7% 8,479 8.2% 7.4%
Renault 2,623 5.9% 2,173 5.7% 20.7% 7,167 6.0% 5,710 5.5% 25.5%
Fiat 2,063 4.6% 1,703 4.4% 21.1% 5,169 4.4% 4,482 4.3% 15.3%
Dacia 1,818 4.1% 1,366 3.6% 33.1% 4,514 3.8% 4,059 3.9% 11.2%
Nissan 1,815 4.1% 1,770 4.6% 2.5% 3,982 3.4% 4,193 4.0% -5.0%
Peugeot 1,740 3.9% 1,689 4.4% 3.0% 4,380 3.7% 4,051 3.9% 8.1%
Kia 1,681 3.8% 1,398 3.6% 20.2% 5,469 4.6% 5,123 4.9% 6.8%
Hyundai 1,458 3.3% 1,298 3.4% 12.3% 4,558 3.8% 3,653 3.5% 24.8%
Mercedes-Benz 1,457 3.3% 1,361 3.5% 7.1% 3,517 3.0% 3,044 2.9% 15.5%
Volvo 1,206 2.7% 665 1.7% 81.4% 2,255 1.9% 1,524 1.5% 48.0%
BMW 1,179 2.6% 972 2.5% 21.3% 2,705 2.3% 1,993 1.9% 35.7%
Audi 1,162 2.6% 762 2.0% 52.5% 2,553 2.2% 1,819 1.8% 40.4%
Citroen 1,044 2.3% 1,105 2.9% -5.5% 2,939 2.5% 3,027 2.9% -2.9%
SEAT 926 2.1% 763 2.0% 21.4% 2,245 1.9% 2,506 2.4% -10.4%
Mazda 865 1.9% 738 1.9% 17.2% 2,736 2.3% 1,804 1.7% 51.7%
Honda 729 1.6% 636 1.7% 14.6% 2,273 1.9% 1,501 1.4% 51.4%
Others 2,797 6.3% 2,400 6.3% 16.5% 7,750 6.5% 6,307 6.1% 22.9%
Total 44,571 100.0% 38,353 100.0% 16.2% 118,637 100.0% 103,556 100.0% 14.6%
Source: Polski Zwiazek Przemyslu Motoryzacyjnego (PZPM)

More detailed statistics for Poland


Flash report, February 2016

7 Mar. 2016

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Poland - Sales of new PCs and LCVs
Maker/Brand 2016 2015 Y-o-Y 2016 2015 Y-o-Y
Feb. Share Feb. Share Jan.-Feb. Share Jan.-Feb. Share
Skoda 4,400 11.5% 3,870 12.0% 13.7% 9,135 12.3% 8,447 13.0% 8.1%
Toyota 3,916 10.2% 3,127 9.7% 25.2% 7,738 10.4% 6,654 10.2% 16.3%
Volkswagen 3,354 8.8% 2,785 8.6% 20.4% 6,622 8.9% 6,003 9.2% 10.3%
Opel 2,904 7.6% 2,523 7.8% 15.1% 5,872 7.9% 5,509 8.4% 6.6%
Ford 2,742 7.2% 2,559 7.9% 7.2% 5,050 6.8% 4,593 7.0% 9.9%
Renault 2,400 6.3% 1,723 5.3% 39.3% 4,544 6.1% 3,537 5.4% 28.5%
Kia 1,722 4.5% 1,689 5.2% 2.0% 3,788 5.1% 3,725 5.7% 1.7%
Fiat 1,645 4.3% 1,447 4.5% 13.7% 3,106 4.2% 2,779 4.3% 11.8%
Peugeot 1,575 4.1% 1,302 4.0% 21.0% 2,640 3.6% 2,362 3.6% 11.8%
Hyundai 1,465 3.8% 1,203 3.7% 21.8% 3,100 4.2% 2,355 3.6% 31.6%
Dacia 1,366 3.6% 1,383 4.3% -1.2% 2,696 3.6% 2,693 4.1% 0.1%
Mercedes-Benz 1,177 3.1% 944 2.9% 24.7% 2,060 2.8% 1,683 2.6% 22.4%
Citroen 1,031 2.7% 1,061 3.3% -2.8% 1,895 2.6% 1,922 2.9% -1.4%
Nissan 981 2.6% 1,239 3.8% -20.8% 2,167 2.9% 2,423 3.7% -10.6%
BMW 921 2.4% 600 1.9% 53.5% 1,526 2.1% 1,021 1.6% 49.5%
Mazda 915 2.4% 415 1.3% 120.5% 1,871 2.5% 1,066 1.6% 75.5%
SEAT 797 2.1% 857 2.7% -7.0% 1,319 1.8% 1,743 2.7% -24.3%
Honda 768 2.0% 403 1.2% 90.6% 1,544 2.1% 865 1.3% 78.5%
Audi 719 1.9% 578 1.8% 24.4% 1,391 1.9% 1,057 1.6% 31.6%
Mitsubishi 635 1.7% 543 1.7% 16.9% 1,143 1.5% 1,107 1.7% 3.3%
Others 2,850 7.4% 2,052 6.4% 38.9% 4,859 6.6% 3,659 5.6% 32.8%
Total 38,283 100.0% 32,303 100.0% 18.5% 74,066 100.0% 65,203 100.0% 13.6%
Source: Polski Zwiazek Przemyslu Motoryzacyjnego (PZPM)

More detailed statistics for Poland


Flash report, January 2016

5 Feb. 2016

*Data in the flash report may from time to time differ from data in the detail report to be announced at a later date due to a difference in the data source.

Poland - Sales of new PCs and LCVs
Maker/Brand 2016 2015 Y-o-Y
Jan. Share Jan. Share
Skoda 4,735 13.2% 4,577 13.9% 3.5%
Toyota 3,822 10.7% 3,527 10.7% 8.4%
Volkswagen 3,268 9.1% 3,218 9.8% 1.6%
Opel 2,968 8.3% 2,986 9.1% -0.6%
Ford 2,308 6.4% 2,034 6.2% 13.5%
Renault 2,144 6.0% 1,814 5.5% 18.2%
Kia 2,066 5.8% 2,036 6.2% 1.5%
Hyundai 1,635 4.6% 1,152 3.5% 41.9%
Fiat 1,461 4.1% 1,332 4.0% 9.7%
Dacia 1,330 3.7% 1,310 4.0% 1.5%
Nissan 1,186 3.3% 1,184 3.6% 0.2%
Peugeot 1,065 3.0% 1,060 3.2% 0.5%
Mazda 956 2.7% 651 2.0% 46.9%
Citroen 889 2.5% 862 2.6% 3.1%
Mercedes-Benz 883 2.5% 739 2.2% 19.5%
Honda 776 2.2% 462 1.4% 68.0%
Audi 672 1.9% 479 1.5% 40.3%
BMW 605 1.7% 421 1.3% 43.7%
SEAT 522 1.5% 886 2.7% -41.1%
Mitsubishi 508 1.4% 564 1.7% -9.9%
Others 1,984 5.5% 1,606 4.9% 23.5%
Total 35,783 100.0% 32,900 100.0% 8.8%
Source: Polski Zwiazek Przemyslu Motoryzacyjnego (PZPM)

More detailed statistics for Poland