Purpose of renewal

We have prepared a page that allows you to arrange the news to suit your needs.

01Quickly check!

This page is recommended for those who wish to easily check important news from across the industry.

Top news

The latest news is carefully selected and posted in order of importance. Titles and photos are displayed in an easy-to-understand manner, and the latest information on the industry can be easily checked on this page.

Pages by topic

In addition to trending words such as EV and autonomous driving, we will post news by manufacturer and supplier. The list page gives an overall picture of the topics and a clickable list of news on a specific topic.

01Enrich your understanding

This page is recommended for those who wish to focus on a specific field and keep up with the latest trends.

Pages by category

Lists news specific to each category: finished vehicles (or OEM-related), parts/materials, and IT/software. The news items can be checked by recent date.


By clicking on tags attached to individual news items, one can narrow down the news without searching. In addition to manufacturer and component names, searches can be narrowed down by major country policies, volume, and other categories to get an overview of recent trends.

01Careful analysis!

This page is recommended for those who want to gather more detailed information involving their work.

Search page

A search can be performed from a database of approximately 100,000 items by specifying keywords or countries. On the search results screen, it is possible to switch between title and full-text display.

Individual page

The layout has been changed to make the text more readable. There is also accessibility to tags, photos, and related news. Links to companies and models in the text will also provide more detailed information and expand the scope of understanding.

Aiming for more useful content

Thank you for reading our news content on a daily basis.
We will continue to strive to provide you with information that is useful to your business activities.