Israel - Flash report, Sales volume, 2020

Flash report, Sales volume, 2020

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, December 2020

8 Jan. 2021

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Israel - Sales of new light vehicles
Maker/Brand 2020 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Dec. Share Jan.-Dec. Share Jan.-Dec. Share
Hyundai 287 6.4% 33,565 15.6% 40,286 15.9% -16.7%
Toyota 865 19.4% 28,756 13.4% 35,898 14.1% -19.9%
Kia 418 9.4% 25,483 11.9% 31,978 12.6% -20.3%
Skoda 53 1.2% 17,908 8.3% 17,921 7.1% -0.1%
Mitsubishi 95 2.1% 12,895 6.0% 14,342 5.6% -10.1%
SEAT 55 1.2% 10,256 4.8% 9,128 3.6% 12.4%
Mazda 146 3.3% 9,499 4.4% 10,804 4.3% -12.1%
Suzuki 711 15.9% 9,234 4.3% 12,440 4.9% -25.8%
Renault 413 9.3% 7,428 3.5% 9,058 3.6% -18.0%
Nissan 271 6.1% 7,425 3.5% 11,055 4.4% -32.8%
Chevrolet/GMC 37 0.8% 6,527 3.0% 6,159 2.4% 6.0%
Citroen 104 2.3% 5,901 2.8% 6,847 2.7% -13.8%
Peugeot 138 3.1% 5,778 2.7% 6,906 2.7% -16.3%
VW 80 1.8% 4,464 2.1% 4,297 1.7% 3.9%
Subaru 120 2.7% 3,763 1.8% 4,515 1.8% -16.7%
Audi 6 0.1% 3,180 1.5% 3,827 1.5% -16.9%
Mercedes-Benz 27 0.6% 2,957 1.4% 3,115 1.2% -5.1%
Honda 62 1.4% 2,542 1.2% 5,206 2.1% -51.2%
Dacia 123 2.8% 2,052 1.0% 3,162 1.2% -35.1%
BMW 8 0.2% 2,047 1.0% 2,958 1.2% -30.8%
Volvo 58 1.3% 1,739 0.8% 1,743 0.7% -0.2%
SAIC/MG 90 2.0% 1,494 0.7% 1,112 0.4% 34.4%
Lexus 66 1.5% 1,482 0.7% 1,618 0.6% -8.4%
Jeep * 10 0.2% 1,300 0.6% 1,329 0.5% -2.2%
Opel 64 1.4% 1,176 0.5% 1,151 0.5% 2.2%
Ford 31 0.7% 1,159 0.5% 1,071 0.4% 8.2%
Isuzu 12 0.3% 887 0.4% 1,518 0.6% -41.6%
Fiat 44 1.0% 860 0.4% 1,493 0.6% -42.4%
Land Rover 18 0.4% 491 0.2% 485 0.2% 1.2%
Cadillac 5 0.1% 449 0.2% 427 0.2% 5.2%
MINI 0 0.0% 394 0.2% 553 0.2% -28.8%
Alfa Romeo 2 0.0% 284 0.1% 403 0.2% -29.5%
Infiniti 9 0.2% 182 0.1% 217 0.1% -16.1%
Jaguar 6 0.1% 174 0.1% 139 0.1% 25.2%
Ssangyong 2 0.0% 154 0.1% 238 0.1% -35.3%
GAC 6 0.1% 149 0.1% 0 0.0% -%
Porsche 0 0.0% 148 0.1% 138 0.1% 7.2%
DS 2 0.0% 128 0.1% 144 0.1% -11.1%
Chrysler * 9 0.2% 125 0.1% 90 0.0% 38.9%
Abarth 0 0.0% 30 0.0% 21 0.0% 42.9%
Maserati 0 0.0% 27 0.0% 40 0.0% -32.5%
Bentley 0 0.0% 18 0.0% 23 0.0% -21.7%
MAN 0 0.0% 9 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
Ferrari 0 0.0% 6 0.0% 8 0.0% -25.0%
JAC 5 0.1% 5 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
DFSK 0 0.0% 5 0.0% 19 0.0% -73.7%
Iveco 0 0.0% 5 0.0% 13 0.0% -61.5%
Aston Martin 0 0.0% 3 0.0% 7 0.0% -57.1%
Genesis 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
smart 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 36 0.0% -100.0%
Total 4,458 100.0% 214,544 100.0% 253,938 100.0% -15.5%
* Data of Chrysler's SUV have been counted in Jeep category since Jun.2014.
Source: Israel Motor Vehicles Importers Association (IMVIA)


