ITS World Congress 2014: Exhibits and demonstrations

Development of autonomous technologies and support systems continues



Aisin Automated Parking System Demonstration

 The 2014 ITS World Congress was held from September 7 through September 11, 2014 in Detroit, Michigan, USA. Much like the previous year's World Congress in Tokyo, there was an emphasis on autonomous driving in both exhibits and technological demonstrations. Honda and Toyota showcased autonomous highway driving systems while other companies had autonomous demonstrations on Belle Isle. This year's ITS World Congress also focused on systems such as cameras and sensors that provide information to a human or autonomous driver. General Motors, Honda and Toyota showed various V2X systems which could provide warnings for drivers. Panasonic displayed a variety of cameras providing detailed vision of areas around the vehicle.

 This report is the second of two reports highlighting the 2014 ITS World Congress. This report focuses on exhibits and demonstrations shown at the 2014 World Congress. The first report provided an overview of a plenary session featuring technology officers from major automakers and suppliers.

Related reports:
ITS World Congress 2014 Detroit

CTO Plenary Session Overview: GM, Ford, Toyota, Honda and suppliers discuss future of ITS

ITS World Congress 2013 Tokyo

Autonomous driving technology beyond reality?

Toyota & Honda demonstrate autonomous driving

"Connected vehicle" becomes a new form of safe driving

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