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Vehicle Sales DataFilter your search data by country, OEM, model. Excel downloads available.
Vehicle Production DataFilter your search data by country, OEM, model. Excel downloads available.
Model Launch SchedulesModel plans for the main international OEMs for the upcoming 5 years
Electric / AutonomousThe target of publication is to update the data for every full model change and minor model change for the 500 major HV, PHV, EV, and FCV models.
Market & Tech reportsFocused reports on OEMs, regions, trending technologies, expos and motor shows etc.
OEM Plants infoGet data on models produced, production numbers, production capacity for individual plants of OEMs located around the world. Filter data by OEM, countries and use the Map function to track OEM plants.
Market share and supply chain info for individual parts Search data from more than 300 part categories on who supplies parts for which model.
Market share for individual parts
Supplier Database・Search data from a database of more than 70,000 suppliers
・Filter supplier by part categories, region. Track supplier’s location on using the Map function.
Top 400 Suppliers ・Detailed reports on major Tier1 suppliers. Exclusive coverage on major auto expos with pics of exhibits and and product details
Regulations・Environment regulations of major countries(emissions, CO2 regulations)
・Monthly updates on FMVSS、UN/ECE
Global NewsAutomotive news from major markets(focus on OEMs, suppliers, regional automotive policies, regulations etc)
Search Suppliers・Search suppliers from database including machining suppliers, raw material suppliers, system solution vendors (CAD/CAM suppliers) etc, design development outsourcing suppliers