Flash report, November 2020

9 Dec. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Israel - Sales of new light vehicles
Maker/Brand 2020 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Nov. Share Jan.-Nov. Share Jan.-Nov. Share
Toyota 3,203 21.4% 27,891 13.3% 34,866 14.0% -20.0%
Hyundai 2,640 17.6% 33,278 15.8% 39,825 16.0% -16.4%
Kia 1,707 11.4% 25,065 11.9% 31,312 12.6% -20.0%
Suzuki 825 5.5% 8,523 4.1% 12,077 4.9% -29.4%
Skoda 813 5.4% 17,855 8.5% 17,751 7.1% 0.6%
Nissan 670 4.5% 7,154 3.4% 10,796 4.3% -33.7%
Renault 648 4.3% 7,015 3.3% 8,566 3.4% -18.1%
Mazda 608 4.1% 9,353 4.5% 10,671 4.3% -12.4%
Peugeot 479 3.2% 5,640 2.7% 6,756 2.7% -16.5%
Mitsubishi 470 3.1% 12,800 6.1% 14,207 5.7% -9.9%
Citroen 417 2.8% 5,797 2.8% 6,712 2.7% -13.6%
Subaru 331 2.2% 3,643 1.7% 4,247 1.7% -14.2%
VW 303 2.0% 4,384 2.1% 4,062 1.6% 7.9%
SEAT 299 2.0% 10,201 4.9% 8,957 3.6% 13.9%
Chevrolet/GMC 264 1.8% 6,490 3.1% 6,109 2.5% 6.2%
Dacia 168 1.1% 1,929 0.9% 3,030 1.2% -36.3%
Honda 167 1.1% 2,480 1.2% 5,085 2.0% -51.2%
Lexus 117 0.8% 1,416 0.7% 1,557 0.6% -9.1%
Volvo 116 0.8% 1,681 0.8% 1,707 0.7% -1.5%
Fiat 91 0.6% 816 0.4% 1,417 0.6% -42.4%
Opel 86 0.6% 1,112 0.5% 1,145 0.5% -2.9%
SAIC/MG 80 0.5% 1,404 0.7% 1,097 0.4% 28.0%
Mercedes-Benz 74 0.5% 2,930 1.4% 3,081 1.2% -4.9%
Ford 70 0.5% 1,128 0.5% 1,056 0.4% 6.8%
BMW 57 0.4% 2,039 1.0% 2,781 1.1% -26.7%
Jeep * 56 0.4% 1,290 0.6% 1,303 0.5% -1.0%
Audi 44 0.3% 3,174 1.5% 3,808 1.5% -16.6%
Land Rover 30 0.2% 473 0.2% 452 0.2% 4.6%
MINI 27 0.2% 394 0.2% 524 0.2% -24.8%
GAC 25 0.2% 143 0.1% 0 0.0% -%
Cadillac 22 0.1% 444 0.2% 424 0.2% 4.7%
Alfa Romeo 22 0.1% 282 0.1% 402 0.2% -29.9%
Isuzu 15 0.1% 875 0.4% 1,497 0.6% -41.5%
Infiniti 14 0.1% 173 0.1% 208 0.1% -16.8%
Chrysler * 14 0.1% 116 0.1% 73 0.0% 58.9%
Ssangyong 8 0.1% 152 0.1% 235 0.1% -35.3%
Jaguar 6 0.0% 168 0.1% 115 0.0% 46.1%
Porsche 5 0.0% 148 0.1% 136 0.1% 8.8%
DS 5 0.0% 126 0.1% 144 0.1% -12.5%
MAN 2 0.0% 9 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
Abarth 1 0.0% 30 0.0% 21 0.0% 42.9%
Maserati 1 0.0% 27 0.0% 39 0.0% -30.8%
Bentley 0 0.0% 18 0.0% 23 0.0% -21.7%
Ferrari 0 0.0% 6 0.0% 8 0.0% -25.0%
DFSK 0 0.0% 5 0.0% 19 0.0% -73.7%
Iveco 0 0.0% 5 0.0% 13 0.0% -61.5%
Aston Martin 0 0.0% 3 0.0% 7 0.0% -57.1%
Genesis 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
smart 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 36 0.0% -100.0%
Total 15,000 100.0% 210,086 100.0% 248,357 100.0% -15.4%
* Data of Chrysler's SUV have been counted in Jeep category since Jun. 2014.
Source: Israel Motor Vehicles Importers Association (IMVIA)


Flash report, October 2020

10 Nov. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Israel - Sales of new light vehicles
Maker/Brand 2020 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Oct. Share Jan.-Oct. Share Jan.-Oct. Share
Toyota 2,805 19.3% 24,688 12.7% 32,555 14.0% -24.2%
Hyundai 2,716 18.7% 30,638 15.7% 37,416 16.1% -18.1%
Kia 1,585 10.9% 23,358 12.0% 28,888 12.4% -19.1%
Skoda 1,076 7.4% 17,042 8.7% 16,463 7.1% 3.5%
Mitsubishi 643 4.4% 12,330 6.3% 13,555 5.8% -9.0%
Renault 577 4.0% 6,367 3.3% 7,892 3.4% -19.3%
SEAT 573 3.9% 9,902 5.1% 8,244 3.6% 20.1%
Nissan 480 3.3% 6,484 3.3% 9,996 4.3% -35.1%
Suzuki 476 3.3% 7,698 3.9% 11,293 4.9% -31.8%
Mazda 465 3.2% 8,745 4.5% 10,157 4.4% -13.9%
VW 424 2.9% 4,081 2.1% 3,719 1.6% 9.7%
Peugeot 397 2.7% 5,161 2.6% 6,409 2.8% -19.5%
Citroen 329 2.3% 5,380 2.8% 6,202 2.7% -13.3%
Chevrolet/GMC 272 1.9% 6,226 3.2% 5,881 2.5% 5.9%
Subaru 203 1.4% 3,312 1.7% 3,847 1.7% -13.9%
Mercedes-Benz 145 1.0% 2,856 1.5% 2,985 1.3% -4.3%
Honda 137 0.9% 2,313 1.2% 4,811 2.1% -51.9%
Opel 133 0.9% 1,026 0.5% 1,121 0.5% -8.5%
Audi 123 0.8% 3,130 1.6% 3,663 1.6% -14.6%
Volvo 115 0.8% 1,565 0.8% 1,588 0.7% -1.4%
SAIC/MG 114 0.8% 1,324 0.7% 1,043 0.4% 26.9%
Dacia 112 0.8% 1,761 0.9% 2,786 1.2% -36.8%
BMW 106 0.7% 1,982 1.0% 2,480 1.1% -20.1%
Ford 91 0.6% 1,058 0.5% 1,020 0.4% 3.7%
Jeep * 79 0.5% 1,234 0.6% 1,234 0.5% 0.0%
Fiat 76 0.5% 725 0.4% 1,353 0.6% -46.4%
Lexus 67 0.5% 1,299 0.7% 1,404 0.6% -7.5%
Alfa Romeo 53 0.4% 260 0.1% 398 0.2% -34.7%
Cadillac 35 0.2% 422 0.2% 353 0.2% 19.5%
Isuzu 32 0.2% 860 0.4% 1,401 0.6% -38.6%
Land Rover 29 0.2% 443 0.2% 422 0.2% 5.0%
MINI 22 0.2% 367 0.2% 491 0.2% -25.3%
Ssangyong 13 0.1% 144 0.1% 216 0.1% -33.3%
Jaguar 11 0.1% 162 0.1% 99 0.0% 63.6%
GAC 11 0.1% 118 0.1% 0 0.0% -%
Chrysler * 9 0.1% 102 0.1% 61 0.0% 67.2%
Infiniti 8 0.1% 159 0.1% 205 0.1% -22.4%
Porsche 5 0.0% 143 0.1% 122 0.1% 17.2%
DFSK 5 0.0% 5 0.0% 15 0.0% -66.7%
DS 3 0.0% 121 0.1% 142 0.1% -14.8%
Abarth 3 0.0% 29 0.0% 21 0.0% 38.1%
Bentley 1 0.0% 18 0.0% 23 0.0% -21.7%
Maserati 0 0.0% 26 0.0% 39 0.0% -33.3%
MAN 0 0.0% 7 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
Ferrari 0 0.0% 6 0.0% 8 0.0% -25.0%
Iveco 0 0.0% 5 0.0% 13 0.0% -61.5%
Aston Martin 0 0.0% 3 0.0% 7 0.0% -57.1%
Genesis 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
smart 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 36 0.0% -100.0%
Total 14,559 100.0% 195,086 100.0% 232,077 100.0% -15.9%
* Data of Chrysler's SUV have been counted in Jeep category since Jun. 2014.
Source: Israel Motor Vehicles Importers Association (IMVIA)


