Czech - Flash report, Production volume, 2018

More detailed statistics for Czech Republic

Flash report, Production volume, 2018

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Flash report, December 2018

25 Jan. 2019

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Czech - Production of Vehicles

Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Dec. Share(%) Jan.-Dec. Share(%)
Skoda 886,103 61.6% 858,103 60.7% 3.3%
Hyundai 340,300 23.7% 356,700 25.2% -4.6%
Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen (TPCA) 210,993 14.7% 199,078 14.1% 6.0%
Total 1,437,396 100.0% 1,413,881 100.0% 1.7%

Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Dec. Share(%) Jan.-Dec. Share(%)
Tatra 559 93.5% 1,481 100.0% -62.3%
AVIA 39 6.5% 0 0.0% -%
Total 598 100.0% 1,481 100.0% -59.6%

Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Dec. Share(%) Jan.-Dec. Share(%)
IVECO BUS 4,283 87.6% 4,102 88.6% 4.4%
SOR 573 11.7% 472 10.2% 21.4%
KH motor CENTRUM Opava 34 0.7% 57 1.2% -40.4%
Total 4,890 100.0% 4,631 100.0% 5.6%
Source: Automotive Industry Association (AIA)

More detailed statistics for Czech Republic


Flash report, November 2018

17 Dec. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Czech - Production of Vehicles

Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Nov. Share(%) Jan.-Nov. Share(%)
Skoda 831,327 61.8% 795,903 60.9% 4.5%
Hyundai 316,850 23.6% 333,900 25.5% -5.1%
Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen (TPCA) 196,864 14.6% 177,744 13.6% 10.8%
Total 1,345,041 100.0% 1,307,547 100.0% 2.9%

Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Nov. Share(%) Jan.-Nov. Share(%)
Tatra 559 93.5% 1,354 100.0% -58.7%
AVIA 39 6.5% 0 0.0% -%
Total 598 100.0% 1,354 100.0% -55.8%

Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Nov. Share(%) Jan.-Nov. Share(%)
IVECO BUS 3,903 87.5% 3,718 88.5% 5.0%
SOR 525 11.8% 430 10.2% 22.1%
KH motor CENTRUM Opava 32 0.7% 52 1.2% -38.5%
Total 4,460 100.0% 4,200 100.0% 6.2%
Source: Automotive Industry Association (AIA)

More detailed statistics for Czech Republic


Flash report, October 2018

30 Nov. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Czech - Production of Vehicles

Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Oct. Share(%) Jan.-Oct. Share(%)
Skoda 736,436 61.6% 710,530 60.6% 3.6%
Hyundai 282,350 23.6% 300,900 25.7% -6.2%
Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen (TPCA) 176,873 14.8% 161,575 13.8% 9.5%
Total 1,195,659 100.0% 1,173,005 100.0% 1.9%

Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Oct. Share(%) Jan.-Oct. Share(%)
Tatra 559 93.5% 1,263 100.0% -55.7%
AVIA 39 6.5% 0 0.0% -%
Total 598 100.0% 1,263 100.0% -52.7%

Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Oct. Share(%) Jan.-Oct. Share(%)
IVECO BUS 3,461 90.1% 3,235 88.9% 7.0%
SOR 352 9.2% 357 9.8% -1.4%
KH motor CENTRUM Opava 29 0.8% 47 1.3% -38.3%
Total 3,842 100.0% 3,639 100.0% 5.6%
Source: Automotive Industry Association (AIA)

More detailed statistics for Czech Republic


Flash report, September 2018

30 Oct. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Czech - Production of Vehicles

Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Sep. Share(%) Jan.-Sep. Share(%)
Skoda 653,862 61.7% 639,529 60.7% 2.2%
Hyundai 248,350 23.4% 267,800 25.4% -7.3%
Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen (TPCA) 157,757 14.9% 146,160 13.9% 7.9%
Total 1,059,969 100.0% 1,053,489 100.0% 0.6%

Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Sep. Share(%) Jan.-Sep. Share(%)
Tatra 559 93.5% 1,144 100.0% -51.1%
AVIA 39 6.5% 0 0.0% -%
Total 598 100.0% 1,144 100.0% -47.7%

Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Sep. Share(%) Jan.-Sep. Share(%)
IVECO BUS 3,062 89.0% 2,940 88.9% 4.1%
SOR 352 10.2% 327 9.9% 7.6%
KH motor CENTRUM Opava 26 0.8% 41 1.2% -36.6%
Total 3,440 100.0% 3,308 100.0% 4.0%
Source: Automotive Industry Association (AIA)

More detailed statistics for Czech Republic


Flash report, August 2018

26 Sep. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Czech - Production of Vehicles

Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Aug. Share(%) Jan.-Aug. Share(%)
Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen (TPCA)

Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Aug. Share(%) Jan.-Aug. Share(%)

Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Aug. Share(%) Jan.-Aug. Share(%)
KH motor CENTRUM Opava
Source: Automotive Industry Association (AIA)

More detailed statistics for Czech Republic


Flash report, July 2018

22 Aug. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Czech - Production of Vehicles

Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Jul. Share(%) Jan.-Jul. Share(%)
Skoda 503,515 61.2% 485,209 59.3% 3.8%
Hyundai 190,250 23.1% 209,000 25.5% -9.0%
Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen (TPCA) 128,624 15.6% 124,414 15.2% 3.4%
Total 822,389 100.0% 818,623 100.0% 0.5%

Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Jul. Share(%) Jan.-Jul. Share(%)
Tatra 446 92.7% 892 100.0% -50.0%
AVIA 35 7.3% 0 0.0% -%
Total 481 100.0% 892 100.0% -46.1%

Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Jul. Share(%) Jan.-Jul. Share(%)
IVECO BUS 2,452 88.8% 2,364 90.0% 3.7%
SOR 289 10.5% 231 8.8% 25.1%
KH motor CENTRUM Opava 21 0.8% 31 1.2% -32.3%
Total 2,762 100.0% 2,626 100.0% 5.2%
Source: Automotive Industry Association (AIA)

More detailed statistics for Czech Republic


Flash report, June 2018

30 Jul. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Czech - Production of Vehicles

Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Jun. Share(%) Jan.-Jun. Share(%)
Skoda 477,131 62.9% 459,526 60.7% 3.8%
Hyundai 171,250 22.6% 188,800 25.0% -9.3%
Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen (TPCA) 110,094 14.5% 108,142 14.3% 1.8%
Total 758,475 100.0% 756,468 100.0% 0.3%

Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Jun. Share(%) Jan.-Jun. Share(%)
Tatra 402 93.3% 776 100.0% -48.2%
AVIA 29 6.7% 0 0.0% -%
Total 431 100.0% 776 100.0% -44.5%

Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Jun. Share(%) Jan.-Jun. Share(%)
IVECO BUS 2,121 89.3% 2,067 89.2% 2.6%
SOR 236 9.9% 222 9.6% 6.3%
KH motor CENTRUM Opava 18 0.8% 29 1.3% -37.9%
Total 2,375 100.0% 2,318 100.0% 2.5%
Source: Automotive Industry Association (AIA)

More detailed statistics for Czech Republic


Flash report, May 2018

22 Jun. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Czech - Production of Vehicles

Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-May Share(%) Jan.-May Share(%)
Skoda 392,681 62.9% 379,695 60.8% 3.4%
Hyundai 141,400 22.6% 156,200 25.0% -9.5%
Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen (TPCA) 90,698 14.5% 89,099 14.3% 1.8%
Total 624,779 100.0% 624,994 100.0% 0.0%

Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-May Share(%) Jan.-May Share(%)
Tatra 337 94.7% 656 100.0% -48.6%
AVIA 19 5.3% 0 0.0% -%
Total 356 100.0% 656 100.0% -45.7%

Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-May Share(%) Jan.-May Share(%)
IVECO BUS 1,736 88.8% 1,645 91.5% 5.5%
SOR 203 10.4% 128 7.1% 58.6%
KH motor CENTRUM Opava 17 0.9% 25 1.4% -32.0%
Total 1,956 100.0% 1,798 100.0% 8.8%
Source: Automotive Industry Association (AIA)

