Search By Model/EV/etc.

Mild Hybrid information has been added to the sales data from January 2021 for the following 16 countries. (Feb. 10, 2022)

Click the country name to see the search results by model/powertrain (including mild HV) for each country.
Western Europe 12 countries: Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Denmark
Central & Eastern Europe 2 countries: Czech Republic, Slovakia
Asia/ Oceania 2 countries: Japan, Australia

▽EV/HV/PHV/FCV vehicle data search method

Download the global monthly sales volume by model excel file here(Jan. 2022 - Latest month of 2024, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018).

Select data organization type

 Figures are organized by maker/brand and model for selected countries
 Figures are organized by selected group and maker/brand
 Figures are organized by selected Chinese maker and JV manufacturer (e.g. SAIC- VW, SAIC-GM, etc.).
 Figures are organized by selected models

Step2. Select Group or Maker/Brand


Step3. Select Countries

Step4. Select time period and detail level

View annual or monthly data
Select time period
If the data collection period is more than 12 years for annual data or more than 12 months for monthly data (maximum 36 months), the search results are output as Excel data.
Select detail level
Please note: Large data queries can slow down performance. Try narrowing your search parameters to improve results.
Please note: Large data queries can slow down performance. Try narrowing your search parameters to improve results.
Filter Search (Segment, Electric)
Search by Segment
Regarding segments:
Click here to see representative models for each segment.
EV/HV Database Search:
We post volumes of only EV and HV only models and volumes of EV and HV versions whose data is available.
For details, refer to "Availability of EV/HV/PHV/FCV sales data".
Adjustments mean:
In case there is a difference between aggregated figures of data released from local sources by maker and country-level aggregate figures, country-based aggregates prevail. This discrepancy is shown as "Adjustments."