Flash report, September 2020

15 Oct. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Israel - Sales of new light vehicles
Maker/Brand 2020 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Sep. Share Jan.-Sep. Share Jan.-Sep. Share
Hyundai 3,015 16.3% 27,922 15.5% 35,838 16.4% -22.1%
Toyota 2,044 11.1% 21,883 12.1% 30,700 14.1% -28.7%
Kia 2,031 11.0% 21,773 12.1% 26,711 12.2% -18.5%
Skoda 1,575 8.5% 15,966 8.8% 15,394 7.1% 3.7%
Mitsubishi 1,103 6.0% 11,687 6.5% 12,933 5.9% -9.6%
Mazda 943 5.1% 8,280 4.6% 9,639 4.4% -14.1%
SEAT 868 4.7% 9,329 5.2% 7,370 3.4% 26.6%
Peugeot 666 3.6% 4,764 2.6% 5,991 2.7% -20.5%
Suzuki 640 3.5% 7,222 4.0% 10,595 4.9% -31.8%
Renault 630 3.4% 5,790 3.2% 7,605 3.5% -23.9%
Nissan 588 3.2% 6,004 3.3% 9,373 4.3% -35.9%
VW 540 2.9% 3,657 2.0% 3,349 1.5% 9.2%
Citroen 492 2.7% 5,051 2.8% 5,769 2.6% -12.4%
Chevrolet/GMC 382 2.1% 5,954 3.3% 5,588 2.6% 6.5%
Opel 341 1.8% 893 0.5% 1,080 0.5% -17.3%
BMW 295 1.6% 1,876 1.0% 2,297 1.1% -18.3%
Honda 262 1.4% 2,176 1.2% 4,569 2.1% -52.4%
Audi 250 1.4% 3,007 1.7% 3,465 1.6% -13.2%
Mercedes-Benz 232 1.3% 2,711 1.5% 2,820 1.3% -3.9%
Subaru 219 1.2% 3,109 1.7% 3,528 1.6% -11.9%
Dacia 206 1.1% 1,649 0.9% 2,580 1.2% -36.1%
Volvo 195 1.1% 1,450 0.8% 1,425 0.7% 1.8%
Ford 174 0.9% 967 0.5% 928 0.4% 4.2%
SAIC/MG 160 0.9% 1,210 0.7% 979 0.4% 23.6%
Lexus 116 0.6% 1,232 0.7% 1,312 0.6% -6.1%
Jeep * 114 0.6% 1,155 0.6% 1,135 0.5% 1.8%
Fiat 105 0.6% 649 0.4% 1,258 0.6% -48.4%
Cadillac 40 0.2% 387 0.2% 326 0.1% 18.7%
Land Rover 33 0.2% 414 0.2% 392 0.2% 5.6%
MINI 31 0.2% 345 0.2% 466 0.2% -26.0%
Others 157 0.9% 2,015 1.1% 2,679 1.2% -24.8%
Total 18,447 100.0% 180,527 100.0% 218,094 100.0% -17.2%
* Data of Chrysler's SUV have been counted in Jeep category since Jun. 2014.
Source: Israel Motor Vehicles Importers Association (IMVIA)