More detailed statistics for Czech Republic


Flash report, April 2018

25 May 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Czech - Production of Vehicles

Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Apr. Share(%) Jan.-Apr. Share(%)
Skoda 312,407 63.1% 301,347 60.5% 3.7%
Hyundai 111,400 22.5% 125,000 25.1% -10.9%
Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen (TPCA) 71,232 14.4% 71,777 14.4% -0.8%
Total 495,039 100.0% 498,124 100.0% -0.6%

Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Apr. Share(%) Jan.-Apr. Share(%)
Tatra 264 100.0% 518 100.0% -49.0%
Total 264 100.0% 518 100.0% -49.0%

Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Apr. Share(%) Jan.-Apr. Share(%)
IVECO BUS 1,366 89.5% 1,264 91.3% 8.1%
SOR 156 10.2% 103 7.4% 51.5%
KH motor CENTRUM Opava 5 0.3% 18 1.3% -72.2%
Total 1,527 100.0% 1,385 100.0% 10.3%
Source: Automotive Industry Association (AIA)

More detailed statistics for Czech Republic


Flash report, March 2018

20 Apr. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Czech - Production of Vehicles

Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Mar. Share(%) Jan.-Mar. Share(%)
Skoda 238,266 63.2% 232,327 60.0% 2.6%
Hyundai 82,900 22.0% 98,100 25.3% -15.5%
Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen (TPCA) 56,117 14.9% 56,915 14.7% -1.4%
Total 377,283 100.0% 387,342 100.0% -2.6%

Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Mar. Share(%) Jan.-Mar. Share(%)
Tatra 163 100.0% 394 100.0% -58.6%
Total 163 100.0% 394 100.0% -58.6%

Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Mar. Share(%) Jan.-Mar. Share(%)
IVECO BUS 1,008 91.0% 940 90.9% 7.2%
SOR 96 8.7% 84 8.1% 14.3%
KH motor CENTRUM Opava 4 0.4% 10 1.0% -60.0%
Total 1,108 100.0% 1,034 100.0% 7.2%
Source: Automotive Industry Association (AIA)

More detailed statistics for Czech Republic


Flash report, February 2018

22 Mar. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Czech - Production of Vehicles

Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Feb. Share(%) Jan.-Feb. Share(%)
Skoda 156,791 62.3% 150,612 59.8% 4.1%
Hyundai 57,100 22.7% 63,100 25.1% -9.5%
Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen (TPCA) 37,852 15.0% 38,062 15.1% -0.6%
Total 251,743 100.0% 251,774 100.0% 0.0%

Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Feb. Share(%) Jan.-Feb. Share(%)
Tatra 95 100.0% 231 100.0% -58.9%
Total 95 100.0% 231 100.0% -58.9%

Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan.-Feb. Share(%) Jan.-Feb. Share(%)
IVECO BUS 586 92.6% 565 88.0% 3.7%
SOR 43 6.8% 72 11.2% -40.3%
KH motor CENTRUM Opava 4 0.6% 5 0.8% -20.0%
Total 633 100.0% 642 100.0% -1.4%
Source: Automotive Industry Association (AIA)

More detailed statistics for Czech Republic


January 2018

22 Feb. 2018

*There are cases where recently released data and detailed information in the database do not match up for reasons including different information sources, and discrepancies between preliminary reports and confirmed data.

Czech - Production of Vehicles

Passenger Cars/Light Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan. Share(%) Jan. Share(%)
Skoda 80,564 61.8% 76,556 58.7% 5.2%
Hyundai 30,000 23.0% 32,500 24.9% -7.7%
Toyota, Peugeot, Citroen (TPCA) 19,694 15.1% 21,306 16.3% -7.6%
Total 130,258 100.0% 130,362 100.0% -0.1%

Commercial Vehicles
Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan. Share(%) Jan. Share(%)
Tatra 29 100.0% 105 100.0% -72.4%
Total 29 100.0% 105 100.0% -72.4%

Make 2018 2017 Y-o-Y
Jan. Share(%) Jan. Share(%)
IVECO BUS 266 92.4% 261 84.2% 1.9%
SOR 20 6.9% 45 14.5% -55.6%
KH motor CENTRUM Opava 2 0.7% 4 1.3% -50.0%
Total 288 100.0% 310 100.0% -7.1%
Source: Automotive Industry Association (AIA)

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