Nihon Plast Co., Ltd. Business Report FY ended Mar. 2016

Financial Overview

(in million JPY)
FY ended Mar. 31, 2016 FY ended Mar. 31, 2015 Rate of
Change (%)
Sales 139,183 123,325 12.8 -Sales were higher y/y due to increased production volumes at customers in North America and favorable currency translation, in spite of lower production volumes by customers in Japan.
Operating income 4,754 2,915 63.0 -Income increased y/y due to higher sales and effective initiatives that lowered materials costs.
Ordinary income 3,517 3,156 11.4
Net income attributable to owners of the parent 2,115 2,388 (11.4) -
Sales by product
-Handles (Steering wheel) 24,174 23,007 5.1 -
-Airbags 45,901 46,051 (0.3) -
-Resin components 69,045 54,230 27.3 -
-Other 62 35 77.1 -

Increase in production capacity of automotive plastic parts by 30%

-The Company is working to further grow its automotive plastic-parts business. In the summer of 2016, the floor space of the Mexico plant was increased by 20% to enable the plant to increase production of plastic parts for climate-control systems. At the end of 2016, a new plastic injection-molding machine will be installed at the Guangdong Plant in China that mainly manufactures airbags. In responding to the growing automotive market in both countries, the Company is investing a total of JPY 2 billion to boost production capacity by 30%. The assembly process is the main process involved with manufacturing airbags. As a result, the Company stated that with the growing advancement of onboard sensors, it’s very difficult to provide any added value by relying on its own technology. Since the production of plastic products starts with the Company’s procuring the raw materials for them on its own, there is a lot of room for creating added value by making plastic parts lighter. Based on this, the Company decided to increase capital spending.

Sales Promotion

Handles (Steering wheels), Airbags
-The Company is making proposals in response to two different needs:

  • a need for high performance and quality products that meet strict safety regulations in North America and other markets
  • a need for low-cost products for emerging countries

-Developing ways to increase the operating performance and feel of steering wheels. The right positioning of the central airbag and control switches increases safety and comfort of use.

Resin components

-Developing decorating technology based on highly efficient production methods and high-end materials that rely on automated systems, the Company can provide attractive products that meet customers’ diversified needs.

Outlook for FY ending Mar. 2017

(in million JPY)
FY ending Mar. 31, 2017
FY ended Mar. 31, 2016
(Actual results)
Rate of
Change (%)
Sales 123,100 139,183 (11.5)
Operating income 4,400 4,754 (7.4)
Ordinary income 3,900 3,517 10.8
Net income attributable to owners of the parent 2,500 2,115 18.1
Sales by product
-Handles (Steering wheel) 23,697 24,174 (2.0)
-Airbags 37,650 45,901 (18.0)
-Resin components 61,355 69,045 (11.1)
-Other 397 62 540.3

-Company-wide sales: higher in Japan as a result of increased production volumes; but overall are forecast to be lower due to the available product range in North America and Asia and due to negative currency translation.

-Sales by product: excluding Other product, sales of products are predicted to be lower because of negative currency translation. Based on the strategy for winning orders, the sales ratios of steering wheels and plastic parts are predicted to grow.

>>>Financial Forecast for the Next Fiscal Year (Sales, Operating Income etc.)

R&D Expenditure

(in million JPY)
FY ended Mar. 31, 2016 FY ended Mar. 31, 2015 FY ended Mar. 31, 2014
Safety components (Steering wheels and Air bags) 859 1,232 1,168
Resin components 798 646 525
Total 1,657 1,879 1,694

R&D Structure

Nihon Plast Co., Ltd.
Technical center
(Advanced development, interior/exterior systems, testing, and new-product technology)
Shizuoka Pref., Japan
Neaton Auto Products Manufacturing Inc.
Neaton Auto Technical Center (NATC)
Ohio, U.S.
Nihon Plast (Zhongshan) Co., Ltd.
Technical Center
Zhongshan, Guangdong, China

R&D Activities

Safety Components

-The Company is developing high-quality and lightweight steering wheels by adopting heaters and vibration control technologies to improve functionality and maneuverability. It also uses new decorative techniques to add a high-quality feel.
- In order to enhance safety features, the Company is developing steering wheel packages that include an airbag.

-The Company is developing products with advanced occupant safety features that meet new safety regulations.
-The Company is working on reducing the use of organic solvents.

- Jointly with Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, development of an all-new material demonstrating superior water-retention performance and absorption performance resulting from its ultra-fine, hallow-formed structure that was made possible by microbial degradation of urethane scraps that result from the processing of automotive steering wheels. It was discovered that this material also is excellent in terms of sound absorption, so it is hoped it can be used as a material in new products and reduce cabin interior noise.

Resin Components

-The Company developed new fender protectors and cowl top covers by utilizing its super-fine injection molding technologies and lip-integrated structure design with glazing.
-The Company developed and commercialized blow-molded wheel resonators, which help reduce road noise.

-Ultra thin and highly functional ventilators
-The Company improved the functionality of consoles and glove boxes.
-It also developed and commercialized new interior panels by adding various decorative techniques to its advanced resin molding technology.

Investment Expenditure

(in million JPY)
FY ended Mar. 31, 2016 FY ended Mar. 31, 2015 FY ended Mar. 31, 2014
Japan 3,197 2,507 1,817
North America 1,756 2,197 2,521
China 984 2,198 2,088
Southeast Asia 92 955 253
Total 6,030 7,859 6,681

-During FY ended Mar. 2016, the Company invested in new equipment mainly to deal with vehicle model changes.
-The Company plans to spend JPY 6,434 million as capital expenditure for FY ending Mar. 2017. (dies, magnesium casting, magnesium recycling facilities, injection molding facilities, production facilities for new models, painting lines)

Planned Capital Investment

(As of Mar. 31, 2016)
Company Plant Details Planned amount of investment (in million JPY) Start End
Nihon Plast Co., Ltd.
Fuji Plant
Facilities for producing
safety products and resin components
464 Apr. 2016 Mar. 2017
Nihon Plast Co., Ltd.
Isezaki Plant
Facilities for producing
safety products and resin components
512 Apr. 2016 Mar. 2017
Nihon Plast Co., Ltd.
Kyushu Plant
Facilities for producing
safety products and resin components
808 Apr. 2016 Mar. 2017
Nihon Plast Co., Ltd.
Technical center
Facilities for testing and researching safety products and resin components 209 Apr. 2016
Mar. 2017
Neaton Auto Products Manufacturing Inc. Ohio, U.S.A. Facilities for producing
safety products and resin components
1,148 Jan. 2016 Dec. 2016
Nihon Plast (Zhongshan) Co.,Ltd. Guangdong,,
Facilities for producing
safety products and resin components
794 Jan. 2016 Dec. 2016
Neaton Rome Inc. Georgia,
Facilities for producing
safety products and resin components
642 Jan. 2016
Dec. 2016

MarkLines Customer Support

9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. (excluding national holidays)
japan Japan
Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Southfield, Michigan, USA
MEX Mexico
León Guanajuato, Mexico
DEU Germany
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
CHN China
Huangpu District, Shanghai, China
THA Thailand
Klongtoey, Bangkok, Thailand
IND India
Gurgaon, Haryana, India