Flash report, August 2020

11 Sep. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Israel - Sales of new light vehicles
Maker/Brand 2020 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Aug. Share Jan.-Aug. Share Jan.-Aug. Share
Hyundai 3,233 16.1% 24,907 15.4% 33,185 16.6% -24.9%
Kia 2,416 12.0% 19,742 12.2% 25,008 12.5% -21.1%
Skoda 2,020 10.1% 14,391 8.9% 14,463 7.2% -0.5%
Toyota 1,900 9.5% 19,839 12.2% 28,000 14.0% -29.1%
Mitsubishi 1,357 6.8% 10,584 6.5% 12,010 6.0% -11.9%
SEAT 1,173 5.8% 8,461 5.2% 6,242 3.1% 35.5%
Mazda 1,044 5.2% 7,337 4.5% 8,848 4.4% -17.1%
Peugeot 759 3.8% 4,098 2.5% 5,345 2.7% -23.3%
Nissan 665 3.3% 5,416 3.3% 8,644 4.3% -37.3%
Suzuki 653 3.3% 6,582 4.1% 9,594 4.8% -31.4%
Renault 653 3.3% 5,160 3.2% 7,253 3.6% -28.9%
Citroen 583 2.9% 4,559 2.8% 5,029 2.5% -9.3%
Chevrolet/GMC 473 2.4% 5,572 3.4% 5,183 2.6% 7.5%
VW 445 2.2% 3,117 1.9% 2,989 1.5% 4.3%
Subaru 350 1.7% 2,890 1.8% 3,276 1.6% -11.8%
Audi 314 1.6% 2,757 1.7% 3,056 1.5% -9.8%
Mercedes-Benz 258 1.3% 2,479 1.5% 2,595 1.3% -4.5%
Dacia 218 1.1% 1,443 0.9% 2,440 1.2% -40.9%
Ford 177 0.9% 793 0.5% 845 0.4% -6.2%
Honda 173 0.9% 1,914 1.2% 4,216 2.1% -54.6%
Volvo 171 0.9% 1,255 0.8% 1,269 0.6% -1.1%
Lexus 152 0.8% 1,116 0.7% 1,216 0.6% -8.2%
BMW 140 0.7% 1,581 1.0% 2,085 1.0% -24.2%
Jeep * 131 0.7% 1,041 0.6% 1,002 0.5% 3.9%
SAIC/MG 114 0.6% 1,050 0.6% 885 0.4% 18.6%
Opel 111 0.6% 552 0.3% 1,027 0.5% -46.3%
Fiat 89 0.4% 544 0.3% 1,152 0.6% -52.8%
Cadillac 62 0.3% 347 0.2% 272 0.1% 27.6%
Land Rover 56 0.3% 381 0.2% 353 0.2% 7.9%
Isuzu 53 0.3% 805 0.5% 1,191 0.6% -32.4%
MINI 39 0.2% 314 0.2% 418 0.2% -24.9%
Ssangyong 23 0.1% 115 0.1% 201 0.1% -42.8%
Chrysler * 17 0.1% 75 0.0% 50 0.0% 50.0%
Alfa Romeo 15 0.1% 197 0.1% 382 0.2% -48.4%
GAC 13 0.1% 85 0.1% 0 0.0% -%
Porsche 11 0.1% 129 0.1% 88 0.0% 46.6%
Infiniti 10 0.0% 138 0.1% 187 0.1% -26.2%
Jaguar 10 0.0% 135 0.1% 84 0.0% 60.7%
DS 5 0.0% 93 0.1% 122 0.1% -23.8%
Maserati 1 0.0% 26 0.0% 35 0.0% -25.7%
Bentley 1 0.0% 14 0.0% 23 0.0% -39.1%
MAN 1 0.0% 7 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
Ferrari 1 0.0% 6 0.0% 7 0.0% -14.3%
Abarth 0 0.0% 21 0.0% 20 0.0% 5.0%
DFSK 0 0.0% 5 0.0% 13 0.0% -61.5%
Iveco 0 0.0% 5 0.0% 12 0.0% -58.3%
Aston Martin 0 0.0% 2 0.0% 6 0.0% -66.7%
smart 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 33 0.0% -100.0%
Total 20,090 100.0% 162,080 100.0% 200,354 100.0% -19.1%
* Data of Chrysler's SUV have been counted in Jeep category since Jun. 2014.
Source: Israel Motor Vehicles Importers Association (IMVIA)


Flash report, July 2020

17 Aug. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Israel - Sales of new light vehicles
Maker/Brand 2020 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Jul. Share Jan.-Jul. Share Jan.-Jul. Share
Hyundai 3,527 15.5% 21,674 15.3% 30,285 16.7% -28.4%
Kia 2,848 12.5% 17,326 12.2% 23,004 12.7% -24.7%
Toyota 2,721 12.0% 17,939 12.6% 24,879 13.7% -27.9%
Skoda 1,989 8.8% 12,371 8.7% 13,323 7.4% -7.1%
SEAT 1,413 6.2% 7,288 5.1% 5,284 2.9% 37.9%
Mitsubishi 1,369 6.0% 9,227 6.5% 11,086 6.1% -16.8%
Mazda 1,024 4.5% 6,293 4.4% 8,360 4.6% -24.7%
Suzuki 961 4.2% 5,929 4.2% 8,425 4.7% -29.6%
Nissan 865 3.8% 4,751 3.3% 7,737 4.3% -38.6%
Renault 644 2.8% 4,507 3.2% 6,522 3.6% -30.9%
Chevrolet/GMC 631 2.8% 5,099 3.6% 4,638 2.6% 9.9%
Peugeot 575 2.5% 3,339 2.4% 4,876 2.7% -31.5%
Citroen 553 2.4% 3,976 2.8% 4,487 2.5% -11.4%
VW 498 2.2% 2,672 1.9% 2,578 1.4% 3.6%
Subaru 447 2.0% 2,540 1.8% 2,946 1.6% -13.8%
Audi 358 1.6% 2,443 1.7% 2,672 1.5% -8.6%
Mercedes-Benz 353 1.6% 2,221 1.6% 2,371 1.3% -6.3%
Dacia 247 1.1% 1,225 0.9% 1,991 1.1% -38.5%
BMW 226 1.0% 1,441 1.0% 1,898 1.0% -24.1%
Honda 180 0.8% 1,741 1.2% 3,907 2.2% -55.4%
SAIC/MG 177 0.8% 936 0.7% 811 0.4% 15.4%
Lexus 150 0.7% 964 0.7% 1,089 0.6% -11.5%
Volvo 143 0.6% 1,084 0.8% 1,149 0.6% -5.7%
Ford 129 0.6% 616 0.4% 752 0.4% -18.1%
Jeep * 119 0.5% 910 0.6% 900 0.5% 1.1%
Opel 98 0.4% 441 0.3% 930 0.5% -52.6%
Fiat 68 0.3% 455 0.3% 1,040 0.6% -56.3%
Cadillac 63 0.3% 285 0.2% 228 0.1% 25.0%
Land Rover 54 0.2% 325 0.2% 319 0.2% 1.9%
MINI 42 0.2% 275 0.2% 370 0.2% -25.7%
Alfa Romeo 42 0.2% 182 0.1% 366 0.2% -50.3%
Isuzu 38 0.2% 752 0.5% 1,055 0.6% -28.7%
Infiniti 32 0.1% 128 0.1% 171 0.1% -25.1%
Ssangyong 26 0.1% 92 0.1% 190 0.1% -51.6%
Porsche 19 0.1% 118 0.1% 73 0.0% 61.6%
GAC 17 0.1% 72 0.1% 0 0.0% -%
Jaguar 12 0.1% 125 0.1% 77 0.0% 62.3%
DS 10 0.0% 88 0.1% 110 0.1% -20.0%
Chrysler * 10 0.0% 58 0.0% 42 0.0% 38.1%
Maserati 5 0.0% 25 0.0% 31 0.0% -19.4%
Abarth 3 0.0% 21 0.0% 17 0.0% 23.5%
Bentley 3 0.0% 13 0.0% 21 0.0% -38.1%
MAN 3 0.0% 6 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
Iveco 2 0.0% 5 0.0% 12 0.0% -58.3%
Ferrari 1 0.0% 5 0.0% 7 0.0% -28.6%
Aston Martin 1 0.0% 2 0.0% 6 0.0% -66.7%
DFSK 0 0.0% 5 0.0% 12 0.0% -58.3%
smart 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 28 0.0% -100.0%
Total 22,696 100.0% 141,990 100.0% 181,075 100.0% -21.6%
* Data of Chrysler's SUV have been counted in Jeep category since Jun. 2014.
Source: Israel Motor Vehicles Importers Association (IMVIA)


