Honda Accord Hybrid teardown (Part 1)

Sport Hybrid i-MMD PCU and vehicle chassis components



Honda Accord Hybrid
Honda Accord Hybrid on display at Honda headquarters' Welcome Plaza Aoyama
* Click on the photo for a larger image.

 In January 2014, the disassembly of the Honda Accord Hybrid was conducted at the Benchmarking Center of the Hiroshima Prefectural Technology Research Institute in Kure, Hiroshima prefecture. The event was organized by the Automotive Technology Innovation Center of the Hiroshima Industrial Promotion Organization. The first day of the event, January 17, was spent for preliminary disassembly. The final teardown took place on January 20 through 22. Nearly all components were removed from the car during the preliminary disassembly. The drive unit, Power Control Unit (PCU), and Intelligent Power Unit (IPU) consisting of the lithium-ion battery pack were disassembled during the final teardown.

 Reported in part 1 is the summary of the PCU, which is one of the key components of the SPORT HYBRID i-MMD (Intelligent Multi-Mode Drive) system located in the engine room as well as chassis components of the Honda Accord Hybrid. Disassembly of the IPU and the electric servo brake system will be covered in Part 2, and the drive unit in Part 3 of the Honda Accord Hybrid teardown report, respectively.

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