Worldwide Harmonized Light-duty Test Procedures (WLTP)
Being introduced in EU in 2014
- Summary
- 1) Summary of the WLTP regulations being developed by the United Nations
- 2) Emissions and fuel efficiency test methods in Japan and EU relative to WLTP
- 3) Application of WLTP to electric vehicles
- 4) Outlook
One of the agenda at the United Nations World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP29) concerns the uniform test cycles and test methods with regard to the emissions and fuel consumption of vehicles (WLTP: Worldwide Harmonized Light-duty Test Procedures). The test cycles are based on data collected in Japan, US, EU, India and Korea covering vehicle speed-acceleration distributions that are close to the world averages.
The forum plans to adopt the WLTP as part of the UN uniform regulations (UN regulations) in the future and the test procedure will be applied to the emissions and fuel consumption regulations in Japan and EU in and after 2014.
Below is the summary of the Worldwide Harmonized Light-duty Test Procedures (WLTP) and its impact in Japan and EU.
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