Flash report, June 2020

14 Jul. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Israel - Sales of new light vehicles
Maker/Brand 2020 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Jun. Share Jan.-Jun. Share Jan.-Jun. Share
Hyundai 2,927 13.8% 18,147 15.2% 26,459 16.7% -31.4%
Toyota 2,685 12.7% 15,218 12.8% 21,579 13.7% -29.5%
Kia 2,666 12.6% 14,478 12.1% 20,213 12.8% -28.4%
Skoda 1,995 9.4% 10,382 8.7% 12,070 7.6% -14.0%
Mitsubishi 1,418 6.7% 7,858 6.6% 9,633 6.1% -18.4%
SEAT 1,164 5.5% 5,875 4.9% 4,636 2.9% 26.7%
Suzuki 955 4.5% 4,968 4.2% 6,898 4.4% -28.0%
Mazda 809 3.8% 5,269 4.4% 7,251 4.6% -27.3%
Chevrolet/GMC 696 3.3% 4,468 3.7% 3,988 2.5% 12.0%
Citroen 693 3.3% 3,423 2.9% 3,799 2.4% -9.9%
Renault 552 2.6% 3,863 3.2% 5,782 3.7% -33.2%
Peugeot 541 2.5% 2,764 2.3% 4,348 2.8% -36.4%
Audi 531 2.5% 2,085 1.7% 2,171 1.4% -4.0%
VW 467 2.2% 2,174 1.8% 2,234 1.4% -2.7%
Nissan 459 2.2% 3,886 3.3% 6,934 4.4% -44.0%
Subaru 412 1.9% 2,093 1.8% 2,517 1.6% -16.8%
Mercedes-Benz 313 1.5% 1,868 1.6% 2,098 1.3% -11.0%
Honda 272 1.3% 1,561 1.3% 3,416 2.2% -54.3%
BMW 229 1.1% 1,215 1.0% 1,687 1.1% -28.0%
Dacia 183 0.9% 978 0.8% 1,780 1.1% -45.1%
Lexus 180 0.8% 814 0.7% 947 0.6% -14.0%
Volvo 168 0.8% 941 0.8% 982 0.6% -4.2%
Ford 167 0.8% 487 0.4% 620 0.4% -21.5%
Jeep * 133 0.6% 791 0.7% 796 0.5% -0.6%
SAIC/MG 104 0.5% 759 0.6% 702 0.4% 8.1%
Isuzu 65 0.3% 714 0.6% 962 0.6% -25.8%
MINI 63 0.3% 233 0.2% 319 0.2% -27.0%
Opel 60 0.3% 343 0.3% 843 0.5% -59.3%
Alfa Romeo 56 0.3% 140 0.1% 350 0.2% -60.0%
Cadillac 52 0.2% 222 0.2% 186 0.1% 19.4%
Land Rover 47 0.2% 271 0.2% 271 0.2% 0.0%
Fiat 43 0.2% 387 0.3% 917 0.6% -57.8%
Ssangyong 21 0.1% 66 0.1% 169 0.1% -60.9%
DS 20 0.1% 78 0.1% 96 0.1% -18.8%
GAC 16 0.1% 55 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
Jaguar 15 0.1% 113 0.1% 56 0.0% 101.8%
Porsche 11 0.1% 99 0.1% 60 0.0% 65.0%
Chrysler * 9 0.0% 48 0.0% 38 0.0% 26.3%
Infiniti 8 0.0% 96 0.1% 151 0.1% -36.4%
Maserati 4 0.0% 20 0.0% 30 0.0% -33.3%
Abarth 3 0.0% 18 0.0% 17 0.0% 5.9%
Ferrari 2 0.0% 4 0.0% 7 0.0% -42.9%
Iveco 2 0.0% 3 0.0% 11 0.0% -72.7%
MAN 1 0.0% 3 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
Bentley 0 0.0% 10 0.0% 17 0.0% -41.2%
DFSK 0 0.0% 5 0.0% 11 0.0% -54.5%
Aston Martin 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 5 0.0% -80.0%
smart 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 26 0.0% -100.0%
Total 21,217 100.0% 119,294 100.0% 158,082 100.0% -24.5%
* Data of Chrysler's SUV have been counted in Jeep category since Jun. 2014.
Source: Israel Motor Vehicles Importers Association (IMVIA)


Flash report, May 2020

10 Jun. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Israel - Sales of new light vehicles
Maker/Brand 2020 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
May Share Jan.-May Share Jan.-May Share
Hyundai 1,949 18.8% 15,220 15.5% 22,504 16.5% -32.4%
Toyota 1,346 13.0% 12,533 12.8% 18,361 13.5% -31.7%
Kia 1,073 10.4% 11,812 12.0% 17,254 12.7% -31.5%
Skoda 848 8.2% 8,387 8.6% 10,522 7.7% -20.3%
Mitsubishi 660 6.4% 6,440 6.6% 8,299 6.1% -22.4%
SEAT 503 4.9% 4,711 4.8% 3,999 2.9% 17.8%
Suzuki 405 3.9% 4,013 4.1% 5,889 4.3% -31.9%
Citroen 374 3.6% 2,730 2.8% 3,250 2.4% -16.0%
Peugeot 349 3.4% 2,223 2.3% 3,727 2.7% -40.4%
Chevrolet/GMC 305 2.9% 3,772 3.8% 3,653 2.7% 3.3%
Renault 289 2.8% 3,311 3.4% 4,882 3.6% -32.2%
Mazda 263 2.5% 4,460 4.5% 6,460 4.7% -31.0%
VW 205 2.0% 1,707 1.7% 1,905 1.4% -10.4%
Subaru 204 2.0% 1,681 1.7% 2,205 1.6% -23.8%
Mercedes-Benz 202 2.0% 1,555 1.6% 1,803 1.3% -13.8%
BMW 193 1.9% 986 1.0% 1,471 1.1% -33.0%
Nissan 186 1.8% 3,427 3.5% 6,321 4.6% -45.8%
Honda 113 1.1% 1,289 1.3% 3,091 2.3% -58.3%
Jeep * 109 1.1% 658 0.7% 656 0.5% 0.3%
Audi 101 1.0% 1,554 1.6% 1,735 1.3% -10.4%
Lexus 74 0.7% 634 0.6% 834 0.6% -24.0%
Isuzu 73 0.7% 649 0.7% 845 0.6% -23.2%
Dacia 70 0.7% 795 0.8% 1,548 1.1% -48.6%
Volvo 62 0.6% 773 0.8% 860 0.6% -10.1%
Fiat 59 0.6% 344 0.4% 802 0.6% -57.1%
SAIC/MG 52 0.5% 655 0.7% 587 0.4% 11.6%
Ford 50 0.5% 320 0.3% 577 0.4% -44.5%
Opel 50 0.5% 283 0.3% 616 0.5% -54.1%
Cadillac 40 0.4% 170 0.2% 166 0.1% 2.4%
Alfa Romeo 32 0.3% 84 0.1% 330 0.2% -74.5%
MINI 25 0.2% 170 0.2% 267 0.2% -36.3%
Land Rover 17 0.2% 224 0.2% 236 0.2% -5.1%
GAC 17 0.2% 39 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
Porsche 15 0.1% 88 0.1% 38 0.0% 131.6%
DS 7 0.1% 58 0.1% 90 0.1% -35.6%
Jaguar 6 0.1% 98 0.1% 48 0.0% 104.2%
Ssangyong 6 0.1% 45 0.0% 148 0.1% -69.6%
Infiniti 4 0.0% 88 0.1% 127 0.1% -30.7%
Chrysler * 4 0.0% 39 0.0% 30 0.0% 30.0%
Maserati 4 0.0% 16 0.0% 27 0.0% -40.7%
Abarth 2 0.0% 15 0.0% 13 0.0% 15.4%
MAN 1 0.0% 2 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
Bentley 0 0.0% 10 0.0% 14 0.0% -28.6%
DFSK 0 0.0% 5 0.0% 8 0.0% -37.5%
Ferrari 0 0.0% 2 0.0% 6 0.0% -66.7%
Iveco 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 9 0.0% -88.9%
Aston Martin 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 5 0.0% -80.0%
smart 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 26 0.0% -100.0%
Total 10,347 100.0% 98,077 100.0% 136,244 100.0% -28.0%
* Data of Chrysler's SUV have been counted in Jeep category since Jun. 2014.
Source: Israel Motor Vehicles Importers Association (IMVIA)


Flash report, April 2020

7 May 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Israel - Sales of new light vehicles
Maker/Brand 2020 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Apr. Share Jan.-Apr. Share Jan.-Apr.** Share
Toyota 650 25.4% 11,187 12.8% 14,460 12.6% -22.6%
Kia 470 18.3% 10,739 12.2% 14,471 12.6% -25.8%
Skoda 221 8.6% 7,539 8.6% 9,066 7.9% -16.8%
Renault 190 7.4% 3,022 3.4% 4,077 3.5% -25.9%
Suzuki 136 5.3% 3,608 4.1% 4,996 4.3% -27.8%
Hyundai 101 3.9% 13,271 15.1% 18,569 16.2% -28.5%
Nissan 95 3.7% 3,241 3.7% 5,699 5.0% -43.1%
Citroen 75 2.9% 2,356 2.7% 2,962 2.6% -20.5%
VW 62 2.4% 1,502 1.7% 1,564 1.4% -4.0%
Peugeot 60 2.3% 1,874 2.1% 3,279 2.9% -42.8%
Chevrolet/GMC 59 2.3% 3,467 4.0% 3,258 2.8% 6.4%
SEAT 55 2.1% 4,208 4.8% 3,281 2.9% 28.3%
Mitsubishi 47 1.8% 5,780 6.6% 6,956 6.1% -16.9%
Mazda 44 1.7% 4,197 4.8% 5,851 5.1% -28.3%
Subaru 38 1.5% 1,477 1.7% 1,952 1.7% -24.3%
Mercedes-Benz 28 1.1% 1,353 1.5% 1,575 1.4% -14.1%
Lexus 26 1.0% 560 0.6% 697 0.6% -19.7%
Cadillac 22 0.9% 130 0.1% 129 0.1% 0.8%
Jeep * 20 0.8% 549 0.6% 548 0.5% 0.2%
SAIC/MG 19 0.7% 603 0.7% 512 0.4% 17.8%
Audi 18 0.7% 1,453 1.7% 1,432 1.2% 1.5%
Dacia 18 0.7% 725 0.8% 1,224 1.1% -40.8%
Ford 18 0.7% 270 0.3% 511 0.4% -47.2%
BMW 13 0.5% 793 0.9% 1,307 1.1% -39.3%
Volvo 12 0.5% 711 0.8% 736 0.6% -3.4%
Land Rover 11 0.4% 207 0.2% 155 0.1% 33.5%
Isuzu 10 0.4% 576 0.7% 647 0.6% -11.0%
Honda 6 0.2% 1,176 1.3% 2,717 2.4% -56.7%
Opel 6 0.2% 233 0.3% 568 0.5% -59.0%
GAC 6 0.2% 22 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
MINI 5 0.2% 145 0.2% 207 0.2% -30.0%
Chrysler * 5 0.2% 35 0.0% 20 0.0% 75.0%
Fiat 4 0.2% 285 0.3% 678 0.6% -58.0%
Jaguar 4 0.2% 92 0.1% 41 0.0% 124.4%
DS 3 0.1% 51 0.1% 74 0.1% -31.1%
Infiniti 1 0.0% 84 0.1% 120 0.1% -30.0%
Porsche 1 0.0% 73 0.1% 29 0.0% 151.7%
Alfa Romeo 1 0.0% 52 0.1% 292 0.3% -82.2%
Ssangyong 1 0.0% 39 0.0% 123 0.1% -68.3%
Bentley 1 0.0% 10 0.0% 11 0.0% -9.1%
Abarth 0 0.0% 13 0.0% 10 0.0% 30.0%
Maserati 0 0.0% 12 0.0% 21 0.0% -42.9%
DFSK 0 0.0% 5 0.0% 5 0.0% 0.0%
Ferrari 0 0.0% 2 0.0% 6 0.0% -66.7%
Iveco 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 7 0.0% -85.7%
Aston Martin 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 4 0.0% -75.0%
MAN 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
smart 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 22 0.0% -100.0%
Total 2,562 100.0% 87,730 100.0% 114,843 100.0% -23.6%
* Data of Chrysler's SUV have been counted in Jeep category since Jun. 2014.
** Data announced by IMVIA.
Source: Israel Motor Vehicles Importers Association (IMVIA)


Flash report, March 2020

9 Apr. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Israel - Sales of new light vehicles
Maker/Brand 2020 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Mar. Share Jan.-Mar. Share Jan.-Mar. Share
Hyundai 2,581 13.9% 13,170 15.5% 15,610 16.9% -15.6%
Kia 2,475 13.3% 10,269 12.1% 11,175 12.1% -8.1%
Toyota 2,091 11.2% 10,537 12.4% 10,632 11.5% -0.9%
Skoda 1,712 9.2% 7,318 8.6% 7,305 7.9% 0.2%
Mitsubishi 1,383 7.4% 5,733 6.7% 5,666 6.2% 1.2%
SEAT 1,076 5.8% 4,153 4.9% 2,543 2.8% 63.3%
Mazda 998 5.4% 4,153 4.9% 4,918 5.3% -15.6%
Suzuki 827 4.4% 3,472 4.1% 3,819 4.1% -9.1%
Nissan 801 4.3% 3,146 3.7% 4,500 4.9% -30.1%
Renault 714 3.8% 2,832 3.3% 3,142 3.4% -9.9%
Citroen 469 2.5% 2,281 2.7% 2,509 2.7% -9.1%
VW 414 2.2% 1,440 1.7% 1,213 1.3% 18.7%
Chevrolet/GMC 409 2.2% 3,408 4.0% 2,727 3.0% 25.0%
Subaru 376 2.0% 1,439 1.7% 1,647 1.8% -12.6%
Peugeot 329 1.8% 1,814 2.1% 2,677 2.9% -32.2%
Audi 205 1.1% 1,435 1.7% 1,188 1.3% 20.8%
Honda 196 1.1% 1,170 1.4% 2,405 2.6% -51.4%
Mercedes-Benz 178 1.0% 1,325 1.6% 1,340 1.5% -1.1%
Dacia 176 0.9% 707 0.8% 1,041 1.1% -32.1%
Volvo 139 0.7% 699 0.8% 624 0.7% 12.0%
SAIC/MG 132 0.7% 584 0.7% 427 0.5% 36.8%
Lexus 131 0.7% 534 0.6% 555 0.6% -3.8%
Opel 121 0.7% 227 0.3% 535 0.6% -57.6%
Jeep * 116 0.6% 529 0.6% 439 0.5% 20.5%
Isuzu 96 0.5% 566 0.7% 451 0.5% 25.5%
Fiat 83 0.4% 281 0.3% 553 0.6% -49.2%
BMW 61 0.3% 780 0.9% 993 1.1% -21.5%
Ford 61 0.3% 252 0.3% 446 0.5% -43.5%
Land Rover 60 0.3% 196 0.2% 117 0.1% 67.5%
Cadillac 38 0.2% 108 0.1% 91 0.1% 18.7%
Jaguar 35 0.2% 88 0.1% 35 0.0% 151.4%
MINI 25 0.1% 140 0.2% 175 0.2% -20.0%
Porsche 20 0.1% 72 0.1% 24 0.0% 200.0%
Infiniti 16 0.1% 83 0.1% 96 0.1% -13.5%
Alfa Romeo 16 0.1% 51 0.1% 246 0.3% -79.3%
GAC 13 0.1% 16 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
DS 9 0.0% 48 0.1% 66 0.1% -27.3%
Abarth 4 0.0% 13 0.0% 7 0.0% 85.7%
Ssangyong 3 0.0% 38 0.0% 105 0.1% -63.8%
Chrysler * 3 0.0% 30 0.0% 16 0.0% 87.5%
Maserati 2 0.0% 12 0.0% 16 0.0% -25.0%
MAN 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
Bentley 0 0.0% 9 0.0% 9 0.0% 0.0%
DFSK 0 0.0% 5 0.0% 3 0.0% 66.7%
Ferrari 0 0.0% 2 0.0% 6 0.0% -66.7%
Iveco 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 5 0.0% -80.0%
Aston Martin 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 2 0.0% -50.0%
smart 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 19 0.0% -100.0%
Total 18,595 100.0% 85,168 100.0% 92,118 100.0% -7.5%
* Data of Chrysler's SUV have been counted in Jeep category since Jun. 2014.
Source: Israel Motor Vehicles Importers Association (IMVIA)


Flash report, February 2020

13 Mar. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Israel - Sales of new light vehicles
Maker/Brand 2020 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Feb. Share Jan.-Feb. Share Jan.-Feb. Share
Hyundai 3,865 15.5% 10,589 15.9% 11,388 18.1% -7.0%
Toyota 3,245 13.1% 8,446 12.7% 6,517 10.3% 29.6%
Kia 2,992 12.0% 7,794 11.7% 7,828 12.4% -0.4%
Skoda 2,131 8.6% 5,606 8.4% 5,293 8.4% 5.9%
Mitsubishi 1,771 7.1% 4,350 6.5% 3,575 5.7% 21.7%
SEAT 1,244 5.0% 3,077 4.6% 1,825 2.9% 68.6%
Suzuki 1,059 4.3% 2,645 4.0% 2,368 3.8% 11.7%
Renault 1,050 4.2% 2,118 3.2% 2,172 3.4% -2.5%
Mazda 1,014 4.1% 3,155 4.7% 3,264 5.2% -3.3%
Chevrolet/GMC 964 3.9% 2,999 4.5% 1,710 2.7% 75.4%
Citroen 699 2.8% 1,812 2.7% 1,658 2.6% 9.3%
Nissan 670 2.7% 2,345 3.5% 3,126 5.0% -25.0%
Peugeot 517 2.1% 1,485 2.2% 1,619 2.6% -8.3%
VW 500 2.0% 1,026 1.5% 742 1.2% 38.3%
Subaru 410 1.6% 1,063 1.6% 1,223 1.9% -13.1%
Mercedes-Benz 293 1.2% 1,147 1.7% 1,021 1.6% 12.3%
Honda 287 1.2% 974 1.5% 1,801 2.9% -45.9%
Jeep * 243 1.0% 413 0.6% 297 0.5% 39.1%
SAIC/MG 221 0.9% 452 0.7% 235 0.4% 92.3%
Isuzu 220 0.9% 470 0.7% 318 0.5% 47.8%
Audi 211 0.8% 1,230 1.8% 867 1.4% 41.9%
Lexus 206 0.8% 403 0.6% 350 0.6% 15.1%
BMW 202 0.8% 719 1.1% 708 1.1% 1.6%
Volvo 187 0.8% 560 0.8% 463 0.7% 21.0%
Dacia 178 0.7% 531 0.8% 724 1.1% -26.7%
Fiat 116 0.5% 198 0.3% 378 0.6% -47.6%
Ford 70 0.3% 191 0.3% 349 0.6% -45.3%
Land Rover 59 0.2% 136 0.2% 88 0.1% 54.5%
Opel 58 0.2% 106 0.2% 416 0.7% -74.5%
MINI 46 0.2% 115 0.2% 143 0.2% -19.6%
Jaguar 28 0.1% 53 0.1% 22 0.0% 140.9%
Alfa Romeo 19 0.1% 35 0.1% 185 0.3% -81.1%
Ssangyong 16 0.1% 35 0.1% 67 0.1% -47.8%
Infiniti 15 0.1% 67 0.1% 75 0.1% -10.7%
Chrysler * 15 0.1% 27 0.0% 12 0.0% 125.0%
DS 11 0.0% 39 0.1% 35 0.1% 11.4%
Porsche 10 0.0% 52 0.1% 21 0.0% 147.6%
Cadillac 7 0.0% 70 0.1% 68 0.1% 2.9%
Maserati 4 0.0% 10 0.0% 14 0.0% -28.6%
GAC 3 0.0% 3 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
Abarth 2 0.0% 9 0.0% 5 0.0% 80.0%
DFSK 1 0.0% 5 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
Aston Martin 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 0.0%
Iveco 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 0.0%
Bentley 0 0.0% 9 0.0% 8 0.0% 12.5%
Ferrari 0 0.0% 2 0.0% 4 0.0% -50.0%
smart 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 11 0.0% -100.0%
Total 24,861 100.0% 66,573 100.0% 62,995 100.0% 5.7%
* Data of Chrysler's SUV have been counted in Jeep category since Jun. 2014.
Source: Israel Motor Vehicles Importers Association (IMVIA)


Flash report, January 2020

14 Feb. 2020

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Israel - Sales of new light vehicles
Maker/Brand 2020 2019 Y-o-Y
Jan. Share Jan. Share
Hyundai 6,724 16.1% 6,921 18.0% -2.8%
Toyota 5,201 12.5% 3,467 9.0% 50.0%
Kia 4,802 11.5% 4,997 13.0% -3.9%
Skoda 3,475 8.3% 3,461 9.0% 0.4%
Mitsubishi 2,579 6.2% 2,445 6.4% 5.5%
Mazda 2,141 5.1% 2,003 5.2% 6.9%
Chevrolet/GMC 2,035 4.9% 875 2.3% 132.6%
SEAT 1,833 4.4% 1,079 2.8% 69.9%
Nissan 1,675 4.0% 1,950 5.1% -14.1%
Suzuki 1,586 3.8% 1,470 3.8% 7.9%
Citroen 1,113 2.7% 999 2.6% 11.4%
Renault 1,068 2.6% 1,341 3.5% -20.4%
Audi 1,019 2.4% 654 1.7% 55.8%
Peugeot 968 2.3% 969 2.5% -0.1%
Mercedes-Benz 854 2.0% 699 1.8% 22.2%
Honda 687 1.6% 1,189 3.1% -42.2%
Subaru 653 1.6% 647 1.7% 0.9%
VW 526 1.3% 386 1.0% 36.3%
BMW 517 1.2% 506 1.3% 2.2%
Volvo 373 0.9% 302 0.8% 23.5%
Dacia 353 0.8% 364 0.9% -3.0%
Isuzu 250 0.6% 168 0.4% 48.8%
SAIC/MG 231 0.6% 143 0.4% 61.5%
Lexus 197 0.5% 220 0.6% -10.5%
Jeep * 170 0.4% 196 0.5% -13.3%
Ford 121 0.3% 245 0.6% -50.6%
Fiat 82 0.2% 130 0.3% -36.9%
Land Rover 77 0.2% 56 0.1% 37.5%
MINI 69 0.2% 90 0.2% -23.3%
Cadillac 63 0.2% 51 0.1% 23.5%
Infiniti 52 0.1% 56 0.1% -7.1%
Opel 48 0.1% 144 0.4% -66.7%
Porsche 42 0.1% 18 0.0% 133.3%
DS 28 0.1% 23 0.1% 21.7%
Jaguar 25 0.1% 13 0.0% 92.3%
Ssangyong 19 0.0% 45 0.1% -57.8%
Alfa Romeo 16 0.0% 122 0.3% -86.9%
Chrysler * 12 0.0% 3 0.0% 300.0%
Bentley 9 0.0% 4 0.0% 125.0%
Abarth 7 0.0% 4 0.0% 75.0%
Maserati 6 0.0% 10 0.0% -40.0%
DFSK 4 0.0% 0 0.0% -%
Ferrari 2 0.0% 2 0.0% 0.0%
smart 0 0.0% 6 0.0% -100.0%
Aston Martin 0 0.0% 1 0.0% -100.0%
Iveco 0 0.0% 1 0.0% -100.0%
Total 41,712 100.0% 38,475 100.0% 8.4%
* Data of Chrysler's SUV have been counted in Jeep category since June 2014.
Source: Israel Motor Vehicles Importers Association (IMVIA)